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GREAT MOMENTS IN LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Anti-Israel activists protest AOC, Bowman primary rally.

Anti-Israel activists protested a Democratic Party primary rally for New York City congresspeople Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman on Saturday.

The event, which featured guests such as Senator Bernie Sanders, was according to the event website aimed at rousing supporters for canvasing before the Tuesday primaries — but the “squad” members faced opposition from within the progressive coalition.

Within Our Lifetime demonstrated outside the event, demanding that the New York politicians un-endorsed US President Joe Biden in his incumbent race for the White House in November, and for them to renege on their denunciation of the anti-Israel group’s June 10 protest of the Nova Music Festival Massacre exhibit.

Accusations of genocide

The activists accused Biden of supporting a supposed genocide in Gaza, and said that Ocasio-Cortez, Bowman, and Sanders had tied themselves to that alleged crime. According to footage published by WOL on Twitter, activists chanted “Over 40,000 dead, AOC your hands are red!”

Earlier: Sandy’s War: The AOC AIPAC Freakout. And at long last, the AOC-Nick Fuentes love fast!

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: The Washington Post Writes a Hit Piece on Its Own Incoming Editor.

I’ll sum up the details of the hit piece, because the details aren’t important: Winnett, while working in the UK, used stories by a shady reporter who used deceit, and maybe even phone hacking (if you remember that scandal) to get stories. The hit-piece is wondering whether Winnett did enough to instruct his reporters on journalistic ethics — and you know, Washington Post “journalists” are all about journalistic ethics — and whether he maybe he encouraged the bad behavior.

Like I said, the details are not important. What is important is that these charges date from 15 years ago and no one has had much interest in “resurfacing” them — until now.

It’s not like Winnett hasn’t been working in journalism all this time. He didn’t retire from journalism and just jump back into it.

This story was old and dead.

But Washington Post reporters now “resurface” it to try to pressure Bezos into firing him.

Back in 2022, Josh Barro asked: Are There Any Adults at the Washington Post?

You may have noticed a bizarre trend at organizations whose staffs are full of younger liberals: Internal disputes aren’t kept internal anymore but are aired in public, on social media or in the press, with rampantly subordinate staff attacking their colleagues or decrying managerial decisions in full public view — and those actions apparently tolerated from the top.

In the most extreme cases, you get meltdowns like the one at the Dianne Morales campaign for mayor of New York, where staff went on strike to demand, among other things, that the campaign divert part of its budget away from campaigning into “community grocery giveaways.” But it’s especially a problem in the media, where so many employees have large social media followings they can use to put their employers on blast — and where those employers have (unwisely) cultivated a freewheeling social media culture where it’s common for reporters to comment on all sorts of matters unrelated to their coverage.

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I hate that I’ve written so many paragraphs about this. I hate that I know so much about this dispute. It’s so high school, and it ought not to be any of our business. These are all internal HR matters. But [Felicia] Sonmez is explicit: She wages these fights in public because management is more responsive to that than when employees complain privately. By giving her “good friend” [Dave] Weigel such a long suspension and doing nothing to her, management is only encouraging her and other Post employees to put their colleagues on blast more, which she has indeed been doing.

Airing internal workplace disputes in public like this is not okay, even when you are right on the merits. My statement isn’t just obvious, it’s how almost all organizations work. If you think your coworker sucks, you don’t tweet about it. That’s unprofessional. If you disagree with management’s personnel decisions, you don’t decry them to the public. That’s insubordinate. Organizations full of people who are publicly at each other’s throats can’t be effective. Your workplace is not Fleetwood Mac.

But it’s definitely Kindergarten Cop:

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: NYT, WaPo Team Up to Destroy Incoming WaPo Editor.

What Post staffers are angry about is the very idea of newsroom reforms. These spoiled and entitled fascists believe they have the RIGHT to continue lying to the public to stop Trump. They also believe owner Jeff Bezos should drop $100 million a year to honor that right.

Apparently, Lewis and Winnett think differently. At the very least, we know the Trump-haters at the Post and New York Times believe Winnett might institute some serious reforms. Why else would the Post be running stories like this…?

Headline: “Incoming Post editor tied to self-described ‘thief’ who claimed role in his reporting”…

Sub-headline: “Unpublished book drafts and other documents raise questions about Robert Winnett’s journalistic record just months before he is to assume a top newsroom role.”

* * * * * * * *

For anyone who hates the corporate media, it does not get any more glorious than this. And trust me, this has zero to do with “journalistic credibility” or “integrity.” For crying out loud, let’s not forget that the New York Times and then CNNLOL hired the disgraced Mark Thompson to run their shops. Thompson is credibly accused of looking the other way for years as the late Jimmy Savile allegedly abused countless children at the BBC. There were no internal hit pieces on Thompson, though. Why? Because Thompson’s smart. He makes it clear that he has no intention of reforming anything.

But like I said, this is good news. No one should want any reforms at the Washington Post. The Post has no credibility. The Post can no longer move the public opinion needle. That’s right where we want them. That annual $77 million loss is merely icing.

According to John Podhoretz during a recent Commentary podcast, the Times apparently makes enough money from services such as its cooking site and Wordle to survive its loss of readers. (And the vacation trips to fun-filled places like Iran!) The Post doesn’t (yet?) have that sort of ancillary income. Good luck righting the ship, fellas, when the young staffers are deliberately sabotaging their incoming boss.


ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Chants of ‘shame on you’ greet guests at annual White House media dinner.

Mr Biden’s speech, which lasted around 10 minutes, made no mention of the ongoing war or the growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

“Shame on you!” protesters draped in the traditional Palestinian keffiyeh cloth shouted, running after men in tuxedos and suits and women in long dresses who were holding clutch purses as guests hurried inside for the dinner.

Chants accused US journalists of undercovering the war and misrepresenting it. “Western media we see you, and all the horrors that you hide,” crowds chanted at one point.

Other protesters lay sprawled motionless on the pavement, next to mock-ups of flak vests with “press” insignia.

Ralliers cried “Free, free Palestine’’. They cheered when at one point someone inside the Washington Hilton — where the dinner has been held for decades — unfurled a Palestinian flag from a top-floor hotel window.

Criticism of the Biden administration’s support for Israel’s six-month-old military offensive in Gaza has spread through American college campuses, with students pitching encampments in an effort to force their universities to divest from Israel. Counterprotests back Israel’s offensive and complain of antisemitism.

Presumably, the DNC-MSM has no objections about the monsters they’ve created, and don’t lose too much sleep over the brief discomfort of walking the gauntlet on the way to their pampered dinner with their bosses — and John Gill, as well.

Related: Journalist Kara Swisher: ‘Anti-American’ To Oppose Young Pro-Hamas Protesters.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY, PART DEUX: Top advisor to D.A. Gascón charged with illegal use of deputies’ confidential records.

California’s attorney general filed criminal charges Wednesday against one of L.A. County Dist. Atty. George Gascón’s top advisors, who supervises high-profile and sensitive cases including police misconduct, fraud and public corruption.

Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta announced the 11 felony counts against Assistant Dist. Atty. Diana Teran in a press statement. He accused her of improperly downloading confidential records of law enforcement officers in 2018 while she was working for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Teran then “impermissibly used that data” after joining Gascón’s office three years later, Bonta said.

The confidential records concern 11 sheriff’s deputies, according to a criminal complaint filed in L.A. County Superior Court. The deputies’ names were not included in the court filing.

The announcement of criminal charges against one of Gascón’s top advisors — particularly one so closely tied to his agenda of law enforcement accountability and criminal justice reform — sent shock waves across the state’s legal community and was expected to have a far-reaching impact on active and future criminal cases handled by Gascón’s office, while also fueling fresh controversy as he pursues reelection this year.

As New York Times owner Tom Cotton wrote in December of 2021: Recall, Remove & Replace Every Last Soros Prosecutor.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Inside the failed White House coup to oust Biden press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

Top aides to President Biden secretly hatched a plan this past fall to replace White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre by recruiting outside allies to nudge her out the door, The Post has learned.

Jean-Pierre, who made history in May 2022 by becoming the first black and first openly gay person to hold the position, had developed the exasperating habit of reading canned answers directly from a binder to reporters at her regular briefings — offering what her superiors viewed as a less-than-compelling pitch for the 81-year-old Biden as he readied his re-election campaign.

De facto White House communications chief Anita Dunn, 66, the wife of Biden personal attorney Bob Bauer, told colleagues she had decided to call in prominent Democrats to explain to Jean-Pierre, 49, that the time was ripe to move on, sources told The Post.

“There were a number of people she asked to engage Karine,” said one source who heard of the strategy directly from Dunn, whose role as senior adviser has been filled during the past three presidencies by Jared Kushner (Donald Trump), Valerie Jarrett (Barack Obama) and Karl Rove (George W. Bush).

The source also told The Post that Dunn had claimed White House chief of staff Jeff Zients knew about and supported the cloak-and-dagger scheme to push Jean-Pierre out of the West Wing.

“There was an effort to have some outside folks who Karine knows and trusts talk to her about why leaving last fall would have made a lot of sense for her and her career,” the source said, calling it an “effort to encourage her to move along.”

It’s easy to ask the joking question, why is the left such a cesspit of racism and homophobia? But why is the Biden administration trapped in an identity politics box canyon of its own making? “Jean-Pierre is protected not by her stellar performance on the job, but by the identity boxes she checks. They can’t fire her without being eviscerated by the far left and its adherents in the mainstream press…Biden went woke instead of hiring a press secretary based on merit, and now he’s stuck with her during the most contentious presidential election campaign in history. That’s another self-inflicted wound committed in his dogged pursuit to please his left flank.”

And one more question, via our sister site, Twitchy: Will Peter Doucy ask Jean-Pierre about this story?


ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Watch: Wild Moment As Anti-Israel Student Disrupts Dinner at Dean’s Home, Things Go South Very Quickly.

There was a wild scene at the home of UC Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and his wife Professor Catherine Fisk on April 9.

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But this is Berkeley and George Washington law professor Jonathan Turley has a great comment on that.

We now have a culture of disruption that has been consistently fostered by academics and administrators on our campuses. When asked “why the home of a dean?,” these students would likely shrug and answer “why not?”

In that sense, this is the ultimate example of the chickens literally coming home to roost. These students have been enabled for years into believing that such acts of disruption are commendable and that others must yield in the cancellation of events. For weeks, they demanded that these dinners be halted despite other students wanting to attend. In that sense, the appearance in an actual home is alarming, but hardly unexpected in our current environment.

That’s exactly right. They may realize now how out of hand it’s gotten but it’s a bit late.

Saul Alinsky wrote Rules for Radicals in 1971 with, in part, Dem-on-Dem confrontations between the New Left of the 1960s and the aging FDR-era New Dealers in mind. No one should be surprised to see his tactics still being used for similar left-on-left attacks, especially Chemerinsky. Or as Iowahawk quips:

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Shock: Nicolle Wallace’s ‘Very Bizarre’ MSDNC Rant Over RonnaGate Prompts Surprising Reaction From CNN.

Shockingly, even CNN found all the on-air meltdowns to be quite cringe, with investigative reporter Andrew Kaczynski — who has been no friend to Republicans over the years — calling it a “very bizarre therapy session”:

It is indeed, especially when one considers that NBC News and MSNBC, like most other mainstream media news outlets, pushed the Trump/Russia collusion hoax nonsense for four years, which in my view was a form of election interference. They also routinely praised Democrat election deniers like twice failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and twice-failed Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams, both of whom they’ve also had on as guests – with anchors like Rachel Maddow and Wallace sometimes being the ones gushing over interviewing them.

Incredibly, one of the Abrams segments featured her of all people advising Republicans on how to graciously accept election results that aren’t in their favor. Seriously.

So, no. Regardless of what one thinks of McDaniel’s purported leadership at the RNC and her newfound status as a political analyst in Media World, no lectures from NBC News and MSNBC journos on so-called “election denialism” will be accepted – not now, not ever.

Exit question:

Why indeed?

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Embarrassing moment Kamala Harris claps along and smiles to protest in Puerto Rico (before vice president is told what they were ACTUALLY saying).

Kamala Harris joyfully clapped along to a Spanish protest song before abruptly stopping – after the lyrics were revealed to be targeting the vice president and the administration’s foreign policies.

Videos showed Harris clapping and smiling as a group banged on drums and sang in Spanish during her trip to Puerto Rico on Friday.

But her face fell after an aide leaned over to speak with her – presumably to translate the lyrics – and she stopped clapping, lowered her hands and assumed a more serious facial expression.

The song was a protest anthem that questioned: ‘We want to know, Kamala, what did you come to do? We want to know, Kamala, what is going to happen?’

It is the latest in a series of gaffes that have seen the vice president’s approval ratings slide.

Harris was initially enjoying what she thought was a fun song but it appeared she was clued into the translation of the lyrics by Executive Director Mariana Reyes, who accompanied her on the trip.

The song took aim at the vice president, the Biden administration in general and their policies.

A half dozen demonstrators performing on the street in front of the vice president signaled support in their song for the Palestinian people amid conflict between Israel and Hamas terrorists in Gaza, as well as for Haiti as gang violence threatens to completely collapse the island’s government.

‘Long live free Palestine and Haiti too,’ they say in the song, according to a translation.

Why is the left such a cesspit of anti-Semitism?

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: AOC Loses It When Protesters Accuse Her of Being Insufficiently Antisemitic*.

What’s more interesting about the confrontation at the movie theater is the response from AOC. She was genuinely upset that anyone would dare to approach her in public and criticize her. She told one of the protesters that she needed them to understand that their actions were “not ok.” She then accused them of lying and claimed (falsely) that  she had “already said it.” Then she and her boyfriend fled the scene.

AOC is acting all put-upon here as if the idea that citizens might approach her in a public place and hurl accusations at her is simply beyond the pale**. But she and her progressive colleagues were the ones who trained these people to behave in this fashion. During the Trump administration, Democrats were cheering for and praising people who chased down members of the administration at restaurants and theaters, disrupting their meals and private time with their families. They actively encouraged the public to treat conservatives like pariahs who should not be allowed to go out in public. They also perfected the art of having gangs show up at the homes of public figures to protest and disrupt their lives.

It’s not so much fun when the shoe is on the other foot, is it, AOC? While I don’t agree with their actions, I would just like to point out that your supporters are unhinged and they are behaving the way you wanted them to behave. Ironically, they are coming after you despite the fact that you are already one of the most antisemitic members of Congress. But in this case, you’re still not antisemitic enough for the mob so they’re going to try to force you to pay a price for that.

Riots for thee, but not for me:

* To be fair, based on her past actions and the whirlwind of lunacy that surrounded her in 2019, I can see why the anti-Semitic left would be shocked that Sandy apparently isn’t fully onboard.

** Saul Alinsky smiles.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Anna Wintour Kept Her Sunglasses On the Entire Time She Was Telling Pitchfork Staffers They Were Getting Laid Off, Writer Says.

Anna Wintour, Condé Nast’s longtime fashion doyenne, is famous for a singular style trademark — her sunglasses.

Indeed, Wintour didn’t take off her sunglasses the entire time she met with employees of Pitchfork this week to tell them they were losing their jobs after Condé Nast had decided to subsume the music criticism site into GQ, according to one now-former employee in attendance.

“One absolutely bizarro detail from this week is that Anna Wintour — seated indoors at a conference table — did not remove her sunglasses while she was telling us that we were about to get canned,” Allison Hussey, a former Pitchfork staff writer, wrote on X. “The indecency we’ve seen from upper management this week is appalling.”

It’s unclear whether Wintour’s reported decision to not remove her eyewear during the meeting was a deliberate fashion choice or, rather, a way to avoid having to look Pitchfork’s employees in the eye. Reps for Condé Nast did not respond to a request for comment.

In a 2009 interview with “60 Minutes,” Wintour offered an explanation for the omnipresent sunglasses: “They are seriously useful. I can sit in a show and if I am bored out of my mind, nobody will notice… At this point, they have become, really, armor.”

At the moment, they’re also the stuff of Google News headlines:

In sharp contrast, so far at least, unlike Cloudflare’s CEO when a (former) employee videotaped her own layoff, Wintour hasn’t offered grovelling apologies to the hyper-online masses in today’s de rigueur bobo-style corporate therapeutic language.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY:  ‘Interior Race Theory:’ Your Home Is Likely ‘Racist,’ White People.

According to interior designer Jacquelyn Ogorchukwu Iyamah, people can creatively resist “structures of domination in their homes by challenging themselves to think about the various ways that politics are embedded into the built environment and encouraging more ‘racial wellness’ within the spaces they create” — particularly concerning the objects they display.

Iyamah also warns that people of color shouldn’t emulate white people in the interior design of their homes.

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The Use of the Color White

You knew we’d get around to this, right?

In addition to the unforgivable sin of decorating a home with “racist objects” like “mammy jars, colonial busts, war memorabilia, and Confederate flags,” Iyamah argues that the use of white paint is just as “racist.”

The use of the color white has been weaponized to symbolize purity…. There’s [sic] a lot of ways that this theory can deconstruct conservative values that really align with whiteness.

So there you have it. Before you buy that next can of white paint to, say, repaint your kitchen, remember: the color white has been “weaponized to symbolize purity.”

In the introduction to Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Furniture and Furniture Drawings, written by Ludwig Glaeser in 1977 and available for decades afterward in the book shop in New York’s Museum of Modern Art, Glaeser wrote:

It is hard for anyone today to realize how obsessed the modern revolutionaries were with all aspects of hygiene. It was not just a rationalization but firmly held belief that the ever-larger picture windows would guarantee healthier living conditions. For the same reason, the flat roofs decreed by modern architecture were to serve as sun decks and exercise facilities, which, for instance, in a preliminary scheme for Le Corbusier’s Villa Stein at Garches even Included a jogging track. The psycho-history of modern furniture still has to be written, but one can easily imagine the childhood experiences shared by the generation of Gropius, Mies, and Le Corbusier. The bourgeois interiors of the 1880s, the decade of their births, must have appeared from the toddler’s vantage point, like a rainforest: innumerable richly machine-carved legs of pseudo-Renaissance chairs and tables, tasseled plush velvet upholstery and curtains, which kept rooms in a permanent penumbra. The great clean-up the founders of modern architecture were to conduct assumed all the dimensions of a classic confrontation between generations, and as such was also steeped in adolescent morality. Stucco facades, stuffy interiors, and ornament per se were seen as equal to bourgeois hypocrisy, while beauty, if still acceptable at all, was only valid as the “splendor of truth,” in the apocryphal words that Mies liked to quote.

The result, as Tom Wolfe wrote in his classic 1981 polemic From Bauhaus to Our House were plenty of white upon white upon white rooms:

Every new $900,000 summer house in the north woods of Michigan or on the shore of Long Island has so many pipe railings, ramps, hob-tread metal spiral stairways, sheets of industrial plate glass, banks of tungsten-halogen lamps, and white cylindrical shapes, it looks like an insecticide refinery. I once saw the owners of such a place driven to the edge of sensory deprivation by the whiteness & lightness & leanness & cleanness & bareness & spareness of it all. They became desperate for an antidote, such as coziness & color. They tried to bury the obligatory white sofas under Thai-silk throw pillows of every rebellious, iridescent shade of magenta, pink, and tropical green imaginable. But the architect returned, as he always does, like the conscience of a Calvinist, and he lectured them and hectored them and chucked the shimmering little sweet things out. 

In 2015, Jonathan Petropoulos wrote Artists Under Hitler: Collaboration and Survival in Nazi Germany. Petropoulos noted how eager Walter Gropius, the founder of the Bauhaus, and Mies van der Rohe, its last director, were in the mid-1930s to make the switch from international socialism to National Socialism, if only the latter ideology’s boss had called upon them to do so. When he didn’t, both men went on to long and distinguished careers in the US, with Gropius teaching at Harvard, and Mies at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago.

Wolfe was attacked by numerous architectural critics for his broadside against modernism, particularly its founding fathers such as Mies and Gropius, whom Wolfe described as being thought of by American academics, when they arrived in the 1930s as “The White Gods! Come from the skies at last!” But perhaps unwittingly, Iyamah looks to finish the job. On Saturday, we linked to a column headlined, “Why does no one write like Tom Wolfe anymore?” They’re out there – though some don’t even know it yet. Will the Bauhaus survive this latest fusillade on its reputation and design goals?

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Alec Baldwin berated by group of pro-Palestinian protesters who flooded Grand Central, Penn Station: ‘Shut your f—kig mouth.’

Pro-Palestinian protesters targeted actor Alec Baldwin Monday evening as the “30 Rock” star suddenly appeared during a protest as hundreds of agitators flooded into Penn Station and Grand Central Station during a fiery demonstration where they told Israel to “go to hell.”

Hundreds of protesters targeted the major Big Apple transit hubs with some lambasting Baldwin and his “tanking” career while shouting up harsh slogans against Israel and President Biden during the protest opposing Israel’s military campaign in Gaza against Hamas.

Baldwin was walking by the demonstration near West 29th Street when protesters spotted him and darted toward him, accusing him of supporting Israel. A group berated Baldwin as cops stood between the group and the comedian, who was against a door.

Baldwin had no problem jawing back at them but was quickly met with the ire of the protesters.

“Shut your f—kig mouth, you have no f—king shame,” one man shouted back at Baldwin.

When he was asked if he supported Israel, Baldwin replied, “No, I support peace for Gaza.”

The confrontation ended when Baldwin was able to get through the door he was waiting in front of.

“Your career’s tanking by the way,” the man yelled as the door shut.

Insert Henry Kissinger’s Iran-Iraq War joke here.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: ‘F**k you, bitch:’ Anti-Israel protests erupts into violence outside the DNC Headquarters in DC – sparking police to make dozens of arrests as activists try to storm the building.

UPDATE: Question asked:

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Thousands of pro-Palestinian marchers descend upon WH chanting ‘Allahu akbar,’ ‘F–k Joe Biden’ as they demand ceasefire.

Tens of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters massed in Washington, DC, Saturday afternoon before descending upon the White House to chant, “Allahu akbar” and “F–k Joe Biden” as they accused the president of genocide and demanded a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” the crowd dotted with Palestinian flags and signs cried at the start of the event, which drew attendees from across the country.

The chant – which is growing increasingly popular in the wake of Hamas’ deadly incursion into southern Israel last month and Israel’s subsequent retaliatory attacks on Gaza – is widely considered antisemitic because it implies the elimination of the State of Israel and its people.

Others chanted, “Long live the Intifada,” an Arabic word used to refer to Palestinian uprising, specifically to conflicts that ran from 1987 and 1993 and from 2000 to about 2005 that left thousands dead.

Unofficial reports estimate 300,000 showed up to the protest, but DC Police could not confirm, telling The Post it does not estimate crowd size.

This seems awfully insurrection-y:

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Biden Is Living In A Different Reality Than His Progressive Base, Daily Caller Reporter Explains.

Over 30 student groups at Harvard University wrote a joint letter to the school’s administration affirming their support for Palestine and blaming Israel for the attack. Harvard University President Claudine Gay said the student groups’ view does not represent the position of the university in an Oct. 10 statement, without explicitly taking the side of either Israel or Palestine.

More than 70 faculty members at the university called on Gay to condemn critics of the pro-Palestine protesters and argued Palestinian students are the most marginalized on campus.

I think you misspelled “Biden Is Living In A Different Reality Than His Progressive Boss,” Daily Caller.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Muslim Group to Biden: ‘Ceasefire by 5PM Tuesday or We Walk.’

If the stakes were not so high in Israel and the situation was not so tragic, and if Joe Biden were not at least the titular president of the United States, it would almost be worth a chuckle or two. But the stakes are almost too high to measure for a moment of comedy, and while Biden is clearly not in charge, his handlers must certainly be vexed, if nothing else.

On Monday, the National Muslim Democratic Council sent the administration a letter. In essence, Biden has until 5 p.m. Eastern tonight to force Israel into a ceasefire with Hamas. If not, it could cost him at the polls. The council claims that the voters’ trust in Biden has been “eroded” by the administration’s support and the “funding of armaments.”

And the council maintains that this is no idle threat. The council promises to mobilize Muslim Arab and “allied” voters to withhold any endorsements, support, and even votes from candidates who did not call for a ceasefire “and endorse (sic) the Israeli offensive against the Palestinian people.” There is no mention of the October 7 attacks and as Just the News pointed out, the letter contains nothing about Hamas.

Meanwhile: Protesters calling Antony Blinken a ‘murderer’ demand ceasefire in Gaza and derail hearing:

‘Stop the brutal, brutal massacre in Gaza…Ceasefire now! Ceasefire now,’ one heckler shouted.

They also held signs saying: ‘All the walls have got to go’ and ‘Free Gaza’.

Another shouted: ‘Blinken, you have blood on your hands! Murderer.’

Note the blood on the hands of protestors, possibly a callback to the 2000 Rallah lynching:

The 2000 Ramallah lynching was a violent incident that took place on October 12, 2000 – early in the Al-Aqsa Intifada – at the el-Bireh police station, where a Palestinian crowd of passing funeral marchers broke in and killed and mutilated the bodies of two Israel Defense Forces reservists…Aziz Salha, one of the lynchers, waving his blood-stained hands from the police station window. Salha was later arrested by Israel and sentenced to life imprisonment, but was released in 2011 as part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange.

Ed Morrissey notes: Anti-Semitic Left About to Blow Dems Apart.

There’s just one little problem with this threat, which is that Muslims only make up a population that’s half that of Jews in this country, and Jews vote more often and reliably. This may not be an all-or-nothing in either group — some Muslim voters no doubt abhor what took place in Israel, while some Jews may want Israel to stand down — but among both groups, it’s fair to assume diametrically opposed positions.

Which means that Democrats may have to choose which demo to cut loose. On those terms, the Hamas Caucus and the NMDC will clearly lose. Jewish Democrats vote more reliably with the party, held fundraise and organize more and for longer, and Israel is more popular with the broader electorate than Hamas will ever be.

Besides, Jewish voters spurned by Democrats in this situation may not necessarily thunder over to the GOP, but they certainly know the GOP would welcome them if they did, especially on the issue of Israel vs Hamas. The [National Muslim Democratic Council] has no place else to go, except maybe the Greens. If they don’t know that yet, they’ll learn it the hard way soon enough.

Roosevelt managed to keep his coalition of disparate voting groups, which included both northern intellectuals, minorities, and racist southern “Progressives”  united enough to win four terms as president. Biden (read: Obama) may not be as lucky this time around.

ANNALS OF AUTOPHAGY: Muslim Democrats are now holding Biden as a hostage. Just The News reports that:

“The National Muslim Democratic Council, a nationwide group of Democratic leaders and activists, threatened President Joe Biden that if he does not force Israel to reach a ceasefire with Hamas, a U.S. State Department-designated foreign terrorist organization, by 5 p.m. ET on Tuesday, they will work to mobilize against him in the 2024 presidential election.”

You know, if a group wanted to dispel certain “stereotypes” about themselves (in this case the Muslim “go-to” use of hostage-taking), this is not how you ought to go about it.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Cancel Culture Finally Comes for the Left, and I Can’t Stop Laughing.

As I wrote previously, all the geopolitical arguments in the world, right or wrong, do not excuse mass murder, including the massacring of children. When Hamas crossed the border and started indiscriminately killing people and taking hostages, there was no question that the gloves would have to come off. Complaints about settlements and the Al-Aqsa mosque became academic at that point.

Still, in the immediate aftermath of the attacks, some people actually came out in open support of Hamas’ atrocities, justifying them and blaming Israel for the murder of its own people. Joint letters were put out by universities and protests were held with chants glorifying Hamas “martyrs.”

Naturally, some companies decided that was a bridge too far and rescinded job offers to those who participated, and now the crying has begun.

Does the Washington Post know it’s the Washington Post? It worked very hard to cancel Eric Clapton in 2021 over his anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine mandate stance, by dredging up racist remarks the guitarist uttered on stage 45 years earlier while he was drunk out of his mind, and concurrently worked very hard to pretend that cancel culture isn’t a thing: