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ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Just Stop Oil gets a taste of its own medicine.

…with the simplest of moves, Josh Pieters, 29, and Archie Manners, 30, had done what no one else had successfully managed to – they’d made a mockery of Just Stop Oil.

On Tuesday, in an artfully dilapidated church decorated with swathes of orange fabric and trailing plants (making the whole affair look like something between a summer soirée hosted by Fanta and a Christian influencer’s wedding), guests sat down to a (vegan) banquet. A harpist played as people sat at long tables. Then four paid actors burst in, setting off panic alarms attached to helium balloons which promptly floated up to the eaves…

“The people that they’re targeting are not responsible for their cause,” says Manners. “A single mother trying to get to work to feed her kids during a cost of living crisis, who might be on a zero hours contract, who might be late for work and therefore earn less money. That achieves precisely nothing when it comes to solving the climate crisis.”…

There is a sense they are even losing support among their own people. “None of us are taking them seriously — they are now just seen as posh kids on vacation,” says Jen, a former member of Extinction Rebellion, who asked to be referred to just by her first name. Jen feels Just Stop Oil is made up of people for whom protesting “seems to have become a bit of a middle class hobby”.

One satirist points out that the stunt was perfect because they literally raised an alarm on a group of climate alarmists.

Click over for video.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: NPR: The FBI raided a notable journalist’s home. Rolling Stone didn’t tell readers why.

FBI raids on journalists are rare. News organizations often respond with formal protests and legal challenges. Under a 2021 Justice Department policy, raids, subpoenas and other compulsory means of obtaining materials from reporters are banned for any investigation of matters related to their journalism. The policy became the basis for a significant shift in the stance of the Justice Department toward the press.

The Rolling Stone story created a stir. Reporter Tatiana Siegel stated that the April 22 raid was “quite possibly, the first” carried out by the Biden administration on a journalist.

In this case, the journalist was ABC* News national security producer James Gordon Meek. A former investigator for the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, Meek had been with ABC News since 2013. He also was a producer of 3212 Un-Redacted, an investigative documentary that streamed on Hulu.

“Meek appears to be on the wrong side of the national-security apparatus,” it stated.

As the story noted, Siegel’s sources told her “federal agents allegedly found classified information on Meek’s laptop during their raid.” Siegel reported that Meek left his job at ABC after the raid; a publishing contract with Simon & Schuster evaporated.

As edited by Rolling Stone Editor-in-Chief Noah Shachtman, however, the article omitted a key fact that Siegel initially intended to include: Siegel had learned from her sources that Meek had been raided as part of a federal investigation into images of child sex abuse, something not publicly revealed until last month.

Rolling Stone, you say?

* A subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company: Is Disney’s “awokening” the reason it refused to release ‘Sound of Freedom’ for five years?

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: After NPR’s Major Layoff, Employees Accuse CEO Of Racism.

Triggered employees leapt into Zoom’s chat feature and declared [CEO John] Lansing’s reaction “racist.” One wrote, “Civility is a weapon wielded by the powerful.”

In a wonderful reap-what-you-sow moment, another employee posted a link to an NPR segment titled When Civility Is Used As A Cudgel Against People Of Color.”

Sounds like Lansing better voluntarily commit himself to an inpatient DEI program — and quick. 

In 2022, NPR’s David Folkenflik wrote an article about NPR’s “struggles to retain high-profile journalists of color. Hosts have complained to the network’s leadership of pay disparities along racial and gender lines.”

At the time, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson said, “That sounds systemic, and weird, considering 99 percent of NPR’s programming is about promoting equity.” His segment included a brief yet tasty sampling of the madness in NPR’s programming.

Why is the institutional left such a cesspit of racism?

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Thought for the Day: Hating Bill Clinton.

Hating Bill Clinton was thought to have been an obsession of the right, but as I have been tracking for a while, the left has been turning against him for a long time now.

And over the transom from Princeton University Press comes the galleys to a forthcoming book, A Fabulous Failure: The Clinton Presidency and the Transformation of American Capitalism, written by two professors who lean to the left (is it really necessary to say that?).

Read the whole thing, for, as Steve Hayward writes, a “pass the popcorn” excerpt, written from the same far left mindset that saw Ezra Klein at The American Prospect in 2009 trying to explain how, ackchyually*, Jimmy Carter’s “Malaise Speech” really wasn’t such a bad moment after all.

* Classical reference.