Author Archive: Ed Driscoll

QUESTION ASKED AND ANSWERED: Can Kamala Harris escape the ‘Hubert Humphrey problem?’

That marginal role applied to all vice presidents before the modern era. It was captured in the most famous quote about the office, uttered by one of FDR’s previous vice presidents. The job, John Nance Garner said, wasn’t “worth a bucket of warm piss.” (That quote used to be bowdlerized for public consumption as “warm spit.”)

Since Garner’s day, the bucket has been removed and the VP’s job increased markedly. This new, more prominent role influenced the VP’s run for the top office in 1960, 1968, 1976, 1984, 1992, 2000, and now 2024. In each of those, the party holding the White House nominated the vice president (or, in 1984, the party’s last sitting last vice president) for the top spot. The exception was 2016, when Barack Obama passed over his vice president, Joe Biden, and gave the nod to Hillary Clinton. Biden has been furious at both Obama and Clinton ever since, all the more so since Clinton lost (and, of course, he figured he would have won).

What changed in the modern era, making the vice president so likely to become the next presidential nominee? Beyond the detailed reasons (listed below), there is one overarching change: the vice president’s job has become much more important and visible as the national government has grown so vast. The Executive Branch, with its myriad of regulatory agencies, is too big and complex for the president and a small staff to control. He needs a much larger staff and a second-in-command who can handle whatever major tasks he assigns.

With the vice president’s larger role come four major advantages in becoming the party’s next nominee. Today’s vice presidents have:

  • much higher name recognition than their predecessors
  • political backing from the outgoing president (except in 2016 and perhaps now)
  • strong ties to the party’s elected officials, campaign consultants and donors across the country, and
  • a sure way to tap into the party’s fundraising apparatus, essential for today’s campaigns

Those advantages make it likely, though not certain, the vice president can not only win the nomination but win it without a damaging primary battle.

Incumbent vice presidents have one more advantage, or rather they have it if their administration is popular near the end of the term, as Bill Clinton’s was. The VP can credibly claim a share of that success. The recurrent theme is, “I not only supported all these great policies, I help devise and implement them, right alongside the (popular) president.”

If the administration is unpopular, the vice president never utters those words.

Until now:


Shot: Vance blames liberal rhetoric for apparent assassination attempt against Trump.

—Headline, CNN, September 17th.

Chaser: CNN Panelist Aisha Mills: “As A Black Lesbian” Is Donald Trump Going To “Attempt To Exterminate” My Bad Genes?

AISHA MILLS, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Listen, this isn’t the first time we’ve heard this kind of talk from Donald Trump and it reeks of authoritarianism and it also harkens back to a time of Hitler, who used the same exact language that Donald Trump is now quoting to talk about the people who he thinks are poisoning the blood of the nation.

* * * * * * * *

As a Black lesbian who Donald Trump doesn’t believe has genes as good as his, is he going to attempt to exterminate me when he gets elected?

Real Clear Politics, today.

That’s quite an odd thing to say on a cable news program, given Trump’s long history of supporting gay marriage, and according to Newsweek in July: Trump’s New GOP Platform Is a Massive Win for LGBT Americans.

REPORT: Robert Saleh fired by the Jets after miserable start to the NFL season. “The Jets have endured a miserable start to the NFL season despite star quarterback Aaron Rodgers being back to full health, with their latest setback against the Vikings leaving them with a losing 2-3 record. And just days on from that loss to Minnesota in London — where he controversially wore a Lebanon flag on the sidelinesESPN’s Adam Schefter is reporting that Saleh has been relieved of his duties in New York.”

DON’T WORRY, IT’S PROBABLY NOTHING: China Enters the Economic Doom-Loop.

Beyond the money dump, China’s slashing interest rates across the board — which governments do to try and gin up some tissue-fire growth.

They’re slashing downpayment requirements on housies, opening a special credit facility so banks and hedge funds can gamble on stocks, and cutting the reserve requirements for banks — meaning banks can raid their vaults and go on a lending spree.

Put it together, and Beijing’s doing everything it can to get money out in the wild, down to bankrolling gamblers and pouring yet more trillions down the black hole of China’s comically over-built housing market.

You may have seen the ghost towns China’s built, here comes round two.

What Scares China

Why so desperate, you might ask?

Easy: China is panicked not only about a looming recession, but that it might be falling into the Japan-style doom-loop of structural stagnation thanks to President Xi’s anti-business jihad.

The key number here is the interest rate on 30-year government bonds, which is a classic indicator of a zombie economy in the spawning.

Ominously, China’s 30-year just fell blow Japan’s. Flirting with zombie territory.


Evergrande crashes as China dumps ‘build, build, build’ playbook.

Can China contain Evergrande’s collapse?

China May Be Headed for a Lost Decade*.

● Flashback to November of 2019: How to Conduct Business with Chinese Companies That See a Dark Future.

* Given the previous four years of Bidenomics, we might be as well, depending upon what happens in November.




Classical reference in headline:

UPDATE: Ron DeSantis Is Blowing Off Calls From Kamala — and for Good Reason.

UPDATE (9:47 PM):

THE COLUMBIA BROADCASTING STRUGGLE SESSION: How Is CBS Marking October 7? By Admonishing Tony Dokoupil.

Last week, CBS journalist Tony Dokoupil conducted an interview with the writer Ta-Nehisi Coates whose new book, The Message, includes a one-sided polemic against Israel. Coates himself describes his book as an effort to debunk the complexities journalists invoke to obscure Israel’s occupation. He complained in an interview with New York magazine that the argument that the conflict was “complicated” was “horseshit,” that was how defenders of slavery and segregation described these plagues a century ago. “It’s complicated,” he said, “when you want to take something from somebody.”

So Dokoupil asked him about it.

“Why leave out that Israel is surrounded by countries that want to eliminate it?”

“Why leave out that Israel deals with terror groups that want to eliminate it?”

“Why not detail anything of the first and second intifada. . . the cafe bombings, the bus bombings, the little kids blown to bits?”

In other words, Tony Dokoupil did his job.

That’s when his troubles began.

One might think that respectfully challenging a source that presents misinformation or a picture so limited that it obscures the truth is what journalism’s all about. That’s exactly what CBS does in the aftermath of school shootings or when covering bans on critical race theory in local school districts.

But on this subject—or perhaps it’s this particular author—honesty and integrity are now an unforgivable act of editorial malpractice. At least that is what CBS News is telling its own staff when it comes to Dokoupil’s interview of Coates on September 30.

During its editorial meeting on Monday at 9 a.m.—the morning of October 7—the network’s top brass all but apologized for the interview to staff, saying that it did not meet the company’s “editorial standards.” After being introduced by Wendy McMahon, the head of CBS News, Adrienne Roark, who is in charge of news gathering at the network, began her remarks by saying covering a story like October 7 “requires empathy, respect, and a commitment to truth.”

After quoting extensively from the CBS News handbook, she said, “We will still ask tough questions. We will still hold people accountable. But we will do so objectively, which means checking our biases and opinions at the door.”

Does Roark know she works for CBS News, which hasn’t been objective for at least sixty years?

But like the New York Times’ young staffers melting down after the paper ran Tom Cotton’s op-ed on using federal troops to dispatch looters and rioters in 2020, the struggle session is just getting started:

This must be some of that objectivity that Adrienne Roark referred to above:

More objectivity from Grant here:

Exit quote:

Last month, I gave Tucker Carlson plenty of grief for staging a roadshow version of Springtime for Hitler with two months to go ‘til the election. With one month to go, witnessing CBS News holding struggle sessions and losing control of its staffers is an equally bad look. But then, bad things always seem to happen at CBS a month or two before a presidential election for some strange reason.


UPDATE (7:30 PM): CBS Anchor Ticks Off Network Brass by Committing Act of Journalism, Now Must Pay the Price.

So, the trauma session at CBS News will go just as you expect it will. Radical leftist nonsense words and shaming will be abundant, but common sense and reality will be in short supply.

It remains to be seen if Tony Dokoupil will have to issue a groveling apology for doing his job in order to keep his job, but we’ll keep an eye out for that.

As Kevin Williamson warned in 2018: Watch What You Say. Someone Else Is:

The generation that reached what passes for maturity in the age of social media is the most status-obsessed—and hence etiquette-obsessed—since the ancien régime. They are all miniaturists: There hasn’t been an important and original book of political ideas written by an American Millennial, and very few of them have read one, either. But they are very interested in individual pronouns and 280-character tweets. It is extraordinarily difficult for any one of them to raise his own status through doing interesting and imaginative intellectual work, because there is practically no audience for such work among his peers. Worse, the generation ahead of him stopped paying attention to Millennials years ago, and the generation behind him never started.

What that leaves is the takfiri tendency, scalp-hunting or engineering a court scandal at Versailles. Concurrent with that belief is the superstition that people such as Harvey Weinstein or Bret Stephens take up cultural space that might otherwise be filled by some more worthy person if only the infidel were removed, as though society were an inverted game of Tetris, with each little disintegration helping to enable everybody else to move up one slot at a time. Status obsession does funny things to one’s map of social reality. It leads to all manner of bizarre thinking.

In other words, the goal of the struggle session is for Dokoupil to issue that groveling apology and be fitted with his Maoist dunce cap while simultaneously on his way out of the building.

UPDATE (9:20 PM): Question asked:

ACE OF SPADES: Woke $200+ Million Joker Sequel Brings In a “Tragic” $37.8 Million in Opening Weekend Disaster.

The movie made $80 million overseas, which sounds good until you compare it with the first film’s opening weekend overseas takings — $136 million.

Many were saying the film is a deliberate “F*** You” to the audience that supported the original.

Even leftwing fake news outlet Rolling Stone admits this now:

The audience did not appreciate this sentiment. Cinemascore polls theater-goers as they exit a movie, handing them cards to grade the film. Grace Randolph said that “D” is the lowest rating on the card. They don’t allow F’s.

Joker 2’s grade? A D. It’s the first comic book movie to receive this grade– and there have been many, many terrible comic book movies, of course.

But I guess people don’t like being told to go f*** themselves.

Who knew?

It has long, long been the case that Stunning and Brave Artistes think they are above making genre fare. To signal that they are superior to the films (or comic books) they’re making, they deliberately subvert them, crack jokes about them in the films and books themselves, and otherwise signal that this is very stupid material, and therefore the audience is also stupid for attempting to enjoy it.

Actually, I thought the first film, was a gigantic FY to Batman fans, with its rehash of far superior Scorsese films like Taxi Driver and King of Comedy and their disgusting ’70s-era New York milieus being recycled this time around to serve as the backstory of a comic book supervillain with a painted face and green fright wig once portrayed by Cesar Romero. I sat through it once when it came to Amazon Prime, given what a cultural phenomenon Joker was at the multiplexes in 2019 (the year before the world came to an end). Not having a very pleasant time watching the movie, I had no desire to sign up again for the same ride. As Ace notes:

As I mentioned on Friday, Todd Philips had a different goal here. He had been attacked by the Permanent Twitter Residents for supposedly “inciting incels” to commit violence, and, even worse, telling men that felt excluded from society that others understood their pain.

The much-predicted violence never happened — but the leftwing Mean Girls still attacked him for attempting to say something about marginalized men.

And so Todd Phillips made a movie for this new Phantom Audience that didn’t and never will exist — the film was made for people who hated the first Joker, and was intended not as a movie but an apology for having made the first one.

And now he’s got a disaster on his hands. Warner Bros. will lose a hundred million or more on this disaster.

But the important thing is that Todd Phillips signaled to the right people that he agrees with them.

With the possible exception of Star Trek II, nobody goes to a sequel because they hated the first movie, and even there, there were enough people who wanted to see Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scotty because of their enormous good will they built up from three TV seasons and a decade’s worth of reruns, and a ponderous but epic and well-intentioned first movie. The first Joker had no good will to give, as Warner Brothers has found out the hard way.

ZOOT SUIT RIOT: Biden’s press secretary Karine-Jean-Pierre WALKS OUT of briefing over funding for Hurricane Helene victims during fiery exchange with Fox News.

Karine Jean-Pierre stormed out of a White House press briefing after a fiery exchange with Fox News‘ Peter Doocy over funding for Hurricane Helene victims and misinformation about the government’s response.

The duo have butted heads in previous press briefings but Monday’s showdown was their most intense to date. The two rapidly exchanged back and forths, talking over each other at various points and arguing about what the other said.

It ended when Jean-Pierre, wearing an oversized blazer with a bright purple blouse, slammed her briefing binder shut and left the podium, ending the briefing after 49 minutes of questions.

She typically briefs for about an hour.

She was mocked by social media users for attempting an oversized ‘Guys and Dolls’ inspired outfit during the fiery exchange.

It’s quite a suit!

Alas, like most Talking Heads, long ago she simply Stopped Making Sense:

MARK STEYN: An Act of War, One Year On.

Today is the first anniversary of the worst one-day slaughter of Jews since the Second World War, and the start of what John Derbyshire calls the Israel-Iran War, on multiplying fronts.

There will be many observances of October 7th today. You might think that, if one’s principal concern is the “disproportionate” nature of the Israeli reprisals, one might schedule the protest marches for the first anniversary of the Zionist Entity’s counter-attacks, its first strikes on Gaza. Instead, in almost every major city across the west, the big parades are happening on the anniversary of October 7th – which risks giving the unfortunate impression that what they’re really commemorating (indeed, celebrating) is the big pile of Jew corpses, plus the attendant hostage-taking, baby-burning, mutilations, decapitations and industrial-scale gang-rape.

Well, that’s because ultimately, that’s what they are celebrating, alas. Curious how silent the “punch a Nazi” crowd has become over these protests, isn’t it?



Kamala Harris appeared to struggle to explain her economic policies and how she will get them through Congress in an interview with CBS’ 60 Minutes.

The Vice President’s full interview will air at 8pm ET Monday as part of an election special, showing her repeatedly asked about her plans for the economy.

‘My plan is about saying that when you invest in small businesses, you invest in the middle class, and you strengthen America’s economy. Small businesses are part of the backbone of America’s economy,’ she said.

But when CBS’ Bill Whitaker continued to grill her what her plan does and how she would pay for it, Harris didn’t offer any specifics, just staying she knew unnamed lawmakers agreed with her.

‘I’m going to make sure that the richest among us who can afford it, pay their fair share in taxes. It is not right that teachers and nurses and firefighters are paying a higher tax rate than billionaires and the biggest corporations. And I plan on making that fair,’ she said.

‘But we’re dealing with the real world here,’ Whitaker told her, asking her how she would get it approved by Congress.

How bad is Kamala at the political basics, when she’s a Democrat being hamstrung by own party’s operatives with bylines a month before the election?

BRENDAN O’NEILL: Jewish Lives Matter.

The Battle of Cable Street is inconceivable in modern Britain. The ideas, the bravery, the plain decency required for such a street fight with fascism no longer exist. The atomising creed of identitarianism, the relentless rise of privilege policing, the cult of competitive grievance, the wariness of Zionism that so often crosses over into wariness of Jews – all of this has ensured that those 20th-century gatherings across religious lines, colour lines and identity lines to fight for a greater, human cause are unrepeatable in the modern era. These poisonous political strains have made the Battle of Cable Street feel like a distant, almost ancient event. One we can admire but not really imagine. One that the cultural establishment romanticises while being blissfully unaware that were something similar to happen today, they wouldn’t be on the side they think they would be on.

We don’t even need to use our imaginations. Since 7 October we have seen with our own eyes what would happen if there were a sequel to Cable Street. We have seen liberals and leftists march shoulder to shoulder with radical Islamists calling for further pogroms against Jews. We have seen self-styled progressives mingle with Islamists chanting about Muhammad’s violent vengeance against the Jews. We have seen bourgeois radicals chant ‘Zionist scum’ at a man in a kippah. We have seen left commentators make excuses for the bloodiest pogrom against the Jews since the Holocaust. And we have seen them say nothing when a man was given a paltry suspended sentence for threatening Jews with a knife in Golders Green in London. And when three men in the north of England were arrested on suspicion of plotting a gun attack on Jews. And when synagogues were attacked. And when Jewish schoolkids took off their blazers to dodge the attention of racists. And when anti-Semitic hate crimes in London rose by 1,350 per cent.

Is silence still violence, as they told us during the BLM protests of 2020? If so, their ‘violence’ against Jews has been deafening.

The truth is that there have been mini Cable Streets in Britain and elsewhere almost every week since 7 October*. Outbreaks of anti-Semitism, the mobbing of ‘Zionist scum’, the chanting for pogroms, the racist harassment of Jews on campus. And the left that loves what happened on Cable Street 88 years ago has either turned a blind eye or taken the side of the persecutors. This is the inhumanity of identity politics. This is where that post-class, hyper- racial, privilege-obsessed ideology of the cultural establishment ends up: with a low-level war on Jews, in broad daylight.

Read the whole thing.

*Similarly, it’s Charlottesvilles all the way down in Kamala and Joe’s America:


PHOTOSHOP: THE (VERY) EARLY YEARS: The 1912 War on Fake Photos.

Concern about deceptively edited photos feels like a very modern anxiety, yet a century ago similar worries were being litigated…

Portrait photography gave rise to an industry of photo ‘retouching’ – analog ‘beauty filters’ – to flatter subjects in a way portrait painters once did. This trend lead to questions about technology distorting our perceptions of beauty, reality and truth:

An 1897 issue of the New-York Tribune would declare the assumption “Photographs Do Not Lie” an “exploded notion”, saying:

“…at the present time photographs may be and are made to lie with great frequency and facility.”

Other commercial applications of photo retouching emerged: in 1911 tourists visiting Washington D.C. could acquire fake photographs of themselves posing with then President of the United States William Taft. This troubled Government officials. Upon discovering the practice in 1911, a United States Attorney ordered it stopped:

Read to the end; the coda of the story is a hoot.


(Classical reference in headline.)

MEGALOPOLIS: Making Sense of Francis Ford Coppola’s Fever Dreams.

My latest, over at Ed, after taking one for the team, and seeing Coppola’s new movie in an otherwise empty theater. Shorter version: I can’t say it’s a good film, but I’m glad the Maestro, now 85, is still making movies, and movies that are about ideas, rather than sequels, spaceships and superheroes.

BARI WEISS: A Year of Revelations.

In October 2023—just in that first month—George Washington University students projected the words “Glory to Our Martyrs” and “Free Palestine from the River to the Sea” in giant letters on campus buildings. At Cooper Union in Manhattan, Jewish students had to hide in the library from a mob pounding on the door. At Columbia, Professor Joseph Massad called the slaughter “awesome.” At Cornell, Professor Russell Rickford said it was “energizing” and “exhilarating.” At Princeton, hundreds of students chanted “globalize the intifada,” which can only mean: open season on Jews worldwide. At NYU, students held posters that read “keep the world clean,” with drawings of Jewish stars in garbage cans.

Over the weeks that followed, posters with the faces of the hostages were put up on lampposts and bulletin boards in campuses and cities across North America and Europe. And young people—and sometimes not so young—started tearing them down.

At first, we rationalized this by assuming that the people tearing them down were abnormal. But there were more than a few of them, including college professors. And they were gleeful.

Posters of lost cats aren’t systematically torn down by Broadway producers and graduate students, and yet these were human beings stolen from their beds. The only sane conclusion was that our times are not normal. To pretend that they are is as delusional as insisting that the supreme leader of Iran was merely speaking metaphorically when he said over the weekend, at his first public sermon in almost five years: Israel is a “malicious regime” that “will not last long.”

“A total derailment from civilization” is how the Nobel Prize–winning German writer Herta Müller described the Hamas massacre in her extraordinary speech delivered this past May. But the phrase included derailments closer to home.

Listen to the words being shouted on our streets.

Just this weekend, thousands of people in Toronto gathered to declare, “We don’t want two states, take us back to ’48,” the kind of call for the elimination of Israel that has been heard in cities across the West over the last year. At a rally in Philadelphia, one speaker recalled: “On October 7 when I was watching those resistance fighters flying into Palestine on paragliders, I was cheering.” In Berlin, protesters shouted in Arabic: “Anyone have a bullet; either you kill a Jew with it or give it to Hamas.”

There is no political argument consistent with the values of a free society that justifies this behavior. There is no moral universe that explains how two visibly Jewish students at the University of Pittsburgh were recently struck with a bottle; or how a literary festival in New York cancelled a panel because the moderator was a Zionist; or why a (now former) member of Congress downplayed the sexual violence Jewish women suffered on October 7; or why medical students and doctors in San Francisco shouted “intifada, intifada, long live intifada!”

This is not to say that the majority of Americans aren’t horrified by these examples and hundreds of others—or that they are without precedent. In 1939, after Kristallnacht, more than 20,000 Americans flooded Madison Square Garden to cheer for Adolf Hitler. Today, with the distance of almost a century, that shames us. We owe it to ourselves and to our country to be no less horrified when today, in New York City, Hamas’s allies “Flood New York City,” an allusion to the group’s October 7 massacre, which it called Al-Aqsa Flood.

Jim Geraghty writes that on college campuses, “The Antisemitism Is the Point:”

Have you seen any college protests against the Houthis’ “partial and limited reintroduction” of slavery and child marriages?

There are ongoing “atrocities against Black African ethnic groups in Sudan — wrenchingly similar to the Darfur genocide here two decades ago.” Nicholas Kristof reports:

After two military factions started a civil war in 2023, one of them — a descendant of the janjaweed called the Rapid Support Forces, armed and supported by the United Arab Emirates — tried once again to drive Black Africans from Darfur. Naima recounted the same pattern I heard from so many people: The militia surrounded her village, lined up men and boys, then shot them one by one.

“We’re going to get rid of this Black trash,” she quoted the Arab gunmen saying.

Then the gunmen went house to house to kill, plunder and rape. Mostly, those they raped were girls and women, she said, but they also raped at least one man.

Do these black lives matter? Apparently not, judging from the lack of reaction of the overwhelming majority of America’s college students.

Any activists even notice new claims of the mass killing of the Rohingya by the Arakan Army in Myanmar?

Nope, the only “genocide” that seems to interest the angry young leftists on America’s college campuses is the Israeli use of military force against Hamas in retaliation for the massacre perpetrated by the terror group.

If your lone measuring stick of geopolitical events was the reaction of American college students, you would think that (a) the October 7 massacre and mass rapes were a minor provocation, not even worth much discussion, and (b) the Israeli military response to that massacre is a greater outrage than the Rwandan genocide, the Islamic State’s brutality, the “ethnic cleansing” of the Balkan wars, or the millions killed or displaced in Congo.

Maybe, if you look hard enough, you can find a sparsely attended, largely ignored, on-campus effort against these other moral abominations, one that garnered little or no media coverage and minimal student interest.

But only Israel gets American college students’ blood pumping, propelling them up off the dorm bed and out to march, protest, occupy buildings, and assault their classmates. (From an Anti-Defamation League report released last month, summarizing the 2023–24 academic year: “Twenty-eight assaults were recorded on approximately 20 campuses across the country in the following states: California (10), Massachusetts (4), New York (4), New Jersey (2), North Carolina (2) and one assault each in Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, Tennessee, Washington and Wisconsin.”)

John Podhoretz writes: that Kamala and Doug Emhoff will be planting a tree today: Kamala Harris’s October 7th Tree.

I just pulled up the New York Times‘s list of stories on that day. You can find it here by clicking on this sentence. There is not a single article listed here commemorating the anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Not one. December 7, 1942 was not a day for chin-scratching, soul-searching, wound-dressing commemoration. Men were fighting and dying on that day, as they would every day for another two and a half years. It was a time for action. It was a time to kill the enemy and save your friends and take and hold territory and raise the flag, and at home, to write letters to loved ones in uniform and worry yourself sick about them and accept your rations and collect scraps of tin and metal that might be useful for the war effort.

* * * * * * * *

It is another day in the war that must be won for the Jewish people to be safe, the Jewish state to reestablish its deterrence against its genocidal enemies, and the West to prevail against the anti-Western Muslim ideologues who made their anti-human intentions known 45 years ago when they took 52 American embassy employees hostage and held them for 451 days. The 101 hostages held by Hamas have been in captivity for 365 days. For them, too, this is just another day, a day of horror. It’s unlikely they even know what day it is, as they have not seen the light of the sun in a year.

And yet here we are in America, commemorating as though this were some kind of…what? Holiday? It’s also just another day—a day when I walked by my bank on the Upper West Side to see it defaced by red-paint graffiti that read “CITIBANK GENOCIDE,” which is a new one for me, and I thought I’d seen it all. A day when people aligned with the monsters who want to see my children dead and my people wiped off the earth are marching in support of those goals. Just another day in the world after October 7.

Oh, and I’m delighted to announce that on this day, the vice president of the United States, who is also leading in the polls for president in the election that will conclude in 29 days, will be planting a tree in commemoration of—again, what?—next to her house as her husband stands next to her, possibly sated by some leftover brisket from lunchtime cooked by the Veep. Yes, the brisket that, he informed us, helped bring him back to his religion. Together, as I said, they will be planting a tree.

A tree, people.

A tree.

It’s a tick-the-box gesture that does something to commemorate the anniversary of 10/7, without accomplishing anything, as Harris attempts to thread the needle between the 21st century equivalent of FDR’s coalition.

And possibly without saying very much, in the hopes of not offending any of her disparate constituencies. Exit question: Why Does Nobody Talk About the American Hostages in Gaza?

THE COUNTRY’S IN THE VERY BEST OF HANDS: Appalachia has gone dark and criminals are pouring over the border but the Homeland Security chief had time to go luxury shopping.

Mayorkas, who was impeached by the House of Representatives earlier this year for his handling of the border crisis, was spotted by the Washington Free Beacon strolling through the mens section of Sid Mashburn, a high-end menswear store, surrounded by security. He appeared to purchase some items at the store, where suit jackets go for as much as three thousand dollars.

Concurrently, here’s what the acting president was up to: Kamala Harris Interview on ‘Call Her Daddy’ Podcast Raises Eyebrows and Is Completely Clueless.


HOW IT STARTED: PBS and Israel: A Pattern of Bias.

—CAMERA (the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis), December 16th, 1994.

How it’s going: PBS Platforms Repellent ‘Jim Crow’ Smear of Israel from Leftist Darling Ta-Nehisi Coates.

NewsBusters, yesterday.

Related: Ta-Nehisi Coates’s Journey Ends Exactly Where You Expected It Would. “Yes, it’s certainly interesting to muse idly upon what could lead to an October 7, is it not? Meanwhile, here in the real world, what did lead to October 7 was Hamas, under direct supervision of Iran, having directed all aid money toward a devastating terrorist offensive rather than to bettering the lives of its own citizens in Gaza. Morally, it’s certainly easier to write about the victims you wish existed, rather than the aggressors that actually do, but Coates’s journey to the dark is as contemptible as it is predictable. It’s predictable because I remember what Coates wrote (and was praised for writing) back in 2015, in his reputation-making memoir Between the World and Me, about his reaction to 9/11.”


“Some dared hope the carnage could, in some way, become a catalyst for peace.” Did Pallywood (or NBC’s own Al Sharpton) write this tweet?

KAROL MARKOWICZ: I have spent the last year angry at Jews.

Jews are traditionally liberals, that’s true, but we’re not traditionally stupid. We can see with our eyes who is on our side and the lack of gratitude from Jewish organizations, because they still hope that their political team will someday take them back, is abominable.

There were the galas, for example, thrown by many Jewish organizations. I don’t begrudge anyone pretty dresses and rubber chicken or self-congratulating awards. It was a tough year and the people who helped us get through it, standing up for Jews in general and Israel in particular, should be singled out for praise.

But where were the invites and awards for the conservatives who had unwaveringly stood by us? Where was Megyn Kelly? Where were Clay Travis and Buck Sexton? Dan Bongino? Xaviaer DuRousseau? Erick Erickson? Dana Loesch? Glenn Beck? Guy Benson? Sohrab Ahmari? Stephen “RedSteeze” Miller? Kurt Schlichter? Mary Katharine Ham? Pretty much everyone on Fox News? I only leave off Douglas Murray because he did get one from the country of Israel and one from the Manhattan Institute for his “unwavering defense of Western values,” which is for something even wider than just his defense of Israel and Jews, and Meghan McCain because she got one from the right-leaning magazine Algemeiner Journal. They both deserve even more.

My list of well-known non-Jewish conservatives, with giant platforms, who spent the year standing up for Israel and for Jews in America, could go on and on. These people went above and beyond and got no official thank you from the American Jewish community at all, not a single Jewish organization celebrated them. It’s sickening. These mensches didn’t benefit one iota from standing with Jews and with Israel. They took shots for us, they suffered abuse for us. They’ll say they don’t need the praise. They did it because it was right. But how dare we not say thank you? Throw your Tikkun Olam in the nearest trash can and learn Hakarat Hatov. And then wonder: where is the similar cadre of liberal writers and media personalities to defend you? It does not exist. Face it.

And that’s before we get into the moguls and the politicians. If there was a non-Jewish leftist billionaire who went to Israel, wore the dogtags, he would be headlining every major Jewish event. But it was Elon Musk so that didn’t count? Nearly every Republican politician effusively stood up for Israel and demanded the protection of American Jews. Where is Ted Cruz’s award? Ron DeSantis’s? Tom Cotton’s? Where is Donald Trump’s?

We know why. Most Jewish organizations are dinosaurs, committed to Democrats just as the Democrats make clear they are not at all interested in them. That’s the problem with tying your religion to a political party. The political party can tell you that your enemies, who want to destroy you and murder your children, “have a point” and you’ll just take it.

The late Charles Krauthammer’s Law still has an iron grip over American politics two decades after he wrote, “To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil,” Krauthammer wrote in 2002.