Author Archive: Ed Driscoll

CHARLES COOKE: A British Politician Shocks the Press by Saying a True Thing.

In Britain, an attempt is under way to transmute the impressive MP Kemi Badenoch into the second coming of Bad Enoch. Her crime? To have said aloud what ought to be perfectly obvious to all and sundry: that “not all cultures are equally valid.” “I am not talking about cuisine,” Badenoch told the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg, “I am talking about customs.” Among the cultures that Badenoch listed as “less valid” were those in which women have fewer rights than men, those that celebrate child marriage, those that foster antisemitism, and those that persecute homosexuality. These, she concluded, ought not to be imported into the United Kingdom.

As one might expect, many within the English press treated this observation as if it were self-evidently scandalous. Badenoch, it was suggested, had not only “sparked a row” but had shown the temerity to provoke some criticism on TV. Even worse, her interview with the BBC had yielded a “tense clash” — the mere existence of which was deemed to be “extraordinary.”

To which one is obliged to ask: Really?

Related: Tories told to ‘unsmear’ Enoch Powell over Rivers of Blood speech.

The Tories must “unsmear” Enoch Powell over his infamous “rivers of blood” speech, a Conservative Party conference attendee has said.

An audience member told a debate on immigration and border security that the remarks made by the Conservative politician in 1968 were “a fair and accurate prediction” of what happened in the UK with migration.

The attendee, who identified himself as Christian Hacking, said: “Enoch Powell made what is now a highly Conservative speech in 1968 for which he was smeared and kicked out of the Conservative Party.

“Are the Conservatives willing to apologise and unsmear his name for what in hindsight has been quite a fair and accurate prediction of what came, which is not ‘rivers of blood’, he never actually said ‘rivers of blood’, but actually … heinous crimes have been committed by some of these unidentified individuals.”

Earlier: Mark Steyn on Rivers of Blood and the Tides of History.

KAMALA’S KATRINA? NC Shelters Are Over Capacity, Short on Food, and FEMA’s Nowhere to Be Found.

Fortunately though: The President Announces Visit to Hurricane Helene Devastation. No, not Joe:

To paraphrase Woody Allen’s famous quote, eighty percent of leadership (and politics) is showing up. For all his “common man” conceits, Biden never learned the wisdom of presence. Kamala Harris doesn’t appear to have a clue about it either.

Trump, on the other hand, understands presence as a political value. He didn’t show up in East Palestine by mistake, and the lack of response from Biden and Harris gives him a great opportunity to provide a contrast in leadership. Flying aid into the area will give those on the ground a real boost in morale, not to mention address the real needs of those in the devastated region, incrementally at least.

Biden, meanwhile, just got back to the White House after spending the hurricane at Rehoboth Beach on vacation. Where’s Harris? She’s cutting short a campaign visit to Nevada to go back to Washington DC. Neither one will go to the disaster area until later in the week, the White House says, to avoid disrupting the emergency response. When George W. Bush did that after Hurricane Katrina, the press pilloried him for his lack of presence. Keep an eye on the Protection Racket Media’s narratives in this disaster.

As for the current (p)resident:

Earlier: “Previously, [the media] couldn’t grouse about the Iraq War without seeming defeatist (and anti-liberationist and maybe even selfishly isolationist). Even the Clintons never figured a way out of that trap…Katrina gives [the MSM] a way to talk about Iraq without talking about Iraq. No wonder Gwen Ifill smiles the ‘inner smile.’”


To be fair though, they better bring a lot of dimes to get the through the William J. Le Petomane Thruway:


To be fair, this really is a normal day at MSNBC: Your Kids Aren’t Your Own.


BOTTOM STORY OF THE DAY: New York Times: Harris only ‘patriotic choice’ in presidential election.

The New York Times editorial board is backing Vice President Harris for president this fall over former President Trump.

In an editorial published on Monday, the Times said it is “hard to imagine a candidate more unworthy to serve as president of the United States than Donald Trump.”

“He has proved himself morally unfit for an office that asks its occupant to put the good of the nation above self-interest,” the newspaper wrote of Harris’s Republican opponent. “He has proved himself temperamentally unfit for a role that requires the very qualities — wisdom, honesty, empathy, courage, restraint, humility, discipline — that he most lacks.”

For these reasons, the outlet continued, Harris is “the only patriotic choice for president,” regardless of “any political disagreements voters might have with her.”

As Byron York notes, the Times editorial board didn’t just endorse Kamala Harris for president. It declared Donald Trump supporters unpatriotic.” But all leftists believe that “patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel,”* and the New York Times, through much of its reporting, and in particular its “1619 Project,” believes that America is built on Original Sin, so how can one be patriotic about it?

The last Republican that the Gray Lady endorsed for president was Ike, in 1956.

* Robert Heinlein had some choice thoughts on that quote, and the man who said it.

SOMEBODY SET UP US THE BOMB: Hamas Commander Killed in Israeli Strike Led U.N. Refugee Agency Teachers’ Union.

A Hamas commander in Lebanon who was killed in an Israeli airstrike overnight was an accredited member of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, the embattled agency confirmed after his death.

Hamas’s Fateh Sherif and his family were killed in an airstrike at a Palestinian refugee camp in the southern city of Tyre, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced on Monday. “Sherif was responsible for coordinating Hamas’ terror activities in Lebanon with Hezbollah operatives, as well as Hamas’ efforts in Lebanon to recruit operatives and acquire weapons.”

While leading terrorist activities, Sherif also headed the UNRWA teachers’ union in Lebanon. Though employed by the U.N. agency, Sherif was suspended without pay in March due to allegations involving “his political activities,” UNRWA told the Times of Israel in a statement.

To paraphrase Alvy Singer, those who can’t do teach, those who can’t teach join Hamas.

Related: Benjamin Netanyahu Calls United Nations “Contemptuous Farce.”

BLUFF CALLED: I only bused migrants to NYC because Eric Adams opened his big mouth — and lied, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says.

Abbott wasn’t going to bus migrants to New York City. And then Eric Adams opened his big mouth.

That’s how the three-term Republican describes his 2022 decision to send 119,000 migrants from the Texas border to sanctuary cities across the country — including more than 45,000 to New York alone.

In an exclusive interview with The Post, Abbott explained that at first he was only sending migrant buses to Washington, DC, to make a point about the Biden-Harris administration’s failure to crack down on the massive surge of illegal crossings — and relieve some pressure on the border towns that were being overwhelmed.

Then, “out of nowhere,” Abbott said, “Mayor Adams started criticizing me for busing them to New York, which I was not doing. But he kept criticizing me.”

“I thought, ‘You know what? New York is a sanctuary city, if I’m going to get the criticism, I’m going to get the credit.’ So we started busing them to New York.”

Earlier: Sanctuary Cities Seethe as Illegal Immigrants Actually Arrive.

The surest sign that public policies are simply virtue signals is when the messages don’t cost anything. The easiest way to tell when that signal starts to fail is to watch politicians flounder as the costs start to rise and voters demand relief.

It was free—and meaningless—for progressive churches to post banners calling themselves “nuclear free zones” during the Reagan era. Their dwindling congregations loved it. It was free, after George Floyd‘s murder, to post woke catechism signs on your front lawn, proclaiming “In this house, we believe: Black Lives Matter, women’s rights are human rights, no human is illegal” and so on. Maybe the neighbors gave you high-fives. And for years it has been free for deep-blue cities to proclaim themselves “sanctuaries” for illegal immigrants. That’s changing now that voters want some sanctuary for themselves.

Changes like this happen when voters realize the old virtue signals actually entail serious costs—and that they will have to pay them. That is exactly what’s happening in New York City and Washington D.C. now that Texas governor Greg Abbott is sending those cities a few busloads of illegal immigrants from his state.

These progressive bastions were silent when the Biden administration flew planeloads of illegal immigrants to suburban airports in the middle of the night. TV coverage was prohibited, and the arrivals were secretly dispersed. Abbott’s buses, by contrast, arrive downtown greeted by local TV crews. Now you can hear the politicians screech.

As Jazz Shaw wrote: Sanctuary cities not enjoying actually being used as sanctuaries.

As Lipson points out, the reality of enacting various socialist and liberal policies is quite different than simply issuing press releases proclaiming your support for illegal migrants. Talking about being a sanctuary city carries no cost beyond perhaps a small budget for advertising time. Having hundreds of people suddenly showing up in your city with no resources or support networks, with most unable to even speak English carries very real and potentially significant costs.

But how do Bowser and Adams navigate these political waters? When they declare that the Republican governors are doing “something bad,” they are implicitly stating that having the migrants arrive in these sanctuaries is also “a bad thing.” But if you’re a sanctuary, why would accepting these people be a problem? That’s the equivalent of opening up a restaurant and then acting surprised and annoyed when people start walking in and trying to order food.

It was also the only for the media to cover the crisis-by-design that Biden-Harris created at America’s borders. If it was only a small Texas border town being absolutely overrun, there’s zero media coverage. Send them to the media capital of the planet, and the ink and pixels and video began to flow by the gallon.

The ghost of Saul Alinsky smiles: “Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. ‘You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.’”

WHEN SATIRE MEETS REAL-LIFE: Titania McGrath (in reality British satirist Andrew Doyle) writes: Free speech is fascist.

What did Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Ivan the Terrible, Genghis Khan, Idi Amin and Caligula have in common? That’s right: they were all able to speak.

This quite obviously proves that free speech is a tyrannical concept, one that can lead directly to murder, terrorism, genocide and — worst of all — misgendering.

And so it is a relief to see that one of Keir Starmer’s key priorities as prime minister is to crack down on online speech. Already he has ingenuously granted early release from prison for drug dealers, sex offenders and violent criminals to free up space for bigots who have said nasty things on social media.

The government has repeatedly pointed out that the riots in the UK were directly caused by bad words on the internet. One of those arrested was an elderly retired midwife from Devon, who had accidentally read an inflammatory Facebook post whilst browsing for cupcake recipes. Within ten minutes, she found herself punching Persian toddlers and throwing grenades at a mosque.

For all the endless whingeing of free speech extremists, Starmer appreciates that words must be controlled to ensure that his subjects behave themselves. Surely most reasonable people would rather have their liberties restricted than live in a fascist state?

The next step is to see Elon Musk extradited. It was bad enough that he renamed Twitter as “X”, which is just a swastika with a few bits chopped off. But he has also allowed users to say whatever they like. As a result, wrong opinions are being duplicated at an alarming rate.

The unintentionally satiric John Kerry agrees completely with McGrath: Seth Dillon Breaks Out the Puppets and Crayons to Explain the 1st Amendment to John Kerry.

HURRICANE HELENE DEATH TOLL SURGES TO 64: ‘Looks like a bomb went off.’

The death toll from Hurricane Helene surged to 64 people Saturday evening as the powerful storm caused widespread destruction across the southeast.

Among the dead are three firefighters, a mother and her 1-month-old twins and an 89-year-old woman who was struck by a tree that hit her house.

Eleven of the confirmed deaths came from Florida, including nine people who drowned in their homes in a mandatory evacuation area on the Gulf Coast in Pinellas County, officials said.

The total death toll is only expected to rise as recovery efforts continue — rescuers boosted searches Saturday after the monstrous storm was downgraded to a post-tropical cyclone.

Dozens of other municipalities reported deaths, but have not released specifics, citing downed cell towers that have hindered efforts to contact next of kin.


That’s an easy one: There’s a Democratic president in the White House who is asleep (literally and figuratively) at the wheel, but the DNC-MSM won’t be creating any Katrina-style myths to damage the chances of his would-be successor so close to an election.

UPDATE: Katrina and the myth of superlative reporting.


‘WEIRDO:’ Mother Jones Editor Roasted After Claiming Flight Attendant Wishing Her a ‘Blessed’ Day Was Sign of ‘Creeping Christian Nationalism.’

Mother Jones editor-in-chief Clara Jeffery faced endless mockery on social media after she shared a Friday anecdote in which she complained a flight attendant wished her and others a “blessed” evening after a safe flight to San Francisco.

Those who piled on to Jeffery included everyone from far-right activists to CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski to Frank Luntz.

The scorn was near-universal and saw the far-left editor attempt to defend her position numerous times before her anecdote went viral online and she eventually stopped responding.

Related: Alaska Airlines Shows the Way With How They Responded to Fauxfended Magazine Editor’s Woke Rant. “As you can see from the above tweet [at the above link — Ed], ‘AlaskaAir’ is grayed out, meaning the airline most likely used Twitter’s ‘leave the conversation’ function, something the popular social media platform added in 2022 to the delight of many who found themselves tagged in unwanted back and forths and with no way out of them, which led to a clogged and cluttered mentions page.”

IT’S COME TO THIS: UK ex-PM Boris Johnson says he planned raid on Dutch factory to get COVID vaccines.

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said he ordered military chiefs to plan a raid on a Dutch factory in March 2021 to secure 5 million COVID vaccines that the European Union had threatened to bar from being exported to Britain.
Johnson said the deputy chief of Britain’s defence staff at the time, Lieutenant General Doug Chalmers, had told him a raid using small boats to cross the Channel and navigate Dutch canals would be possible – but warned him of diplomatic repercussions.

According to Johnson, Chalmers – who has since retired from the military – told him it would not be possible to carry out the mission undetected and that “if we are detected we will have to explain why we are effectively invading a long-standing NATO ally”.
“I secretly agreed with what they all thought but did not want to say aloud: that the whole thing was nuts,” Johnson said in an extract from his memoirs that was published in Saturday’s Daily Mail newspaper.

As the London Spectator notes: Boris Johnson has just proven he was unfit to be prime minister.

For the past five years, I have been in something of a conflict: was Boris Johnson an unconventional but essentially wise prime minister whose ability to see the big picture was more important than his weakness on detail, and whose gift for spreading optimism outweighed his disorganisation? Or was he, as his many detractors have argued, simply not up to the job of leading the country? Fortunately, Johnson has now answered the question himself. Yes, he was stark-ravingly unsuited to being prime minister.

True, he does say that, after calling in military chiefs, he quickly dismissed the idea of launching a military raid on a warehouse in the Netherlands in order to spirit off doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine which he believed were being wrongly withheld from Britain. But the fact that he considered it in the first place should send a shudder through all of us. Did he not immediately think through the consequences of invading a neighbouring democratic and – for the most part – friendly country? It would have atom-bombed a taboo which has been in place in Europe since 1945: that western democracies do not invade each other; they sort out their differences by diplomatic means. Britain’s relations with the EU were already at a low point following the drawn-out Brexit process. A raid on the Netherlands wouldn’t just have poisoned them further; it would have established Britain with a reputation as a rogue state.

As Jason Garshfield wrote in 2022 at the American Conservative:

When Johnson’s idol, Winston Churchill, first came to power in 1940, France was in the process of falling to Nazi Germany. Most of the other great European powers had already fallen. For a time, Britain stood alone in the world, the sole defender of the West, with Churchill at its helm. Even when his own ministers urged him to accept Hitler’s peace offer, Churchill held firm to his convictions and chose to fight on.

This is the laudable mantle that Johnson has, all his life, aspired to shoulder. He faced just such a defining moment in March of 2020. The entire world had surrendered to the People’s Republic of China, adopting its totalitarian disease-control strategy, and unlike France or Poland in World War II, we surrendered without a shot being fired. If any man in the world was well-positioned to stand against this, it was the garrulous British renegade, Boris Johnson.

Instead, the United Kingdom became a police state.

Yes, but the cocktail parties were brilliant!

In other BoJo news: Boris Johnson struggled not to laugh when Penny Mordaunt [Equalities Minister in Theresa May’s cabinet] said trans rights was ‘most important issue of our times.’

The ex-PM wrote: “At which point Penny began a long disquisition about gender recognition, and the problems of British transsexuals in changing sex.

“I didn’t catch all the details, but it seemed fairly harrowing stuff, and at one point I heard Penny claim: ‘This is the most ­important issue of our times’.

“I didn’t always agree with Phil Hammond, but I happened at that moment to catch his eye and to see that he – like me – was ­struggling to contain his amusement.

“I mean: I could see that this was an issue of huge importance to some people (though surely not that many?) and I could see that it needed to be handled with tact and sensitivity.

“But ‘the most important issue of our times?’ Really?”

To be fair, we know what BoJo’s considers the most important issue of our time. In 2021, the former motoring journalist “spelt out the revolt against modernity that lies at the heart of climate-change alarmism when he used his speech at COP to complain about the invention of the steam engine. That contraption, which gave rise to the Industrial Revolution itself, was a ‘doomsday device’ that started the clock ticking on the eco-calamity we currently face, he madly said. And this is a PM who claims to stand up for British history and British greatness.”

UPDATE: You Don’t Say! Boris Johnson Admits He’s ‘Not Sure’ Coronavirus Lockdowns Actually Worked.

GREAT MOMENTS IN STOCKHOLM SYNDROME: TNR: The Fear That’s Keeping Mitt Romney From Endorsing Harris.

Republican Senator Mitt Romney, who has said he would not vote for Donald Trump, has expressed some reticence about endorsing Trump’s opponent over a particularly grim worry.

The Washington Post reported Friday that Romney has cited concern for his family’s safety as one of the reasons he has not publicly supported Kamala Harris, according to one person familiar with the Utah politician’s thinking.

Harris’s party operatives with bylines compared him to Hitler, said he gave employees cancer, a sexist because he had “binders full of women,”   and that he was needlessly cruel to his dog, in between screaming to him, “What about your gaffes??!!”,  and joking about his “magic underwear.” Her boss shouted that he was a racist who would put black people “back in chains.”

But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Sister.


Is It Time to Torch the Constitution?

—The New Yorker, Monday.

Fran Lebowitz: ‘Biden Should Dissolve the Supreme Court.’

Newsmax, yesterday.

NYC Mayor Adams pleads not guilty to sweeping federal corruption indictment.

—The New York Daily News, Friday.

Ta-Nehisi Coates’s Journey Ends Exactly Where You Expected It Would. “His urgent cause, according to New York magazine, which just profiled him for the unveiling of his newest book? You guessed it: The elimination of the Jewish state.”

—Jeffrey Blehar, NRO, Tuesday.


Francis Ford Coppola has spent decades thinking about a movie project now known as “Megalopolis.”

And it shows.

The sprawling drama packs so many consequential themes into its two-plus hours it could have yielded a half-dozen films. Maybe more.

As is, “Megalopolis” is a glorious mess, a clash of tonal styles and belief systems that delivers until it leaves us confused, if not frustrated by its reach.

Star Adam Driver deserves an honorary Oscar for holding all the fascinating pieces together.

As John Nolte writes, Coppola deserves major credit for casting previously cancelled actors: Coppola told Rolling Stone, “What I didn’t want to happen is that we’re deemed some woke Hollywood production that’s simply lecturing viewers. The cast features people who were canceled at one point or another. There were people who are archconservatives and others who are extremely politically progressive. But we were all working on one film together. That was interesting, I thought.”

Unfortunately, Coppola’s risk taking isn’t translating into ticket sales: Box Office: ‘Megalopolis’ Bombs With D+ CinemaScore, ‘Wild Robot’ Soaring to No. 1.

LEBANON LIVE UPDATES: Hezbollah Confirms That Leader Hassan Nasrallah Killed in Israeli Airstrike.

AP seems quite upset over his death. Did he ever stop by the office in Gaza? Sad Terrorist Noises: AP Mourns Loss of Colleague With Glowing Headline About Hezbollah Leader Nasrallah:”

“Hezbollah is responsible not only for the deaths of Israelis, but hundreds of American troops. And the AP mourns their demise. You don’t despise the media enough. You really, really don’t.”

DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: Gen Zers are getting fired at shocking levels. Here’s why.

It’s easy to blame Gen Zers for their reported laziness and simply tell them to do better. But attributing these failures solely to the personal shortcomings of young people these days is an oversimplification that fails to capture the nuance of the situation. Young people are being raised in a particular environment that’s leading to these worse outcomes, and that means there’s plenty of blame to go around.

One chief culprit is surely the higher education system, which is supposed to prepare young adults for the workforce, but evidently isn’t doing a very good job.

“Many recent college graduates may struggle with entering the workforce for the first time as it can be a huge contrast from what they are used to throughout their education journey,” concluded in its report. “They are often unprepared for a less structured environment, workplace cultural dynamics, and the expectation of autonomous work.”

That’s right: Modern colleges often infantilize young adults, through “trigger warnings,” safe spaces, grade inflation where it’s easy to get As, and other wildly unrealistic elements of campus life. I’ll never forget one time at the University of Massachusetts Amherst when my dormitory put Care Bears up on the walls — yes, Care Bears! — reminding college sophomores and juniors to drink water, brush their teeth, and sleep eight hours a night. Have you ever heard of a workplace that remotely looks like this?

It is not surprising that college students who “graduate” from this kind of adult daycare then struggle in the real world. And frankly, it’s not even all their own fault.

Who could have seen this coming? “With all the attention being paid to college-aged social justice warriors and microagressions, one has to ask: What happens when all these delicate snowflakes enter the workforce?”

—Ashe Schow, the Washington Examiner, March 26, 2015.

And from earlier this year, our look at what happened when all those delicate snowflakes entered America’s newsrooms.