Author Archive: Ed Driscoll




And an appropriate Kinsley Gaffe from NPR:

UPDATE: It really is a Kinsley Gaffe from NPR: Tim Walz Cozied Up to Anti-Semitic Terror Defender at 2019 CAIR Event, Photos Show.


How it’s going: Cori Bush: ‘AIPAC, I’m Coming to Tear Your Kingdom Down.’

More here: Squad’s Cori Bush meltdown after being ousted from Congress in rant revealing who she is blaming for embarrassing loss.

Progressive Squad member Cori Bush had an on-stage meltdown Tuesday after losing her reelection bid.

The progressive Democrat became the second Squad member to be taken down after a hotly-contested primary against a more moderate challenger who hammered Bush for supporting pro-Gaza protests.

Now, she is blaming her defeat on pro-Israel group AIPAC which put a whopping nearly $9 million to oust her, that she threatened to ‘tear down.’

Her unhinged remarks came during a primary election watch party in St. Louis, Missouri, where she took a stage in front of supporters.

Pacing back and forth on the stage and speaking so loudly that the microphone shook, the former Black Lives Matter organizer condemned ‘corporations’ and AIPAC, charging them with orchestrating her ousting.

Defiantly, Bush told the crowd that now she is no longer bound to the decorum of Congress, and that now she had ‘some of the strings [cut] off,’ her opponents will ‘see this other Cori, this other side.’

Why is the far left such a cesspit of anti-Semitism and not-so-veiled threats of violence, just weeks after an assassination attempt on the Republican candidate for the presidency?

MOVE ALONG, NOTHING TO SEE HERE COMRADE: Tim Walz’s deep links to China: Kamala’s VP pick taught and went on honeymoon in the country… and oversaw a scholarship program funded by Beijing.

Related: That’s what Xi said!


JAMES LILEKS’ WEDNESDAY REVIEW OF MODERN THOUGHT: Great moments in far left Gnosticism, as kitsch painter Thomas Kinkade is declared “fascist:”

Just so you know: The personal is political extends to aesthetic preferences. Your tastes put you in the political camp that deserves violence. Hunt down the fash Kinkade fans and ship them to the camps, or our democracy is in peril!

Rockwell? Oh, we’ll get around to him.

Read the whole thing.

QUESTION ASKED AND ANSWERED: “Is Joe Biden Calling ‘Defund’ Democrats Crazy?,” Noah Rothman asked in 2021:

This week, President Joe Biden attended a town hall-style forum hosted by CNN where anchor Don Lemon gently guided the president toward reframing the defund debate in a way that could benefit Democrats. “You said police are up against—well, they’re up against the narrative that, you know, the country is anti-police, Democrats are anti-police, Joe Biden is anti-police,” Lemon probed the president. “They’re not saying it,” Biden interjected. “Republicans are saying it on the far–,” the president caught himself. “I’m not going to—anyway.” “No,” Lemon pressed. “I want you to talk about this, because, I mean, it’s an important narrative.”

That word—“narrative”—conveys to the audience that they’ve been privy to little more than a story. It’s a more nuanced variation of the idea that Democrats have never really sought to defund local police forces, and you only believe that because you’ve been gulled by the GOP’s mesmeric powers of suggestion. But Biden expounded on this theme in a rather bizarre exchange with reporters on the subject.

“Are there people in the Democratic Party who want to defund the police?” a reporter asked the president. Biden snapped back: “Are there people in the Republican Party who think we’re sucking the blood out of kids?” he said to the sound of bewildered silence. Check and mate.

To translate, Biden’s veiled answer to the question posed by his interlocutor is, yes, of course, some Democrats support defunding the police. But they are as fringe, paranoid, and, indeed, vicious as the Republicans who subscribe to the most unhinged QAnon conspiracies. If that were true, we would be in big trouble. By any objective assessment, the number of Republicans who subscribe to some version of Q’s incomprehensible theories is dwarfed by the amount of elected Democrats who weren’t just amendable to defunding police but tried to translate that slogan into policy.

Flash-forward to today, where the Washington Examiner reports: Kamala Harris donated last year to defund police group backing DC ‘sanctuary city’ law.

Reuters reports that “Vice President Kamala Harris is toughening her position on illegal immigration, taking on hardliner Donald Trump on his signature issue in a series of campaign events and digital ads in coming weeks, according to campaign staff.”

Why wasn’t she doing that prior to running for the White House?

(Although perhaps the buried lede in the Reuters story is that they’re actually referring to “illegal immigration,” a phrase Kamala herself once tried to memory hole: Kamala the Language Cop: Harris Urges End to Terms ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism,’ ‘Illegal Alien.’)

WHAT “FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION” LOOKS LIKE: America Is Ready for a Jewish Veep. The Democrats Aren’t.

Almost as soon as Harris began her search for a running mate in earnest, a campaign from the progressive left made it clear that the anti-Israel wing of the party would not vote for Shapiro. Though his support of Israel is identical to that of every other contender, though he hates Benjamin Netanyahu a lot, though his view on college campus protesters (he called it “absolutely unacceptable” that “universities can’t guarantee the safety and security of their students”) is the most common, most popular view, none of this was a match for his last name, the fact that he is an observant, kosher-keeping proud Jew, and that, like the vast majority of Jews, he supports the state of Israel.

In their criticism of Shapiro, leftists pointed to the fact that he excoriated University of Pennsylvania president Liz Magill for refusing to condemn calls for the genocide of the Jews—I know, what a monster!—that he called on Penn to shut down the anti-Israel encampments, which violated university codes and guidelines—the shame!—and that he told The New York Times, “If you had a group of white supremacists camped out and yelling racial slurs every day, that would be met with a different response than antisemites camped out, yelling antisemitic tropes.” How dare he suggest antisemitism should be condemned, no matter what side it comes from! 

As The Babylon Bee put it Monday night, “Democrats Worried Choosing Jewish Vice President May Cost Them The All-Important ‘Death To America’ Vote.” By Tuesday morning, the Harris campaign had turned farce into tragedy and picked Walz for Harris’s running mate.

There can be no doubt about it: there was only one reason to reject Shapiro, and it was that the Democrats would rather cater to their antisemitic base and lose the election than embrace the vast non-antisemitic American middle and win. “You also have antisemitism that has gotten marbled into this party,” Van Jones said on CNN Tuesday. “You can be for the Palestinians without being an anti-Jewish bigot, but there are some anti-Jewish bigots out there.”

This is a party whose “progressive” politics have gone very far “back and to the left,” as Oliver Stone would say, since Al Gore chose Joe Lieberman to be his veep in 2000: Back then, “the media not only applauded it as a historical milestone but considered his piety a political plus: Lieberman was well-known for his devout faith, which, the Democrats/media hoped, would contrast nicely with President Clinton’s cigar-tinged indiscretions. The possibility of liberal blowback wasn’t even considered. But now, the truth is just too big to ignore,” Scott Pinsker wrote yesterday. “When Lieberman was tapped, antisemites weren’t yet a key Democratic voting bloc. Now they are.”

FINALLY, KIER STARMER HAS LOOKED AT THE RIOTS IN ENGLAND AND IS FIGHTING BACK — Against Elon Musk, for some reason: Could Elon Musk Face Legal Action For UK ‘Civil War’ Post?

After Elon Musk said “civil war is inevitable” following days of rioting in cities in the United Kingdom, the nation’s government warned that anyone inciting violence online will face legal consequences. Could the billionaire be one of those people?

It’s not going to happen, according to a legal expert contacted by Newsweek, who instead said he was “shocked” that newly elected British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, of the left-wing Labour Party, would make such a threat.

In the U.K., the febrile situation has raised concerns about misinformation on social media, but also concerns, including among some far-right activists, about social cohesion in multicultural societies.

Musk, the Tesla CEO and owner of X (formerly Twitter), posted his comment on the same social media platform under a video showing rioters setting off fireworks at police. Musk has claimed there will be a civil war in Europe multiple times previously.

Newsweek has reached out to a representative for Musk via email for comment.

“There is no justification for comments like that,” Starmer’s spokesman said on Monday.

And seemingly moving in lockstep in response, as Brendan O’Neil writes: The British elites’ crazy rage against Elon Musk.

It’s not enough to call this a ‘mask-off moment’. It’s more like the phoney liberals have ripped their masks to shreds and stomped them into the dirt for good measure. Their rage is linked to the riots currently rocking the UK. Musk’s own tweets, they say, not least his chatter about Britain being on the road to ‘civil war’, have helped to whip up the mayhem. Worse, his ‘free-speech absolutism’, as one ‘liberal’ magazine snottily refers to it, has meant that every tosser with a smartphone has been able to tweet their inflammatory views on the riots and even to spread misinformation. In essence, says a writer for the Guardian, Musk has been ‘leading from behind on UK thuggery and race riots’.

Got that? The reason Britain is going to shit is not because of any internal rot but because a billionaire in Texas said ‘civil war’ on the internet. Glad we cleared that up. Even worse than the great and the good’s shameless deflection tactics – where they try to pin the blame for their own failures on a foreigner with money – is their tinpot solutions to this supposed problem. It might be time, says that sexagenarian Marxian in a leather jacket, Paul Mason, to ‘pull the plug’ on X entirely. Yesteryear’s tyrants smashed up printing presses and chased booksellers out of town – today’s want to switch off a website on which no fewer than half a billion souls regularly share their thoughts and feelings.

They really have taken leave of their senses. Musk’s ‘horrific version of Twitter’ is ‘a bit like Paris under Nazi occupation’, says Peter Jukes of Byline Times, the preferred publication of rich liberals who’ve been in a state of red mist since the plebs voted for Brexit eight years ago. Just like Paris in the 1940s, says Jukes, some are fleeing Musk’s X, while others are sticking around to ‘work for liberation’. The narcissism of it. Imagine thinking that keeping your X account open so you can continue spouting bollocks in your echo chamber is as brave as when Parisians stayed in Paris to resist Nazi rule.

Why are multiculti British leftists so furious at an African-American?


But, an AP “fact check” notes: Video takes 2017 clip of Nancy Pelosi discussing smear tactics out of context.

CLAIM: A clip shows then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi openly admitting how Democrats get the media to legitimize lies using a tactic called the “wrap-up smear.”

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. A clip of Pelosi speaking at a 2017 press conference has been edited to remove context. Pelosi was describing a tactic she accused Republicans of using against Democrats. In other portions of her response not shown in the clip, Pelosi makes it clear she is not talking about her own party.

Of course, Democrats would never, ever use such tactics themselves. Just like AP would never, ever have an office in the same building in Gaza as Hamas.

Related: Speaking of San Fran Nan, “Pelosi snapped back at MSNBC host Joe Scarborough — a Democrat [well, effectively so these days — Ed] and former House member — when he suggested Walz is ‘progressive.’ ‘Tim Walz is wonderful. He served in the House,’ Pelosi said. ‘To characterize him as left is so unreal. He’s right down the middle.'”

But is he ready for Mount Rushmore, as Pelosi said of (P)resident Joe Biden on Sunday?

TWO-TIER KIER: Rioters will feel the full force of the law.

Rioters will face “the full force of the law”, Sir Keir Starmer has vowed ahead of a further expected wave of riots across the UK.

The Prime Minister, speaking after an emergency Cobra meeting at Downing Street, said rioters should expect “substantive sentences” on conviction.

More than 400 people have been arrested following the violent unrest in nearly two dozen cities and towns in England, Wales and Northern Ireland over the past six days.

Sir Keir promised communities “will be safe” and that the criminal justice system has shown a “robust and swift response” in the face of the unrest.

Police forces are bracing themselves for up to 30 potential gatherings of rioters on Wednesday.

A list of solicitors’ firms and advice agencies has been shared in chat groups as possible targets for gatherings, with the message inviting would be rioters to “mask up” if they attend.

The Law Society of England and Wales described such gatherings as a“direct assault on our democratic values” and urged the Government to treat such “threats against the legal profession” with the “utmost seriousness”.

So serious that the chief of London’s police force is punching reporters’ microphones! Mark Rowley’s mic grab sets a dreadful example to police officers.

Sky News reporter having his microphone grabbed and dropped to the ground might seem like a trifling story right now, given everything that’s happening in the country. But when the mic-grabber is none other than Sir Mark Rowley, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, it’s a different matter. A very different matter. In a democracy, cops don’t treat journalists in such a dismissive, degrading fashion.

It was outside the Cabinet Office that Sir Mark outrageously interfered with the property of a reporter. The man from Sky News asked him if he was going to ‘end two-tier policing’. And instead of answering – or not answering, if he wants to be a big baby about it – Sir Mark yanked Sky’s mic and seemed to push it to the ground. As he then arrogantly strutted to his car, the reporter could be heard saying: ‘Did he just do that?’

Yes, he did. And it was beyond inappropriate. For the most powerful cop in the country to manhandle an instrument of journalism, to try to physically prevent a reporter from recording something, sends a terrible message. Will Sir Mark’s lower-downs now behave likewise? Will they take their cue from the big man and grab and discard the kit of any journalist who asks them a pesky question?

I can’t imagine why anyone would be questioning British authorities about “two-tier policing,” especially when its new PM released a photo of himself in June of 2020 kneeling in sympathy with American BLM protestors:

UPDATE: What did you expect? Britain’s protests reflect DECADES of elite failure.

Well, not so much “failure” as deliberately planned: “Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser. Labour threw open Britain’s borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a ‘truly multicultural’ country, a former Government adviser has revealed.”

MORE: When the elites loved rioting. From the London riots to BLM, liberals and leftists have spent far too long celebrating street violence as virtuous.

JAMES LILEKS IN MARCH: Four years ago today:

The story had no “Two weeks to stop the spread” messaging. The lockdown was open-ended, although I seem to recall we thought it was supposed to be two weeks, then reviewed. In two weeks the headline would be “New Target — May 4” which was almost a month away.

The rules were adjusted to let landscapers go back to work.

On May 3 a story noted that the target date was now May 17. A “business analyst was quoted as saying he would still stay home because he thought “There wil be a couple of waves of death,” and that the skyways should be all closed because they were a “cesspool” of disease.

On the 14th the lockdowns were modified: “faith gatherings of 10 or fewer” were permitted, and the paper noted that people “can leave the house more.” Restaurants, bars, gyms, and the like would be closed until June 1st. Another order: “anyone who can work from home, must.”

Also in March of 2020: Walz Implemented COVID Hotline To Snitch On Neighbors.

The hotline generated thousands of reports – against people playing basketball, walking their dogs, or attending church, local outlet Alpha News reported in 2022. Walz’s administration continued to monitor the hotline until November 2020, though it remained operational until June 2022.

In one example of a complaint, someone alerted authorities to a church service that wasn’t following Walz’s “legal requirements,” the outlet noted.

“I am aware that the apostolic Lutheran church at [address] is planning to hold church services oct 2-4th [sic]. Hundreds are expected And [sic] they will be serving meals in the church dining hall. I don’t believe this fits with legal requirements and I am. Aware [sic] that multiple families that attend this church currently have coronavirus.”

People also called in lists of “non-essential” businesses that remained open or didn’t strictly follow government masking requirements.

A recording of the hotline circulating online reveals a prerecorded message telling callers they have reached the “Office of Public Safety Stay At Home Hotline.”

But not everybody had to stay at home: Getting back to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune in 2020, Lileks wrote that “There was nothing on the front page on June 1st about COVID restrictions lifting, because it was the sixth day of the Floyd Protests.”

That was the day that Walz referred to “the week of righteous anger being expressed by community leaders and all people of conscience,” in a press conference.

And that feeling of “righteous anger” was infectious! During those legendarily “peaceful but occasionally slightly fiery protests,” Walz’s wife was imbibing the sweet smell of small businesses in flames, his daughter was tweeting advice to the rioters on whether or not the National Guard or SWAT would be present, and Kamala was offering to bail out those few who were actually arrested.

John Hinderaker writes, “As an American, I am horrified at Walz’s selection:”

He is small-minded, mean-spirited man. In one way, he will fit in with the Harris ticket: he ran a basement campaign for re-election in 2022, refusing to show up for debates with Republican Scott Jensen after the first one went badly. So Jensen was left debating an empty chair.

Walz’s character defects are considerable, but let’s leave it at this: he was largely responsible for the George Floyd riots that devastated Minneapolis and other cities, because he dithered for days rather than calling out the National Guard. By his own admission, he held off out of sympathy for the rioters’ cause. We are still living with the consequences.

Why, it’s almost as: The Riots Are Part of the Plan. Review: ‘NextGen Marxism: What It Is and How to Combat It.’

Related: Democratic Socialists of America: “Harris choosing Walz as a running mate has shown the world that DSA and our allies on the left are a force that cannot be ignored.”

WOW: Josh Shapiro Backed Out of the Kamala Veepstakes at the Last Minute.

Shapiro’s chances remained high even after he faced serious allegations by a fellow Democrat of covering up harassment in his office. The sexual harassment cover-up didn’t take Shapiro out of contention, and neither did another cover-up — this one involving murder.

In 2011, 27-year-old Ellen Greenberg, a first-grade teacher, was found dead in the apartment she shared with her fiancé, Sam Goldberg. Her body was discovered on the kitchen floor with a knife in her chest and 20 stabs and slash wounds, half of which were in the back of her neck and head. Initially, Philadelphia Assistant Medical Examiner Marlon Osbourne ruled her death a homicide. However, after police publicly challenged this finding, Osbourne changed the ruling to suicide without explanation.

Related: Why Did Kamala Harris Pick Tim Walz?

In 2019, then-Pennsylvania Attorney General Shapiro supported the suicide determination when the case reached his desk—and many speculate his connection to the fiancé’s family was the reason. Shapiro, for his part, seemed to be actively campaigning for the job, going so far as to abandon his faith and principles to help make himself palatable to the progressive, antisemitic wing of the Democratic Party.

Take a look at this report from Politico (emphasis in the original):

Why not Shapiro? By contrast, Pennsylvania Gov. JOSH SHAPIRO’s team felt that his own interview with Harris did not go as well as it could have. There was “not a great feeling” coming out of it, according to a person in touch with Shapiro’s advisers. A person familiar with the selection process told our colleagues that, after their meeting on Sunday, Shapiro called Harris’ team and made clear that he was “struggling with the decision to leave his current job as governor, in order to seek the vice presidency.”

Does anyone believe that Shapiro was “struggling with the decision to leave his current job as governor”? Of course, he wasn’t. This sounds like Shapiro realized that the risk of joining the Harris ticket was too high after the terrible jobs report on Friday and the subsequent stock market crash on Monday.

In other words, he dropped out.

Question: Did Philly Mayor Ruin Shapiro’s Chances?

The video in question hit social media on Friday and was interpreted initially by some as an inadvertently posted announcement of Shapiro’s selection as running mate until the mayor’s office pushed back, claiming it was merely an expression of support. The reason reporters thought that is because the video looks like an announcement. It featured Philadelphia mayor Cherelle Parker and other locals explicitly promoting “Kamala Harris for president” and “Josh Shapiro for vice president.”

Considering that we now know Harris’s mind was not made up at the time, and that reporting indicates there was a concern with Shapiro’s ambition which a slickly produced hype video would seem to validate, the decision to make that video in the first place is mind-boggling.

Politico reported a few hours ago that, apart from the video, the Pennsylvania governor’s style already rubbed some in Harris’s orbit the wrong way:

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, another finalist, avoided the green-room circuit and instead touted Harris and his own record at a series of events throughout the state. A pro-Harris event in Philadelphia turned into a Shapiro-for-VP party.

His style was seen by at least some in Harris’ world as showboating. One senior Democrat in touch with Harris’ team called it “counterproductive.”

Heinrich reports that Shapiro had nothing to do with the Philadelphia video. If that’s the case, it’s fair to wonder whether the mayor helped tank the governor’s bid in the course of trying to do the opposite.

Noah Rothman writes that “The Walz Pick Is a Statement of Weakness:”

Beyond Walz’s presumed capacity to shore up the party’s faltering lines in the Midwest, it is also believed that the governor’s popularity among progressives in positions of authority mollifies the more rabid far-left elements in the streets. As Nate Silver wrote, the value proposition here was to “avoid news cycles about a disappointed left and Democrats’ internal squabbling over the War in Gaza.”*

This tacitly concedes the GOP’s claim that Democrats are unduly beholden to a radical faction within the party that is overrepresented in the press, on college campuses, and in online forums. This is terrain Republicans are eager to attack. Walz’s selection may foreclose on taking the campaign to the GOP’s turf, forcing them to commit finite resources to what should be safe states and triangulating their issues in the effort to pick off erstwhile Republican voters at the margins.

In much the same way Donald Trump’s running mate doubled down on the qualities already represented in Trump, Harris’s veep pick suggests that her campaign will not seek to remake the electoral map. As such, it is still playing the same defense Joe Biden spent much of the year playing until it became obvious to all that he had already lost.

Don’t get cocky.

* Well, that’s one way to phrase it. America’s Newspaper of Record not surprisingly, is much bolder in their phrasing:

Found via Ace of Spades, who in a post headlined “Tim Walz Quit the National Guard and Abandoned His Unit When They Got the Call-Up to Deploy to Iraq in 2005,” quips, “Make America Somalia Again!”

FASTER, PLEASE: ‘We just have to build it:’ Why Concorde’s successor is eyeing supersonic flights to America.

The founder of the company seeking to build a successor to Concorde has hit back at “flight shaming” activists who are demanding an end to mass air travel.

Blake Scholl, of Boom Supersonic, said that the demand to cut back on flights for the sake of limiting CO2 emissions is “depressing”.

He said: “There are some people who look at this and say, ‘Well, I guess we should all have less things. We should use less energy, we should go to fewer places.’ There’s been a lot of virtue-signalling and it’s very depressing.

“I believe in a future of abundance. I believe the north star is human flourishing and that we should build a future in which more people can go to more places more often.”

Mr Scholl, who spoke at last month’s Farnborough International Airshow where Boom unveiled the cockpit for its proposed 64-seat, 1,300mph Overture jet accompanied by four former Concorde pilots, argues that so-called flight shamers are ultimately seeking to stifle human progress.

He said: “Can you imagine this conversation on Zoom? It’s so much worse. I want our kids to grow up in a world where they’ve gone to other continents, they’ve broken bread with other people, they’ve experienced our shared community.

“To do that we need flights that are faster, we need to be at a price point people can afford, and, yes, we need to care for the planet.”

This looks much more like the 21st century I was promised as a kid than today’s subsonic commercial aviation:


On Monday’s Good Morning America, ABC senior White House correspondent Selina Wang not-so-subtly refused to acknowledge the anti-Semitism behind the far-left meltdowns over Vice President Kamala Harris having Governor Josh Shapiro (D-PA) as one of her nominees for a 2024 presidential running mate, instead chalking up opposition to coming from pro-Palestinian Arabs hating Jews.

The framing below from Wang in her segment on the 2024 election was almost certainly on purpose and wildly obtuse.

Even Van Jones, who thinks nothing of going on panels with Al Sharpton, admits on CNN that that’s what cost Shapiro the veep nomination: Van Jones: Some “Darker” Elements Of Anti-Semitism Have Been “Marbled In” To The Democratic Party.

In accordance with the prophecy: Democrats Worried Choosing Jewish Vice President May Cost Them The All-Important “Death To America” Vote.

MEDIAITE MELTDOWN: Jon Voight Ups the Ante on His Pro-Trump Videos By Claiming ‘the Left Is Trying to Take Away Your Children!’

But he’s not wrong: Harris VP Pick Greenlit Law Allowing State To Take Child Custody From Parents Who Oppose Sex-Change Surgeries.

Comcast and MSNBC are definitely onboard with that idea:


But what are these…”children” you speak of? Gov.Walz signs abortion-up-to-birth bill, entrenching Minnesota as global outlier on abortion policy.

Combined, the two candidates “are the Most Pro-Abortion Ticket in History,” reports.

And here we go! New Trump Ad: ‘Chief Weirdo Tim Walz.’ “This didn’t take long. It’s almost as if Republicans knew what was coming:”



Walz’s daughter was also apparently pro-rioters as well back then:

The campaign ad edits itself:

Another future campaign ad here:


Exit quote: “You know, he talks about this wall, I always say, let me know how high it is. If it’s 25 feet, then I’ll invest in the 30 foot ladder factory.”

UPDATE: Like Apocalypse Now’s Col. Kilgore, Walz’s wife loves the smell of napalm in the morning! Or at least burning businesses during a Minneapolis riot:

OUCH: Trump Team Goes There With First Tim Walz Ad and Hoo Boy It Will Definitely Leave a Mark (Watch).

At the largely Minnesota-based Power Line, John Hinderaker writes:

As an American, I am horrified at Walz’s selection. He is small-minded, mean-spirited man. In one way, he will fit in with the Harris ticket: he ran a basement campaign for re-election in 2022, refusing to show up for debates with Republican Scott Jensen after the first one went badly. So Jensen was left debating an empty chair.

Walz’s character defects are considerable, but let’s leave it at this: he was largely responsible for the George Floyd riots that devastated Minneapolis and other cities, because he dithered for days rather than calling out the National Guard. By his own admission, he held off out of sympathy for the rioters’ cause.

So did Kamala of course, in a tweet that’s still up: Kamala Harris Lies, Claiming That She Never Promoted The Bail Fund That Bailed Out Blm Rioters As Well As Murderers And R4pists; But The Tweet In Which She Promoted That Bail Fund Is Still Up!

Ed Morrissey, another longtime former Minnesota resident, adds:

This is such a puzzling pick on many levels. Josh Shapiro governs successfully in the kind of blue-collar state that Harris needs to win in order to succeed in November. Minnesota’s electorate is largely controlled by progressives in and around Academia in the seven metro counties. Walz is a former teacher himself, which Democrats think will play as somehow “blue collar,” but will instead look exactly like the progressive clique that many parents are now fighting in school districts over educational curricula.

Ed writes, “This doesn’t even look like Harris’ own choice, as Salena Zito briefly argues:”

“On the first point, both of the nominees chose to focus on their base. However, Harris started out in a deep hole and had a chance to climb out of it with a dynamic partner that could appeal across party lines. Walz has no appeal at all,” Ed concludes.

UPDATE: The deep complicity of both the governor and veep during the 2020 riots allows for Trump to run some sort of modern reboot of Nixon’s “law and order” ad from 1968. As Charles Glasser wrote here in August of 2020, “[I] cannot stress enough how powerful and resonant this ad was in 1968. Ben Rhodes was right: The young reporters in the MSM don’t know anything, and I’d add neither do their readers. This ad could run today and still be effective. If you support Trump, you should be demanding that they start producing ads like this.”

And Kamala’s “everybody needs to be woke quote allows for this exit question:

Update: Do you want America to look like Minneapolis in 2020?