Author Archive: Ed Driscoll


This operation has obviously been planned for quite some time. Though Israeli intelligence agencies were completely caught off guard by Hezbollah’s Iran-backed October 7 attack, they appear to be trying to make up for that huge intelligence debacle.

Defense One reports that Hezbollah had a deal with a Taiwan company, Gold Apollo, to supply the Islamic supremacist terror organization with pagers. Someone probably needs to have a little chat with the Taiwan company that sells AR-924 pagers to terrorists, but they told whoever asked that they weren’t responsible for the pagers.

They pointed the finger of blame at a Hungarian firm called BAC Consulting KFT. This appears to be a shell company run by friendly or Israeli intelligence. Indeed, multiple Israeli cutouts may have been involved in the manufacturing and sales of the devices.

The Times reports that Israel “did not tamper with the Hezbollah devices that exploded, defense and intelligence officials say. It manufactured them as part of an elaborate ruse.”

That’s right. The shell company sold the rigged pagers manufactured by the good guys.

Live look at the Mossad demonstrating the value of superior technology, and the nerve to use it judiciously:

I DID NAZI SEE THIS COMING: Arizona State U. Prof Warns of ‘Forced Breeding Camps’ at Discussion About Abortion.

ASU prof warns of ‘forced breeding camps’ in event discussing ‘speculative future’ without abortion

An Arizona State University professor recently took center stage at a school workshop called “A Speculative Future for Reproductive Rights.”

During the course of the workshop, ASU Associate Professor of English Jennifer Irish expressed worries that the country’s current abortion policies could lead to “forced breeding camps” and “cannibalism,” according to The College Fix.

“So much of our reality points toward those futures,” Hatch said. 

Of course! They’ll be right next to the concentration camps in “the coming American police state,” that “Sarah ‘Evita’ Palin” and Karl Rove will usher in, according to Naomi Wolfe, right around this time in 2008. Not to mention the Handmaid’s Tale dystopian fantasies that Hulu has been running since 2017.


HOW IT STARTED: Kamala Harris once said police could pay surprise visits to legal gun owners’ homes for safe storage checks.

How It’s Going:

She’ll say whatever it takes to get through an election cycle — and even here needed to be bailed out by Oprah: Not Even Oprah Could Save Kamala Harris’ Word Salad Fiasco During Livestream Event.

Related: VDH asks: Can Harris’s Cynical, Run-Out-The Clock Campaign Succeed?


Routh calls for regime change in Venezuela, Syria, and elsewhere—and advocates for a U.S. alliance with Iran and North Korea. Routh has an eclectic range of foreign policy views. He criticizes America for not pushing hard enough for regime change in countries like Venezuela, Myanmar, and Syria, and says the United States should militarily defend Taiwan from a potential Chinese invasion. But he is oddly dovish with respect to Iran and North Korea. He thinks that American foreign policy has driven the two countries into the arms of the Russians and that the U.S. government should recruit them as allies against Moscow. He also advocates the end of foreign sanctions against all countries except Russia (seemingly contradicting his positions on regime change elsewhere).

Routh argues Iran should kill Trump for reneging on the nuclear deal. One of the most chilling passages involves Routh’s belief that Trump’s 2018 decision to end the Obama-era Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a nuclear agreement with Iran, worked to strengthen ties between Moscow and Tehran, a development Routh finds unacceptable. Routh advocates for an Iranian assassination of Trump. He also suggests that the Iranians assassinate him, as a former Trump voter. He states that no one in the U.S. is willing to exercise “unnatural selection” in taking out the former president. Here is the full quote: “I must take part of the blame for the retarded child that we elected for our next president that ended up being brainless, but I am man enough to say that I misjudged and made a terrible mistake and Iran I apologize. You are free to assassinate Trump as well as me for that error in judgment and the dismantling of the deal. No one here in the U.S. seems to have the balls to put natural selection to work or even unnatural selection.”

He attempted to visit Iran. Routh says that he applied for a visa to visit Iran and “protest with the Iranians against (American) sanctions,” but that his visa was rejected.

Routh advocates a global matriarchy (or something). Routh believes that the totality of the world’s problems are caused by “testosterone-driven insanity and macho bullshit,” and advocates universal female political leadership. “We must get to a place where every leader is always a woman.”

This news from America’s Newspaper of Record should cheer Routh up immensely, then: Biden Promises Next Trump Assassin Will Be A Woman Of Color. “In an exclusive sit-down interview with Al Sharpton on MSNBC, Biden said, ‘It’s long past time. We should have assassins that reflect the nation — a black nation. Blacks are great killers. No, I’m serious! Have you ever been to South Central? Corn Pop was a bad dude, a killer! And I want someone like that on our team. But, you know, a woman.’ ‘Black women are just as smart and capable as Lee Harvey Oswald,’ he added.”

QUESTION ASKED: Is Mary Jane to Blame For Teen Suicides?

We’ve been looking at almost 30 years of the liberalization of marijuana prohibitions. A recent study looks at an unintended consequence of the move.

Medical, Recreational Marijuana Legalization Associated With Higher Rates of Youth Suicide, Study Shows
Female youth aged 12 to 24 and youth of both sexes aged 14 to 16 living in states with legalized medical marijuana or recreational marijuana between 2000 and 2019 had higher rates of death by suicide than youth in states with no such laws, according to a report in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

“The findings translate to nearly 5,000 excess suicide deaths of female adolescents and young adults related to medical marijuana and recreational marijuana legalization,” the report claims. “Given dramatic shifts in cannabis policy over the past 20 years, it is important for clinicians and policymakers to understand potential downstream public health outcomes related to changing cannabis policy.”

Flashback: Second Thoughts on Pot: “‘Yeah, they all smoke.’ ‘Well . . . other things too, right?’ ‘Sometimes. But they all smoke.’”

AMERICA’S NEWSPAPER OF RECORD: Governor Abbott Declares Texas Sanctuary State For Memers. “‘To all memers out there: Texas will embrace you,’ Abbott said at a press conference announcing the order. ‘No memer should live under the type of despotic rule and suppression of the right to be funny that we’re seeing in other states. I officially declare the state of Texas open to all memers who dream of creating sick burns and dank viral memes.’”

AARON RODGERS SURVIVES A GAME IN A JETS UNIFORM! Rodgers returns to huge cheers for 1st home game since Achilles tendon injury last year.

The Jets beat the Pats 24-3, but the real story was the “Sideline Staredown” between Rodgers and coach Robert Saleh:

“Is Saleh trying too hard to be Aaron’s buddy? Or is it unsportsmanlike conduct from Rodgers? Look at those eyes … that’s a ‘death stare’ if I’ve ever seen one.”

LOCKDOWNS FOR THEE, BUT NOT FOR ME: NYC COVID adviser brags in secret recording about drug-fueled sex parties mid-pandemic: ‘Had to be sneaky.’

New York City’s former COVID czar was caught on a hidden camera boasting about having drug-fueled sex parties mid-pandemic — and admitting New Yorkers would have been “pissed” if they had found out at the time.

Dr. Jay Varma — who served as senior health advisor to then-Mayor Bill de Blasio and was tasked with running the Big Apple’s pandemic response — made the confession in secretly-recorded conversations with a so-called undercover operative from conservative podcaster Steven Crowder’s “Mug Club.”

“I had to be kind of sneaky about it… because I was running the entire COVID response in the city,” Varma was filmed telling the unidentified woman on Aug. 1 in what appears to be a restaurant.

* * * * * * * *

Varma, who no longer works for City Hall, admitted to The Post that he “participated in two private gatherings” between April 2020 and May 2021 — but insisted the secretly recorded conversations had been “taken out of context.”

* * * * * * * *

At one point, Varma also bragged about his City Hall role, how he was involved in televised COVID briefings and was among those to convince de Blasio to enforce a vaccine mandate.

“I did all this deviant, like sexual stuff while I was like, you know, like on TV and stuff. People were like, ‘Aren’t you afraid? Aren’t you embarrassed?’ and I was like, ‘No, actually, I’m like, I love being my authentic self’,” he was filmed saying in a July 27 clip.

Varma, in a statement, acknowledged “I take responsibility for not using the best judgment at the time.”

While Varma was being a hypocrite, so was his boss at the time: De Blasio: Large Group Protests Are Acceptable, Religious Observances Are Not.

New York City mayor Bill de Blasio (D.) told a reporter for a Jewish newspaper that “400 years of American racism” justify his decision to permit mass protests but not prayer services.

“Four hundred years of American racism, I’m sorry, that is not the same question as the understandably aggrieved store owner or the devout religious person who wants to go back to services,” de Blasio told Hamodia‘s Reuvain Borchardt.

Varma was far from the only advisor or politician who unilaterally decided the lockdowns they demanded of entire countries didn’t apply to them:

Watch: Mayor de Blasio dances in Times Square with his wife after shutting down annual New Year’s Eve party.

What Neil Ferguson’s booty call tells us about modern politics.

U.K. “Partygate” probe reveals details of illegal, booze-fueled parties at PM Boris Johnson’s house during COVID lockdown.

Biden Getting Together With Family For Easter, Despite Urging Against Gatherings Until July.

WATCH: Nancy Mace Spices Up House Hearing With Ice-Cold Dish of Revenge Against Woke CNN Panelist.

At one point when it came her time to speak, Mace brought up how often it had been documented that Democrats, including President Joe Biden, had at times said Harris’ name differently than what we’ve been told is the “correct” way to say it, using it to segue into flashing back to how she’d been treated by Dyson and Boykin.

Except Mace didn’t just rant about what was said during the segment, she brought receipts detailing what happened after it:

“I would like to also enter into the record a screenshot of a text message I received from the esteemed professor from Vanderbilt, Michael Eric Dyson, after my CNN interview, begged me for photos in this text. He says, after calling me a racist on CNN, ‘shh, don’t tell anybody we look good together’ and sent me a kissy emoji. The guy says I’m gorgeous in all these photos.  I don’t think he’s that bent out of shape on how anyone pronounces Kamala.

And if we’re going to have that standard, you got to hold it to both sides, not just one or the one or the other.”

Dyson’s whole schtick has been to pound the table and angrily scream racism at every opportunity, and now we know it’s just TV performance art. Bookmark the above post the next time he goes on a rant.


New York Magazine’s Washington correspondent Olivia Nuzzi was placed on leave after she had an alleged affair with former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The pair’s alleged romantic relationship was first reported by STATUS news.

Nuzzi “acknowledged to the magazine’s editors that she had engaged in a personal relationship with a former subject relevant to the 2024 campaign while she was reporting on the campaign, a violation of the magazine’s standards around conflicts of interest and disclosures,” the magazine said in a statement.

The reporter would have been barred from covering the presidential election if the magazine had been aware of their relationship, according to the outlet.

As the New York Post reminds its readers, “RFK Jr. is married to actress Cheryl Hines.” Nuzzi is engaged to Ryan Lizza of the Politico and CNN.

Exit quote:

And an exit question:

DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: Chicago Public Schools teachers say they were told by administrators to give migrant students passing grades.”The teachers we spoke with work in CPS elementary schools and say they spoke no Spanish, while their migrant students spoke no English, making communication virtually impossible. They also added that because their schools were located in predominantly Black neighborhoods, they offered no English as a Second Language (ESL) support. Despite this, they say they were instructed by school administrators to give their migrant students a 70 percent in every subject and pass them on to the next grade.”


But it’s more difficult than you might think to talk sense into such folks because they believe strongly in the Bionic Jew theory of the universe. This goes beyond space lasers or even weather control: It’s a belief in the existence of the super-sabra. In this fantasy, Israel is a place where Jews go to have their software updated, not to learn to use weapons but to become weapons.

After all, if Israel can genetically engineer Egyptian attack sharks and radiation-sniffing Iranian lizards, imagine what can be done with human potential.

There is another, less amusing thought process at work here, however. And that is that the morality of Israel’s operations is inversely correlated with their level of success.

Israel’s critics insist the Jewish state carry out individually targeted attacks. Blowing up a terrorist’s personal pager, maiming him and him alone, is obviously in compliance with this demand. But what if Israel does exactly that to thousands of individual terrorists simultaneously? That’s no good, for reasons that are difficult to explain but which feel obvious to the public intellectuals keeping score.

You can see how this approach has been applied to Gaza for the duration of the ongoing war. If Israeli soldiers encounter an empty house rigged with explosives but which has an entrance to a subterranean tunnel system used only by the terrorist army and the hostages the IDF is trying to rescue, what can it do? The obvious answer is: it can detonate the explosives from a safe distance and then enter the tunnels. After all, the war crime here is Hamas’s, and such an approach allows the IDF to neutralize the threat without harming civilians.

But what if Hamas illegally rigs a house again? And again? “An aerial photo recovered by the Israeli military from a Hamas commander’s post shows three dozen hidden tunnel entrances marked with color-coded dots and arrows in one crowded neighborhood,” reports the New York Times. The underlying facts haven’t changed: Hamas has committed the crime, Israel is pursuing the approach most closely aligned with humanitarian concerns. But because Hamas has replicated its crime many times over, Israel will knock down many houses. Suddenly, the public criticism is of Israel’s conduct, its supposed “domicide,” its appetite for destruction.

In this upside-down world, the more war crimes Hamas carries out, the less Israel is morally permitted to do in self-defense. Hence, the problem in Lebanon is not that there are thousands of Iranian terrorists there but that Israel wants to take out all of them.

Read the whole thing.

Related: More on “Operation Grim Beeper.” “By the way, for an ideology that is rooted in a desire to return to the 8th century, hasn’t Israel helped them take one big step there by causing Hezbollah to abandon electronics?”



A classic Manhattan restaurant once frequented by Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack is accused of a disturbing duet of hatred toward Albanians and over $1 million in stolen wages, a pair of lawsuits filed this week in federal court claim.

The owners of Patsy’s Italian Restaurant allegedly told two Albanian workers that “all Albanians deserve a bullet,” are “gay” and “garbage,” and even said that adults and young children of the nascent Balkan nation deserve “to be f—ed,” one explosive federal complaint says.

Those disturbing comments were raised when discussing the similarly named and Albanian-owned Patsy’s Pizzeria, with which Patsy’s Restaurant had a long-simmering trademark feud stretching back to 1999, and is allegedly the origins of the anti-Albanian hate, according to court docs.

Wake up, sheeple! It’s the home stretch in an election year, so of course the sitting president is gearing up to launch the B-3 bombers in order to deal with Albania over the flimsiest of premises:

J. PEDER ZANE: The Sins of the Gray Lady. The following is a chapter from the recently released book, Against the Corporate Media: Forty-two Ways the Press Hates You.

Readers of the New York Times know the news may change, but the message is always the same in their paper of record. It will play up every Republican kerfuffle and downplay Democratic scandals while presenting the choice between the two parties as a Manichean struggle between good and evil. Now clad in rainbow colors, the Gray Lady will, in the name of inclusion, celebrate a wide range of heretofore marginal behaviors – homosexuality, polyamory and transgenderism – while sowing divisions by separating Americans into warring camps based on race, gender, and ethnicity.

The transformation of the Times, and much of American journalism, during the last decade from a traditional newspaper that largely reports the news into the daily call sheet for the “woke” revolution that seeks to undermine the traditional pillars of American society is now so complete that it may seem unremarkable. Both its defenders and critics know exactly what to expect when they open its pages. Such acceptance, or resignation, is dangerous because it normalizes the great sin of the New York Times: the betrayal of hitherto bedrock journalistic principles of fairness, objectivity and pluralism that made the Fourth Estate a pillar of American democracy during the 20th century.

In his 2010 book Gray Lady Down, William McGowan began with a look at the New York Times of the 1970s:

A tribute of sorts to the ideological neutrality of Times news reporting under Rosenthal had come from a rather unusual source: William F. Buckley’s National Review, the very bible of American conservatism. In 1972, as Spiro Agnew railed against the “elitist Eastern establishment press,” and Richard Nixon was livid over the Times’ publication of the Pentagon Papers and its looming endorsement of George McGovern, the National Review produced an article examining the charges of left-leaning bias. Conservatives had long dismissed the Times as “a hopeless hotbed of liberalism, biased beyond redemption and therefore not to be taken seriously,” the magazine observed, asking, “But to what extent was this impression soundly based?” A subheadline telegraphed its findings: “Things on 43rd Street aren’t as bad as they seem.” The National Review audit examined five developing stories, which it said had a “distinct left-right line,” and concluded: “The Times news administration was so evenhanded that it must have been deeply dismaying to the liberal opposition.” It went on to state that conservatives and other Americans would be far more confident in other media—specifically newsmagazines and television networks—if those media “measured up to the same standard” of fairness. “Were the news standards of the Times more broadly emulated,” National Review said, “the nation would be far better informed and more honorably served.”

This was very much a validation for [NYT editor Abe] Rosenthal, and for Arthur O. “Punch” Sulzberger, who also upheld the tradition of politically agnostic news reporting despite the shrill liberalism of the editorial page and, increasingly, the journalistic activism of a new generation of reporters touched by the lengthening shadow of the counterculture. Indeed, Rosenthal would cite the National Review piece on other occasions when challenged by accusations of political bias at the Times. Even Joseph Lelyveld, who took over the top editor’s job in 1994 and was undoubtedly to the left of Rosenthal, saw need for vigilance. “Abe would always say, with some justice, that you have to keep your hand on the tiller and steer to the right or it’ll drift off to the left.”

Flash-forward to 2019. As Zane writes:

In August 2019, the newspaper devoted an entire issue of the New York Times Magazine to The 1619 Project. Its stated “goal” was “to reframe American history by considering what it would mean to regard 1619 [the year enslaved sub-Saharan Africans first landed in North America] as our nation’s ”real” birth year. Doing so,” the magazine’s editor Jake Silverstein wrote in an introduction, “requires us to place the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are as a country.” Through eighteen articles and fifteen artistic contributions that spanned the length of American history, the project abandoned journalism’s traditional mission of presenting the complexity of consequential issues in order to make the argument that the nation’s past, present, and future have been and forever will be defined by anti-black racism. There were no dissenting views, and few countervailing facts.

The vast ambition of The 1619 Project underscores the Times’ transformation into a tool of the cultural revolution whose aim is to disrupt traditional understandings and beliefs about almost every aspect of American life. The hubris is astonishing. While newspapers have often revisited episodes of the past in response to scholars having unearthed new information, the 1619 Project started with an ideological position about the sweep of American history which it then set out to demonstrate through tendentious pieces. The lead essay was not written by a scholar, but an activist black journalist, Nikole Hannah-Jones.

The backlash was immediate, as many leading historians wrote lengthy critiques of nearly every article. This included a letter to the Times signed by five prominent scholars – including James M. McPherson and Sean Wilentz of Princeton University and Gordon Wood of Brown University – which challenged two of Hannah-Jones’ most sweeping assertions regarding the Revolutionary War and Abraham Lincoln.

“On the American Revolution, pivotal to any account of our history, the project asserts that the founders declared the colonies’ independence of Britain ‘in order to ensure slavery would continue.’ This is not true. … The project criticizes Abraham Lincoln’s views on racial equality but ignores his conviction that the Declaration of Independence proclaimed universal equality, for blacks as well as whites, a view he upheld repeatedly against powerful white supremacists who opposed him.”

The historians wrote that “These errors, which concern major events, cannot be described as interpretation or ‘framing.’ They are matters of verifiable fact, which are the foundation of both honest scholarship and honest journalism. They suggest a displacement of historical understanding by ideology.”

Rather than engage these prominent scholars, Hannah-Jones dismissed them as “white historians.” A few months later, their interpretation of the Project’s ideological spirit was underscored by Leslie M. Harris, an African-American historian at Northwestern University who helped fact-check Hannah-Jones essay. She wrote in Politico that she was stunned by Hannah-Jones’  assertion “that the patriots fought the American Revolution in large part to preserve slavery in North America,” because “I had vigorously argued against [it] with her fact-checker.”

As Zane writes, the 1619 project was buttressed between the Times pushing the Russian Collusion hoax involving Donald Trump, and afterwards, the paper’s young staffers getting the vapors over Tom Cotton’s op-ed in June of 2020.

Exit quote:

During the last decade, the Times has transformed itself into a very different publication. It is not an honest broker but an organ of advocacy. To its critics, this is a tragedy for journalism and the nation. But, as a free-standing business, that is also its right. Perhaps the Times could defend these changes. Its refusal to do so, to report on the world as it is, not as it would like it to be, does a grave disservice both to journalism and the nation.

I hope it was all worth it for the Sulzbergers and others concerned with the paper’s survival.