Author Archive: David Bernstein

FIGHTING ANTISEMITISM WHILE PRESERVING FREEDOM OF SPEECH: C-Span covered a panel discussion on this issue, sponsored by the Liberty & Law Center at Scalia Law School’s Voices for Liberty Project (I am executive director of the Center). On the panel, I discussed a paper I am coauthoring on the subject, with comments from the Brandeis Center’s Ken Marcus (who served as head of the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights in the first Trump administration) and George Washington University professor Sam Goldman. You can watch the discussion here, starting at 4:15 in the video. The basic thrust of my remarks: much of the controversy around antisemitism on college campuses involves actions (vandalism, harassment, disruption, “occupation” of parts of campus) that isn’t protected speech to begin with; when it comes to licit speech, the two basic principles are that universities should adopt a liberal posture on speech, but if they don’t, they should be forced to enforce their rules even-handedly, rather than favor the interest of favored groups (certain racial and ethnic minorities, feminist women, LGBT students, and the like) over others (everyone whom they currently exclude from “intersectionality,” including but hardly limited to Jews).

NOTABLE AND QUOTABLE: Thomas Chatterton Williams:

The third Awokening was smaller and shorter than the others, stretching from the late ’80s to the early ’90s, and repurposing and popularizing the Marxist term political correctness. Its main legacy was to set the stage for the fourth—and present—Awokening, which has been fueled by what the scholar Peter Turchin has termed “elite overproduction”: Quite simply, America creates too many highly educated, highly aspirational young people, and not enough high-status, well-paid jobs for them to do. The result, al-Gharbi writes, is that “frustrated symbolic capitalists and elite aspirants [seek] to indict the system that failed them—and also the elites that did manage to flourish—by attempting to align themselves with the genuinely marginalized and disadvantaged.” It is one of the better and more concise descriptions of the so-called cancel culture that has defined and bedeviled the past decade of American institutional life. (As Hannah Arendt observed in The Origins of Totalitarianism, political purges often serve as jobs programs.)

THAT’S JUST CRUEL: But not undeserved.

UPDATE: I thought it was obvious that Aaron is being sarcastic. The Democrats only wanted to expand the Court and eliminate the filibuster when they thought they’d be the ones to benefit. Now it’s the opposite, and of course they don’t want these things.

DEMOCRAT TURNOUT ISSUES IN PA?: Re Stephen Green’s post below on Democratic concern about turnout, I have a distant cousin who was a high-level Obama appointee. According to his Facebook page, he’s spent the last several weekends knocking on doors in Pennsylvania for Harris, and urging others to do the same. I’m no grass-roots politics maven, but when a campaign’s best use for a top political operative is retail door-knocking, it strikes me as a sign that the campaign is concerned about turnout.





WHEN PEOPLE TELL YOU WHO THEY ARE, BELIEVE THEM: Campus Pro-Hamas Events on October 7: What Should be Done?

The groups holding these events are quite openly and publicly telling you who they are and what they believe in. To quote Mandel once more, their “leaders don’t want to wait a day to hold the rally because while any other day could mark the war, no other day could mark the murder and mayhem of Oct. 7. The day is important to them because the massacre of Jews is important to them.” And that’s important information to have.


UPDATE (FROM GLENN): I know Matt just pulled this out of his ass, but if it’s true it would be terrible news for the Democrats. They’ve had a lock on the felon constituency forever, and if it’s abandoning them along with lots of black and Latino voters it’s a bad sign. . . .

WOKE FOREST: It’s not surprising at this point that some moral imbeciles at a prominent university would invite a supporter of Palestinian terrorists to speak on the anniversary of the October 7 atrocities. It’s not even surprising that it would happen at a relatively conservative campus like Wake Forest. It is surprising, and outrageous, that the event would be sponsored by several academic departments, giving the event an official university imprimatur. Academic departments are agents of the university administration, and Wake needs to put a stop to this. Note the university’s name on the bottom of the flyer, suggesting official endorsement. And what is the National Endowment for the Humanities doing providing funding for this?

REMEMBER WHEN THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION ENABLED HEZBOLLAH?: Politico flashback: The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook.

The story is so bad, it’s almost unbelievable. A few choice excerpts: “In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.”

“One Obama-era Treasury official, Katherine Bauer, in little-noticed written testimony presented last February to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, acknowledged that ‘under the Obama administration … these [Hezbollah-related] investigations were tamped down for fear of rocking the boat with Iran and jeopardizing the nuclear deal.'”

“As a result, the U.S. government lost insight into not only drug trafficking and other criminal activity worldwide, but also into Hezbollah’s illicit conspiracies with top officials in the Iranian, Syrian, Venezuelan and Russian governments — all the way up to presidents Nicolas Maduro, Assad and Putin, according to former task force members and other current and former U.S. officials.”

“By May 2010, Brennan, then assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism, confirmed in a speech that the administration was looking for ways to build up ‘moderate elements’ within Hezbollah…. ‘There is certainly the elements of Hezbollah that are truly a concern to us what they’re doing,’ Brennan said. ‘And what we need to do is to find ways to diminish their influence within the organization and to try to build up the more moderate elements.'” (And I still don’t understand how Brennan got his security clearances despite supporting the Soviet-puppet Communist Party USA candidate in 1980, much less how you can give someone like that top national security positions.)

WAR ON ISRAEL, WAR ON THE WEST: There has never been a lower civilian to combatant casualty ratio in any major anti-terrorism operation in modern history than in Israel’s recent action against Hezbollah. In fact, it’s not even close. Yet all the “international law scholars” and grifters who were previously claiming that Israeli anti-terrorism actions were indiscriminate or put too many civilians at risk are still complaining, inventing new rules so they can that Israel was still acting illegally. The (ever-shifting) legal standards they want to apply would mean that no counter-terrorism operation is lawful, ever. And in fact, that’s what the far leftists who dominate international law discourse want–to leave the West defenseless against terrorism. The plan is to use Israel, which is relatively weak and isolated diplomatically, as precedent, and then use those precedents against the US, NATO, and any other Western actor seeking to counter Islamic State, Al Qaeda, or any other terrorist group.

A CULTURE OF HATE: Imagine, if you will, that Senate Democrats scheduled a hearing on hate crimes and civil rights with a special focus on racist hate crimes. In the middle of the session, a right-wing protestor disrupts the proceedings and shouts, among other things, “fucking blacks!” I have little doubt the MSM would be screaming about it for weeks, including front page headlines and ponderous essays about the purported right-wing culture of hate.


Today, Senate Democrats (reluctantly) held a hearing on antisemitism and other forms of hate. As Ted Cruz was speaking, a protestor, apparently from Code Pink, came to the floor of the committee room and shouted, among other things “fucking Jews!” I only know about this because someone send me a private IM. No media outrage, no headlines or even coverage in the MSM, and of course, no ponderous essays about how the left has created a culture of hate.

UPDATE: For that matter, if it was a right-wing type who had shouted “fucking Jews” today, and had interrupted a Democrat instead of Ted Cruz, we’d never hear the end of it.

A BIDEN ADMINISTRATION LIE EXPOSED BY KAMALA HARRIS?: The Biden administration has consistently stated that any holdup on weapons shipments to Israel were either routine bureaucratic delays, or to ensure that humanitarian concerns were addressed. Today, when asked by journalists unsympathetic to Israel what she would do to pressure Israel into a ceasefire, she replied that she was “entirely supportive of” “the pause on 2000 lb bombs” to Israel to gain “leverage.”

UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA LOSES ITS HONOR: UVa ends disciplinary proceedings against pro-Palestine protesters. Arrested students will not be tried before the University Judiciary Committee after agreeing to meet personally with Student Affairs officials.

UVA was once extremely proud of its honor code, which dates back, I believe, hundreds of years. But the students in question, who violated both law and the student code of conduct, are woke Hamasniks, and woke ruins everything. Two questions: (1) On what basis does UVA haul *anyone* before the Judiciary Committee without inviting a deserved lawsuit for arbitrary enforcement? and (2) How will this play in the lawsuit pending against UVA for discriminating against Jewish students?

NOT JUST AT COLUMBIA: Bill Barr: Mob Rule and Moral Bankruptcy at Columbia.

UPDATE: There is some news in Barr’s post. His law firm is represent two Columbia custodians who were held against their will by the Hamasniks who took over a building last Spring. I hope the firm is suing not just Columbia, not just the students who directly held the custodians, but all of the students involved in the takeover as co-conspirators.

I WOULD LIKE TO SEE MORE ATTENTION PAID TO THIS: The Biden-Harris Justice Department Has Failed American Jews.

Since October 7, anti-Israel groups have launched widespread assaults on the rights of Jewish Americans, especially but not exclusively on college campuses.

I regularly tweet (@ProfDBernstein) about these incidents and comment, “Where is the Justice Department? Where is the FBI?”

I often get responses like, “isn’t the Department of Education investigating some of these colleges? What can the feds really do?”

The answer is that “the feds,” and the Department of Justice in particular, could do a lot to protect American Jews, and they are doing little to none of it. Here are some examples.

And it’s not because we have a Justice Department that is shy about taking on controversial matters. The contrast between the Justice Department’s nonfeasance when Hamasniks engage in criminal acts, versus its determination prosecute after even the most marginal January 6 hanger-on is striking.

BLUE STATE HELL: In Newton Massachusetts, an anti-Israel troll wearing a Palestine flag pin exchanges words with pro-Israel protestors across the street. Troll charges across the street and tackles an older male guy, Scott Hayes, a Gulf War veteran, holding an Israeli flag. Victim pulls out a pistol [edit: it’s not 100% clear if he pulled out the pistol; it’s possible that there was a struggle over the pistol and it discharged] and shoots attacker in the stomach, then renders medical aid to the guy who attacked him. The county DA holds a press conference, and after noting that the investigation is in a very preliminary stage (and that Hayes was lawfully carrying), proceeds to charge Hayes with a variety of crimes. The only person who should be charged here based on rather incontrovertible video evidence is the attacker. There is a Go Fund Me campaign for Mr. Hayes’ legal defense.

UPDATE: And here’s why we hate the MSM, in this case the Boston Globe. Is this an accurate way of recounting that a guy rushed across the street and attacked a pro-Israel demonstrator?

DOWNLOAD IT WHILE IT’S HOT: The Hewlett Foundation has spent over $100 million trying to create an ideological movement to counteract “neoliberalism,” a word that, on the left, seems to mean “anything not socialist that we don’t like.” In the legal academy, the Foundation’s funding has gone to something called the Law and Political Economy Project, based at Yale Law School. I eviscerate the project’s underlying assumptions and ideological conceits in a new article. One point I’d like to particularly emphasize is that while the authors bemoan a decline in government spending and regulation that never happened, blaming it for a rise in inequality, they say not a word about the breakdown of the traditional two-parent family, especially among among American with less wealth and formal education. If you purport to be concerned with inequality but focus on, say, antitrust enforcement rather than the 40% out of wedlock birthrate, much higher among the poor and working class, you are doing it wrong.

YOU CAN’T HATE THE MSM ENOUGH: Earlier today, the MSM repeated Hamas propaganda as fact, not bothering to note that “local health officials” in Gaz are Hamas. Here is CNN, just for example.

Besides repeating the casualty figures as presumptively accurate despite the source, CNN did not mention that the strike was at 5 AM, in the summer, on a Hamas HQ. And as happens so often, Hamas couldn’t keep the lie going, reducing the casualty count from over 90 to 40 within hours, and who knows if that is also exaggerated:

Meanwhile, Israel identified by name twenty wanted Hamas terrorists who were killed in the bombing.

UPDATE: Here’s a picture Palestinian sources are circulating purporting to show the victims of Israel’s strike. The women, children, and elderly victims the media was reporting based on “eyewitnesses” are conspicuous by their absence.

JEWISH LIVES MATTER?: A maniac shouting “Free Palestine” tried to stab a Hasidic Jew in Brooklyn to death early Saturday morning. Crickets from the MSM.

THE PRIDE OF CHADRON STATE: I remember vividly elite Democrats mercilessly mocking Sarah Palin after she was picked as the VP nominee because she had attended undistinguished colleges. So what do they have to say about Tim Walz, a graduate of the exceedingly obscure Chadron State College? (Note that personally I go with demonstrated performance over educational pedigree.)