Author Archive: Mark Tapscott

NOW IT’S GOING TO HIT THE FAN LIKE NEVER BEFORE: Tom Jones and the American Accountability Foundation (AAF) today posted the first entry of its instantly notorious “The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Watchlist: America’s Most Subversive Immigration Bureaucrats.”

The Left went nuts when Jones first announced this project and now that it’s bearing actual results — shining the spotlight on left-wing immigration activists comfortably entrenched in the federal career civi service — but things are really going to get intense in coming weeks. Expect an avalanche of media hit pieces, legal harassment, claims of being subjected to Far-Right violence, and protests wherever Jones speaks,

The Left will go nuts in response to AAF no matter that groups on the Left have been doing similar ideological tracking of conservatives, such as this one looking at Right media outlets. And we haven’t even mentioned similar tracking of conservative activist groups and non-profits by he Southern Poverty Law Center, for which Osorio interned.

Here’s one example from the first 10 AAF posted earlier today: Wilson Osorio is DHS’s Associate Counsel in the U.S. Customs and Immigration Service (USCIS), making $171,268 annually. He has posted multiple Spanish language TikTok and YouTube videos encouraging immigrants to enter the U.S., using promises of get-rich-quick jobs.

In addition, according to AAF, he “used an out of context image of a colleague in DHS in Border Patrol to promote the false narrative that Border Patrol agents were whipping Haitian migrants. The narrative surrounding the ‘horse whipping’ incident was grossly mischaracterized, serving to unjustly malign Border Patrol personnel. As a senior DHS employee, Wilson Osorio should be held to a higher standard and not post images that suggest his DHS colleagues are violently abusing migrants.”


MEN, WOMEN SUFFER DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AT ABOUT EQUAL RATES: That headline likely seems “off” because the standard media narrative for decades has put men in the position of virtually always being the guilty party in a domestic violence incident.

Well, time to re-think this one, according to a new study analyzed earlier this week by Wintery Knight, who explains three key points:

  • Scholars typically ignore violence against men committed by women: “However, there has been a paucity of studies on the severity and risk factors of IPV against men by female partners.”
  • Men and women commit domestic violence at roughly equal rates: “This study revealed that there is a symmetry in the experiences of physical violence between male and female victims.”
  • Men are the victims of more severe violence than women: “This study also revealed that male victims experience more severe violence than female victims.”

And thus another media myth bites the dust.

NOW IT’S HARRIS AND PLAGIARISM: The Washington Free Beacon’s Aaron Silbarium reports Vice-President Kamala Harris provided congressional testimony while serving as a San Francisco District Attorney, much of which was plagiarized from a Republican.

HARRIS HASN’T CLOSED THE DEAL WITH MANY DEMS: The results of the latest Insights & Issues/TIPP Poll may well help explain growing sense of panic exhibited among media and other backers of Vice-President Kamala Harris.

“Are Democrats part of that big swing? As our own I&I/TIPP Poll strongly suggests, a third of Democrats remain upset with the quality of their party’s candidate this year — and with the fact that they had no say in making Kamala Harris their candidate in the first place,” I&I reports.

FORMER SCHUMER, SCALISE AIDES LOBBYING FOR CHINESE MILITARY: Yes, you read that correctly. A Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) investigation turned up solid evidence that former aides for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) are lobbying on behalf of firms controlled by the Chinese military.

“Nick Sutter, for instance, spent seven years working for Democratic Washington Sen. Maria Cantwell between 2011 and 2018, plus an additional nine months in Schumer’s office.

“Now, Sutter is an associate at Steptoe LLP, a large corporate influence shop in D.C., and lobbied on behalf of the Chinese military company BGI Group in 2023, disclosures show. Cantwell serves as the chairwoman of the powerful Senate Commerce Committee,” DCNF reports.


WHERE FREE SPEECH IN AMERICA IS HEADED: Look no further than the United Kingdom if you want to see the destruction of Freedom of Speech and religious expression and practice here should the Harris-Waltz ticket win the November election, according to Wintery Knight.

WARNING! WARNING! Our federal government has been taken over by ‘Christian Nationalists’ determined to force everybody in America to sing ‘Shout to the Lord,’ attend Wednesday night Prayer Meetings, and bring casseroles to Baptist Potluck Dinners. You MUST check out the third and concluding part of my PJMedia series this week on the Faith of the Founders.

NON-CITIZEN VOTING IS NOT RARE: In fact, as is seen in the steadily accumulating evidence, there are tens of thousands of non-citizens who have previously registered and voted in Texas, Arizona, Nebraska and Oregon. And, as Issues & Insights points out, that’s just scratching the surface.


YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK: Leave it to the dedicated folks at Open the Books to keep digging deeply into the federal budget (as well as state and municipal budgets) and exposing more of the rottenness, despite so recently losing its founder, Adam Andrzejewski. See here as well.

You’ve likely never heard of the Department of Education’s Foreign Languages and Area Studies (FLAS) grants, but your tax dollars are funding more than $283 million since 2020 through the program, including $22.1 million to 12 major universities focused on the Middle East.

Among a number of the FLAS-funded programs on those campuses are professors who are blatantly teaching anti-semitism, encouraging violent demonstrations on behalf of the Hamas-dominated Palestinian population, and praising that terrorist group’s October 7, 2023, massacre of more than 1,200 Jews in Israel.


FREE SPEECH AT UCAL? The National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement at the University of California claims to stand for restoring appreciation on campus for the value of freedom of speech and thought. But, as James Rushmore reports today on Racket News, the center’s role in the despicable silencing of Dr. Scott Atlas during the Covid Pandemic points to a different conclusion.

THE FEDERALIST’S FORGOTTEN TRIO: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay were already well-known throughout America with publication of “The Federalist Papers,” owing to their respective roles in bringing about the Declaration of Independence and the writing of the Constitution. Their collected essays were critical to winning adoption of the proposed new government in New York and Virginia.

But Hamilton, Madison and Jay are undoubtedly just names to most Americans these days, thanks to the anti-American Left’s march through the institutions, especially on the college campuses and in the public schools. If the trio is known at all, it is most likely as tools of white oppression.

In fact, as I show in my PJMedia column today, Part 2 of 3 on America’s biggest secret — that the Christian faith helped shape the Founders understanding of individual liberty, republican government and the future of the country — Christianity wasn’t the only influence but it certainly was a decisive one.

Compared to a Patrick Henry, John Witherspoon or Benjamin Rush, the Federalist authors are not known, where they are still known at all today, as being especially “religious.”  Even so, check out today’s column for examples of how Hamilton, Madison and Jay viewed the Christian understanding of divine sovereignty in political affairs.

By the way, tomorrow’s third installment will demonstrate that this understanding of the important role of faith for the Founders is not even remotely related to the Talking Point trash the Left is peddling as “Christian Nationalism,” nor is it linked to the “dominionist” view espoused by some from among the Reformed tradition.

SPEAKING OF AMERICAN HISTORY: Check out HillFaith’s newest feature, “Faith of the Founders,” which once a week digs into the treasure trove of historical fact to recover gems illustrative of the faith that helped shape the founding generation’s understanding of individual liberty, the relationship of citizens to each other and their government, and the nation’s destiny.

Today’s entry gives an idea of how George Washington encouraged us all to treat one another. Probably sounds corny or naive to modern ears, but things would be so different in this country today if Washington’s advice was still heeded.

PUNCTURING THE ‘SOUTHERN STRATEGY’ MYTH: Don Surber addresses that perennial illusion trotted out every four years by Democrats and their media allies — the idea that 1964 GOP presidential nominee Barry Goldwater carried only his home state of Arizona and five Deep South states, thereby launching a fundamental realignment in American politics.

Those five Southern states were the anchor of the  “Solid South” that had been uniformly Democratic since the Civil War aka “the Late Unpleasantness.” Goldwater carrying them against LBJ supposedly signified the GOP becoming the favored party of bigots, KKKers, ignorant rednecks and fans of Jim Crow.

Not true — not even close to true — and the historical facts on the ground cited by Surber today prove it.

FORGOTTEN FACTS ABOUT THE LEBANESE ‘CIVIL WAR:’ The most basic of those forgotten facts is that it was not a civil war, it was a classic genocide conducted by Hezbollah against Lebanon’s historic Christian population. Richard Pollock has the gruesome facts from eyewitnesses and victims.

FRANKLIN GRAHAM TO HEAD FEMA: It would be such a drastic step down for him, but the Samaritan’s Purse founder and chief always seems to be several steps ahead of the bureaucrats at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

And, since FEMA is itself a bureaucratic disaster area of the first magnitude, I suggest in my latest PJMedia column, that perhaps it’s time to appeal to Graham to take a leave of absence for some public service?

EVERYTHING THEY TOLD YOU ABOUT COLUMBUS WAS BUNK: Rod Martin points out the crucial importance of two facts in understanding the significance of Columbus to the subsequent development of the New World.

First, the germs bearing the diseases brought to the New World by Columbus and subsequent Europeans, especially the Spanish, wiped out 80-90 percent of the native populations from Canada to Brazil. Much of North, Central and South America was unoccupied or only occasionally occupied.

Second, the Europeans didn’t even know about the existence of those germs bearing those diseases, therefore holding them responsible for “genocide of the Native inhabitants” is a myth used by power-hungry Leftist myth-makers to generate shame based on a whole sequence of derivative myths that are constantly used as a weapon against those feeling the shame.

Martin reprinted this essay that he originally penned in 2015 this weekend to commemorate Columbus Day on October 14. The facts Martin marshals are even more relevant today than they were in 2015.

TODAY HE’S CENSORED. TOMORROW IT’S YOU: Freedom of speech and thought either applies to everybody, including those with whom we disagree, or, sooner or later, it is enjoyed by nobody but the censors. Consider the case of Ball State University Physics Professor Eric Hedin.

HOW COULD THEY HAVE MISSED RYAN ROUTH? That is the question that demands answers after reading “From Hawaii to Florida: Tracing Ryan Routh’s Path to Attempted Trump Assassination,” by Janice Hisle, Samantha Pointer and Arjun Singh of The Epoch Times. You won’t find anywhere a more comprehensive, revelatory examination of the deranged man who was within a heartbeat of pulling the trigger and killing Donald Trump.

Here’s just one small vignette among the many details the reporting trio gathered in their deep-dive into Routh’s life, from humanitarian aid worker Chelsea Walsh, who may well have known the man better than anybody else:

“As a nurse, Walsh said she is trained to look for indicators of emotional, personality, or mental disorders. Walsh opined that she saw such signs in Routh, including a lack of empathy.

“When a panhandler insistently sought money, Routh’s reaction stunned her. ‘He kicked the homeless guy in the town square,’ she said. Yet Routh had repeatedly proclaimed that a desire to help his fellow man inspired him to travel to Ukraine, 8,000 miles from his transplanted home in Hawaii.”

Walsh was so disturbed by by what she knew of Routh that she returned to the U.S. from Ukraine and immediately spent an hour relaying her concerns to a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official:

“She recalls the official telling her that foreign issues were outside his agency’s purview; its work is limited to ‘threats to national security.’ To that, Walsh says she responded: ‘Well, then you guys need to keep an eye on Ryan Routh, because he’s a ticking time bomb. He’s coming back [to the U.S.], and he lives in Hawaii.’

“The official ‘kind of nodded,’ Walsh said. He took copies of Walsh’s ID and a notebook. ‘He said that he would pass the information on to, you know, whoever in the intelligence community,’ Walsh recalled.”

Go read the whole thing, you will, as Glenn says, want to just keep scrolling.


10 STATE ABORTION BALLOT INITIATIVES: the Washington Stand’s Ben Johnson lays out the stakes in the 10 states where pro-abortion activists have succeeded in getting ballot proposals extending abortion-on-demand through the ninth month.

HERE’S THE BOTTOM LINE ON BIDEN BORDER: New video on X has man in Arizona explaining to an illegal immigrant how he and his car full of friends can be registered to vote. Both of the guys in the video must have heard Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y) “saying the quiet part out loud.”

THIS IS NOT A WEIGHT LOSS PITCH: Did you know that every cell in your body contains six feet of DNA strands? And, since there are three trillion cells in your body, that means there are 18 trillion feet of DNA strands in each of us. Now that’s some serious irreducible complexity!  Check it out today on HillFaith.