Archive for 2022


The Dead Kennedys reference even fits:

“You’re a star-belly sneech, you suck like a leech,
You want everyone to act like you,
Kiss ass while you bitch so you can get rich,
But your boss gets richer off you.”

That’s pretty much the blue-check class in a nutshell.


OPEN THREAD: Comment ’em if you got ’em.

THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: Brooklyn Nets suspend Kyrie Irving in latest twist to antisemitism controversy.

“We were dismayed today, when given an opportunity in a media session, that Kyrie refused to unequivocally say he has no antisemitic beliefs, nor acknowledge specific hateful material in the film. This was not the first time he had the opportunity — but failed — to clarify.

“Such failure to disavow antisemitism when given a clear opportunity to do so is deeply disturbing, is against the values of our organization, and constitutes conduct detrimental to the team. Accordingly, we are of the view that he is currently unfit to be associated with the Brooklyn Nets. We have decided that Kyrie will serve a suspension without pay until he satisfies a series of objective remedial measures that address the harmful impact of his conduct and the suspension period served is no less than five games.”

The decision to suspend Irving came nearly a week after he posted a link to the film “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America.” The movie description on Amazon says the film “uncovers the true identity of the Children of Israel by proving the true ethnicity of Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, the Sons of Ham, Shem and Japheth. Find out what Islam, Judaism and Christianity has covered up for centuries in regards to the true biblical identity of the so-called ‘Negro’ in this movie packed with tons of research.”

More here: Nets suspend Kyrie Irving: ‘Currently unfit to be associated’ with team.

The documentary Irving promoted advances the anti-Semitic and false thesis that black people are the “chosen ones” from Israel and have been victimized by Jews. It lists “five major falsehoods” that Jews have perpetuated to retain power, including the Holocaust.

Irving said that some things in the documentary were “questionable” and “untrue.” Asked specifically what those things were, said, “I think some of the criticism of the Jewish faith and the community for sure.”

Some, but not all.

Brooklyn is one of the most Jewish communities in the country, with heavily orthodox neighborhoods including Borough Park and Williamsburg. Every time Irving was asked to address his beliefs towards the Jewish community, though, he gave an answer about racism in America.

“Where were you when I was a kid, figuring out that 300 million of my ancestors are buried in America?” Irving said. “Where were you guys asking those same questions when I was a kid learning about the traumatic events of my familial history and what I’m proud to come from and why I’m proud to stand here and why when I repeat myself that I’m not gonna stand down it has nothing to do with dismissing any other race and group of people. I’m just proud of my heritage and what we’ve been through.”

Irving was only allowed to speak for just over six minutes on Thursday before Nets PR cut the press conference short.

It did not take long after that for the Nets to realize their best option for the moment was to cut their losses.

From last year: Kyrie Irving Is Not A Role Model.

THE DRAMA OF THE GIFTED CHILD: Historian: America is about to die in darkness.

Beschloss isn’t even exactly an historian. He’s more a history popularizer, which I think is a perfectly acceptable vocation as long as you do a good job at it. I listen to Dan Carlin and Mike Duncan, and love them. So I don’t hold Beschloss’ lack of history credentials against him. As long as I can respect your intelligence and diligence, I will listen.

Beschloss doesn’t deserve my respect. He is a full blown MSNBC political hack peddling ridiculous lies to the credulous Left, using his shaky credentials as an historian to add a gloss of respectability to his fevered rants.

MSNBC presidential historian Michael Beschloss on Wednesday night warned that if Republican candidates win their races next week, American democracy and the free press could end, historians may no longer exist, and “our children” could all die at the hands of a “brutal authoritarian system.”*

President Joe Biden said in his Wednesday night speech that, in the upcoming midterms, “democracy itself is “at stake,” a message that MSNBC’s Chris Hayes and much of the media have been repeating for months. Hayes played clips from the speech, including the president saying that electing certain Republicans is a “path to chaos” — a comment with which Hayes clearly agreed.

* Well, he may be onto something there: Snuff Radio: NPR Airs Audio of Woman Getting Abortion With Vacuuming, Moaning & Crying.

Let’s change the channel to ABC, where I’m sure the gals on The View are exploring the current poll numbers in their usual calm, rational style: The View host Sunny Hostin says white women voting Republican is like ‘roaches voting for raid.’

You went full National Socialist, Sunny. Never go full National Socialist.

BOTTOM STORY OF THE DAY: CNBC Cancels Shepherd Smith. CNN’s Ratings Are Trash, Jake Tapper’s Ratings Are Trash, Don LeMon’s Ratings Are Trash, and Other News of the Usual.


During the Michigan gubernatorial debate on Oct. 25, GOP candidate Tudor Dixon related a story about a father coming up to her and telling her what he found in his son’s school library.

“I had a gentleman come up to me just a few nights ago and he said, ‘I found content in my school library describing how to have sex to my son,’” Dixon said in the clip of the debate.

“He said ‘just a few weeks ago, not only was I a Democrat, but I was running for office as a Democrat.’ He said because Democrats won’t stand up for our children and go back to the basics, ‘I’m leaving the Democratic Party,’” Dixon added.

Too good to check? Late-night host Stephen Colbert thought that Tudor had made the whole thing up. In his monologue the day after the debate, the comedian joked about the voter’s concerns about sexually explicit material in a school library.

“Dixon’s not the only one worried about this issue. So is this guy she totally made up,” Colbert said. “OK, fine, that happened,” he said sarcastically, using air quotes to drive home his skepticism.

But the concerned parent actually exists. And Colbert has egg all over his face.

Whew — good thing most viewers were watching Greg Gutfeld, so that Colbert doesn’t have to scream at his writing staff for letting him down.

BIBI’S BACK: Lapid Concedes in Israel, Paving Way for Netanyahu’s Return to Power. I love how the story admits that Netanyahu has held office longer than any other Israeli prime minister, which suggesting that his prime ministership is an unprecedented lurch to the right.

You know, if left-wing governments weren’t so consistently awful, maybe voters wouldn’t feel the need to lurch right.

WAIT, I THOUGHT THEY WERE BACKPEDALING ON WHETHER THE VACCINE PREVENTS INFECTION OR TRANSMISSION: Are the unvaccinated still a danger to the rest of us? But actually this article is pretty honest:

U.S. officials had long hoped to vaccinate the American public into a state of “herd immunity,” in which so few people would be vulnerable to the virus that the outbreak would simply sputter out. That objective assumed a uniformly high uptake of vaccine across the nation. It also assumed a vaccine that protected against reinfection, and did so durably.

But none of that came to pass.

I pretty much assume that I’m exposed somewhere every day now anyway. As for protection, well, I know someone personally who’s had 5 shots and is recovering from her third case of covid. If you want to get on your high horse about the “unvaccinated,” you need to be touting a vaccine that performs better. The covid vaccines were clearly oversold.

Plus: “While it’s a theoretical possibility, the unvaccinated are not prolific incubators of genetic variants. People with immune system deficiencies are much more likely to develop the long-running bouts of COVID-19 that can spawn new variants with concerning mutations, and most of them are vaccinated.”


Shot: CBS News lays out the criteria for you to be considered an ‘election denier.’

Twitchy, today.

Chaser: Bush Wins? Not As Democrat Dan Rather Sees It.

Katherine Harris may have certified George W. Bush as President-Elect last night, but don’t expect the liberal media to concede this official result any faster than their friends in the Gore campaign will. Last night in live coverage on CBS, Dan Rather identified Harris as a Republican at least six times, and questioned the finality of her finding at least ten times:

Rather began: “Nineteen days after the presidential election, Florida’s Republican Secretary of State is about to announce the winner — as she sees it and she decrees it — of the state’s potentially decisive 25 electoral votes. Katherine Harris will officially certify the state’s election returns…The believed certification — as the Republican Secretary of State sees it — is coming just hours after a court ordered deadline for counties to submit their hand count and recount totals.”

“The reason we’re on the air right across the board nationally right now is because Florida’s Secretary of State — a Republican, as we’ve mentioned before — campaigned actively for George Bush, well-connected to Governor Bush’s Governor brother Jeb Bush in Florida, but a woman who has consistently said ‘I’m trying to do my job, right down to the letter of the law, as best I can’…She will certify — as she sees it — who gets Florida’s 25 electoral votes. Those 25 electoral votes potentially will be decisive.”

Rather explained the signing: “What’s happening here is the certification — as the Florida Secretary of State sees it and decrees it — is being signed…After this, it will be, at least in the opinion of the Secretary of State, that the results will be final…The Secretary of State, as she has restated here, in effect believes that the election certification she gives should stand.”

—The Media Research Center, November 27th, 2000.

Or as America’s Newspaper of Record wrote in 2018: Florida Recount Finally Wraps Up, Al Gore Declared President.

HOUSE GOP INVESTIGATORS BETTER TOUGHEN UP: Because the Biden administration will spare nothing in the coming battles sparked by Republicans investigating Biden family corruption, political abuse of DOJ and the FBI, the crisis at the Southern border, Big Tech censorship and much, much more.

REMINDER: You are the carbon they want to reduce.

WOEING: Delays in Boeing’s New Air Force One Cause Costs to Pile Up for Shareholders, Taxpayers. “The Arlington, Va., aerospace company said it expects to lose $766 million more on the high-profile, years-late project to transform two 747-8 jumbo jets into flying White Houses, bringing its total losses related to the effort to nearly $2 billion, according to securities filings. The additional costs were part of a larger charge that led Boeing to report a $3.3 billion third-quarter loss.”


The facial expressions are just as crazy, though.


It’s always a “threat to democracy” when Dems are about to lose an election. That’s because “democracy” is just their term for “unchallenged Democratic power.”

MORE: MSNBC Drops 20% In Prime Time Key Demo.

ROVE: Biden is president thanks to an election denier, you know.

Karl Rove reminded viewers on Fox News Channel during an appearance on Wednesday that if it were not for the help he received from an election denier, Joe Biden wouldn’t be president today. Just hours before Biden’s spur-of-the-moment address to the nation about the threat to democracy that voting for Republicans will cause, Rove brought up a little nugget from the past about Rep. James Clyburn. Clyburn was an election denier before election deniers were cool.

Rove said that in 2005, Clyburn promoted a conspiracy theory that voting machines were switching votes for Democrat John Kerry to Republican incumbent President George W. Bush. I had forgotten that, but he’s right.

* * * * * * * *

Clyburn was instrumental in the election of Joe Biden as president in 2020. Biden was losing early primaries, unable to gain traction as a presidential candidate, and it was Clyburn who saved his bacon in South Carolina. Clyburn endorsed Biden and worked to get voters to support him. Biden won South Carolina’s primary, an important early primary win, and the rest is history.

Democrats: It’s different when we do it, for some reason.

HOW THE MEDIA TRAINS JOURNALISTS TO LIE: “By ‘ratioing’ NBC’s Dasha Burns for questioning John Fetterman’s health, her fellow journalists hid the truth from the public but exposed how they manufacture consent.”

THE ESSENTIAL WOKE PHILOSOPHY: I Feel, Therefore I Am. The novelist and religious historian Mark Goldblatt has written a short and savagely funny philosophical analysis of wokery. He imagines, for instance, today’s academics canceling Galileo because “astronomical observations privilege a specific Enlightenment view of the earth as an inanimate object hurtling through space rather than as a living, nurturing mother figure” and therefore “reinscribe the cultural hegemony of Europeans over communities of color.” A summary:

Advocates for Critical Race Theory, the Me Too movement, and transgender-recognition, often grouped under the umbrella term “Woke,” share more than a perpetual sense of grievance, an attraction to street theater, and an intense dislike of straight white guys who drink cheap beer and wear their baseball caps backward. They share a devotion to subjectivism. Their gathering principle is the idea that subjective belief, if it is heartfelt, trumps whatever objective, verifiable evidence may be brought against it. For these social justice warriors, if you sincerely and passionately believe an injustice is being done, then the effort to determine whether that belief corresponds with reality is a further injustice.

Read the whole thing.