Author Archive: Ed Driscoll

GAS PRICES: More decreases at pumps as nine states now have prices under $3 per gallon.

Gas prices fell yet again on Wednesday, continuing the recent trend of decreases at the pumps after the Labor Day weekend.

The national average price for a gallon of regular gas on Wednesday is $3.317, according to AAA. This is a drop from a week ago, when the average price for regular gas was $3.361 per gallon. Of particular note, nine states now have an average price for regular gas below $3 per gallon, the highest total number of states having such a cost in 2024. Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, and South Carolina have gas prices that plummeted to under that threshold.

Gas prices remain an important issue heading into the 2024 presidential election. With President Joe Biden deciding not to seek reelection, Vice President Kamala Harris, now the Democratic presidential nominee, will have to indicate how she will address the country’s high gas prices and energy costs and how both affect the economy and people’s finances.

While prices have fluctuated in 2024, they have decreased in recent weeks and months. Nevertheless, gas prices remain higher than when former President Donald Trump was in office.

Which ultimately, Kamala believes is a good thing, right? Harris campaign dodges over EV mandate walkback.

Harris’ campaign has sent contradictory signals about her position on a mandate for automakers — a key issue in pivotal Midwestern states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, where many autoworkers are based.

  • In a lengthy “fact-check” email last week that covered several issues, a campaign spokesperson included a line saying that Harris “does not support an electric vehicle mandate” — suggesting she changed her previous position, without elaborating.
  • On Aug. 28 Axios asked the Harris campaign to clarify her position, and whether she would sign or veto a bill she co-sponsored in 2019 that included such a mandate for manufacturers.
  • On Tuesday afternoon, Harris’ campaign ultimately declined to comment.

I’ll take that as a “she still supports her 2019 mandate,” but is declining to say so, since the DNC-MSM is happy not to actually get her on the record on any issue. Besides, she’s the vice president of an administration that has been pushing for higher gas prices since it took office, and is full of Obama retreads who pushed for higher gas prices even before Barry took office.

DANIEL HANNAN: How Long Until People Are Willing to Hear That Lockdown Wasn’t Worth It?

We have forgotten the taped-off playgrounds, the drones sent up to pursue solitary walkers, the police in Derbyshire pouring dye into a lake so it would be less of a beauty spot, and the ‘pingdemic’ — that bizarre period when people were self-diagnosing so that, if they could not take time off work they would self-diagnose as being all clear, and if they felt like a little time off they would claim to have been infected. We have crammed all of these into some remote corner of our memory. In fact, the very difficulty of those things became an argument for continuing. We got into the worst kind of sunk cost fallacy. In fact, the Secretary of State at the time explicitly used that argument: we have been through so much, so let us not let it all be for nothing.

By then, almost everything was pushed into a retrospective justification for the measures that we and other Governments — with one exception — had taken. If infections went up, everyone said, “Well, we can’t relax the restrictions. It would be extremely dangerous.” If they came down, everyone said, “Oh, it’s working. We just need to carry on with this.” People kept on saying, “Follow the science”, but the one thing that we were not doing was applying the normal scientific method. Karl Popper defines science as something that can be disproved, but woe betide you if you even asked the most basic questions at that time about whether there was proportionality. We already had the evidence by the end of April 2020 that Sweden had followed the same trajectory as everywhere else: that the infections had peaked and declined in a place where there were only the most minimal of measures, banning large meetings but otherwise relying on people to use their common sense.

That is what a scientific approach would have done. It would have said, “Consider the control in the experiment.” We had a laboratory-quality control there all along — we had a country that had stuck to the plan that we were panicked out of following.

What can we see about the results in Sweden? First, and most obviously, there is not a smoking crater where its economy used to be. In fact, Sweden suffered less of an economic hit in the pandemic than it did in the 2008 financial crisis. The Swedish budget was back in surplus by 2021 — imagine that. The last Government was done for by our selective amnesia about the cost of these lockdown measures and the current one will be too, because people still do not like to face the fact that for the better part of two years we paid people to stay at home, we borrowed from our future selves, and that money would eventually need to be paid back.

What if it was all for nothing? Let us ask the question: what price did Sweden pay for sparing its economy? At the time we were told that there would be an almost civilisational collapse there. I remember the Sun had the headline, ‘Heading for disaster’, while the Guardian’s was, ‘Leading us to catastrophe’. The argument was not that Sweden might end up with a slightly better or worse death rate than other countries, it was that this would be an outlier by any measure — that there would be bodies piled up in the streets.

Remember in 2020 and 2021 when the left thought mass lockdowns were so cool, they could solve a myriad of other problems as well? I remember: Are you ready for the climate lockdowns?

WHOOPS: Guessing CNN Won’t Be Calling THEM Any Time Soon: Tim Walz Family in Nebraska Voting for Trump.

The media love, love, love to bring on people like Mary Trump, Donald Trump’s niece, and use her opposition to her uncle as some sort of proof that Mary is a good person and ORANGE MAN BAD because his niece doesn’t like them. They did the same thing with the Kennedy family and their condemnation of RFK Jr. (both when he ran as an independent and when he endorsed Trump).

But now that Tim Walz’s brother, Jeff Walz, has come out against the Democratic VP nominee, will he get the Mary Trump treatment?

We doubt it.

We also doubt the rest of the Walz clan will be hearing from CNN/MSNBC/ABC News any time soon:

One benefit of Walz being tapped by Harris is it does allow us to touch base again with a viral figure from late 2016 through early 2017:

MATT WELCH: When Biden’s ‘Bubble Wrap’ Burst. Harris Helped Cover Up Biden’s Decline. Will She Face Consequences?

The political/media establishment that lied to you about President Joe Biden will lie to you about the new Democratic nominee Kamala Harris.

When Special Counsel Robert Hur in February declined to prosecute Biden over his technically illegal mishandling of classified documents, in part because a prospective jury would be disinclined to convict an “elderly man with a poor memory” who has “diminished faculties in advancing age,” the reaction from the White House was swift and terrible.

“They don’t know what they’re talking about,” the president snapped to reporters that evening. “My memory is fine.” (Alas, not fine enough to prevent Biden at that same brief press conference from mixing up the presidents of Egypt and Mexico and falsely accusing Hur of bringing up during questioning the subject of his son Beau’s death.)

Hur’s assessment of the president’s memory, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre charged the next day, was “gratuitous,” “unacceptable,” and “does not live in reality.”

But the most over-the-top administration attack on the Department of Justice messenger, and on a message that would be so undeniable by July that Biden felt impelled to drop out of the presidential race, came from Harris.

“The way that the president’s demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and [is] clearly politically motivated,” Harris claimed at a community forum the day after Hur’s report. “We should expect that there would be a higher level of integrity than what we saw.”

We Americans have, through soul-deadening experience, come to expect a piddling level of integrity from our elected officials, particularly as they push ever higher up the greasy pole of political power. What makes Harris’ February brazenness all the more difficult to digest this fall is the knowledge that an entire swath of allegedly truth-seeking individuals and institutions will be enthusiastically abetting the Democratic nominee’s attacks on veracity, much as they disgraced themselves by doing the same with her boss.

Read the whole thing.

WE’RE BEING A BAD INFLUENCE ON THE BRITS ONCE AGAIN: Americanisms are poisoning our language.

Given that this is (for the British) a relatively new phenomenon requiring a new vocabulary, this is hardly a problem: but when such phrases appear in other contexts, it represents a fundamental change in how we use our language, and a needless substitution of a perfectly serviceable form of English by a foreign strain. One can view this as simply a generational change, as young people use without any critique a form of English that seems alien to their parents; or, as with “corporatespeak”, see evidence of a form of cultural conquest.

What the British must decide is whether they are willing to submit to that conquest – or to stand against it.

Language is intensely political. In the decades after the Norman Conquest all official business in England was done in the Conqueror’s version of French.

That language made a permanent contribution to English but, within 200 years, medieval English had asserted itself as the tongue used by both the administrative class and by those they ruled.

Such behaviour is not unique to the English: Gaelic is taught in Irish schools as a reminder that the indigenous population has always had a culture of its own, rooted in a language of its own.

Since Russia’s attack on Ukraine in 2022, the people it has attempted to conquer have striven to free their own language from Russian influences.

Perhaps because we have not been physically conquered by the Americans we see no problem with our willingly adopting their version of English in place of ours. But what our increasingly willing talk of “train stations”, “doubling down”, “starting over” and feeling “obligated” signifies is that the distinctions our language has long maintained from other versions of English are rapidly dying.

What tosh; no need to be so passremarkable about the topic, old chap!

OLD AND BUSTED: Dungeons and Dragons promotes Satanism!

The New Hotness? Dungeons and Dragons promotes conservatism! How Dungeons & Dragons Made Me a Conservative.

Perhaps the most conservative rule that D&D taught me is that change isn’t always good. I started playing with the first-edition rules, and even today, I won’t bother with anything past second-edition rules. Game overlords Wizards of the Coast is introducing the sixth version of D&D’s canonical rules after ruining the game with versions 3, 3.5, 4 and, worst of all, version 5. Stick to the classics! There are other lessons I learned – that taxes are painful, that governments are riddled with corruption and that people’s motives aren’t always angelic.

I am sure you could learn liberal things from D&D too. NPR ran a story by a man my age who immersed himself in the game as a closeted gay teen. D&D is what you make of it. Indeed, in my hometown of Omaha, Nebraska, there’s a liberal group playing the game in an LGBTQ+-themed world of their imagination. There’s plenty of research showing that role-playing is good for your mental health and a cure for loneliness.

Break out your twenty-sided dice and read the whole thing.



This morning, polling analyst Nate Silver wrote eloquently about his own doubts concerning the 2024 race, given that his celebrated model narrowly gives Trump the advantage in November despite Kamala’s current nominal lead in the polls. After all, this is a race without precedent, and things won’t really have settled down until after the debate has been processed. But if you read his explanation — and take note of his reservations — his reasoning for why the race teeters on a knife-edge but structurally favors Trump not only makes sense but also explains why Harris is hiding from cameras and pointing at shiny objects.

For the polling right now — especially given Trump’s twice-demonstrated habit of sharply outperforming his averages — points to a replay of 2016 rather than 2020, and there is still yet time for a further descent by Harris from what now looks like her already dubious peak. The focus on non-stories like the Arlington Cemetery visit, or the “hot mic” kerfuffle last week, are evidence enough that the “vibes” of July and August are dissipating away internally as Harris and Walz awaken to the ugly reality that, for all their blustery optimism and aggressively vague campaign positioning, they’re still not winning Pennsylvania, Georgia, or North Carolina in their internal polling.

Don Surber adds:

But the ace in the hole for Democrats is FJB who joined a rally in Pittsburgh on Monday. By ace, I mean deuce.

Jeff Carlson tweeted, “There’s only one reason they’ve pulled Joe back from his beach retirement. The internal polling for Dems must be a shitstorm.”

Ed Morrissey writes: Harris Scrambling to Defend Blue States.

These may be fundraising trips with campaign events tossed in, but it’s still notable. Harris hasn’t been the candidate long enough for Tier 2 appearances, so to speak; she needs to concentrate on battlegrounds. If the whole campaign is spending this much time on these states now, that may be a signal of desperation.

Don’t get cocky.

GENTLEMEN, YOU CAN’T COMMIT JOURNALISM HERE, THIS IS A NEWSROOM! Journalist Olivia Nuzzi punished by Bloomberg for article about Biden health cover up.

Journalist Olivia Nuzzi had the rollout of her new show killed by Bloomberg after she published an article on Joe Biden‘s declining condition, according to a bombshell report.

The New York Magazine reporter was the target of an online campaign after she wrote about efforts by Democrats to conceal Biden’s deteriorating condition in a July article titled, The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden.

Semafor reports that Bloomberg had planned a splashy rollout for Nuzzi’s show, Working Capital, but abruptly cancelled them after the article came out and some Democrats demanded her firing.

Nuzzi’s critics called a racist, sharing tweets from the Obama administration where Nuzzi mocked those who questioned whether the former president was really born in the US.

Nuzzi confirmed Semafor’s reporting, telling the outlet she was not surprised, but nevertheless disappointed by Bloomberg’s’ decision.

But she shouldn’t be at all surprised:

Timing is everything though. George Clooney was wildly praised a week later for writing about Biden’s declining health in a New York Times column.

IT’S THE DEMOGRAPHY, STUPID: The global fertility crisis is already here.

For anyone tempted to try to predict humanity’s future, Paul Ehrlich’s 1968 book The Population Bomb is a cautionary tale. Feeding on the then popular Malthusian belief that the world was doomed by high lbirth rates, Ehrlich predicted: “In the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death.” He came up with drastic solutions, including adding chemicals to drinking water to sterilize the population.

Ehrlich, like many others, got it wrong. What he needed to worry about was declining birth rates and population collapse. Nearly sixty years on, many predict the world will soon reproduce at less than the replacement rate.

But by my calculations, we’re already there. Largely unnoticed, last year was a landmark one in history. For the first time, humans aren’t producing enough babies to sustain the population. If you’re fifty-five or younger, you’re likely to witness something humans haven’t seen for 60,000 years, not during wars or pandemics: a sustained decrease in the world population.

Don’t worry though — Yahoo says that’s for the best: America is facing a diaper crisis, and the anti-abortion movement is making it worse.

(Classical reference in headline.)

“HEADING:” We’re Heading for Civilizational Collapse — Social Psychologist Jonathan Haidt (Video).


The NFL Now: NFL fans FUME as Taylor Swift appears more than anyone in promo for 2024 season… but star quarterbacks Joe Burrow and Brock Purdy are left out.

OPEN THREAD: All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dream with open eyes, to make the Labor Day Open Thread possible.

JUAN WILLIAMS: Kamala Harris is ready to lead our military.

The Taliban smile: Taliban parade US military vehicles, weapons to celebrate 3 years in power, AP reports.

I imagine it was quite a lengthy parade:

Flashback: Harris says she had key role in Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal decision. The vice president confirmed she was the last person in the room before Biden made the decision to move forward with withdrawing U.S. troops.

JAMES LILEKS: We all know what Labor Day means.

Nothing changed. The calendar is just a bunch of sticks we arrange over the turning earth. What’s the difference between 08/31 and 09/01?  The calendar speaks truth, though. Something has changed.

Summer is when you know for certain that tomorrow will be summer, too. We no longer have that assurance.

Fall is when you know for certain that summer is gone for good. You bask in the wan light, marvel at the new beauty, smile at the prospect of a warm Halloween, all the time newly reminded of the brutal truths to come. As much as we love it, Fall loses interest in our company, moves out in the night,  and leave behind an empty house. Not yet, though! Not yet. That’s the marvelous quality of Labor day. It’s all over tomorrow, perhaps. But not today.

Read the whole thing.

FAKE BUT ACCURATE: Philadelphia Eagles street posters endorsing Kamala Harris are “counterfeit political ads,” team says.

A poster that’s popping up around the city of Philadelphia alleges the Eagles have officially endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris which has left the Birds to debunk the rumors.

The posters have been spotted on 16th and Spring Garden streets, 18th Street and JFK Boulevard, and 34th and Walnut streets in Philadelphia. The poster pictured below at 16th and Spring Garden streets was later removed Monday afternoon.

The poster shows Vice President Kamala Harris holding a football while wearing a black Philadelphia Eagles jersey and signature Eagles green helmet. The poster is captioned “Kamala official candidate of the Philadelphia Eagles” and has the URL printed underneath the caption.

The link takes you to an Eagles voting webpage that shows past Pennsylvania and New Jersey primary election voting deadlines from the spring. It also provides helpful links for first-time voters, polling locations, and guidelines on voting registration and requesting a ballot.

But the Philadelphia Eagles are saying they didn’t cosign the creation, calling the street art, “counterfeit political ads” that they’re working to remove.

Related: Question Asked And Answered:

Well, yes, sort of: Philadelphia Eagles Owner Jeffrey Lurie Laments ‘Disastrous’ Trump Presidency.

Jeffrey Lurie, the owner of the Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles, called the Trump presidency “disastrous” in secretly recorded audio obtained by The New York Times. The revelation comes as the Eagles are likely set to visit the White House for the team’s Super Bowl celebration with the president. “Another fact I want to throw out there: Many of us have no interest in supporting President Trump,” Lurie said, adding that “many of us” view that Trump presidency as “disastrous.” Lurie has encouraged his players’ efforts to highlight social injustices through the “kneeling” protests that gripped much of the National Football League last season.

—The Daily Beast, April 23rd, 2018.

The Eagles’ name and logo were inspired by an earlier Democrat’s unconstitutional National Recovery Act: The Other NRA (Or How the Philadelphia Eagles Got Their Name).

Slate, May 22nd, 2013.