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Let’s start by noting the irony of Kennedy’s support for someone who is as dedicated to the destruction of Israel and to defaming the Jewish people as Waters. His father was, after all, murdered by Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian Arab who claimed that his crime was revenge for Bobby Kennedy’s support for the State of Israel. Though, ignoring all the evidence, RFK Jr. doesn’t believe Sirhan killed his father and wants him freed, a bizarre stand that may, at least in part, help to explain his willingness to embrace Waters.

The timing of the tweet was also appalling.

It came just as Waters was being assailed by critics for a performance in Germany, of all places, where he added images of Anne Frank and dressed in a black costume with red armbands that while reminiscent of his “The Wall” days looked very much like an SS uniform. The Pink Floyd star has long been known for peddling conspiracies involving fictional Israeli crimes against humanity and his hostility to Jews, even as he denies being an antisemite. Not to mention employing antisemitic imagery in his past shows, such as flying a pig balloon with a Star of David.

But his new tour, launched in Berlin, in which he compares Frank to Palestinians allegedly killed by Israel and fires a fake gun, made headlines around the world and caused a new round of denunciations for his offensive conduct. It also generated an investigation from German authorities since in that country any use of Nazi imagery is against the law.

So for Kennedy to tweet what he did was shocking. He wrote: “Roger You are the global hero Orwell had in mind when he said, ‘In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act’ The high priests of the totalitarian orthodoxies are trying to silence you with censorship, gaslighting and defamation. Please keep speaking truth to power!”

Read the whole thing.

THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: ‘A Voice of Truth:’ Kamala Harris Praises Unrepentant Anti-Semite Al Sharpton.

What happened? Vice President Kamala Harris praised one of America’s most prominent anti-Semites during a speech in New York on Friday.

It was Al Sharpton, wasn’t it? Correct. Al Sharpton, the notorious race hustler best known for instigating the Crown Heights riots—one of the worst outbursts of anti-Semitic violence in American history that inspired slogans such as “Let’s get the Jew!” and “Hitler didn’t finish the job.”

What’d she say? “Rev, I love you [maniacal laughter],” Harris said at the National Action Network convention in Manhattan. “No matter where you are, you are always a voice of truth speaking about the importance of justice for all people. You are part of the conscience of our country.”

Why’d she say it? Sharpton has successfully reinvented himself as a “respectable” “mainstream” race hustler—who hosts his own show on MSNBC—and is one of the most influential figures within the Democratic Party and media establishment.

Nice Axios parody by the Washington Free Beacon, by the way.

THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: Cori Bush’s Bodyguard Says He Can’t Be Anti-Semitic Because He’s a Jewish High Priest.

Davis, who claims he is a 109 trillion-year-old spiritual guru named Aha Sen Piankhy, demanded the Free Beacon retract a report on his relationship with Bush and history of advancing anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Davis, a former member of the vehemently anti-Semitic New Black Panther Party, said it’s impossible for him to be anti-Semitic because he himself is a member of the Tribe of Issachar, one of the lost tribes of Israel.

“That makes me Hebrew. How can I be anti-Semitic?” Davis asked the Free Beacon, adding “You’re literally dealing with the priesthood, literally.”


THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: The Vanishing — The erasure of Jews from American life.

Asian Americans have the dignity of looking at admissions practices and demanding fair representation. The Jews, as ever, are a people apart. From civil rights to Vietnam to the spectacular bounty of their cultural and political achievements, liberal Jewish boomers always managed to be on the right side of history. It is a supreme irony that they’ve helped empower a movement that now places their children and grandchildren on the wrong side.

If Putin or Orban reduced their universities’ Jewish populations by 50%, the ADL would be howling. But Harvard and Yale can magically lose nearly half their Jewish students in less than a decade and we’ll take it on the chin. That this is occurring with the full acquiescence of a terrified liberal Jewish establishment should tell you just how much power Jews in America still have.

Read the whole thing.

THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: Meet the Anti-Semitic Spiritual Guru on Cori Bush’s Payroll.

He claims he can summon tornadoes at will, cause earthquakes with his hate, and conduct blood rituals to bring ruin upon his enemies. An intergalactic master of psychic self-defense born 109 trillion years ago, his days, he says, are now spent tending to his crops and spreading anti-Semitic conspiracies.

Nathaniel Davis III also happens to be Rep. Cori Bush’s (D., Mo.) close friend and her highest-paid private security guard.

Davis has earned over $137,000 providing “security services” for Bush since 2020, according to FEC filings, the latest of which showed disbursements of $5,000 in Dec. 2022. Using dozens of social media posts, including photos and videos that show Davis with Bush, the Washington Free Beacon has confirmed that Davis is in fact a St. Louis, Missouri, spiritual guru known as Aha Sen Piankhy who teaches classes on how to read minds, summon mythical beings, and maintain urban gardens—to avoid having to buy food from the Jews.

Davis, a former member of the vehemently anti-Semitic New Black Panther Party, is a natural fit for Bush, who has a history of associating with anti-Semites. She spent years working with anti-Israel activist Neveen Ayesh, who has said she wants to burn Jews alive. A vocal supporter of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, Bush is a close ally of her fellow Squad member, anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.).

As Glenn has joked, getting Bush, AOC and the rest of “the squad” elected was Roger Stone’s last and greatest political dirty trick.

THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: The Ilhan Omar vote is a turning point for American Jews.

Seen only in the context of the struggle between America’s two major political parties, the House of Representatives’ vote to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from the Foreign Relations Committee is not a historic turning point. It is merely the latest evidence that the once largely polite battles between Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill have escalated into a full-blown culture war.

But while it is possible to frame House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s making good on his pledge to oust Omar from her seat on Foreign Relations, as well as to evict Reps. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) from the House Intelligence Committee, as simply a matter of revenge for the Democrats’ moves against GOP members in the last Congress, it is actually a deeply significant moment in the history of both American Jewry and the struggle against antisemitism.

By punishing Omar for her blatant antisemitism, the GOP majority is making an important statement about what is and is not acceptable political discourse in Congress. But by rallying around Omar, as the Democrats have done, her party is sending an even louder message: that one of America’s two major parties now considers its allegiance to intersectional ideology and racial identity politics to outweigh any concerns many of them might still have about normalizing antisemitism on Capitol Hill.

That’s not at all surprising from a party that pledges quadrennial fealty to Al Sharpton.

THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: Yet Again, George Washington University Permits Antisemitism From Faculty.

Last week, the pro-Israel organization, StandWithUs, filed a complaint with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights on behalf of Jewish and Israeli students enrolled in GW’s professional psychology program.

The complaint elucidates persistent anti-Semitic actions by a vile creature called Lara Sheehi, who also specializes in “anti-oppressive theories” and calls herself “anti-fascist.” She facilitates the program’s mandatory course, and last semester, Sheehi regularly singled out Jewish students solely for their identity.

Sheehi also invited a guest speaker who used anti-Semitic stereotypes about Jews being deceitful and power-hungry. A rabid Palestinian activist, Sheehi endorsed using violence against Israeli civilians and called all Israelis “fucking racist.” When some students complained about the open bigotry they encountered in the classroom, Sheehi predictably denied the allegations and, like any dishonest gaslighting goon, claimed the students were guilty of targeting other “identity groups.”

So much for safe spaces on campus when it comes to Jew-bashing.

Read the whole thing.

THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: De Niro, Spike Lee, Josh Alexander, AP, Rehabilitate Crown Heights Pogrom’s Leader.

It appears no one today recalls [Al] Sharpton’s role in the attack on Crown Height’s Jews and the killing of Yankel Rosenbaum. According to the sworn testimony of then-Crown Heights resident Efraim Lipkind, Sharpton showed up before the riots. “Then we had a famous man, Al Sharpton, who came down, and he said Tuesday night, kill the Jews, two times. I heard him, and he started to lead a charge across the street to Utica,” Lipkind testified

(How Al Sharpton Inflamed The Crown Heights Riot and How The Media Lied).

For three days, local African and Caribbean Americans who were joined by others from outside the neighborhood rioted in Crown Heights, and the Jews hid indoors lest they meet the same fate as Rosenbaum. On the third day of the pogrom, Al Sharpton led a march chanting, “No Justice, No Peace!”, “Death to the Jews!”, and “Whose streets? Our streets!” The mob burned an Israeli flag.

“Loudmouth” executive producer John Legend told the audience about Sharpton’s attempt to smear NY City detectives: “It just makes you realize that anybody who’s making noise for justice, especially for an oppressed minority, is always going to be treated as persona non grata in society. They’re always going to be unpopular to an extent because they’re fighting to disturb a status quo that protects a lot of people.”

That’s how Sharpton was cleared of his shameful attempt to subvert justice in the Tawana Brawley case. Sharpton’s former aide, Perry McKinnon, said that Sharpton and attorneys Alton Maddox and Vernon Mason didn’t care about Brawley and were using the case to, as he had heard Sharpton say, make them “the biggest n***ers in New York.”

Spike Lee said “Loudmouth” should be shown in schools. “You have to show that racism doesn’t really have a particular Zip code,” he said.
Speaking of Zip codes, I searched the AP story for any mention of the Crown Heights pogroms, preparing myself for the sage way the Jewish filmmaker from California absolved this renowned Jew-hater of responsibility. I didn’t have to concern myself: there’s nothing in the AP report about those three days of infamy.

Related: MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough* promotes forthcoming flattering doc about antisemitic race hustler Al Sharpton.

Flashback: Al Sharpton: Power Dem.

* Past performance is no guarantee of future results: Watch: In 2000, Congressman Joe Scarborough Thought Rev. Al Sharpton Was a Racist and Bigot.

THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: Brooklyn Nets suspend Kyrie Irving in latest twist to antisemitism controversy.

“We were dismayed today, when given an opportunity in a media session, that Kyrie refused to unequivocally say he has no antisemitic beliefs, nor acknowledge specific hateful material in the film. This was not the first time he had the opportunity — but failed — to clarify.

“Such failure to disavow antisemitism when given a clear opportunity to do so is deeply disturbing, is against the values of our organization, and constitutes conduct detrimental to the team. Accordingly, we are of the view that he is currently unfit to be associated with the Brooklyn Nets. We have decided that Kyrie will serve a suspension without pay until he satisfies a series of objective remedial measures that address the harmful impact of his conduct and the suspension period served is no less than five games.”

The decision to suspend Irving came nearly a week after he posted a link to the film “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America.” The movie description on Amazon says the film “uncovers the true identity of the Children of Israel by proving the true ethnicity of Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, the Sons of Ham, Shem and Japheth. Find out what Islam, Judaism and Christianity has covered up for centuries in regards to the true biblical identity of the so-called ‘Negro’ in this movie packed with tons of research.”

More here: Nets suspend Kyrie Irving: ‘Currently unfit to be associated’ with team.

The documentary Irving promoted advances the anti-Semitic and false thesis that black people are the “chosen ones” from Israel and have been victimized by Jews. It lists “five major falsehoods” that Jews have perpetuated to retain power, including the Holocaust.

Irving said that some things in the documentary were “questionable” and “untrue.” Asked specifically what those things were, said, “I think some of the criticism of the Jewish faith and the community for sure.”

Some, but not all.

Brooklyn is one of the most Jewish communities in the country, with heavily orthodox neighborhoods including Borough Park and Williamsburg. Every time Irving was asked to address his beliefs towards the Jewish community, though, he gave an answer about racism in America.

“Where were you when I was a kid, figuring out that 300 million of my ancestors are buried in America?” Irving said. “Where were you guys asking those same questions when I was a kid learning about the traumatic events of my familial history and what I’m proud to come from and why I’m proud to stand here and why when I repeat myself that I’m not gonna stand down it has nothing to do with dismissing any other race and group of people. I’m just proud of my heritage and what we’ve been through.”

Irving was only allowed to speak for just over six minutes on Thursday before Nets PR cut the press conference short.

It did not take long after that for the Nets to realize their best option for the moment was to cut their losses.

From last year: Kyrie Irving Is Not A Role Model.

THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY* CONTINUES APACE: Adam Kinzinger Unravels In Bizarre, Embarrassing Rant After Critic Hits Close to the Mark.

Entrepreneur David Sacks who has been supportive of Republican candidates called out Kinzinger for his profile in which he claimed he was “country first” but then bragged about being a part of “NAFO” a “foreign propaganda organization (NAFO) which was founded by a neonazi. Can things get any crazier?”

What is NAFO? Here’s what the account “Defense of Ukraine” — a Ukrainian government account — says.

So he’s spending his time defending Ukraine on Twitter and accusing people of being Kremlin trolls on behalf of Ukraine? That could be a problem if he’s acting as an agent of Ukraine. And a group Sacks claims was “founded by a neonazi”? What is Adam doing?

Sacks’ tweet caused Kinzinger to lose his mind.

“David, whose last name is Sacks, claims #nafo is a foreign propaganda organization,” Kinzinger said. “Well there SACKS, much better than under the influence of Russian propaganda. Sacks. #NAFOarticle5”

It looked like he hashtagged it to try to sic people on Sacks, attacking him over his name and accusing him of being under the influence of Russia.

Sacks didn’t take it lying down and asked Kinzinger if he had an issue with people with Jewish names.

It’s been quite a month for the future MSNBC or CNN pundit: Adam Kinzinger’s bizarre rantings – Baseballcrank, pro-lifers, and Putin – Oh my!

* And its camp followers.

THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: Nury Martinez leak reveals insults about Jews, Armenians too.

In the same leaked audio clips posted to Reddit in which former Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez made racist remarks about Black people and Oaxacans, she also made crude remarks about Jewish people and Armenians.

Martinez said Tuesday that she would take a leave of absence from the City Council, two days after a recording surfaced on which she was heard deriding some of her colleagues and making racist remarks. Martinez stepped down as City Council president Monday.

In the recording reviewed by The Times, Martinez can be heard saying the “judíos” — which means Jews in Spanish — “cut their deal with South L.A.”

Martinez was responding to former Los Angeles County Federation of Labor President Ron Herrera, who had concluded, “I’m sure Katz and his crew have an agenda,” referring to former state Assemblymember Richard Katz.

Katz served on the city’s 21-member redistricting commission that worked on council district boundary maps. He was an appointee of City Councilman Bob Blumenfield.

“They are gonna screw everybody else,” Martinez said in the recording.

Martinez “announced she is taking a leave of absence Tuesday amid ongoing calls for her resignation after a recording revealing racist and offensive remarks was released over the weekend.” She “stepped down from her role as council president on Monday but did not leave her seat on the council, which has prompted backlash among those who want her out.”


The real issue here is discrimination, not speech. By adopting anti-Jewish bylaw provisions, these groups are restricting their successors from cooperating with pro-Israel speakers and groups. In this way, the exclusionary bylaws operate like racially restrictive covenants, precluding minority participation into perpetuity.

Universities should not have to be legally compelled to do what is obviously right. Anti-Zionist policies would still be monstrously immoral, even if they were not also unlawful. The students should be ashamed of themselves. As should grownups who stand quietly by or mutter meekly about free speech as university spaces go as the Nazis’ infamous call, judenfrei. Jewish-free.

But remember, Giorgia Meloni is the real fascist.


Sadly and tragically, Burns stumbles by leaving us confused as to whether the moral peril is confined only to those who are identifiably on the right.

This is most pronounced in the final episode of his series, when he directly preaches his lesson. He shows vivid and affective images in the screen of neo-Nazi types doing their thing in all its squalid ugliness. Here they are in Charlottesville, Virginia, wearing Nazi tattoos and screaming in full paranoiac breakdown mode about not being replaced. Here they are among the crowds on Jan. 6, waving violently anti-Semitic signs.

Fair enough. If this doesn’t concern every conservative, then we are in trouble.

But where was a focus on Louis Farrakhan, in one of any number of obscene, Jew-baiting moments? Here is a powerful leader who is unabashedly anti-Semitic and who is powerful enough to subvert politicians to his purposes — that is, he’s effective and dangerous. Why was he not featured? The best guess is that Burns’ politics obscured his vision here.

Where was a showing of Jewish campus groups’ meetings being broken up, Nazi-style, by organized groups dedicated to the destruction of the country where the world’s largest Jewish population lives? Where is a clip of powerful Democrat politicians, publicly embraced by Democrat leadership, spouting anti-Semitic tropes on the House floor and in speeches — Omar, Tlaib, Pressley, and other lesser lights? Where is the focus on the leftist ideologies that identify Jews as a class to be colonialists and white supremacists, and therefore worthy objects of mobbing, exclusion, and even violence?

Furthermore, Burns willingly and powerfully equates the denial of asylum to European Jews facing Hitler’s annihilation machine to today’s attempt to any organized control of America’s borders. Can one really make a moral equation? Is assuring that we can weed out the drug runners, human traffickers, and gang members from those seeking political asylum equivalent to denying shelter to Jews fleeing the gas chambers? Is it moral to conflate the two? This is mere political propaganda, an imposture of moral authority rather than the real thing. It contaminates and poisons the moral message.

Just think of Burns as a Democratic Party operative with director’s credit, and his “no enemies to the left” attitude makes perfect sense.

Earlier: Ken Burns’ Angry New Film.

THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: Top Israeli Daily’s Exposé Paints Troubling Picture of New York Times’ Israel Coverage. “Not only does The New York Times seem to pay an inordinate amount of attention to Israel — but, from an examination of its Israel-related articles published in the first half of 2022, the publication seems to hold a predominantly negative view of the Jewish state. Of the 118 pieces written about Israel, 53% portrayed Israel in a negative light, 34% were neutral, and only 13% were positive.”