THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE FAR LEFT CONTINUES APACE: Israeli official slams Greta Thunberg after she backs Palestinians in Gaza.

In reaction, Arye Sharuz Shalicar, spokesman for the Israeli army, told POLITICO: “Whoever identifies with Greta in any way in the future, in my view, is a terror supporter.”

He added: “Because what Greta is doing, that she is now showing solidarity with Gaza while not saying a word about the massacres of Israelis, shows that she is actually not in favor of the Palestinians, but that she is sweeping the terror of the Palestinians or Hamas and Islamic Jihad under the table as if it did not exist.”

Arye Sharuz Shalicar later apologized for his remarks about Thunberg supporters and said, “I spoke out of a deep sense of pain and my words do not reflect my personal views or those of the IDF.”

Too bad — he got it right the first time: Greta Thunberg, milkshake duck.

It seems in Greta’s zeal to show her support for Palestinians, she accidentally included an antisemitic stuffed animal. Don’t you hate it when that happens to you? Cockburn is always embarrassed when he inadvertently includes antisemitic imagery laying around his house and it somehow finds its way into tweets supporting groups dedicated to wiping out a Jewish state. Happens to the best of us!

Heh, indeed.