KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEFING: Let’s Take Some Time to Remember Why We Despise the Leftmedia. “A two-sentence headline, neither of which have any truth in them. That’s a real commitment to prevarication. If there were any editors with an ounce of decency in them at Politico, the first sentence would have been laughed away. The second one is a real hot mess of a lie, as the protests are not at all anti-war. They are anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. Politico is running interference for modern day Nazis.”

I BELIEVE THIS: European Opposition to Trump Is Heavily Overstated. A lawyer friend in Europe says that as an American, she’s approached regularly by Europeans who tell her they hope Trump succeeds and that Europe needs a dose of the same medicine.

THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT: High school seniors reject Columbia over campus chaos: ‘Why would you want to go there?’

Over the next month, high school seniors across the country will find out whether or not they got into their first-choice college. But for some students who had dreamed of going to Columbia University, acceptance suddenly doesn’t sound so hot.

“If you were to compare Columbia with virtually any Ivy League, virtually any other Ivy League will win [in terms of desirability with students] — and even non-Ivies like Duke, Emory and Washington [University] in St. Louis,” college admissions consultant and Command Education CEO Christopher Rim told The Post.

One 21-year-old from Sydney, Australia, who asked to withhold his name for fear of retribution, is on the fence over whether or not to attend Columbia. As an Israeli citizen, he originally applied so he could represent his community.

“I thought that being a Jew on campus could be empowering in a sense, kind of like sticking the middle finger to some people, by advocating on campus and demonstrating for Israel,” he told The Post.

But as illegal protests have continued to ramp up, he’s grown increasingly concerned, to the point that receiving his acceptance letter on March 1 wasn’t the thrill he’d envisioned: “I guess what has me second guessing is, How dangerous is it on campus? Will professors grade me differently if I’m outspoken about Israel?”

His family is strongly opposed to his attending Columbia. “They are like, ‘Why would you want to go there? It sounds like hell. It’s not worth the money to be discriminated against,’” he said.


ICYMI: BAD FAITH IS HIS MIDDLE NAME: Michael Mann Sanctioned for False Testimony, Bad Faith.

My wife and I attended several days in court, near the end of the Michael Mann v. Mark Steyn and Rand Simberg trial in Washington, D.C. We witnessed a dramatic moment, when Mann’s lawyers had introduced into evidence a document, which was blown up for the jury and about which Mann testified, that contained a list of grants that Mann allegedly didn’t get as a result of the defendants’ purported defamation. The value of one of those grants, per the exhibit, was $9 million.

On cross-examination by Simberg’s lawyer, Victoria Weatherford*, it turned out that the exhibit reflected sworn interrogatory answers that had been served by Mann, but later superseded by revised answers, also given under oath. The $9 million had been reduced to $112,000. To say that Weatherford’s cross-examination was effective is an understatement. And Mann didn’t get away with the misrepresentation, as the jury found only nominal damages of $1.

But still, the false evidence had been presented, and defendants moved for sanctions to be imposed on Mann and his lawyers. Earlier today, more than a year after the events, Judge Alfred Irving entered a long order ruling on the defendants’ sanctions motion. It is embedded below. The facts are rather complicated, but the judge’s conclusions are unequivocal.

Good. Plus: “For the lawyers, the Court’s finding that they acted in bad faith and knowingly presented false evidence to the jury is crushing. As to Michael Mann, he has damaged his own reputation through dishonesty and misrepresentations under oath, far more than it ever could have been damaged by Rand Simberg and Mark Steyn.”


And the Swag page (which does ship):  here.

They’ve been subjected to leftist harassment and bad-review spam because of what she’s trying to do for the nation. It behooves us to do what we can for them.


The example must be severe enough that no one will try this again.