Author Archive: Robert Shibley

WHEN THE WOKE JARGON CONFLICTS: Was just filling out a medical form and saw the now-customary “Sex at Birth” (sigh) field, in which the options given were male, female, and “unidentified.” I’m pretty sure the “at birth” was added in order to avoid the problems of trying to insure (say) a hysterectomy for the “unidentified,” but you can hardly blame them for being confused at this point.

Bonus round: someone should do an analysis of how many people actually use such “other” categories on official forms. I’ll bet it’s way fewer than you’d think – which is why the analysis will never be allowed to occur.

DEI CLASSES BRING MORAL CORRUPTION TO COMMUNITY COLLEGES. “At Wake Tech in Raleigh, N.C., the school’s ‘DEI Council’ is creating a course entitled ‘DEI 100: Introduction Course.'” Geez, haven’t the elites done enough to blue-collar Americans already? What did they do to deserve being subjected to this?

I live in Wake County and am seriously tempted to sign up for this class to find out what’s going on here…

A PROFESSOR GAVE A WOKE COURSE AND NOBODY CAME: Bucknell’s English department appears to be having trouble filling such classes as “Latinx Theater,” “Sex, Sexuality, and Rape Culture in the 18th Century,” and “Affrilachia: Regional Literature, Race, and Power.” But they sound so fun!

‘DETERRENT’ ACT WOULD REQUIRE BETTER REPORTING OF OVERSEAS GIFTS TO COLLEGES. I don’t think donors usually “buy off” nonprofits or colleges–donors give to institutions who are sympathetic to begin with. But were I running China (for example), I’d want to undermine American higher ed as much as possible, and if that’s driving what’s happened, well, you can’t argue with results.

HAVE COLLEGES FINALLY PUSHED IT TOO FAR? Rich Vedder thinks maybe they have, as does The Blogfather. With a special appearance from the late, great Milton Friedman: “Fully two decades have passed since the preeminent American libertarian economist Milton Friedman wrote to me, saying, ‘A full analysis … might lead you to conclude that higher education should be taxed to offset its negative externalities.'”

CHATGPT CAN GET OFF MY LAWN. Should professors do anything differently when students can use ChatGPT to generate answers and essays? I have a suggestion: go back to handwritten, closed-note (and closed-device) bluebook exams. Exam problem solved. Papers are trickier, but I suspect making ChatGPT generate a 10- or 20-page paper that sounds believable is about as hard as writing the paper itself.

WAKE FOREST’S ADMISSIONS GAMBIT: Is replacing explicitly race-based affirmative action with “early action” that favors first-generation college students a workaround to that pesky Supreme Court? Wake wants to find out. Seems like a big risk that you might have to let in lots of the dreaded white people from Appalachia, though…

ACADEMIC CONFERENCES ARE A SCAM. “Rules preventing the display of book covers with images of bones.” At an anthropology conference. You will not be surprised that the author’s talk this year got canceled for being about gender, which is at this point par for the course.

REFORMING POST-TENURE REVIEW. I’ve seen it weaponized too often to be enthusiastic about post-tenure review, but ironclad academic freedom guarantees for all faculty, regardless of tenure, would go a long way towards addressing the concerns with the degrading of tenure protections.

‘WHITE LOGIC’ AND ‘JEW PHYSICS.’ I was hoping they’d at least give us a cool cyberpunk-style dystopia, but the totalitarians just keep doing the same boring and predictable stuff over and over again. We deserve a better class of authoritarians stamping on our faces forever.