Author Archive: Ed Driscoll

COLUMBIA BROADCASTING STRUGGLE SESSION UPDATE: ‘Shut the F*ck Up:’ CBS Staffers Escalate Criticism of Tony Dokoupil’s Hostility on Palestine [sic – Ed]. The far left Zeteo Substack, created by Mehdi Hasan, formerly with MSNBC (and where John Harwood and even Greta Thunberg(!) have slots on the masthead), gives the game away with what happened to Tony Dokoupil after he committed journalism at CBS:

It was the sitdown with Coates, who was promoting his new book The Message, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Due to the fraught nature of the book, which features an essay on the “apartheid” Coates witnessed in the occupied West Bank, the network went through its standard protocol of vetting questions through its legal, standards, and race and culture departments. The properly vetted questions were then included on what’s known as a “one-sheet,” from which everyone within the show works.

As newsroom staffers pointed out to Zeteo, the “one-sheet is done for a reason,” which is to work within editorial standards. Hosts or reporters can push back and discuss what is on the sheet and whether it has been properly fact-checked, but one has to be working within that process to begin with.

While co-host Nate Burleson stuck to the plan with his first question, Dokoupil immediately deviated from the script. The anchor said that Coates’ book “would not be out of place in the backpack of an extremist,” wondered if the author was “offended by the Jewish state,” and questioned why he didn’t include “appropriate” context about the Palestinians’ role in their own oppression. Dokoupil’s ex-wife and two children live in Israel, by the way, something he did not disclose in the interview.

“Why leave out that Israel is surrounded by countries that want to eliminate it? Why leave out that Israel deals with terror groups that want to eliminate it?” Dokoupil pointedly asked. “Is it because you just don’t believe that Israel in any condition has a right to exist?”

“There is no shortage of that perspective in American media,” Coates calmly responded.

“What is it that particularly offends you about the existence of a Jewish state, that is a Jewish safe place, and not any of the other states out there?” Dokoupil wondered.

“There’s nothing that offends me about a Jewish state,” Coates replied. “I am offended by the idea of states built on ethnocracy, no matter where they are.”

Journalism ethics experts have criticized Dokoupil’s “gotcha” and “performative” questions that were designed to put Coates on the defensive.

Dokoupil’s hijacking of the interview left both Burleson and co-host Gayle King largely sidelined throughout the discussion. In fact, King had planned to ask Coates about Hamas’ role in the war with Israel, something that the author revealed in a podcast interview with Trevor Noah. According to Coates, King had approached him backstage with his book full of her handwritten notes, explaining that she was going to ask him some specific questions.

“While on the one hand, [Dokoupil] probably did me a service… by just kind of commandeering that interview, I don’t think he did Nate and Gayle a service, and I’m really, really sorry for them,” he told Noah.

In his conversation with Mehdi, Coates said that while he was a “little surprised” by Dokoupil, he soon realized he “was in a fight” but was prepared.

As Stephen Miller tweets, “Coates had every question asked of him vetted through what CBS calls a race and culture department. They are even calling it ‘standard protocol.’ This is what CBS News is now.”

More from Zeteo:

Even before Coates was all but accused of being an antisemitic terrorist by Dokoupil last week, the CBS anchor had raised eyebrows at the network over the past year with his overt editorializing, especially regarding topics involving Israel and Gaza.

“If Tony would just shut the fuck up, none of this would be happening,” one CBS insider told Zeteo.

For instance, following a report in April on the University of Southern California canceling its Muslim valedictorian’s speech over “safety concerns” due to her pro-Palestinian views, Dokoupil said it spoke to a “bigger debate about what’s acceptable public speech” and suggested the student had called “for the complete abolishment of Israel,” prompting internal complaints.

Yes, we can’t report on the air what those crazy MAGA-hat wearing nutters at, err, NPR reported in April:

Asna Tabassum was selected as this year’s valedictorian. But student groups called for the decision to be reconsidered due to Tabassum’s social media content on the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Tabassum’s Instagram page links to a slideshow that says “learn about what’s happening in Palestine, and how to help,” and criticizes Zionism as “a racist settler-colonial ideology that advocates for a jewish ethnostate built on palestinian land.” The slideshow calls for a “one-state solution” that “would mean palestinian liberation, and the complete abolishment of the state of israel.”

Best that their on-air journalist “just shut the f*** up,” instead. There are rules at CBS this sort of thing. According to the Free Press, these rules can require doublethink that would make the Inner Party of Oceania blush: Does CBS News Know Where Jerusalem Is?

In late August, Mark Memmott, the senior director of standards and practices at CBS News, sent an email to all CBS News employees reminding them to “be careful with some terms when we talk or write about the news” from Israel and Gaza. One of the words on Memmott’s list of terms was Jerusalem.

Of Jerusalem, Memmott wrote: “Do not refer to it as being in Israel.”

He continued, in a note sent to thousands of journalists at the network: “Yes, the U.S. embassy is there and the Trump administration recognized it as being Israel’s capital. But its status is disputed. The status of Jerusalem goes to the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel regards Jerusalem as its ‘eternal and undivided’ capital, while the Palestinians claim East Jerusalem—occupied by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war—as the capital of a future state.”

Jerusalem’s status is indeed contested. For instance, the United States’ embassy in Israel is in Jerusalem, and the Jordanian Islamic Waqf has custody of its holy sites. But acknowledging the competing claims on different parts of the city, or declining to refer to Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, are one thing. Denying that it is in Israel at all is quite another.

In which country is the Israeli Knesset, the home of the Israeli prime minister and the home of the Israeli president, located? The answer to that question is self-evident. Except, it seems, at CBS. In the rest of the United States, the answer is clear: Since 1995, when Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act, the government has recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

This latest revelation comes after CBS Mornings host Tony Dokoupil was admonished by executives at the network for his interview of best-selling author Ta-Nahesi Coates about his new anti-Israel book, The Message.

The other thing we’ve learned, Jeffrey Blehar writes at NRO in “The Obscene Public Humiliation Ritual of CBS’s Tony Dokoupil” is that, despite the premise of Nellie Bowles’ recent book, The Morning after the Revolution, wide swatches of the left are still very much stuck in the mindset of 2020:

The debate was not about Dokoupil, really; instead, it was about “whether Israel should exist at all” and why it wasn’t fair that Coates was prevented from making his case uninterrupted. (I can’t help but imagine a similar talk show in, say, Hamburg in 1943.)

Apparently, by the end of it all Dokoupil finally broke down and apologized (in tears) for potentially “endangering” any of his CBS colleagues and then submitted to an hourlong deprogramming session with CBS’s in-house “Race and Culture Unit” to instruct him in “context, tone, and intention,” so that he can be a more proper supplicant to the next elite political or cultural messiah who walks through the door. He may also have been shipped off to reeducation camp, though this is not yet documented in the reporting.

Commentary is almost superfluous, and beyond me at this particular point. For I am enraged at watching us reenact the public humiliation rituals that we witnessed in 2020, and imported from Stalin’s Russia and Mao’s China long before that time. The same internal pressure and public lobbying we saw in the James Bennet affair at the New York Times years ago — and boy doesn’t this feel ironic given the role Bennet played in shaping Coates’s career — has now been brought to bear on anyone who dares cross such an elite messiah, particularly when he bears a message beloved by the younger generations staffing the media industry. We all know why this happened, because all of this has happened before. We thought it would not happen again, and we were wrong.

For years, the left seemed to be permanently stuck in the 1960s and ‘70s. Now the touchstone is 2020, and likely will be, for the foreseeable future.

SNOWFALLS ARE NOW JUST A THING OF THE PAST: So Science-y! Bill Nye Says Voting for Kamala Harris Will Stop Hurricanes.

We’ll start this story with the usual disclaimer: Bill Nye is not a scientist. He has no degree in science and no background in science. HIs degree is in mechanical engineering and he’s a comedian.

So no one should take him seriously on any field of science, let alone climate change.

But here he is, being so science-y and saying the way to stop storms like Hurricane Milton is to vote for Kamala Harris:

But alas, it’s too late for that, Bill:

Barack Obama has only four years to save the world. That is the stark assessment of Nasa scientist and leading climate expert Jim Hansen who last week warned only urgent action by the new president could halt the devastating climate change that now threatens Earth. Crucially, that action will have to be taken within Obama’s first administration, he added.

— President ‘has four years to save Earth,’ the London Guardian, January 17, 2009.

But then, the year prior, Obama promised his merely winning his party’s presidential nomination would do the job:

“I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children … this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”

If only Barack hadn’t lost his bottle and allowed his “science” “czar” to shoot pollution into the atmosphere — that would have done the trick, for sure:

The president’s new science adviser said Wednesday that global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool Earth’s air. John Holdren told The Associated Press in his first interview since being confirmed last month that the idea of geoengineering the climate is being discussed. One such extreme option includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays. Holdren said such an experimental measure would only be used as a last resort.

“It’s got to be looked at,” he said. “We don’t have the luxury of taking any approach off the table.”

Of course, if it didn’t work, the Dr. Strangelove-esque scientist was prepared to inflict even sterner measures upon the population — or eventually, the lack thereof.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Greta Thunberg Accuses Germany of Genocide Complicity over Israel Support.

The former darling of the apocalyptic climate change movement, Greta Thunberg joined a Berlin protest against Israel on the anniversary of the October 7th terror attacks on the Jewish state.

In a tacit admission that there are other issues in the world, and that perhaps the end of the world is not nigh, Thunberg has increasingly begun to associate herself with the Palestinian cause.

Speaking from a “Solidarity with Palestine” rally on Monday in Berlin, the keffiyeh scarf-clad 21-year-old Swedish activist accused the German government of being complicit in a “genocide” in Gaza by supporting the Israeli effort to eradicate the Hamas terrorists responsible for the October 7th attacks and who still have dozens of hostages held captive.

“The German government is complicit in this genocide. It finances and legitimises Israel’s apartheid-state occupation and genocide,” Thunberg said.

“It is absolutely… I can’t even find the words to tell you how upset it makes me to see how Germany and how the German police are treating peaceful protesters for saying no to genocide,” she added.

The protest that the climate activist joined in Berlin on Monday later descended into violence, with agitators reportedly throwing rocks and launching fireworks at police officers, who in turn deployed pepper spray to quell the mob.

As Jon Gabriel in June about America’s never-ending protests: Welcome to protest season, where the cause changes but the tactics stay the same. “One year, statues are toppled and the next, Jews are bullied, but it’s amazing how the far-left treats such wildly diverse issues with the same small toolbox. It has ever been thus. As one radical wrote for a Students for a Democratic Society publication in the 1960s, ‘The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.’”



And for those who wish to cut to the chase:

NEW CIVILITY WATCH: Kansas professor on leave after calling to ‘shoot’ men who won’t vote for female president.

A University of Kansas professor is on administrative leave after a viral clip circulating social media Wednesday showed him calling for men who refuse to vote for a female presidential candidate to be shot.

The professor in the clip appears to be addressing a lecture hall full of students. He bluntly tells the students that men who underestimate a woman’s ability to lead the country should be shot, arguing “they clearly don’t understand the way the world works.”

“It’s what frustrates me, there are going to be some males in our society that will refuse to vote for a potential female president because they don’t think females are smart enough to be president,” he says. “We can line all those guys up and shoot them.”

The professor then adds, “Scratch that from the recording, I don’t want the dean hearing that I said that.”

Why are leftist monopoly institutions such cesspits of hate?

COLUMBIA BROADCASTING STRUGGLE SESSION UPDATE: Reporter Who Dared to Ask Woke Prophet Ta-Nehisi Coates Offers “Regrets” For Committing Unauthorized Journalism at “Teary” Racial Bullying Struggle Session.

“CBS Mornings” co-host Tony Dokoupil told staffers during an emotional meeting that he “regretted” putting them in a difficult position amid the brewing scandal at the network over his grilling of an anti-Israel author, The Post has learned.

The embattled anchor spoke at Tuesday’s staff-only meeting — which was not attended by co-hosts Gayle King and Nate Burleson — a day after being reprimanded by CBS brass for his fiery sit-down with Ta-Nehsi Coates, a source with knowledge said.

“Tony said he regretted putting his colleagues in that position especially the ones overseas and in danger,” the insider told The Post.

Are you shitting me? That’s the pretext for this racial struggle session? That he was putting fake reporters in danger in Gaza by doing real reporting in America?

This is the cover story.

Wow, this is corrupt. They literally do nothing but lie.

“There were tears. [People were] very upset,” the source continued, adding that staffers are “divided” on the Israel-Palestinian conflict and were “troubled” by how Dokoupil challenged Coates last week.

So that’s the real story — the wokies were upset that any of their hard left pro-terrorist dogma was challenged.

So what’s this bullshit about “putting reporters overseas in danger”?

And if reporters really are in danger because a reporter in America asks a question about Hamas’s terrorism — doesn’t that mean that Coates’ claim that Hamas are the good guys is a lie?

Earlier: Paul Coates, father of journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates, republishing antisemitic screed ‘The Jewish Onslaught.’ “But even as Coates has been celebrated for nurturing such contemporary authors as Walter Mosley and reissuing works by W.E.B. Du Bois, among other luminaries, his company has also recently chosen to spotlight an antisemitic screed that seeks to uphold a widely discredited conspiracy theory alleging Jewish domination of the Atlantic slave trade.”

Exit question: How much did Coates inherit his worldview from his father?

RAGE, RAGE AGAINST THE DYING OF THE LIGHT: Biden seems to keep trolling Harris, demonstrating that she’s an empty vessel.

On Monday, Harris suggested that DeSantis was engaged in politics as opposed to crisis management.

“Moments of crisis, if nothing else, should really be the moment that anyone who calls themselves a leader says they’re going to put politics aside and put the people first,” said Harris, evidently enraged by her alleged ghosting.

“People are in desperate need of support right now, and playing political games at this moment, in these crisis situations — these are the height of emergency situations — is just utterly irresponsible, and it is selfish, and it is about political gamesmanship instead of doing the job that you took an oath to do, which is putting the people first,” added Harris.

DeSantis, who has been in contact with Federal Emergency Management Director Deanne Criswell, said in an interview Monday that while Harris has been griping about missed calls, he has been hard at work “helping people prepare for Hurricane Helene, helping effectuate rescues of people after Hurricane Helene, helping people pick up the pieces of their lives after Helene, and then have to also turn around and prepare for major impacts and maybe even more impacts from Hurricane Milton.”

“My focus has not been on dealing with Kamala Harris,” continued the governor. “I didn’t know she tried to contact me, but I’d also say, it’s not about you, Kamala.”

DeSantis stressed that whereas Trump and Biden have refrained from politicizing storms in past years, Kamala Harris has apparently chosen now as the first time to call — “to parachute in and inject herself when she’s never shown any interest in the past.”

Well, to be fair, that’s only because she’s had so many tasks within the Biden administration. Flashback to June of 2021, when we asked, “Is Biden and President Klain Setting Kamala Up for Failure?”, accompanied by this classic moment: Vice President’s Office on Defense After Faceless Kamala Cookies Go Viral.

The Vice President’s office clarified a decision by Kamala Harris to hand out cookies with her likeness on them to reporters at an off-the-record visit during her trip to Guatemala.

In a statement to reporters on background on Monday, the Vice President’s office said that cookies were a “gift” from a staff member to the team marking her first foreign trip as the vice president.

“Cookies that were provided to passengers on Air Force Two on Sunday were a gift from a member of the staff,” the statement to reporters read. “The vice president wanted to make sure the cookies were shared with everyone.”

USA Today White House correspondent Courtney Subramanian shared a photo of the cookies on Twitter on Sunday — which immediately drew fire from the vice president’s political opponents.

Thus allowing then-GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel (and future cause of a hilarious MSNBC temper tantrum) an easy layup on social media: “Handing out cookies with her face on them as the border crisis rages…The modern-day equivalent of ‘let them eat cake.’”

Related: What’s Up With Joe? “Now, I’m sure Biden doesn’t look forward to having his sole term in office bookended by DJT and having to welcome him back to the White House, but frankly, it all makes sense when you think about it. After all, there’s only one thing worse than seeing your enemy win, and that’s to see the people your thought were your friends and political comrades-in-arms win after they betrayed you and stabbed you in the back. Remember what Joe was caught saying into a hot mike with regard to Hunter’s legal issues? ‘Nobody f*c*s with a Biden.’ I have no doubt he meant every word of it. Pass the popcorn.”

And Joe isn’t finished going scorched earth on those who sold him out: Burn It All Down! After Throwing Kamala Under the Bus, Joe Biden Takes Aim at Barack Obama.


Originally, CBS News had invited a self-described “mental health expert, DEI strategist, and trauma trainer” named Dr. Donald Grant to moderate a conversation on the issue in an all-staff meeting on Tuesday. That plan was scrapped after old social media posts from Dr. Grant surfaced—including one where he referred to South Carolina senator Tim Scott as “Uncle Tim” (a reference to “Uncle Tom”) and another of him describing a possible second Trump term as “MAGAcide” and the “death of a nation.” Seems like just the guy you should call when you want to smooth things over. (A source close to the drama told The Free Press that the network was “humiliated by his Instagram.”)

The meeting went ahead without Grant—staffers were not able to join from outside of CBS offices in order to prevent leaks. One source familiar with the proceedings suggested it was a “shit show,” with various employees “yelling.” Shawna Thomas, the show’s executive producer, was in tears. So was Dokoupil.

There was an open debate in the meeting about whether it is “fair to talk about whether Israel should exist at all.” There are some people at CBS who think that “Israel’s existence as a state should be part of fair conversation,” said one CBS source. Can you imagine journalists having that conversation about any other country?

No wonder Shari Redstone, the controlling shareholder of CBS’s parent company Paramount Global—at least until its merger with Skydance goes through some time next year—is not happy. A source close to Redstone told The Free Press that Redstone thought that “Tony gave a great interview and modeled what civil discourse should look like. And she disagreed with the action the company took. She’s working with the CEOs to address this issue.”

Meanwhile, Coates himself spoke about the controversy for the first time Tuesday. In a trailer for an appearance on Trevor Noah’s podcast, he accused Dokoupil of “commandeering” the interview. “I don’t think he did Nate and Gayle a service, and I’m really, really sorry for them,” said Coates, referring to Dokoupil’s co-hosts Gayle King and Nate Burleson.

But Coates also revealed a detail that caught our eye. As he was praising King as a “great journalist and a great interviewer,” he said that “Gayle came behind the stage before we went [on] and she had gone through the book, and I’m not saying she agreed with the book. She was like, ‘I’m gonna ask you about this. I’m gonna ask you about that.’ ”

So let’s get this straight: One journalist is raked over the coals for asking tough questions, while another journalist—if Coates’s recollection is correct—previews her questions and faces no repercussions. (King did not respond to a request for comment.)

Which poses a few questions. Chief among them: Are there different rules for different journalists at CBS?

Yes, of course there are:

This is the network that brought you Rathergate, and allowed Katie Couric to read poems on air hoping that Obamacare would pass. It’s just Calvinball there at this point:

OUT ON A LIMB: West Point Needs a Reset.

When I attended West Point back in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, cadets used to joke that we got a “$50,000 education, shoved up our a** a nickel at a time.” Times have sure changed. Today, the cost of an education at the nation’s service academies has risen to an estimated quarter-of-a-million dollars per cadet or midshipman, all of which is funded by our tax dollars.

In the past, such an investment was more than worthwhile; West Point has produced such luminaries as Presidents Grant and Eisenhower, World War II Generals MacArthur, Patton, Arnold and Bradley, and scores of other accomplished military, political and business leaders ever since its inception in 1802.

But in recent times, things have changed. Not only has the taxpayer cost of a West Point education risen, but the Academy’s moral and professional compass seems to have shifted.

The U.S. Military Academy was the nation’s first engineering school, and rightly so, because engineering is a crucial skill on the battlefield. Soldiers must plan and build fortifications, bridges and other infrastructure as well as find ways to destroy them. But over the last few decades, the Academy has become more of a Liberal Arts College, offering battlefield-irrelevant course materials in such areas as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Critical Race Theory and Gender Studies. West Point now offers a minor in Diversity & Inclusion Studies.

Although sexual fraternization has been a problem ever since women were first admitted to the Academy in 1976, among its various “Affinity Clubs” West Point now sponsors a so-called “Spectrum Club” for homosexual and transexual cadets based solely on their sexual orientation. Presumably, such clubs for heterosexual males and females would not be tolerated.

The Cadet Honor Code used to be unequivocal: “A cadet will not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do.” The penalty for violating the code was expulsion. Now, not so much. The Honor Code is still “managed” by cadets, but punishment for violators is now solely the Superintendent’s purview. Football players involved in a recent cheating scandal were not only retained but permitted to play in public competitions, including the Army-Navy and Army-Air Force games, both of which they “won.” An athlete-cadet watch thief caught on camera at the Post Exchange was allowed to graduate. The Superintendent has characterized the Honor Code as “aspirational” rather than absolute. The same Superintendent recently excised the school’s “Duty, Honor, Country” motto from West Point’s mission statement.

Remember how shocking this image was in 2017? Apparently not very much to the powers that be at West Point:

THIS IS CNN: Another Media ‘Fact-Check’ on Trump (This Time From CNN) Has Aged Like Milk in the Summer Sun.

These are the ones who are getting caught, so we can’t help but wonder how many more are in the country still under the radar:

Tawhedi, who arrived in the U.S. in September 2021, had taken steps in recent weeks to advance his attack plans, including by ordering AK-47 rifles, liquidating his family’s assets and buying one-way tickets for his wife and child to travel home to Afghanistan, officials said.

The arrest comes as the FBI confronts heightened concerns over the possibility of extremist violence on U.S. soil, with Director Christopher Wray telling The Associated Press in August that he was “hard pressed to think of a time in my career where so many different kinds of threats are all elevated at once.”

The Biden-Harris years have been just great, haven’t they?

As usual, we’re seeing a media “fact-check” about Trump and other Republicans that’s instantly aged badly:

The first CNN headline allowed Biden and Harris to get through another news cycle, which is all the administration has tried to do each week, counting on assists from the DNC-MSM, which are more than happy to help. We’ll see next month if the bill has finally come due or not.

COLUMBIA BROADCASTING STRUGGLE SESSION UPDATE: CBS Rebukes Anchor Over Tense Interview With Ta-Nehisi Coates.

The interview created a social media uproar. Fans of Mr. Coates accused Mr. Dokoupil of bias, with one writer for Vox calling his questions “hostile, combative and rude.” Others took a more sanguine view, including a Washington Post reporter who wrote that the conversation had been “impassioned but calm” and had brought rigor to the typically breezy realm of morning TV.

Late last week, a group of CBS News employees approached executives with their concerns about Mr. Dokoupil’s handling of the interview, according to two people with knowledge of the events, who requested anonymity to share internal discussions.

Mr. Dokoupil met for an hour with members of the CBS News standards and practices team and the in-house Race and Culture Unit, which advises on “context, tone and intention” of news programming. The conversation focused on Mr. Dokoupil’s tone of voice, phrasing and body language during his interview with Mr. Coates, one of the people said.

Mr. Dokoupil, who joined CBS News in 2016 and became a morning anchor in 2019, is a rising star at the network who recently took on an extra hour on “CBS Mornings.” He is continuing to appear on the air.

Mr. Coates did not respond to requests for comment on Monday. CBS News declined to comment.

Executives who discussed the interview on Monday’s call had asked staff members to keep their remarks confidential. But their comments were reported within hours by Puck, and The Free Press, the news and opinion site run by Bari Weiss, published audio recordings of the meeting.

In-between Dokoupil meeting with CBS News’ Orwellian “Race and Culture Unit,” he had additional struggle sessions at CBS News: Dokoupil offers ‘regrets’ at teary staff meeting after grilling anti-Israel author:

“CBS Mornings” co-host Tony Dokoupil told staffers during an emotional meeting that he “regretted” putting them in a difficult position amid the brewing scandal at the network over his grilling of an anti-Israel author, The Post has learned.

The embattled anchor spoke at Tuesday’s staff-only meeting — which was not attended by co-hosts Gayle King and Nate Burleson — a day after being reprimanded by CBS brass for his fiery sit-down with Ta-Nehsi Coates, a source with knowledge said.

“Tony said he regretted putting his colleagues in that position especially the ones overseas and in danger,” the insider told The Post.

“There were tears. [People were] very upset,” the source continued, adding that staffers are “divided” on the Israel-Palestinian conflict and were “troubled” by how Dokoupil challenged Coates last week.

Dokoupil, however, didn’t back down from his incisive questioning of Coates about his new book during the 11:30 a.m. meeting, which was led by “CBS Mornings” executive producer Shawna Thomas, sources said.

A second source said that some black staffers who attended the meeting were critical that Burleson and King have remained tight-lipped about the matter.

Dokoupil held a private meeting on Monday with his co-hosts in his office at 1515 Broadway, the second source said. The details of the 30-minute pow-wow could not be immediately learned.

Dokoupil did not return requests for comment.

CBS News declined to comment.

Exit quote:

I don’t know anything about Dokoupil’s politics, but if he wants to work at another leftist news organization, wouldn’t he be risking the exact same situation if did suggest that his fellow CBS employees perform a crude anatomical impossibility? The first link is from the New York Times, hence their reference to Bari Weiss. She left the Times in 2020 after witnessing an identical struggle session from people who, if we take them at their word, are far too fragile and damaged to be allowed anywhere near a newsroom. We saw similar episodes from other newsrooms in recent years; and of course, the Atlantic’s infamous Mean Girls meltdown in 2018 when Kevin Williamson was hired. Are there any Lou Grant-type editors remaining on the left who wouldn’t allow such coddling in their newsrooms?

Related: Paul Coates, father of journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates, republishing antisemitic screed ‘The Jewish Onslaught.’ “But even as Coates has been celebrated for nurturing such contemporary authors as Walter Mosley and reissuing works by W.E.B. Du Bois, among other luminaries, his company has also recently chosen to spotlight an antisemitic screed that seeks to uphold a widely discredited conspiracy theory alleging Jewish domination of the Atlantic slave trade.”

FINALLY: Colorado Supreme Court dismisses lawsuit harassing cake artist Jack Phillips. State high court rules in favor of Masterpiece Cakeshop owner, brings an end to attorney’s harassment of Phillips.

Until the next lawsuit, of course. Once again, it’s a reminder of the stunning business opportunity hidden within the Centennial State: With a population of 5.84 million, why on earth won’t someone open up a second bakery there?

I DUNNO, THIS SEEMS MORE LIKE AN OBAMA-STYLE MOVE: Joe Biden pushed UK to surrender Chagos Islands.

The Telegraph understands that American officials pushed the UK toward the deal, fearing that if it was not signed, Mauritius would successfully apply for a binding ruling at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to take control of the islands, effectively shuttering the air base.

The base is considered strategically important because it puts some bomber aircraft within range of the Middle East. Diego Garcia was previously used by the US to conduct bombing runs in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US officials told the Foreign Office that a quick deal should be signed before the American and Mauritian elections next month, agreeing to give up UK territory in exchange for the base.

The officials argued that handing over the islands would safeguard Britain’s special relationship with the US, and that a binding court ruling would make it more difficult to fly aircraft to the base, conduct repairs, and cooperate with UN agencies.

Well, let’s hope it works out well for our interests there. Otherwise: No Time Like the Present for the UK to Give Away *gulp* Diego Garcia.

BAY AREA BLUES: Bay Area poll: 7 in 10 residents say the region’s quality of life is getting worse.

Naturally of course, the San Jose Mercury buries the real lede paragraphs deep into the article:

A whopping 46% of respondents said they were likely to leave the Bay Area in the next few years, with two-thirds of those citing high housing costs as the main reason to consider a move. During the pandemic, people fleeing the region contributed to a 3% population drop, though that exodus has since slowed.

Hey, remember that Welcome Wagon program, wealthy Red State Republicans? Any thoughts on actually getting it going?

CHRISTIAN TOTO: Saturday Night – When Liberals Loved Free Speech.

There’s plenty to chew on during the film. The cast members do good-enough impressions of Lorne Michaels, Chevy Chase and John Belushi. It’s fun to see comedy institutions like “Weekend Update” in their earliest forms.

Another takeaway? How much “SNL” has evolved over the years.

It’s gotten worse. Much worse. And the show’s political leanings are now to the Left of Stephen Colbert. And it shows.

They always were; Chevy Chase thought that hapless liberal Republican Gerald Ford was the antichrist. But in the beginning, Lorne Michaels was essentially making the weekly television version of National Lampoon magazine. (Chase, Belushi, Bill Murray, Gilda Radner and original head writer Michael O’Donoghue were all originally with the Lampoon.) As a result, the show was hip and irreverent; decades on though, it now exists only to provide Sunday column fodder for Beltway journalists. As John Hinderaker wrote in 2017 at Power Line, political reporters and wire services love to recap SNL episodes, because it allows them to get their biases in print while still maintaining a thin veneer of objectivity. “‘Respectable’ news outlets like the AP can’t publish absurd comedy skits ripping President Trump, much as they might like to,” Hinderaker wrote. “But by covering Saturday Night Live, they turn such meaningless attacks into fake ‘news.’”


Jerry Dunleavy gets results!

Presumably this is one of the “leaks” that CBS was trying to prevent:

By way of contrast, instead of Maoist struggle sessions, this is what CBS News journalists were doing 80 years ago:

What happened in recent years to cause once grizzled newsmen and women to become so brittle that the sight of a book author being asked tough questions suddenly gives them the vapors? (Answer, among other things, safetyism.) Once again, we’ve entered some sort of bizarre hell-world in which Piers Morgan is a voice of sanity: Walter Cronkite would be turning in his grave at this cowardly CBS attack on good journalism.

Earlier: The Columbia Broadcasting Struggle Session: How Is CBS Marking October 7? By Admonishing Tony Dokoupil.


Related: Kamala Implodes During CBS News Interview.

UPDATE: 60 Minutes Edits Harris’ Train Wreck Answer on Israel to Make It Sound Coherent.

Kyle Morris, formerly of Fox News and asks, “Why is 60 Minutes speaking for Kamala Harris? This interview should have been aired in its entirety, unedited.

Beyond the obvious answer (res ipsa loquitur), jump cuts are what newsrooms do during presidential election, though more often, it’s to harm candidates, not save them. Recall ABC cutting up Sarah Palin’s September 2008 interview with Charlie Gibson so badly, then Glenn wrote in the New York Post shortly thereafter, “Bring Your Own Camera.”

QUESTION ASKED AND ANSWERED: Can Kamala Harris escape the ‘Hubert Humphrey problem?’

That marginal role applied to all vice presidents before the modern era. It was captured in the most famous quote about the office, uttered by one of FDR’s previous vice presidents. The job, John Nance Garner said, wasn’t “worth a bucket of warm piss.” (That quote used to be bowdlerized for public consumption as “warm spit.”)

Since Garner’s day, the bucket has been removed and the VP’s job increased markedly. This new, more prominent role influenced the VP’s run for the top office in 1960, 1968, 1976, 1984, 1992, 2000, and now 2024. In each of those, the party holding the White House nominated the vice president (or, in 1984, the party’s last sitting last vice president) for the top spot. The exception was 2016, when Barack Obama passed over his vice president, Joe Biden, and gave the nod to Hillary Clinton. Biden has been furious at both Obama and Clinton ever since, all the more so since Clinton lost (and, of course, he figured he would have won).

What changed in the modern era, making the vice president so likely to become the next presidential nominee? Beyond the detailed reasons (listed below), there is one overarching change: the vice president’s job has become much more important and visible as the national government has grown so vast. The Executive Branch, with its myriad of regulatory agencies, is too big and complex for the president and a small staff to control. He needs a much larger staff and a second-in-command who can handle whatever major tasks he assigns.

With the vice president’s larger role come four major advantages in becoming the party’s next nominee. Today’s vice presidents have:

  • much higher name recognition than their predecessors
  • political backing from the outgoing president (except in 2016 and perhaps now)
  • strong ties to the party’s elected officials, campaign consultants and donors across the country, and
  • a sure way to tap into the party’s fundraising apparatus, essential for today’s campaigns

Those advantages make it likely, though not certain, the vice president can not only win the nomination but win it without a damaging primary battle.

Incumbent vice presidents have one more advantage, or rather they have it if their administration is popular near the end of the term, as Bill Clinton’s was. The VP can credibly claim a share of that success. The recurrent theme is, “I not only supported all these great policies, I help devise and implement them, right alongside the (popular) president.”

If the administration is unpopular, the vice president never utters those words.

Until now:


Shot: Vance blames liberal rhetoric for apparent assassination attempt against Trump.

—Headline, CNN, September 17th.

Chaser: CNN Panelist Aisha Mills: “As A Black Lesbian” Is Donald Trump Going To “Attempt To Exterminate” My Bad Genes?

AISHA MILLS, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Listen, this isn’t the first time we’ve heard this kind of talk from Donald Trump and it reeks of authoritarianism and it also harkens back to a time of Hitler, who used the same exact language that Donald Trump is now quoting to talk about the people who he thinks are poisoning the blood of the nation.

* * * * * * * *

As a Black lesbian who Donald Trump doesn’t believe has genes as good as his, is he going to attempt to exterminate me when he gets elected?

Real Clear Politics, today.

That’s quite an odd thing to say on a cable news program, given Trump’s long history of supporting gay marriage, and according to Newsweek in July: Trump’s New GOP Platform Is a Massive Win for LGBT Americans.