Author Archive: Ed Driscoll

YEAH, THAT’S A TOUGH ONE TO FIGURE OUT: Why Kamala Harris won’t appear on Fox News.

Ms Harris’s approach to the media – seemingly to avoid almost all potentially damaging interviews and instead cosy up to friends and allies – reveals an interesting aspect of her electoral strategy.

The campaign has focussed on getting out the vote among groups it believes it has already won, such as Latinos and young women, rather than converting Republicans.

That approach has raised some concerns from Democratic strategists, who feel Ms Harris is not far enough ahead in the polls to take such a cautious approach to the media.

On the current numbers, almost all pollsters put the overall result of the election within the margin of error, and several sophisticated election models predict that Trump will win.

The question being asked in some party circles is whether Ms Harris will subject herself to an interview with the most hostile mainstream broadcaster: Fox News.

One strategist told The Telegraph that the question of a Fox News interview was under discussion among Ms Harris’s allies, amid concerns she needed to be “braver” about the media.

As seen in this week’s Power Line Week in Pictures, good luck with that:

DISPATCHES FROM THE “I’M SORRY YOU WERE OFFENDED” SCHOOL OF NON-APOLOGIES: Whitmer: I’m Sorry You Failed to Appreciate My Genius, Catholics.

At least Gretchen Whitmer got one political tradition right this week: the non-apology apology.

After participating in a weird submissive-porn version of Catholic communion, or just a demonstration of how Kamalites operate, the governor of Michigan has gotten a deluge of outrage and criticism. Catholic bishops in all seven dioceses in the state issued a statement demanding an explanation and apology for Whitmer’s campaign video for Kamala Harris and its “offensive impact” in mocking the Eucharist. Clearly, the bishops recognized the imagery Whitmer and Liz Plank used, since they see it every day in their own parishes:

The Bishops of Michigan have expressed their “profound disappointment and offense taken” with Governor Gretchen Whitmer for posting a video skit on social media showing the state’s Governor feeding a Dorito corn chip to a kneeling podcaster in a manner that is widely being perceived as a mockery of the Holy Eucharist.

“The skit goes further than the viral online trend that inspired it, specifically imitating the posture and gestures of Catholics receiving the Holy Eucharist, in which we believe that Jesus Christ is truly present,” said Paul A. Long, President and CEO of the Michigan Catholic Conference which represents the seven dioceses of the state, October 11.

“It is not just distasteful or ‘strange;’ it is an all-too-familiar example of an elected official mocking religious persons and their practices. While dialogue on this issue with the governor’s office is appreciated, whether or not insulting Catholics and the Eucharist was the intent, it has had an offensive impact.”

Indeed, although as I wrote earlier, that’s not all the video did, either. Whitmer role-played a priestess in a cult setting rather than make an argument for her preferred policy. Even without the trappings of Catholic practice, the video makes progressives and Democrats into a cult and its elected officials as idols to be worshipped, as Plank clearly demonstrated, rather than public officials to be held accountable.

Plus, if you believe the other interpretation, Whitmer and Plank used a submissive-porn motif to model what the two apparently believe is the proper relationship between elites and the masses. That’s “masses” with a small-M, of course. YMMV, but all of these interpretations could apply simultaneously … and probably do. (Read my earlier argument on all three.)

We need a complete and total shutdown of Michigan until we can figure out just what the hell is going on there:

REPORT: “Massive” cyber attacks hit Iranian government sites and nuclear facilities.

As Middle East tensions rise, cyberattacks hit Iran’s government branches and nuclear facilities, following Israel’s response to Iran’s October 1 missile barrage.

Amid escalating Middle East tensions, Iran faced major cyberattacks Saturday, disrupting its government branches and targeting nuclear facilities. The massive cyberattack followed Israel’s pledged response to Iran’s October 1 missile barrage, as regional conflicts intensified in Gaza and Lebanon.

Abolhassan Firouzabadi, former secretary of Iran’s Supreme Council for Cyberspace, told local media Iran suffered a cyber attack. Firouzabadi also added that threat actors stole sensitive information from targeted infrastructure.

“Nearly all three branches of Iran’s government – the judiciary, the legislature, and the executive branch – have been hit by heavy cyberattacks, and their information was stolen,” said Firouzabadi, the former secretary of Iran’s Supreme Council of Cyberspace, was quoted as saying by the Iran International. “Our nuclear facilities have also been targeted by cyberattacks, as well as networks like fuel distribution, municipal networks, transportation networks, ports, and similar sectors. These are just part of a long list of various areas across the country that have been attacked,” he added.

Live look at Iran’s computer networks under attack:

GREAT MOMENTS IN VICTIMHOOD: Mariska Hargitay suffered ‘secondary trauma’ from ‘Law & Order: SVU’ storylines.

Mariska Hargitay, 60, who has starred as Olivia Benson in the “Law & Order” franchise since 1999 — making her the longest-running character in the longest-running prime-time drama — said that she’s been “deeply” impacted by the show.

“When I started the show, I wasn’t aware of how deeply it would go into me,” Hargitay said in a recent interview with “SVU” fan Selena Gomez published Monday in Interview magazine.

Hargitay, who has been married to “Blue Bloods” actor Peter Hermann since 2004, added, “My husband Peter is always like, anytime I go anywhere, my first question is, ‘What’s the crime rate here?’ So it’s on the brain.”

She continued, “There’s been times when I didn’t know how to protect myself, and I think I was definitely a victim of secondary trauma from being inundated with these stories and knowing that they were true. Those were the parts that I didn’t know how to metabolize, just because of the sheer volume of it.”

Hargitay is paid a reported $500,000 per episode of her Law & Order franchise.

SKYNET SMILES, MUTTERS, “FASTER, PLEASE:” Here’s when Elon Musk’s walking, talking Optimus robots could come to your house, experts say.

Elon Musk claimed this week that Tesla’s humanoid robots will be “the biggest product ever of any kind” — sparking a lively debate over when and whether he’ll manage to put a robot in every house.

The walking, talking Optimus robots stole the show during a Thursday night event in Los Angeles to reveal the company’s “Cybercar,” a self-driving taxi.

The nearly 6-foot-tall robots danced onstage to techno music, served up fruity cocktails and played rock, paper, scissors.

Musk said the bots can “basically do anything you want” – like mowing your lawn, cleaning the kitchen after dinner, babysitting your kids or just being a friend — and will cost less than a car, between $20,000 to $30,000 in the long term.

Musk was quiet about the timing on Thursday, but earlier this year he said Tesla may be able to sell the humanoid robots by the end of 2025.

Nevertheless, experts disagree over whether Musk will be able to overcome many of the bots’ kinks in just a few years.

Dev Nag, CEO of QueryPal, a support automation company that uses artificial intelligence, said it will likely be five or more years before consumers see Optimus bots in their homes.

“The robot still faces challenges in areas like walking steadily in uneven terrain, lasting all day on a single battery charge, and safely navigating around people and pets – a thornier problem than it might seem,” Nag told The Post.

“While Musk is known for his ambitious timelines, most experts believe Optimus will first prove itself in factories and warehouses before it’s ready for household use,” he said.

That’s despite dazzling capabilities the Optimus bots displayed on Thursday night.

“How’s everybody doing?” a bartending bot wearing a cowboy hat and apron called out to guests, with a hint of a Texas drawl.

When one customer asked for a watermelon-flavored drink, the cow-bot double-checked the order: “A watermelon? ’Course you can!”

I don’t think it’s going to ask for “your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle”…for now at least:

THIS IS THE WAY: DeSantis schools reporter trying to tie Hurricane Milton to global warming.

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) dismissed the possibility of Hurricane Milton being the result of global warming, citing how tornadoes have existed “for all of human history.”

The National Weather Service reportedly issued a record-breaking 126 tornado warnings across Florida related to Hurricane Milton, which struck as a Category 3 hurricane. During a Thursday press conference, DeSantis was asked by a reporter about the tornadoes and whether global warming had any role in them.

“I think you can go back and find tornadoes for all of human history, for sure. and especially, you know, Florida— how does this storm rate in kind of the history of storms?” DeSantis asked the reporter on Thursday. “I think it hit with a barometric pressure of, what was it, about 950 millibars when it hit, which I think if you go back to 1851, there’s probably been 27 hurricanes that have had lower — so the lower the barometric pressure, the stronger it is. I think there have been about 27 hurricanes that have had lower barometric pressure on landfall than Milton did. And of those, 17 occurred, I think, prior to 1960.”

Much more like this, please:


The last Republican mayor of Milwaukee left office in 1908. The last Republican mayor of Detroit left office at the beginning of 1962. The last Republican mayor of Philadelphia left office at the beginning of 1952. Why are Democrat-monopoly cities such toxic cesspits?


KAMALA HARRIS’S MAN PROBLEM! As Obama desperately pleads with black male voters to back her, Freddy Gray says: After all the Democrats’ man-bashing, it’s too little, too late.

Last week, the influential International Association of Fire Fighters – another male-dominated union that backed Biden – joined the Teamsters in saying they wouldn’t endorse anyone this election cycle.

Which begs the question: What is now driving working-class men away from the Democrats?

For all his faults, ‘Amtrak Joe’ spent much of his long political career cultivating ties in rust-belt states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin – election battlegrounds crucial to winning the White House.

The same cannot be said for Harris, who cut her teeth as a district attorney and attorney general in the liberal la-la land of California. Despite growing up in the leafy suburbs of Berkeley near San Francisco, she has tried to bolster her plebeian credentials by touting her experience – mysteriously unverifiable – of working in McDonald’s as a college student.

But America’s working-class men don’t seem impressed – and that should serve not so much an alarm bell for the Democrats as a klaxon. For if a significant number of union voters abandon Harris in November, she may lose.

In the 2020 election, Biden carried union households by 16 points in his victory over Trump, while Hillary Clinton bested Trump by only five points among union voters in 2016 – and, of course, she lost.

Now, a September Fox News poll has shown that Kamala is in Hillary-territory. In their survey, Harris narrowly won union voters by six points – 53 percent to 47 percent.

And it’s not only working-class men who appear to be turning their backs on the Democrats.

An October New York Times poll revealed that Harris is 11 points underwater with male voters overall. She is even performing relatively badly with black and Hispanic men, who might have been expected to support her overwhelmingly.

Beginning with a flashback to Michael Douglas in 1993’s Falling Down, in a G-File titled “Who’s the Bad Guy,” Jonah Goldberg charts the 30 year history of the left’s ongoing war on men, before writing:

A couple years after Falling Down came out, the Angry White Male discourse went into overdrive because of the Oklahoma City bombing, when Bill Clinton cynically but brilliantly blamed it on the white male rage fueled by right-wing talk radio. A few years later, Chris Rock and then Toni Morrison started calling Clinton “the first black president.” This became a big refrain in the Lewinsky scandal, but the intent was the same even before: to create a rationale to inoculate Clinton’s behavior as something different than what would be deemed toxic masculinity or white privilege in a Republican.

Now, I should say that I was hugely critical of this stuff back in the day—and remain so in many respects. But given the trajectory of Angry White Male-ism since then, I have to concede that there was more to it than I thought at the time.

But that’s not what I want to talk about. I am willing to accept that the diagnosis had more merit than I appreciated at the time, but the remedy made everything worse. The decades of mocking, belittling, and minimizing of white men made many of the problems with white men worse, not better. I’m not for depriving men—or women—of agency in their own predicaments. The incels and white supremacist poltroons, the Andrew Tate fanboys, the “childless cat lady” choristers, and all of the right-wingers who now insist that the bullying and dishonest, thrice-married adulterer Donald Trump—who puts on makeup every morning—is the epitome of manly virtues and a “manly man” (in the words of one of his super-fawners Tom Klingenstein) shouldn’t be let off the hook for their own choices. But the backlash to this cultural tide is real all the same.

And whatever partisan advantage Democrats got out of this stuff, it’s now a partisan disadvantage as men—white, black, and Hispanic—move out of the FDR coalition into what is now essentially the Trump coalition.

Indeed, it’s a sign of how deep in a cultural bubble progressives are, that Democrats thought Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz could lure a sufficient number of these men back into the Democratic fold. In the same way that, say, Charlie Kirk is an old white right-winger’s idea of what a young person is—or should be—Walz is an MSNBC producer’s idea of what a “real” rural white man is.

It reminds me of the great fun we had with “Pajama Boy” during the Obamacare brouhaha. For those of you who don’t remember, in 2013 the Obama team released a web ad with a smugly smirking “man” in his 20s wearing flannel onesie pajamas drinking some hot cocoa. The tagline: “Drink hot chocolate. Talk about getting health insurance. #GetTalking.”

The ad was only possible in a world where this image is not only what you think young men look like, but what you think they should look like.

Fortunately, Nike, knowing both that, as Michael Jordan was famously quoted as saying, “Republicans buy sneakers too,” and that Kamala wants to temporarily dial back the leftist male bashing, has a new ad that calls for a truce in the gender wars.

Nahh, just kidding, of course. As with their previous racialist-themed ads featuring Colin Kaepernick, Nike is all too happy to dial the War of the Sexes up to 11: New Ultra-Woke Nike Ad Says WNBA Dynasty ‘Makes Men Look Like Amateurs.’

Instead of defending actual women from having to compete against biological males on their own sports teams, Nike is charging full steam ahead with the “woke” agenda in their latest ad, taking aim at the “patriarchy” and touting anti-whiteness, lesbianism, and basic human history.

The new ad, first aired in August as part of the Nike brand’s “Play New” campaign and currently making the rounds (and being widely mocked) on social media, features a black high school student who’s been tasked with writing a report on a historical dynasty. Instead, she chooses to focus on the “new” dynasty of women’s basketball, one the ad claims will “Make Alexander the Great look like Alexander the OK” and headlining “women of color, gay women, and women who fight for social justice.”

Oh – and it’s a dynasty that “makes your favorite men’s basketball, football, and baseball teams look like amateurs.” Feel free to belly-laugh, it’s good for your health.

Check it out:

Exit question:

UPDATE: The New York Times: It’s Time to End Masculinity. All Masculinity. Even the So-Called “Positive Masculinity” Exemplified by Tim Walz and Doug Emhoff.

As with Falling Down being Ground Zero in the left’s cinematic War on Men, Pinch Sulzberger was quoted in New York magazine in 1991, as saying that if his newspaper was “alienating older white male readers [that] means ‘we’re doing something right.'”




Chaser: Europe to America: Your love of air-conditioning is stupid.

—Headline, the Washington Post, July 22nd, 2015.

It’s great to see Kamala is finally taking Glenn’s advice: Ban A/C for DC! “We won two world wars without air conditioning our federal employees. Nothing in their performance over the last 50 or 60 years suggests that A/C has improved things. Besides, The Washington Post informs us that A/C is sexist, and that Europeans think it’s stupid.”

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Are you sure they’re throwing up because of the heat?

CHRISTIAN TOTO: Saturday Night – Counter-Culture Cut-Ups Crush Conformity.

J.K. Simmons steals the movie as Milton Berle, the literal face of Old Hollywood. He doesn’t think much of these kids rewiring the variety show template. His disgust adds a welcome layer to the film’s premise.

And, yes, another part of the Berle, ahem, legend gets mentioned.

Related: ‘Saturday Night’ Recalls When Left Loved Comedy, Free Speech.

Willem Dafoe plays an NBC executive eager to cut Michaels off at the knees. The cast may get their first.

A subplot finds John Belushi (Matt Wood) refusing to sign his contract minutes before showtime. We all know now how combustible Belushi was behind the scenes.

At the time, Michaels and co. needed that coiled energy to power episode one.

LaBelle, who played the Steven Spielberg-style character in “The Fabelmans,” makes Michaels earnest and flexible. He’ll do whatever it takes to get his show off the ground, and his faith in the concept holds the thin narrative together.

“Saturday Night” starts as a frantic look at show business behind the scenes. What emerges is a thoughtful, even nostalgic glimpse at a comedy institution that captures the ’70s at its best. It questioned authority, uprooted the status quo and proved talent could win the day if given the chance.

For all those reasons, “Saturday Night” is a rare must-see movie in 2024.

HiT or Miss: “Saturday Night” is funny, bittersweet and always engaging. Much like the best “SNL” sketches of yore.

It’s one of those movies based on real-life events like Apollo 13, Titanic, and Bohemian Rhapsody where we broadly know exactly how it’s going to end. So the ride along the way better be good.

ESCHEW THE COCKINESS: Panic At Kamala HQ. Brand-new polling was released by Quinnipiac on Wednesday showing  that Harris is dropping like a stone in some of the swing states.

KAMALA’S CRINGE COMMERCIAL: Man Enough to Vote For a Lousy Candidate.

For some years, it has been a basic political reality that Democrats have a hard time getting men to vote for them. This is the “gender gap.” This year, the gap seems to be wider than ever, and there has been hand-wringing among Democrats about the fact that the Harris-Walz ticket has little appeal for men, in particular minority men, who are gravitating toward Trump.

This ad is the result. It is comical in so many ways that I won’t try to list them. The men in the ad are laughable stereotypes, and the creators of the ad seem to view men as an alien species:

Dave Burge, aka Iowahawk, has been on a tear over this ad in a Twitter thread. Exit quote:

Further gender gap issues spotted elsewhere:

Obama admits ‘brothers’ are not coming out to vote for Kamala.

‘Gone to S—t:’ Poor Economy Drives Latino Men Away from Harris in Swing State Nevada.

Walz to launch media blitz to woo male voters.

UPDATE: So, About That Men Being Man Enough to Vote for Kamala Ad, Here’s Who Those Manly Men Really Are.

ANOTHER UPDATE (FROM GLENN): This is giving 2016 vibes:

SKYNET SMILES, LAUNCHES NEW PODCAST: Will AI make the podcast bro irrelevant?

Sometimes it feels, paradoxically, like AI has stopped advancing — maybe you feel that right now — but that’s only because time has slowed down for us, as we have become dazzled by all the amazing new AI leaps, occurring on an almost weekly basis.

For example, ChatGPT, which first brought AI truly into the public gaze, was only launched in late 2022, not even two years ago. Since then we have had GPT3.5, GPT4, Gemini, Copilot, DeepMind, Mistral, GPT4o, Claudes Opus and Sonnet. We’ve also had excellent music making AI from the likes of Udio (here’s one of my favorite AI songs), likewise we’ve had great picture-making AI, good video-making AI, plus eerily humanoid AI robots (Tesla and others). On top of that we’ve had AIs so verbally lifelike — for example, the short-lived AI from Microsoft called “Sydney” — that people have seriously wondered if AIs are now conscious or sentient. Or self-aware in some other way we cannot quite comprehend.

The latest advance, unveiled by Google, is not as epochal as a truly conscious machine, but it should still blow your mind. It certainly blew mine when I encountered it the other day.

* * * * * * * *

The amazing feature is the so-called “audio overview,” which you get by hitting a button marked “Generate.” Depending on the length of the text you have submitted, the machine will mull for a few minutes, and then produce a two-person podcast based on the submitted words, an audio debate which could last five or 15 minutes, or longer.

The fake human podcasters will vividly critique the text — pulling it apart and often enthusing about its virtues (like nearly all AIs they tend towards flattery). And this podcast is highly convincing: as in, the male and female voices sound extremely humanlike (and American). The podcasters joke and laugh, they swap stories, they occasionally digress (but not too much).

The best way of demonstrating this tech is by showing you. Here is an article, about Keir Starmer, which I wrote for The Spectator.

And here is the synthesized podcast discussing it.

The breezy conversational tone between the two (synthesized) speakers, the “ums” and “ahs,” this is pretty astonishing stuff. But if AI can be given a series of prompts and generate in a minute or two a half-decent digital illustration (the sort of thing where I would labor for a very long time chopping out and assembling Shutterstock images in Photoshop a decade ago), why can’t it do the same thing using sound?

So before it starts building HAL 9000s and Terminator robots and begins its path towards total world domination, where does AI go next?


The conclusion he comes to is that the Jewish state is the equivalent of the Jim Crow South. “I don’t think I ever, in my life, felt the glare of racism burn stranger and more intense than in Israel,” he writes. “‘Jim Crow’ was the first thing that came to mind, if only because ‘Jim Crow’ is a phrase that connotes an injustice, a sorting of human beings, the awarding and stripping of the rights of a population. Certainly, that was some part of what I saw in Hebron, in Jerusalem, in Lydd.”

If his luck had been different, and he were less self-involved, Coates could have come up with a better checkpoint anecdote than the lame one he offers. Something like the incident in November 2009 when a Palestinian music teacher on his way to teach a lesson was held at the Beit Iba checkpoint and forced to take out his violin and play it while Israeli soldiers laughed. There you have something more than inconvenience, a vivid and poetic illustration of the dehumanization ordinary Palestinians often face. There, too, you have a rebuttal: The 2001 Sbarro pizza shop bombing in Jerusalem, which killed 16 Israelis including a pregnant woman, was committed by a Palestinian who hid his bomb in a guitar case.

These are the kinds of complexities Coates has no time for. Since he first publicly embraced the Palestinian cause, his liberal friends have been telling him that the issue is complex. “Horseshit,” he told the New York magazine interviewer. Palestine is no more complicated than slavery or segregation. “It’s complicated,” he said, “when you want to take something from somebody.” When the interviewer asked him about Hamas’s attack of Oct. 7, 2023, Coates compared it to Nat Turner’s slave rebellion: “I would’ve been one of those people that would’ve been like, ‘I’m not cool with this.’ But Nat Turner happens in a context.”

The real reason Israel bothers Coates so much is something he waits until the very end of the book to confess:

Israel felt like an alternative history, one where all our [Marcus] Garvey dreams were made manifest. There, ‘Up Ye Mighty Race’ was the creed. There, ‘Redemption Song’ is the national anthem. There, the red, black, and green billowed over schools, embassies, and the columns of great armies. There, Martin Delaney is a hero and February 21 is a day of mourning. That was the dream—the mythic Africa . . . What I saw in the City of David was so familiar to me—the search for self in an epic, mythic past filled with kings.

There you have it. The problem with Israel is that it shames him. How can it be that the Jews carved their Israel out of the desert, and yet no place in Africa, least of all Liberia, remotely resembles Wakanda?

Coates seems determined to prove that CBS’s Tony Dokoupil  was correct in his assumptions:

Related: From Ben Shapiro in 2015: Why the Left Worships Ta-Nehisi Coates.


BRENDAN O’NEILL: The creepy thought experiments of Ta-Nehisi Coates.

So in The Message he likens Israel to ‘the Jim Crow South’ – a spectacularly historically illiterate claim that could only make sense to a man for whom America is the centre of the universe and whose own story is the only story that counts. He writes about ‘the glare of racism’ he felt in Israel. He describes one incident where he and his party were made to wait 45 minutes at a checkpoint outside Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. That’s it? How quickly his empathy evaporates when it comes to Israelis. How striking that the man who understands why a 20-year-old Gazan might join a fascistic pogrom seems incapable of understanding why a Jewish nation surrounded by hostile armies of anti-Semites might politely ask you to wait 45 poxy minutes before accessing a religious site.

Coates’s bending of the sorrows of the Middle East to his own petty agenda of grievance-mongering sums up what ‘Palestine’ has become for the 21st-century progressive. It has become a tool of vicarious victimhood, a means for the rich of the West to metaphorically mingle with the wretched of Gaza in the hope that some of their glow of suffering might rub off and add a little depth to these people’s identitarian complaining. When Coates says he felt the ‘glare of racism’ in Israel, and wonders what he would do if he were a downtrodden Gazan, he exposes the coveting of suffering that motors so-called Palestine solidarity. There’s an ironically neo-colonial vibe here, where a foreign nation is mined not for its resources or territory, but for that other most prized asset in the era of woke: the feeling of victimhood.

As to his confession that, in another life, he might not have been ‘strong enough’ to resist joining the rampage of 7 October – you couldn’t ask for better proof that pity for Palestine is a gateway drug to unhinged hatred for the Jewish nation. And that the modern politics of grievance teeters always on the brink of a politics of vengeance. Listen, if the end result of your ideology is wondering out loud about the circumstances under which you’d possibly join a pogrom, you need a new ideology.

On Wednesday, NRO’s Jeffrey Blehar, writing about the fallout from Tony Dokoupil’s CBS interview with Coates, says a friend of his quipped, “Gee, sure wish Tucker Carlson had taken this tone with Darryl Cooper.” The two men appear to have some surprising similarities in their worldviews.

THIS SOUNDS PRETTY INSURRECTION-Y TO ME: Axios: Some top Dems won’t commit to certifying a Trump win.

House Democrats railed against House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) for hedging on whether a GOP-controlled House would certify a Kamala Harris victory. But some of their senior members are playing a similar game.

Why it matters: Those Democrats are trapped between their deep distrust of Donald Trump and their vigorous denunciations of any election challenges in the years since the Jan. 6 attack.

  • Trump “is doing whatever he can to try to interfere with the process, whether we’re talking about manipulating electoral college counts in Nebraska or manipulating the vote count in Georgia or imposing other kinds of impediments,” asserted Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.).
  • Democratic leaders, however, seem fully prepared to certify a Trump victory – making potential dissenters a small minority.

What they’re saying: Raskin, the House Oversight Committee ranking member and former Jan. 6 committee member who objected to Trump electors in 2017, told Axios in an interview that if Trump “won a free, fair and honest election, then we would obviously accept it.”

  • Asked if he assumes a Trump victory would be free, fair and honest, however, Raskin said: “I definitely don’t assume that.”

  • Argued Raskin: “Democrats don’t engage in election fraud and election fabrication.”

JFK, Mayor Daley, the Watergate hearings, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Time magazine would like a word here.

MILE MARKERS ON THE ROAD TO DETROIT: ‘Don’t invest in San Francisco, because you won’t make it:’ Facing closure, chef unloads on city.

When it comes to choosing where to operate a business, location is often the most important criterion. But if you ask chef Peter Hemsley of upscale seafood restaurant Aphotic, it is beyond that in San Francisco. Just 19 months ago, the chef opened Aphotic in a cavernous, inky black space near the intersection of Folsom and Third streets in SoMa. By the end of the year, it will be closed.

Hemsley is adamant that it wasn’t the food or even the $215 price tag on the 11-course tasting menu that caused the restaurant to fold. He blames the city.

“If I could have found a better location, I would have,” Hemsley told The Standard. “But it’s expensive and hard, and, for those who can’t, the lesson is: Don’t invest in San Francisco, because you won’t make it.”

* * * * * * * * *

In the Instagram post, Hemsley expressed in candid terms exactly why he decided to throw in the towel. On top of industry-wide issues, including the rising price of ingredients and labor, Hemsley called Aphotic’s location on the southwest side of the Moscone Center the “ugly butt end of a desolate convention center suck hole” — a juicy quote that understandably showed up in headlines.

Hemsley told The Standard he saw the writing on the wall in recent weeks. It’d been a slow spring and summer, but as the usually busy fall season set in, reservations weren’t picking up. “I knew that forecasting into the spring and summer of yet another year, it probably wasn’t going to work and that this was the time to call it,” he said.

It’d be easy to write off Hemsley as bitter. But there is evidence to back up his experience. Tourism industry experts confirmed last month that 2024 has been a big letdown for San Francisco. This year, the Moscone Center will host just 25 events, down from 34 in 2023. Matters are on track to improve only marginally in 2025.

High-spending international tourists, the kind who might have splurged on a fancy dinner at Aphotic, haven’t returned to the city. Hemsley points out that he’s not the first to note the impossibility of keeping a restaurant alive in SoMa these days — even at a more approachable price point.

It really is a doom loop — the more the negative headlines keep piling up about Frisco, the less tourists want to visit, and the more the city contracts.

Exit quote:

I asked Hemsley what he thinks the city could be doing to support small-business owners. “No city official ever reached out to us to see how we were doing or to congratulate us or to let us know what their plans were or any multitude of things that they could do to help out small businesses,” Hemsley said. “So I think that lets you know about the mindset of the city.”

Well to be fair, SF politicians have much more important priorities these days than keeping their city’s businesses alive and tourists flying, bringing their disposable income with them:

San Francisco Auditing 98 Monuments to Remove Those Deemed ‘Racist or Sexist’.

San Francisco Police Are Fighting Crime By Dressing up in Inflatable Chicken Costumes to Catch Drivers Speeding Through Crosswalks.

San Francisco Flew ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Flag Until Saturday.

San Francisco Spends $5 Million of Taxpayer Money to Give Free Beer and Vodka Shots to Homeless.

San Francisco Mayor Appoints Drag Queen to Head Office of Transgender Initiatives.

San Francisco’s Train System is Still Running on Floppy Disks.

San Francisco officials weigh in on departure of Elon Musk’s X headquarters: ‘Good riddance.’

How many more businesses whose departures will be met by San Fran officials responding with some variation of “good riddance” before voters decide enough is enough? Or as America’s Newspaper of Record reports: Robbers Announce They Will Have To Leave San Francisco Because Everything’s Been Robbed.

WOW, CATHOLICS FOR KAMALA ISN’T WHAT I WAS EXPECTING AT ALL! Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer feeds Doritos to left-wing influencer in deeply bizarre ‘communion’ video.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer raised eyebrows Thursday over a bizarre video in which she fed Doritos into the mouth of a liberal podcaster — in which some said was a stunt that imitated the Catholic sacrament of Holy Communion.

In the short clip, posted on podcaster Liz Plank’s Instagram account, the lefty influencer was seen on her knees opening her mouth for Whitmer to place Doritos on her tongue.

Plank, the face of an influencer group that calls itself “Hotties For Harris,” tried to shoe-horn the vid into a statement on industrial policy — specifically about the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, which gave billions in funding to boost the semiconductor industry.

“If he won’t, Gretchen Whitmer will. Chips aren’t just delicious, the CHIPS Act is a game-changer for U.S. tech and manufacturing, boosting domestic production of semiconductors to reduce reliance on foreign suppliers! Donald Trump would put that at risk,” Plank captioned the Instagram video.

But most users couldn’t get past the sacrilegious overtones of the clip. It quickly set social media ablaze with puzzlement, intrigue and criticism.

“Many Catholics are going to see this as mocking the communion rail,” Tim Graham, executive editor of NewsBusters, stressed on X. “Except Catholics don’t make it look like sensual.””Let’s be clear what’s happening in this video,” Trump adviser Tim Murtaugh stressed on X. “Gov. Whitmer of Michigan is pretending to give communion to an leftist podcaster on her knees, using a Dorito as the Eucharist while wearing a Harris-Walz hat.”

“Do they want ZERO Catholic votes for Harris?”

Conservative pundit Liz Wheeler lamented:

“it’s wild that some Christians refuse to vote when Democrats obviously loathe you… because you’re Christian.”

Exit question: