Archive for 2023


COPYCAT JOE: Biden accused of new plagiarism by ex-Harvard journal editor.

Earlier this week, Heritage Foundation Vice President Roger Severino outlined his alleged experience in 2000 when he edited a Biden-penned article on civil rights and was “shocked by the plagiarism” he found.

“Cite checking involves formatting case citations under highly prescribed rules and searching Westlaw to make sure the cases haven’t been overruled or superseded. Because I was interested in the article’s topic (civil rights) I read a bunch of the cited cases all the way through,” he posted. “That’s when I noticed that a certain turn of phrase in an opinion sounded oddly familiar even though it was my [first] time reading it.”

“So I turned back to Biden’s article, and there it was. He had lifted language straight out of a SCOTUS opinion, changed a couple words, and called them his own. There were no quote marks and no footnote or anything else attributing the court as the source,” Severino continued. “I then read the piece through again and multiple other phrases sounded familiar. Turns out they too were plagiarized from opinions. I believe this merited rejecting the article outright for plagiarism so I emailed the lead editor and presented the indisputable proof.”

I was about to joke that Neil Kinnock could not be reached for comment, before remembering that of course, he supported Joe in 2020: Neil Kinnock on Biden’s plagiarism ‘scandal’ and why he deserves to win: ‘Joe’s an honest guy.’

Of course — you have his “word as a Biden!”

DON’T KNOW MUCH ABOUT HISTORY: Chicago Teachers Union president sends son to private school after labeling school choice supporters ‘fascists.’

Chicago Teachers Union Vice President Stacy Davis Gates was elected president in May 2022. CTU has about 25,000 members. Her Caucus of Rank-and-File Educators received criticism for mishandling the union’s response to the winter surge in COVID-19 cases and for not being transparent about union finances.

If she wants to toss around the fascist label, she should look at her own union. They abused school children throughout the pandemic, insisting that schools remain closed and online schooling continue long past when it was necessary if it ever was. The teacher’s union demanded that teachers be treated as first responders and go to the head of the line for vaccines when they became available. Then they demanded that schools close anyway. Like other large city teacher unions, they demanded increased pay and other benefits during the pandemic. The teachers’ unions are not about the children, they are all about themselves. Chicago Teachers Union goes on strike frequently.

If there’s one thing the Third Reich was known for, it was a plethora of school choice.

VIOLENCE ISN’T A PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEM, AND THIS IS AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL — AND ABHORRENT — POWER GRAB: New Mexico Governor Suspends Gun Rights in Albuquerque for “Public Health Emergency.” “Democratic leaders have increasingly turned to a claim used successfully during the pandemic in declaring a health emergency to maximize unilateral authority of governors. There have also been calls to declare racism a public health emergency, supported by groups like the American Public Health Association. Transgender programs have also been declared a public health emergency by some groups. The motivation behind many of these calls is not to negate constitutional rights, but the question is whether such declarations allow governors discretion to suspend or curtail individual rights.”

If “public health” powers are going to be abused this way, then they must be abolished, or ignored. And those who abuse them must be brought to justice. Groups that call for such abuses of power must be brought to account.

AS A FREE-MARKET CAPITALISM FAN, HE WOULD HAVE BEEN A BETTER PRESIDENT FOR SOUTH AFRICA: Mangosuthu Buthelezi, Zulu Nationalist and a Mandela Rival, Dies at 95. But Mandela and his communist African National Congress were the international favorites, because communism. The current sad state of South Africa is the result.

#JOURNALISM: From a friend:

WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? Somebody tells you “truth is all relative. You go with your truth and I’ll go with mine.” What if you think truth is not relative and you want to explain why J. Warner Wallace offers three strong reasons on HillFaith this morning why it matters a great deal what people mean when they say “truth.” And check out the note at the bottom of the post on “Rock Wednesday.” All prayers appreciated!

KAROL MARKOWICZ: Never forget: It was Randi Weingarten and the Bidens who sacrificed a generation of kids.

It begins on the administration’s first day, when Jill Biden invited Weingarten and Becky Pringle, head of the National Education Association, to the White House, telling them, “I told you I was going to bring you with me to the White House. And on day one, you’re here,” according to a new book by Atlantic staff writer Franklin Foer, “The Last Politician.”

There they were, making sure kids didn’t get to have an education.

Foer is, of course, a partisan Democrat, and the portrayal of the Biden White House is comical in its friendliness.

In retelling the story of Jill meeting with two women, Foer repeats the disgusting canard, “In upper-middle-class neighborhoods . . . there was a sense that the unions were acting in a spirit of selfishness.”

That’s obviously a joke. Upper-middle-class people, in areas unlucky enough to be under teachers unions’ thumb, had every option available to their children.

They could hire a tutor, form a pod, move to their beach house, and send the kids to the open public school there or simply send them to private schools, which were, of course, open.

Gov. Gavin Newsom, for example, did just that, sending his daughter to an open private school while ensuring poor Californians were stuck with Randi’s closed public schools.

The lie that it was the “upper-middle-class” that had wanted school openings is necessary to liberals so they will never have to face the corrosive damage that was inflicted on poor children — mainly black and Hispanic children — all over America because of them.

And teachers unions would love to try it again: Spread of Covid impacting start of classes for some schools across U.S.