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CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Federal judge ‘not interested’ in delaying challenge to Illinois gun ban. “The claimants believe that their constitutional rights have been imperiled and so it’s the court’s belief that I should try to work through this with as much dispatch as possible, understanding that we want to get it right and whatever discovery needs to be exchanged can be exchanged, but also understanding that in these cases there isn’t a lot of prolonged and protected discovery.”

Well, good.

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: US Supreme Court declines to review Illinois high court ruling upholding gun ban. “The U.S. Supreme Court’s denial of state Rep. Dan Caulkins’ request for review was issued without comment and comes less than a month after Justice Amy Coney Barrett declined to put the law on hold ahead of a Jan. 1 deadline for gun owners to register banned weapons they owned before the law took effect on Jan. 10, 2023.”

But there is a bright spot: Most owners of assault-style weapons in Illinois appear not to have registered them as required by law.

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Gun-Banning NM Governor Smacked Down Again. “By actually applying the Bruen test, and using it to strike down half of the remaining decree, the courts have giving gun owners at least three-fourths of a loaf here.”

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: ATF Pistol Brace Regulations Blocked. “This ruling is also another example of why the black-pilled ‘Republicans are useless’ mutterings are wrong. Without Reagan, Bush41, Bush43 and Trump judicial appointments, it’s overwhelmingly likely that none of the landmark Second Amendment cases (Heller, Bruen) go our way, and ruling Democrats would be busy working on complete disarmament of American citizens.”

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): I always assume that most of the black-pilled crowd are actually just plants paid by some lefty organization to post depressing stuff to demoralize their enemies. I mean, can there really be that many actual idiots out there?

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Nebraska Goes Constitutional Carry Today.

I think it’s fair to say that the anti-gunners’ 50-year-old campaign to denormalize gun ownership isn’t going well.

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: By 5-4 Vote, Supreme Court Revives Biden’s Regulation of ‘Ghost Guns.’

The Supreme Court on Tuesday temporarily revived the Biden administration’s regulation of “ghost guns” — kits that can be bought online and assembled into untraceable homemade firearms.

In defending the rule, a key part of President Biden’s broader effort to address gun violence, administration officials said such weapons had soared in popularity in recent years, particularly among criminals barred from buying ordinary guns.

The court’s brief order gave no reasons, which is typical when the justices act on emergency applications. The order was provisional, leaving the regulation in place while a challenge moves forward in the courts.

The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justice Amy Coney Barrett joining the court’s three liberal members — Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson — to form a majority.
