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CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Colorado gun law raising age to purchase gun to 21 set to take effect Monday. “SB23-169, one of several sweeping gun reform measures approved by the state legislature and signed by the governor in the spring, will prohibit people under the age of 21 from purchasing a gun, with exceptions for active members of the U.S. armed forces, peace officers and people certified by the Peace Officer Standards and Training board.”

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Federal Judge Rules Against ATF Brace Rule. “The pistol brace rule would retroactively make millions of law-abiding Americans criminals for not registering them (which, for the left, is no doubt the point).”

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Gun group tells residents to consider moving from blue state after lawmaker proposes gun control bill.

The 140-page omnibus bill, An Act of Modernizing Firearm Laws, makes sweeping changes to Massachusetts gun laws. This includes mandating that all firearms and feeding devices be registered, banning people under 21 from buying or carrying a semi-automatic shotgun or rifle, banning concealed carry of firearms on private property unless expressly permitted and much more.

“This is real bad news for any gun owner that lives in Massachusetts,” Hein said. “Basically, pack your bags and leave because it’s untenable if this thing passes.”

The National Association for Gun Rights issued a travel advisory for anyone who lives in Massachusetts or is traveling to Massachusetts because of the bill last week.

The bill also cracks down on firearm-adjacent areas including banning targets with human silhouettes at ranges, banning people under the age of 18 from possessing mace or pepper spray and adding stun guns under the definition of firearms.

“So what this bill will actually do is prohibit a young high school girl from being able to defend herself with even mace,” Hein said.

“I think the states are trying to ban stun guns because I honestly think they just want to leave you defenseless,” he added.

To state power, yes.

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Jewish camp leaders challenge carry law due to anti-semitism. “Concerns of racism or anti-semitism or anything else like that should be taken seriously and people should be empowered by the constitutionally protected rights granted them by being human beings to combat them, with words when appropriate and with bullets when their lives are threatened.”

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Armed IRS agents raid Montana gun shop, seize gun purchase records.

Armed IRS agents seized dozens of boxes of ATF form 4473s from Highwood Creek Outfitters in Great Falls, Montana, last Wednesday, prompting concern and criticism from both Montana officials and gun owners.

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen told Breitbart News that the IRS seizure of gun owner documents is “extremely concerning” because it appears to “exceed” the search warrant that was issued, which “limited the scope of the search to financial records.”

“These aren’t financial records, they’re records of lawful firearm purchases,” he said. “What the hell does the IRS need with 4473s? We know the ATF in Washington, DC is trying to scoop up as many of these purchase records as possible, and that’s what it looks like they’re trying to do here.”

With records like those, the IRS won’t have any trouble keeping all those new agents busy.

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Gun rights advocates win major challenge to N.J.’s tough concealed carry law. “A new law limiting concealed carry of guns in New Jersey suffered another defeat in federal court Tuesday as a judge ordered state officials not to enforce its tight restrictions pending a flurry of legal challenges from gun rights advocates. The ruling means New Jerseyans with proper permits are free to carry handguns at beaches, public parks, bars and restaurants — places from where Gov. Phil Murphy and his Democratic allies in the state Legislature sought to ban firearms in an effort to curb gun violence.”

Well, in an effort to curb something.

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: US Prohibition Against 18-to-20-Year-Olds Buying Handguns Tossed.

The US government’s prohibition on 18-to-20-year-olds buying handguns violates the Second Amendment and “cannot stand,” a federal judge in Virginia ruled.

The right to purchase a handgun falls under right to “keep and bear arms,” and young adults are among “the people” protected by the Second Amendment, Judge Robert E. Payne of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia at Richmond said Wednesday.

Restricting the right of 18-to-20-year-olds to buy handguns, via an interlocking collection of federal law and regulations, isn’t supported by the nation’s history and tradition, Payne said. The government presented numerous militia laws from around the time of the nation’s founding, but they showed that 16 or 18 was the age of militia service then, he said.

The government did not present any evidence supporting “age-based restrictions on the purchase or sale of firearms from the colonial era, Founding, or Early Republic,” Payne said.

The earliest age restrictions for buying guns the government pointed to were laws passed in Alabama and Tennessee in 1856, Payne said. But none of the antebellum laws provided a definition of “minor” and “it is unclear to whom exactly they applied,” he said.

Here’s the opinion. Freedom advances, bit by bit.

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: ICYMI: Governor Pillen Signs Constitutional Carry Bill Into Law. I believe that’s 27 states that now have permit less carry, a solid majority.

The decades-long effort, endorsed by politicians, the media, and most of the institutions of our society, to denormalize gun ownership has failed.

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: “[P]etitioner’s Second Amendment rights are not dependent on her spouse’s acquisition of an unrestricted concealed carry pistol permit.”

The court’s main point was that, given the decision in Bruen, which came down while the appeal was pending, petitioner had a constitutionally protected right to carry, even without a showing of special need. But the court added:

To the extent that the Attorney General attempts, inexplicably, to justify the determination based upon petitioner’s “fail[ure] to explain why her stated self-defense needs were not already adequately and independently addressed by her husband’s recent acquisition of an unrestricted concealed carry license,” we note that this was not a basis for the denial of this application and “judicial review of an administrative determination is limited to the grounds invoked by” respondent.

More to the point, the statutory framework contains no such required showing and, suffice it to say that petitioner’s Second Amendment rights are not dependent on her spouse’s acquisition of an unrestricted concealed carry pistol permit.

Kind of a sexist argument to make, too.

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: DeSantis makes US majority-‘constitutional carry’ after Florida gun bill signature. “Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has inched America toward a majority of states where ‘constitutional carry’ laws are on the books after signing a bill Monday removing the requirement for anyone to obtain a permit to carry a concealed gun. Last week, the Florida Senate voted 27 to 13 on the constitutional carry bill, teeing up the governor’s signature. There were previously 25 states that had permitless or so-called ‘constitutional carry’ laws in the nation, making Florida now the 26th state.”

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Minnesota’s 21-year age minimum for handgun carry permits struck down. “A federal judge on Friday struck down a Minnesota law requiring a person to be at least 21 before obtaining a permit to carry a handgun in public, finding it violated the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The order by U.S. District Judge Katherine Menendez in St. Paul is the latest in a series of legal defeats for state gun control measures following a U.S. Supreme Court ruling last year expanding gun rights nationwide.”