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CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: NRA, SAF File Brief In Case Concerning Carry Across State Lines.

“Historically, nonresidents traveling in a state were treated no worse than residents with regard to firearm carry,” the brief states. “If they were treated differently under the law, it was generally to exempt travelers from carry restrictions—not to subject them to more onerous burdens than residents. Moreover, a government license was not historically required to exercise the right to carry arms; carry licenses that applied to free citizens were not enacted until the late-19th-century and applied only to concealed carry, leaving open carry unrestricted.”

Keep fighting for constitutional liberties.

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Another Unconstitutional Biden Ban Overturned.

Plus: Second Amendment Foundation Scores Court Victory in PA’s Banning of Firearms in a Vehicle. “District Judge Christopher C. Conner with the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania issued an order granting summary judgment to SAF and its partners, finding the state’s law banning carry of a firearm in a vehicle without a license unconstitutional. He further declared that a ban on firearms possession without a license during a state of emergency is facially unconstitutional, and enjoined Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Col. Christopher Paris from enforcing those provisions.”

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Appeals Court overturns UNC gun possession conviction. “The State failed to demonstrate that regulating Defendant’s possession of firearms, which were kept within a vehicle that was parked in the university hospital parking lot where Defendant was seeking emergency medical care, is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.”