Author Archive: Ed Driscoll


Oh, we forgot to mention: The ads are airing in the Detroit area. Dearborn, Mich., is an inner-ring suburb of Detroit home to the country’s largest Muslim population, and what the Times report from Katie Glueck doesn’t say is that the 40,000 or so odd Arabs there don’t like Jews.

It’s not that the ads are anti-Semitic, it’s that the voters are. The ads are a bit of political chicanery aimed at turning that bigotry against the Democratic ticket. It’s cynicism, not anti-Semitism.

Saul Alinsky smiles.

SOMEBODY SET UP US THE BOMB: Kamala Harris sticks with ABC for first solo interview since slanted debate — and still serves up word salad.

Vice President Kamala Harris sat down with an ABC affiliate for her first solo interview Friday, choosing the same network that got her through this week’s slanted presidential debate — but still managed to stumble through softball questions.

She answered five questions from Action News 6 ABC, a local affiliate of ABC News, in the interview that came just days after the moderators in the ABC debate with Donald Trump assisted her by providing fact checks on the former president but not her.

One of the ABC moderators for the debate, Linsey Davis, is a member of Harris’ sorority and Dana Walden, a Disney executive whose portfolio includes ABC, is one of the vice president’s close friends.

Action News 6 ABC anchor Brian Taff asked Harris, 59, what she would specifically do to bring down prices as president.

“Well, I’ll start with this. I grew up as a middle class kid. My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard,” she began, before going on about her neighborhood where people “were proud of their lawn.”

“We as Americans have beautiful character. We have ambitions and aspirations and dreams. But not everyone necessarily has access to the resources that can help them fuel those dreams and ambitions,” Harris went on.

Twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!

Related: Wait, did Kamala lose the debate? “If you think this election is about vibes, then it’s a big deal that Taylor Swift endorsed Harris, something Brian Stelter keeps hyping up… but if it’s about fundamentals? What if any questions did Kamala answer in that debate to resolve people’s uncertainty about what she plans to do? Her dismissiveness on fracking, guns and abortion as if nothing Trump argued was landing seems to me to be a mistake, instead of confronting it head on and promising to the American people what she will and will not do.”


As Ed Morrissey writes, “I love the anthropological tone of this ad, coming from RFK’s former running mate. This is the same way that Mainstream Media treats conservatives in America, too.”

The DNC-MSM have been would-be anthropologists for over half a century. Jonah Goldberg was writing about the media’s “Gorillas in the Mist” style of covering half the country way back in 2002.

Time magazine was (non-ironically) employing that same tone in 1970.

NEO: The debate: the supposed intelligentsia versus the commoners.

There are polls in which people say Kamala won the debate but that doesn’t make them vote for her. That’s not so hard to understand, because life in the real world is not a debate, complete with mugging, lies, and moderators who control the questions and the flow. The gist of what I’ve seen is that a great many undecideds were annoyed that Kamala gave out little of substance during the debate concerning her proposals for what she would do as president. They wanted the nuts and bolts, and she didn’t provide it.

With a video assist from the Ruthless Podcast, who as Neo writes, “do a good job of analyzing – in enormous and yet entertaining detail – what happened at the hands of the debate moderators on Tuesday night. When I say ‘entertaining,’ what I mean is that the podcasters all have a good sense of humor, not that the moderator bias itself was the least bit amusing.”

OLD AND BUSTED: Dangerous content flagged by media to avoid exposure to sensitive puritanical conservatives.

The New Hotness? Media content to block dangerous flag to avoid exposure to sensitive puritanical leftists.

NEWS YOU CAN USE: ‘Don’t eat cats and dogs,’ Biden tells voters while wearing Trump hat.

Joe Biden donned a Trump baseball cap and told a crowd of people “not to eat dogs and cats” during a light-hearted exchange on the campaign trail.

The US president was referring to wild claims repeated by Donald Trump during his debate with Kamala Harris on Tuesday that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, are “eating the pets of the people that live there”.

Mr Biden was initially persuaded to wear his former opponent’s hat by a Trump supporter after a humorous back-and-forth between the two men.

It started off by Mr Biden offering to give his presidential hat to the Trump supporter, who asked him: “Are you going to autograph it?” Mr Biden said he would autograph the hat before the Trump supporter quipped: “Do you remember your name?”

The president joked back that he “doesn’t remember my name” because he’s “slow”, which sparked laughter among the crowd.

He doesn’t remember who is boss is as well, apparently.

Related: If You Want Haitians Eating Cats And Decapitating Ducks In Your Town, Vote For Harris.

UPDATE: “Ohio is sending troopers and $2.5 million to city where many Haitian migrants have relocated,” according to those crazed MAGA-hat wearing nuts at, err, PBS.

ED MORRISSEY: Bidenflation Still Hammering the Working Class — Minorities Hardest Hit: WaPo.

Has inflation begun to ease back to normal? The Biden-Harris administration wants voters to believe it, arguing that consumer-goods prices appear to have stabilized. Have they?

Today’s Producer Price Index shows annualized unadjusted wholesale inflation dipping down to 1.7% in August. That would be welcome news for consumers, but inflation for wholesale consumer foods hit 4.2%. Most of the overall decline came in wholesale energy prices (-8.4%), which consumers will also welcome but may not be all that good of a trade-off from their weekly visit to grocery stores.

Yesterday’s Consumer Price Index offered a mixed bag, too, but not for the middle and working classes. The overall annualized rate dropped from July’s 2.9% to 2.5% in August, again mainly because of a dramatic fall in energy prices (-4.0%). The upward spike continued in shelter costs, shooting up 5.2% in August, and included both rentals (5.2%) and owner costs (5.4%). Insurance spiked 3.6%, and municipal utilities went up 4.2%.

And this, of course, follows on the effects of three years of high overall inflation and its compounding effects, especially on shelter costs. The unnecessary and predictably corrosive mass stimulus in the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris American Rescue Plan of March 2021 — the key initiative of Bidenomics — launched that 40-year-high inflation cycle, and it continues to pound consumers to this day.

Don’t worry — all the stats look fine:

JOHN NOLTE: Time Issues Humiliating Correction Admitting Kamala Supports Taxpayer-Funded Gender Surgery for Illegals.

Despite all of this being true, here’s how Time covered this moment: “The former President … falsely claimed that Harris “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison.”

Now, on top of Time being staffed with lousy, lazy, partisan, left-wing activists who spread misinformation, there’s another reason Time spread this lie… The idea of taxpayer-funded sex change operations for illegal aliens is so outside the mainstream, so wackadoodle, Time likely didn’t even bother to fact-check Trump’s statement. It was simply assumed Trump had invented this because no sane person would ever support something so ridiculously dumb. Honestly, what a way to attract every deviant on the planet to sneak into America — Free sex changes, girls!

Well, much to Time’s humiliation, the truth will out and the outlet was forced to not only issue a correction, but through a correction, a helluva lot more people will read the correction than Time’s dumb article, and the word is out that Kamala does indeed support taxpayer-funded sex-change operations for illegal aliens:

Correction, Sept. 11

The original version of this story mischaracterized as false Donald Trump’s statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting “transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison” As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition treatment for detained immigrants.

What’s especially interesting is that at no time since this news broke has Kamala or her campaign backed off of this wackadoodle belief.

She actually believes this, and as she made clear, her values have not changed.

Then there are the Tiny Mummies at the New Yorker:

And on the West Coast, the squares at the Seattle Times are determined to forget about their city’s legendary Summer of Love in 2020: Oof! Seattle Times’ Trump Fact-Check Gets a Community Notes Nuking (Using Their Own Previous Story).

Related: ABC Moderators Were Lying: Eight ‘Aborted’ Babies Were Born Alive & Then Left to Die in Minnesota.

ANSWERS TO THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: Why the B-52 is outliving newer bombers (video).

UNITED WE STAND; DON’T QUIT UNTIL THE FIGHT IS OVER AND YOU’VE WON: New York Times tech workers union votes to authorize strike.

With the election less than two months away, a strike could hurt the paper. However, while there seems to be overwhelming support for a strike, Tuesday’s vote doesn’t guarantee that a strike will happen.

Take as long as you need, fellas — hopefully the journalists who depend upon you to amplify their work will join you on the picket line as well.

THE COUNTRY’S IN THE VERY BEST OF HANDS: On 9/11, John Kirby Talks Botched Afghan Withdrawal: ‘No Use in Responding’ to a ‘Handful of Vets.’

Now, White House spokesdroid John Kirby, remarking on comments by American veterans of that conflict, said on the anniversary of 9/11 of all days that there was “no use in responding.”

On the anniversary of 9/11, White House National Security Council communications adviser John Kirby dismissed the concerns of military veterans critical of the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, writing in response to a Fox News Digital press inquiry that there’s “no use” weighing in on the veterans’ views.

“Obviously no use in responding. A ‘handful’ of vets indeed and all of one stripe,” Kirby said in a “reply all” email chain Wednesday afternoon that appeared to be intended for White House staffers, but which also included Fox News Digital.

What stripe would that be, Mr. Kirby? What do you mean by that? I suppose there’s “no use in responding” to those questions, either.

As the Victory Girls note, “This morning, John Kirby said one of the quiet parts very loudly. The Biden Administration has no love for our military and most definitely believes that any veteran who speaks out against the Biden Harris cabal should be disrespected and dismissed out of hand.”

Will whoever is actually running the White House penalize Kirby in any meaningful way? (Rhetorical question, I know.)


From the video’s comments: “James May measuring how curved each panel of the Cybertruck has with a steel rule is the most James May thing you’ll ever see.”

ON THE BEACH: It’s a Beach if We Say So: Lost Scenes From Downtown’s Hipster Landfill.

If you’re not prepared for it, an old photograph of the Twin Towers can do a number on your heart.

That’s partly why Fred Conrad’s picture of the sunbathers is so eerie and disquieting: We know something the sunbathers don’t. Something horrific. Something that will unmake, and remake, the world by the time they reach middle age. Conrad, a former Times staff photographer, took the shot in 1977. It must have seemed whimsical at the time — a nod to the eternal war between business and pleasure. Today, it’s surreal, almost post-apocalyptic. It looks like a poster for “Planet of the Apes.”

And that’s not just because the towers are no more. It’s also because of the beach in the picture. There was a beach in Battery Park City?

There was, albeit only for a few years in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s.

THE STIG CRASHES: The Onion Mocks Corey Comperatore’s Death.

The Onion once stood alone as the country’s premier Fake News site.

The platform, first in print and later via the web, delivered deliciously fake stories on politics and culture. Then, much like other comic institutions, The Onion got woke.

And worse.

It mostly stopped mocking Democratic politicians, becoming yet another propaganda outlet. Earlier this year, it seemed like The Onion was headed for the trash heap of history.

New management came along, revived the site and installed Ben Collins as its guardian. Who’s Ben Collins? He’s NBC’s former “misinformation” specialist who proved as biased as his peers.

Maybe worse.

The Onion continues to hammer Republicans and give Democrats a pass. It’s why The Babylon Bee, right-leaning but more balanced and infinitely funnier, eats their lunch 24/7.

Yet The Onion’s Tweetstorm during the Trump/Harris debate Tuesday proved the site can still scrape the bottom of the barrel.

There’s “punching down.” And then there’s this:

As Mary Chastain of Legal Intellectual asks, “The tweet has over 80,000 likes, too. What is wrong with people!?”

Earlier: The Stig Crashes an Expensive Lemon.

BREAKING NEWS FROM 2020: There is now very little doubt that Covid leaked from a lab.

What was the worst industrial accident in history? Bhopal in India, where in 1984, at least 25,000 people died as a result of a leak of methyl isocyanate from a pesticide plant? No, if – as most people who have examined the evidence now believe – the Covid pandemic began as a result of a laboratory leak, then what happened in Wuhan, China was worse than a thousand Bhopals. It killed around 28million people – and was by far the most lethal industrial or scientific accident that has ever occurred.

* * * * * * * *

Opinion polls show a similar result – two-thirds of Americans believe the virus originated in a lab in China – yet most senior scientists seem to be sublimely unbothered by the fact that the public holds this view. They show little or no interest in getting out there and persuading people to change their minds. Instead, they just hope the whole topic fades into history. That reluctance even to try persuading the public betrays either a marked lack of confidence in their own case or a guilty conscience.

Where does Tom Cotton go for his apology?

GREAT MOMENTS IN CONTRARIANISM: It Looks Like Trump May Have Helped Himself in the Debate.

Perhaps because of what I do for a living, I’m extra critical of Donald Trump’s performance. I’ve been pointing out for days now what Trump needed to do in the debate, and seeing him miss opportunity after opportunity was beyond frustrating. But according to a report from Reuters, undecided voters largely shifted to him after the debate.

“Kamala Harris was widely seen as dominating Tuesday’s presidential debate against Republican former president Donald Trump, but a group of undecided voters remained unconvinced that the Democratic vice president was the better candidate,” the outlet reported.

Reuters interviewed ten undecided voters before and after a debate. Six of them shifted toward supporting Trump, three leaned toward Harris, and one remained uncertain. That’s a rather solid outcome for Trump.

“Although the sample size was small, the responses suggested Harris might need to provide more detailed policy proposals to win over voters who have yet to make up their minds,” wrote Reuters.

That must have painful to write up in the Reuters newsroom, based on this February 2017 Daily Caller story: Reuters Instructs Reporters To Cover Trump Like An Authoritarian Regime.

QUESTIONS NOBODY IS ASKING: Is it offensive to call someone ‘middle-aged?’

A new victimhood group has just dropped: middle-aged people. Yes, according to language guides published by Bristol and York St John universities, it isn’t just ‘BAME’ or ‘BIPOC’ or ‘LGBTQIA+’ folk who must be protected from words that are too old-fashioned or insufficiently ungainly to be uttered in public. Apparently, those on the downward slope to 50 desperately need this kind of obsessive, paternalistic speech-policing, too.

According to these style guides, unearthed by the Sun, ‘middle-aged’ is basically the n-word for men greying around the temples and decked out in Superdry. ‘Language is a powerful tool. It can empower and be a force for change, but it can also offend, marginalise, trivialise, and perpetuate harmful attitudes and stereotypes’, proclaims York St John, before sternly instructing readers to say ‘Gareth is 49’ rather than ‘Gareth is middle-aged’. Apparently, OAP is out-of-order, too. ‘People of pensionable age’ is much better, says the guide. (Personally, I prefer the more elegant People of Age.)

Not to be outdone, Bristol’s guide suggests we should also ‘avoid using euphemisms or patronising language to describe older people’, including ‘silver surfer’ or ‘of a certain age’. In fact, we should forgo generational labels entirely, because ‘Generation X’, ‘Baby Boomers’, ‘Millennials’, etc, ‘can reinforce negative stereotypes’ – presumably about those snowflake Millennials, rich, racist Boomers and insufferably cynical Gen Xers.

It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words. Of course the great wastage is in the verbs and adjectives, but there are hundreds of nouns that can be got rid of as well…Don’t you see the beauty of that, Winston?”

OLD AND BUSTED: The Woke Left.

The New Terribleness? The Woke Right. Konstantin Kisin: Thou Shalt Not Criticise the Woke Right (Video).