LEON IS GETTING LARGER: Carville Warns Dems: ‘The Ice Pick Cometh.’ Carville sounds pessimistic because he knows how poor Harris’ political instincts are. How poor are they?, I hear you ask. Harris still has this tweet live in her feed, more than two years after Jesse Smollett got convicted a second time for concocting the ‘hoax’ that Harris called ‘a modern day lynching.’ It’s not just bad political instincts, either — Harris just looks stupid. Someone buy Carville the strongest Southern whiskey available. And take away his ice pick.”


OPEN THREAD: Ring in the weekend.

NEWS YOU CAN USE: Expert Reveals Vital Survival Tip if You Unexpectedly Fall in Deep Water. “On sudden entry into cold water, our bodies react automatically to heighten our alertness and adrenaline levels due to cold water shock. That makes us gasp, hold our breath and try to swim hard until the point of exhaustion. Overriding that instinct could save your life.”

TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT UP CLOSE: My Epoch Times reporting colleague Janice Hisle offers a stirring and revealing first-person account of the terrifying events at Butler, Pa.



This after Chris Wray made a fool of himself in front of Congress suggesting otherwise.

A CALL TO ARMS: HELP PLUG THE MEMORY HOLE–NOW! We’ve already seen a heinously dishonest media play the Orwell card and start airbrushing Kamala Harris’ dismal record of incompetence and bad judgment, here, here and here, just for starters.

There is only one way citizen-readers (yes, that’s you, gentle reader) can help: Find the insane statements and bad policy decisions she’s made and amplify their undeniability as best you can on social media and comments on news sites.

One story I came across — and surely a target to Team Coconut to flush away — is a 2019 article from The Intercept, where Harris was accused of protecting sexual abusers from allowing access to investigative files in order to pursue their cases:

In her seven years as district attorney, Harris’s office did not proactively assist in civil cases against clergy sex abuse and ignored requests by activists and survivors to access the cache of investigative files that could have helped them secure justice, according to several victims of clergy sex abuse living in California who spoke to The Intercept.

“It went from Terence Hallinan going hundred miles an hour, full speed ahead, after the Catholic Church to Kamala Harris doing absolutely nothing and taking it backwards hundred miles an hour,” said Joey Piscitelli, a sexual assault survivor, who a jury found had been molested as a student while attending Salesian College Preparatory, a Catholic high school in Richmond, California.

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that the Kool-Aid drinkers now pimping Harris out as some kind of bright, self-actualized, intelligent woman — she’s not — can’t dismiss this kind of factual reporting as “right-wing conspiracy.” I mean, FFS, it’s The Intercept.

I implore you: Make them own it.


UPDATE NEWSPEAK DICTIONARIES ACCORDINGLY, COMRADES! Kamala the Language Cop: Harris Urges End to Terms ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism,’ ‘Illegal Alien.’

Vice President Kamala Harris said the public should no longer use the terms “radical Islamic terrorism” and “illegal alien” during a speech she gave at a Los Angeles mosque in July 2016.

“We must have the courage to object when they use that term, ‘radical Islamic terrorism,’ which ignores how Muslims have overwhelmingly been the greatest victims of terror,” she told the crowd at the Islamic Center of Southern California. “We must also have the courage to reject the term ‘illegal alien.’”

Does she simply hate Genesis all together, or is she more of a fan of the Peter Gabriel era?


Kamala Harris, whose mentor and former boyfriend Willie Brown was one of the most powerful figures in California state politics, was part of an expansive political machine, and she ran the attorney general’s office along the lines of a twentieth century urban prosecutor. She refused to cooperate with ICE in disclosing the immigration status of criminal offenders, but such antics are the baseline in leftwing sanctuary cities like San Francisco.

Until recently, San Francisco was a colorful but relatively safe town—small (with under a million residents), wealthy, and surrounded by water. With antisocial behavior largely confined to certain districts such as the Tenderloin, San Francisco lived up to its reputation as one of America’s urban jewels. Its murder rate was much lower than in gritty Oakland across the Bay, but the Golden Gate city distinguished itself in drug-related deaths. In that category, San Francisco posted statistics nine times the national average — until the opiate epidemic caught the rest of America up.

As DA, Harris focused her attention, somewhat strangely, on marijuana offenses. In the Bay Area, pot is considered about as exotic as vitamin supplements. To be fair, she was in line with her predecessor — Hallinan prosecuted even more of those types of  violations. But Harris opposed recreational marijuana and in 2010 co-authored the rebuttal to the pro-legalization argument for the California voter guide. Although she changed her position on cannabis prohibition once she rose to the national stage, there is little doubt that the prosecution of marijuana offenses in one of the most permissive American municipalities contributed to her downfall as a presidential contender. During the 2020 presidential debate, Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard noted: “she put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when asked if she ever smoked marijuana.” Kamala’s candidacy was already faltering, and that remark finished it.

Kamala could certainly get tough on San Franciscan tokers. But cop killers? Meh:

FLORIDA MAN FRIDAY [VIP]: He Was 10 Crew Members Short of Ocean’s 11. “It’s time for your much-needed break from the serious news and this week we have a thrilling low-speed chase, the most honest criminal in the world, and the most cram-packed headline ever to come out of Texas.”

MATTHEW CONTINETTI: The Biden-Harris Mental Gymnastics.

Harris last faced serious opposition in 2010, when she barely won the race for state attorney general in navy-blue California. Her 2020 presidential campaign collapsed before Iowa. She has no political base, no signature issue, is not part of a movement, and is best known for her word salads and very online fans.

These inconvenient details have been ignored or forgotten. Instead, an orgy of excitement has accompanied Harris’s rise. With the efficiency of a Malenkov, she locked up the presumptive nomination within 48 hours of Biden’s departure. Her ability to read off a TelePrompTer with an expression other than befuddlement has been rapturously received by her grateful party. Young and impressionable pundits speak of an “Obama moment,” seemingly unaware that Barack Obama emerged as a star at the Democratic National Convention in 2004 and became, with the publication of The Audacity of Hope in 2006, a cultural phenomenon. In 2008 Obama filled an NFL stadium for his Greek-column acceptance speech. Harris has coconut tree memes.

The Democrats and the press may yet make Harris something special, something new. Friendly reporters are doing the grunt work of pretending that Harris had no role in the southern border crisis, revising years-old articles to spread the fiction that she was never called “border czar.” No doubt they will also try to distance Harris from the 20 percent rise in prices during the Biden-Harris administration, from the ongoing wars in Ukraine, Gaza, and the Red Sea, and from the ongoing cover-up of Biden’s infirmity. Perhaps they will succeed.

Harris’s candidacy, after all, has knocked Donald Trump off the front page the first time in a decade. Her earned-media bounce has restored the presidential race to its pre-debate equilibrium: Trump leads, but it’s close. Can Harris and the Democrats keep up the act? She’s an alternate who finds herself the star of the team. She’s facing a political gold medalist. In this competition, there’s no room for error. And the judges? They can be harsh.

“‘You are a slow learner, Winston.’ Said O’Brien gently:”

“How can I help it?” he blubbered. How can I help but see what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four.”

“Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.

QED: Gretchen Whitmer: Harris has ‘more experience than the whole GOP ticket put together.’

And the public should completely forget what those experiences consisted of:

Not least of which, this experience:

I DUNNO, IS LIFE WITH A FANNY PACK WORTH SAVING? Have No Fear, You Have Your FEAR Bag With You: FEAR, in this case, stands for “Forget Everything And Run.” “I’ve learned that ‘prepping’ isn’t just a good idea for people who live in hurricane-prone areas, it’s an absolute necessity. But you don’t have to have an open line of credit at your local military surplus store in order to be ready for life’s little hiccups. Rather, there are simple, easy steps you can take right now to make your life easier and safer, and one of those steps is always having the little bits and pieces of your life you need to make things easier, ready to go at a moment’s notice. One of the easiest is to create a bail out bag, or as I’ve also heard them called, a FEAR bag, which is short for ‘Forget Everything And Run.'”


One day before anti-Israel protesters caused mayhem in Washington, D.C., burning an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after he spoke to Congress, scrawling graffiti across federal property, and burning American flags, the National Park Service granted the organizing group a public gathering permit. The Washington Examiner obtained a copy of that permit in full from a Biden administration source — providing a key window into the planning of the rally and the ways in which demonstrators skirted federal rules.

The permit, a redacted version of which can be read at this link, was given to the ANSWER Coalition, a group that coordinated with other pro-Palestinian activist hubs on the planning and execution of the protest. Dozens of protesters were arrested following clashes with police, though at least 11 of them had their misdemeanor charges dropped by Thursday evening, the Washington Examiner reported.

* * * * * * * *

In the permit, the ANSWER Coalition described how it would be protesting in various areas in the nation’s capital, including John Marshall Park and Columbus Plaza. At 3:37 p.m. on Wednesday, after many hours of protests in the streets, the NPS said the permit for Columbus Plaza had been revoked.

Minutes later, a man wearing a red shirt was captured on social media graffitiing the phrase “Hamas is coming” on a historic fountain in the plaza honoring Christopher Columbus.

The Wednesday protest, according to the permit, was slated for between 5 a.m. and 4 p.m. that day. Activists continued to demonstrate after 4 p.m. in the district as part of the rally, which ANSWER said on the permit application was to “stop the genocide in Gaza.” The protest was called “Arrest Netanyahu! Surround Congress July 24 with the People’s Red Line for Palestine,” according to ANSWER’s website.

And in the aftermath: At least 11 anti-Israel protesters have their cases dropped in DC.

At least 11 anti-Israel protesters arrested in Washington, D.C., had their misdemeanor charges dropped Thursday evening, one day after protesters scrawled graffiti across federal property and burned an American flag in the nation’s capital.

Fortunately for the protestors, they chose the right flag to destroy. In Soviet America, choosing the wrong flag to desecrate could have very serious consequences: Three Washington [state] teens are facing TEN YEARS in jail after making skid marks on LGBT rainbow road mural while riding e-scooters.