Archive for 2023

JIM TREACHER: Mayor Pete Is Blowing This — And not in a fun way. “Will Buttigieg’s tenure as transportation secretary ruin his presidential prospects? After all, that’s what this is all about for him. Maybe, maybe not. It’s not as if politics is about solving problems. All you have to do is claim you solved the problems, and your team will cheer for you no matter what. Just look at Joe Biden’s career. He’s been in Washington for literally half a century, and the more he screws up, the more power he gets handed. At this point, I’m surprised he’s not President of the Galaxy.”

LINCOLN BROWN: To My Sorrow, There Can Be No Common Ground With the Left. “There comes a time when one must admit that compromise is impossible, and that to search for it involves capitulation with alleged human beings who have blinded themselves to all but the basest of pursuits and desires. There comes a time at which hope ends, and one realizes that we can no longer live with one another. It is a sad realization, but one that is based on a harsh, unforgiving reality. Long had I hoped that cooler heads might prevail, that we could see eye to eye on something. But whether it is because of the internet, our feckless leaders, or the inherent sinfulness of mankind, we must admit that the breach between the insanity of the Left and the rest of the world is simply too large and wide to bridge.”

Read the whole thing.

STILL MORE OF A PEACE EFFORT THAN BIDEN HAS MADE: China’s Plan To End Ukraine-Russia War Met With Skepticism In West. “Last week, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the West believes China is poised to begin supplying arms to Russia. Given that the West, led by the U.S., is sending lethal aid to Ukraine, that would raise the specter of a proxy war between the world’s most powerful nations and stoke fears the U.S., Europe, and China could all be further drawn in.”

A look at China’s 12 points reveals a wishlist of feel-good measures “abandoning the Cold War mentality” and little of substance. So if I had to guess, Beijing is putting this out there for Ukraine and the West to reject in order to justify sending arms to Russia.

But that’s just a guess. We’ll see.

MEGAN FOX: Why Is Missouri’s Republican AG Andrew Bailey Protecting a Judge Who Abused Children? “The children, who were both teens at the time, refused to go live with their mother. In an effort to coerce them to do so, Eighmy dragged them to the detention center under his office and jailed them for an hour — stripped of their socks and shoes — and then threatened them with foster care if they refused to obey him. Later, the judge issued an order across state lines for a Louisiana sheriff to arrest the children and throw them in the juvenile detention center for two days, in solitary confinement, where they were subjected to abuse through strip searches, sleep deprivation, interrogation, and psychological trauma.”

DEAL OF THE DAY: Japanese Chef Knife. #CommissionEarned

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Colorado gun buyers would have to wait 3 days before accessing their weapons under waiting-period proposal. “The waiting-period bill, expected to be formally unveiled this week in the House, is part of a package of gun control measures Democrats are planning to introduce at the Capitol this year. Other legislation will seek to raise the age to purchase rifles and shotguns to 21 to match the policy for handguns, regulate homemade firearms that lack serial numbers — also known as ‘ghost guns’ — and make it easier to sue gun manufacturers and sellers. Additionally, there will be a measure introduced that would expand who can petition a judge to order the temporary seizure of someone’s guns under the state’s so-called red flag law.”

CHANGE: University of Texas System suspends new DEI policies, launches probe into current ones. “The University of Texas System this week suspended the launch of any new diversity, equity and inclusion programs and initiated the start of an investigation into current ones. The system, which oversees 13 academic and health institutions across the state, made the announcement in the wake of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s office earlier this month telling state agencies to stop using DEI policies in hiring, calling it employment discrimination that violates federal and state employment laws.”

This is nice, but they need legislation to make these changes permanent. And they’re working on that: “One bill under consideration in the Lonestar State would forbid diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives at all public universities in Texas. Another recently proposed bill would forbid biological men from competing in women’s sports at Texas colleges and universities.”

STOP WITH THE HYPER CARTER TRIBUTES ALREADY: Andrew Ferguson, writing for the Washington Free Beacon, captures what many are thinking but reluctant to verbalize whenever another paean to Jimmy Carter is issued. Yes, it’s sad that any human being enters hospice, but, no, Carter was not a successful president and his post-White House years were hardly any better.

DON SURBER: Masks Worked, Just Not Against Covid. And now everyone’s admitting it, but they’re not apologizing:

The masks and social distancing were medical theater just as TSA is security theater. Both make the public feel safer, and as an added bonus they give the Karens on the left a reason to feel morally superior to those of us who realize it is all for show. . . .

At the height of the mask hysteria, Kyle D. Killian wrote in Psychology Today, “This week, on social media, I reposted a photo of a white woman carrying a sign that reads ‘I’d Rather Bury My Family From COVID Than See Them Enslaved to the Fear of It.’ Why? I was curious about others’ thoughts on it.”

Interesting that he identified her as a white woman.

He wrote, “Highly educated intellectuals—people literally paid to type and talk—must resist the urge to make fun of this person or to lecture down to them about virology, science, etc. What is key, crucial in fact, is not dismissing or mocking this person, but interpreting the signage as an indicator of a fear-based response.

“In this case, masking requirements have been equated in this person’s mind to a fundamental loss of freedom or liberty. Fear has clouded this person’s thinking; instead of seeing social distancing and masks as a way of caring for others, putting the Golden Rule into action, or acknowledging that some folks feel just fine but are actually asymptomatic carriers of coronavirus, she sees them as a threat.”


The problem with Mister Know-It-All is that he was wrong. The masks he defended did not stop viruses. How do you get a doctorate and a license as a therapist without knowing this? Obviously we have abandoned biology as we pretend men can become women with just a change of pronouns. I don’t expect an apology from Killian or any of the other masked holes because the emperor continued his parade even after the little boy said he was naked and the crowd laughed.

Kathleen Hall Jamieson is director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania and co-founder of

She wrote in Scientific American, “I have spent much of my career studying ways to blunt the effects of disinformation and help the public make sense of the complexities of politics and science. When my colleagues and I probed the relation between the consumption of misinformation and the embrace, or dismissal, of protective behaviors that will ultimately stop the coronavirus’s spread, the results were clear: Those who believe false ideas and conspiracy theories about COVID-19 and vaccines are less likely to engage in mask wearing, social distancing, hand washing and vaccination.”

But Miss Fact Check was all wrong.

The virus really was manmade in a lab un Wuhan, Red China. Masks really didn’t work. Social distancing also didn’t work. And the vaccinations are nowhere near the level of effectiveness of other vaccines. . . . The Pandemic Panic changed life for the worst for most Americans.

Aside from that, everything was handled perfectly.