STILL MORE OF A PEACE EFFORT THAN BIDEN HAS MADE: China’s Plan To End Ukraine-Russia War Met With Skepticism In West. “Last week, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the West believes China is poised to begin supplying arms to Russia. Given that the West, led by the U.S., is sending lethal aid to Ukraine, that would raise the specter of a proxy war between the world’s most powerful nations and stoke fears the U.S., Europe, and China could all be further drawn in.”

A look at China’s 12 points reveals a wishlist of feel-good measures “abandoning the Cold War mentality” and little of substance. So if I had to guess, Beijing is putting this out there for Ukraine and the West to reject in order to justify sending arms to Russia.

But that’s just a guess. We’ll see.