Archive for 2022

‘WE COACH BALL, WE DON’T LOOK AT COLOR:’ Buccaneers Head Coach Stops Woke Reporters In Their Tracks.

One reporter asked Bowles about how he and [Mike Tomlin of the Pittsburgh Steelers] are “two of the few black head coaches in the league,” what their relationship was like, and about the interim head coach for the Carolina Panthers Steve Wilks “joining that fold.”

“I have a very good relationship with Tomlin,” Bowles replied. “We don’t look at what color we are when we coach against each other. We just know each other. I have a lot of very good white friends that coach in this league as well.”

“And I don’t think it’s a big deal,” he added. “As far as us coaching against each other, I think it’s normal … and we coach ball. We don’t look at color.”

Another reporter then jumped in and appeared to scold the coach for not giving the woke response desired, and reminded him that “you also understand that representation matters, too, right?”

She then told the head coach about how seeing him there inspires others because “football players, they see you guys. You know, they see someone that looks like them, maybe grew up like them …”

“Well, when you say ‘see you guys’ and ‘look like them’ and ‘grow up like them’ means that we’re oddballs to begin with,” Bowles replied. “And I think the minute you guys start — stop making a big deal about it, everybody else will as well.”

Those aren’t reporters covering a press conference, those are activists with an agenda.

WAUKESHA MASSACRE SUSPECT DARRELL BROOKS CLAIMS “I DO NOT IDENTIFY BY THAT NAME:” “Darrell Brooks, who is representing himself, went on a 50-minute rant yesterday in which he also asserted that he doesn’t identify by the name Darrell Brooks, despite the Judge pointing out that he has provided no alternative name by which he should be identified. At the same time, he also asked that the case be dismissed because the victims weren’t present in the courtroom. He said that there was ‘no injured party’ in the courtroom, which he believes violates his right under the 6th amendment to face his accusers. Also, don’t you just love that he always wears a mask? Safety first, you know. Wouldn’t want to kill grandma…”

JESUITICAL:  I learned yesterday that 14 Senators, 48 Congressmen, and three Supreme Court Justices attended Jesuit schools or colleges.  That’s a pretty good record for those schools.  Alas, their traditional reputation for academic rigor has been on the decline for a while (while their reputation for mindless indoctrination is on the upswing).  Today, most are at least as woke as the rest of schools and usually more so.  For example, at Phoenix’s Brophy Prep, it isn’t enough to require teachers to be “anti-racist,” even the weight room assistant has to be anti-racist.

Parents of public-school students have been birddogging our out-of-control public schools for a while now, and they’ve had some successes.  They often have weapons that parents of private-school students don’t—Freedom of Information Acts and open-meetings laws.

Dan Maher has undertaken to help expose Jesuit schools.  If you’re interested in the subject, check out his website here and his Substack here.

Dan quotes Kenneth Clark at the top of his web site: “Civilization requires confidence, confidence in the society in which one lives, belief in its philosophy, belief in its laws ….”  The truth is “however complex and solid it seems,” civilization is “actually quite fragile, it can be destroyed.”    Alas.


Shot: NATO to kick off nuclear drills involving B-52 bombers on Monday.

The nuclear drills — which do not involve live bombs — are taking place amid heightened tensions after Russia repeatedly threatened nuclear strikes in Ukraine following major military setbacks on the battlefield there.

“Steadfast Noon” is likely to coincide with Moscow’s own annual nuclear drills, dubbed “Grom”, which are normally conducted in late October and in which Russia tests its nuclear-capable bombers, submarines and missiles.

NATO said the Western drills were not prompted by the latest tensions with Russia.

“The exercise, which runs until 30 October, is a routine, recurring training activity and it is not linked to any current world events,” the alliance declared on its webpage, adding that no live weapons would be used.

“This exercise helps ensure that the alliance’s nuclear deterrent remains safe, secure and effective,” said NATO spokesperson Oana Lungescu.

—Reuters, yesterday.

Chaser: Putin Moves Nuclear Bombers to NATO Border. Analysts fear buildup may be preparation to carry out tactical nuclear attack.

Timcast, yesterday.

SCIENCE CAN BE KINDA SLOW: Retraction Watch: In 1987, the NIH found a paper contained fake data. It was just retracted. “Ronald Reagan was president and James Wyngaarden was director of the National Institutes of Health when a division of the agency found 10 papers describing trials of psychiatric drugs it had funded had fake data or other serious issues. Thirty-five years later, one of those articles has finally been retracted. A 1987 report by the National Institute of Mental Health found that Stephen Breuning, then an assistant professor of child psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh, had made up results in 10 papers purportedly describing research funded by two grants the institute had funded.”

I’D HAVE DONE IT FOR LESS:  The University of Illinois paid Ibram Kendi $35,000 for a 60 minute Q & A.

OPEN THREAD: It’s time.

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Judge rules federal law banning guns with serial numbers removed is unconstitutional. “A federal judge blocked a federal law on Wednesday that prohibits the possession of a firearm with an “altered, obliterated or removed” serial number in light of the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling expanding gun rights earlier this year. U.S. District Judge Joseph Goodwin ruled that no historical standard exists to demonstrate that firearms without a serial number are more dangerous or unusual than firearms with a serial number, so the law is unconstitutional.”

HMM: New Insights into how Serotonin Regulates Behavior. “Rates of anxiety and depression have been increasing around the world for decades, a trend that has been sharply exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. New research led by the Boyce Thompson Institute’s Frank Schroeder could ultimately lead to new therapeutics to help relieve this global mental health burden.”

The pandemic didn’t exacerbate that, the government and media response to the pandemic exacerbated that.

GUITARLINGTON! The annual Arlington, TX guitar show is this Saturday and Sunday, if you’re going to be in Dallas Metroplex. Here’s my video from last year’s show:

VIRGINIA DEMOCRAT LEGISLATOR TO FLOAT BILL TO CRIMINALLY PROSECUTE PARENTS WHO DON’T AFFIRM THEIR KIDS AS TRANSGENDER. “It could be a felony, it could be a misdemeanor, but we know that CPS charge could harm your employment, could harm their education, because nowadays many people do a CPS database search before offering employment.”

At this point we’re in a race to see whether Russian nukes or deliberately turning the culture war hot destroys this country first.

GOOD: Georgians Are Rejecting Stacey Abrams’ Long-Running Anti-Gun Hypocrisy. “Abrams’ antigun platform isn’t the only problem. Her Second Amendment hypocrisy is what should have Georgians hopping mad. Abrams has spent more than $1.2 million on private armed security all while calling for Georgians to give up their rights to protect themselves.”

COMMIES: Xi wanted China to be at the tech frontier. 5 years on, tensions with the U.S. have dented that goal.

Xi Jinping once declared China should “prioritize innovation” and be on the “cutting-edge (of) frontier technologies, modern engineering technologies, and disruptive technologies.”

Since that speech in 2017, Beijing has spoken about technologies it wants to boost its prowess in, ranging from artificial intelligence to 5G technology and semiconductors.

Five years since Xi’s address at the Communist Party of China’s last National Congress, the global reality for the world’s second-largest economy has transformed. It comes amid an ongoing trade war with the U.S., challenges from Covid and a change in political direction at home that have hurt some of Beijing’s goals.

Communist regimes aren’t very good (I’m being kind here) at the efficient resource allocation, risk-taking, and tolerance for failure required for innovation.

We’re getting worse at those things, too.