Archive for 2022

PRO-LIFE CENTERS 22 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO SUFFER POLITICAL VIOLENCE: President Joe Biden talked a lot Wednesday evening from Washington, D.C.’s Union Station about political violence, declaring that Americans “must unite to make it absolutely clear that there is no place for political violence in America.”

If Biden actually meant what he said, he would immediately direct Attorney General Merrick Garland to put the FBI to work investigating and bringing to justice the perpetrators of the wave of violence since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision against pro-life centers.

The Washington Stand reports on a new study from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) that found pro-life pregnancy counseling centers, which provide services that are an alternative to abortion, are 22 times more likely to be violently attacked than Planned Parenthood facilities.

“Vandals and domestic terrorists attacked pro-life churches and pregnancy resource centers 135 times between May 3, when a still-unknown party leaked the Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling, and September 24,” according to the Stand’s Ben Johnson.

“Researchers verified six attacks on abortion facilities during the same period. ‘The bottom line is that after the Dobbs decision was leaked, there was over 22 times more violence directed against pro-life groups than pro-choice organizations,’ said the study, performed by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC).”

ANDREW STILES: Why No One’s Talking About This Swing-State Senate Race That Could Determine the Balance of Power in Washington. “The outcome of this race will be a reasonably accurate reflection of the national mood, which is why Budd is probably going to win. He has led almost every poll by at least 3 percentage points since early September. FiveThirtyEight gives him an 80 percent chance of victory. In a midterm cycle under a struggling Democratic president, being a generic Republican running in a swing state is a pretty good gig. The stump speech, if you can stick to the script, practically writes itself.”


Now, after all the media blamed Republicans for the break-in at the Pelosi residence, it turns out it was done by an illegal immigrant. “The suspect who violently assaulted Paul Pelosi with a hammer last week was in the U.S. illegally, immigration officials confirm. David DePape, 42, was in the country on an expired temporary visitor visa from Canada, according to the Department of Homeland Security.”

THE NEW SPACE RACE: After 3 Months in Space, China’s Mysterious Spaceplane Ejects Unknown Object. “The spaceplane may have released other objects shortly after launching this past August. Tracking data from the Space Defense Squadron noted at least one or two objects that may be inspector satellites tracking the spacecraft itself, according to Space News.”

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEFING: Dem Candidates Don’t Want Biden Anywhere Near Close Races. “Where has President LOLEightyonemillion recently been? Bumbling around in places where the Democrats either aren’t going to win or don’t need any help at all. And, as always, embarrassing himself and the country.”

JOY PULLMAN: There Can Be No ‘Amnesty’ On Lockdowns Without A Reckoning.

Oster has built a personal brand on “data-based parenting.” She describes herself in her Twitter profile as “unapologetically data-driven.” But Oster is over her skis, both professionally and as a citizen, to make such a poor argument masquerading as a moderate position in The Atlantic. Especially since her essay is likely the beginning of a pivot among the ruling class to avoid accountability for using Covid to destroy our peace, prosperity, and ancient rights, it deserves the public beating it has received.

We the people were never told by the Covid totalitarians that their predictions were “uncertain” and “complicated.” They were so certain of their false claims that they sent police to record the license plates of people who attended church on Easter, a constitutional and human right. They shut down schools while keeping abortion facilities and marijuana dispensaries open. They were so sure of their moral righteousness that they seemingly gleefully threatened people’s ability to feed their kids if they didn’t take experimental injections for a disease that may have posed little risk to them. The vaccine mandates led to dangerous employee shortages at hospitals, police departments, and now in the U.S. military.

None of this deliberately inflicted mass suffering was necessary, and that was all known early on. It wasn’t, as Oster claims, a matter of “deep uncertainty.” Among others, Dr. Scott Atlas very publicly presented strong evidence that mask mandates and shutdowns were poor policy choices throughout 2020. He was brutalized in the media and his own Ivy League university for pointing out this data. So were the eminent authors of the Great Barrington Declaration that made similar data-based arguments, Drs. Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta, and Martin Kulldorff.

It had also been long-established that lockdowns should never be employed and that forcing people into isolation and medical treatments they don’t want are bright red, flashing human rights violations. Multiple Western governments and nongovernmental organizations including the World Health Organization and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considered the idea of lockdowns and mass quarantines years before Covid emerged and rejected these policies for both practical and ethical reasons.

Covid wasn’t that “complicated.” The global left simply believed Covid chaos would benefit their forever goal of consolidating power.

They need to suffer sufficiently that they won’t try something like that again. And that suffering needs to be personal, not just institutional. Examples must be made.

TEXAS: Radicals In Reformer Drag. “The name, Save Our Schools, seems to imply a reformer agenda in the same way as Save Austin Now. But ‘Save Our Schools’ are peddling the same woke, anti-parent, social justice warrior/critical race theory/transexual madness agenda that’s destroying Round Rock ISD.”

PAUL BEDARD: More evidence of huge voter swing to GOP. “Concerns among Democrats that they will lose control of Congress have prompted President Joe Biden to throw on an eleventh-hour speech about ‘democracy’ on Wednesday night.”

A “threat to democracy” is just a threat to Democratic Party power.

WHAT THE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES DIDN’T MENTION:  One topic that no one brought up at the Monday’s Supreme Court oral argument on affirmative action was mismatch.  Of the six conservative justices, not one was willing to bring up the research that suggests that students who receive an affirmative action leg up are actually made worse off by that supposed benefit.  I think I know why:  When Justice Scalia brought it up (very inartfully) at the 2015 oral argument in Fisher v. University of Texas, he got clobbered for it in the media.  The last thing they wanted was a media frenzy like the one Scalia had to endure.

XI’S GOTTA HAVE IT: As China-US ties worsen, Hong Kong bankers fear for their careers.

Since China’s Communist Party congress last month, bankers and asset managers I have spoken to are worried. They wonder whether they have viable careers at all.

The defiant tone President Xi Jinping took toward the US got those hardworking financiers scared. Already, strains between the two global superpowers led some of the biggest US pension funds to reassess their exposure to China, with one slashing its portfolio allocation and another halting new investments.

What if geopolitical tension over Taiwan intensifies and Washington DC imposes more sanctions on Chinese companies, or even restricts US investments in Chinese assets?

Xi got his third-to-life term already. Punishing Hong Kong bankers is just gravy.

LATEST EQUITY ARGUMENT:  Now that white males are a minority on the Supreme Court, the latest complaint is that the lawyers who argue before the Court are still mostly white males.  I fear that the next step will be to demand that the Court actually decide cases along demographic lines.  Eg.:  If 50% of Supreme Court cases are argued by women, then women advocates must win 50% of the time.  We can laugh at that now.  But just a few years ago we were laughing at the notion that a 6″ 4″ person with  … uh … male equipment … is just another girl on the girls’ field hockey team.  I’m done with classifying arguments as too crazy to worry about.

K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: With States Hands-Off, Homeschooling Takes Off.

This freedom stands in contrast to outraged parents who feel powerless over how their  kids are taught in public schools. In high-pitched battles at school board meetings, some take aim at the easing of admissions standards, others at what they see as the promotion of critical race theory and transgender rights, and still others at segregated classrooms and the presence of police officers on campus. And almost everyone is concerned with the sharp decline in already low reading and math scores of students in nearly every state during the pandemic, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress released in late October.

For a growing number of parents, homeschooling is the answer to the institutional barriers to the education they believe in. Beyond requirements that homeschooling parents teach a few core subjects like math and English, they are free to pick the content.

All is proceeding as I have foreseen, with a bit of a bump from the education establishment’s pandemic idiocy.

PJ MEDIA VIP ROUNDUP: Don’t forget that VODKAPUNDIT promo code if you’ve been thinking of joining us.

Matt Margolis: The Democrats Have Something Sinister Planned After the Midterms. “The Justice Department has been working with various left-wing voting rights groups in secret meetings, so something is definitely up, and it doesn’t look good.”

Megan Fox: Missouri Health Department Launches Suspicious ‘Investigation’ Into Hospital That Refused to Perform Medical Emergency Abortion. “No one in the media who reported the scary story quoted the law accurately, nor did they reach out to anyone in Missouri who could refute the claim.”

Yours Truly: THE REAL SUICIDE OF THE WEST: The Hottest Jobs in Teaching Are All Woke. “Every single one of these positions is designed to do one thing: Generate class after graduating class of purple-haired, nose-ring wearers of indeterminate gender with a special hatred of the society wealthy enough to fritter itself away creating such useless creatures.”