Archive for 2022

SOMEBODY SET UP US THE BOMB: New York Professor Claims Those Who Don’t Want to Mask in Her Class Are ‘Racist.’

The mask fanatics refuse to give up.

Even though nearly every jurisdiction in the United States has ended mandates, there are legions of people desperate to maintain the disproven fiction of universal masking.

Mountains of data have accumulated over the past several years showing that masks have been completely ineffective at preventing the spread of COVID.

Yet some are so committed to avoiding admitting that the leaders of their political ideology have been wrong that they’re willing to continue policies, seemingly forever.

One such recent example came from a SUNY New Paltz Professor Jessica Nydia Pabón-Colón who is described on LinkedIn as an “interdisciplinary Latina feminist performance studies scholar.”

Pabón announced on Twitter that she will be enforcing mask mandates in her classroom, even though the school she teaches at no longer requires them, and is even “building mask wearing” into her syllabus…She also claims in the (potential) syllabus that “Refusing to mask indoors is a manifestation of ableism and racism, an exercise of individual privilege that tells the most vulnerable that their health does not matter.”

Speaking of mask fanatics: Fauci: ‘Inexplicable’ That Americans See Forced Masking as Encroachment on Freedom.


Gov. Kathy Hochul sounded like a bad Borscht Belt comedian at a bill signing tied to Holocaust education in schools Wednesday as she tried to land a joke at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ expense.

“I just want to say to the 1.77 million Jews who call New York home: Thank you for calling New York home. Don’t go anywhere or to another state. Florida is overrated. I shouldn’t say this, but look at the governor. It starts at the top down,” Hochul cracked.

“Getting in trouble – gotta stay on script,” the governor quickly added before she was forced to abruptly segue to her introduction of Holocaust survivor Celia Kener at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in lower Manhattan.

Related: Antisemitic Attacks in New York Are at Highest Level in Decades.

OUT ON A LIMB: DOJ source calls raid a ‘spectacular backfire,’ claims AG Garland didn’t approve it.

The story concludes with another big revelation. It claims that AG Merrick Garland was being updated on the National Archives investigation and knew about the grand jury but did not approve the search Monday. Newsweek’s source claims Garland had “no prior knowledge” of the time of the raid. Instead it was FBI Director Christopher Wray who approved the search. Finally, the source adds, “It really is a case of the Bureau misreading the impact.”

This is a lot of new information but I think the big take-aways are that this had nothing to do with Jan. 6 and that these DOJ sources are now feeling a lot of pressure, enough that they are a) trying to explain themselves and b) blaming the “spectacular backfire” on the FBI and the US Attorney while trying to insulate AG Garland from the blowback.

As Scott Johnson writes at Power Line, “We saw the FBI agents holding the fort down outside Mar-a-Lago with big weapons. It was sickening. Christopher Wray should be sent packing and the FBI should be dissolved and reconstituted. It has become an unaccountable and politically corrupt organization.”

Related: FBI Quest for Trump Documents Started With Breezy Chats, Tour of a Crowded Closet. “FBI officials showed up with instructions to keep the search as unobtrusive as possible, with agents dressed in plainclothes and told not to take any weapons, people familiar with the plan said. The Secret Service was notified and then Mr. Trump’s lawyers. On site, the FBI asked for several things, according to a person familiar, including a diagram of the sprawling building and that surveillance cameras be turned off, citing officer safety.”

More: Eric Trump tells what REALLY happened in FBI raid: President’s son says 30 agents REFUSED to hand over warrant, kicked lawyer off property, rifled through clothes — and how Mar-a-Lago staff refused to turn off security cameras.




NY Attorney General Letitia James ran on a campaign of “getting Trump”. Two days ago, Joe Biden attacked his political rival with the full force and power of the Federal Government dispatching 30 FBI agents to raid his home in Florida.

The goal is to keep Trump off the ballot.

I don’t want to see the President run in 2024. I’d like to see the torch passed on to younger people. However, the more they attack him and the more unfairly he is treated it makes me want to see him run again and fully support him.

The “they” isn’t just the Democratic Party. It’s also the RINOs in the Republican Party that make a nice living off grifting with the government. I saw it destroy any competitiveness in the Illinois Republican Party and I don’t want the RINOs to destroy the national party. I’d prefer that small government conservatives get elected and destroy the bureaucracy, and kick the RINOs out.

Trump is accused of committing fraud by Letitia James in the way he ran his business. He is accussed of inflating the assets on the business balance sheet to get loans and conduct business with other entitites. I saw Trump’s statement, and predictably it was an attacking statement. People forget that the thing a lot of us like is he actually fights and fights aggressively.

Trump is right. She is a pure political hack no different than an apparatchik in the Stalin Administration.

But, I’d like to add some nuance to this and hopefully, reasonable people will see the light. People with Trump Derangement Syndrome will never see the light.

Private markets are just that, private. Trump’s hotel business isn’t public. It’s not listed on a stock exchange. There is no private marketplace where you can buy and sell Trump shares in his hotels. It’s 100% his.

He can value his buildings at whatever the heck he wants to value them at. He can say each one is worth $1B, $10B or a hundred million bajillion trillion. If he doesn’t have any outside equity investors, it doesn’t matter at all what he values them at.

Read the whole thing.


Someday, hopefully in November, there will be new sheriffs in town that will assume the power that the Democrats are using wontonly.

I don’t think Republicans should use it to target political rivals like Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden and the rest of the Democrats have done-with the full support of the entire apparatus and every candidate of the Democratic party by the way.

But, boy, it’s awfully hard not to wish they’d use it that way.

That’s how Civil Wars get going.

And some people seem to want that.

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): “A White House Middle School teacher’s aide was arrested Tuesday after being accused of engaging in a sexual relationship with a minor. . . . During the investigation, detectives discovered that the sexual acts began approximately two years ago when the juvenile and Cartwright began communicating via Snapchat. The investigation also revealed that Cartwright had sexual intercourse with the student approximately 15 times before family members of the student discovered the inappropriate sexual acts were occurring. Officials said the detectives presented this case to the Sumner County Grand Jury in August of 2022 and returned sealed indictments against Cartwright for statutory rape by an authority figure and continuous sexual abuse of a child.”