Author Archive: Stephen Green

CYBER THREATS: North Korean hacker got hired by US security vendor, immediately loaded malware. “KnowBe4 said it was looking for a software engineer for its internal IT AI team. The firm hired a person who, it turns out, was from North Korea and was ‘using a valid but stolen US-based identity’ and a photo that was “enhanced” by artificial intelligence. There is now an active FBI investigation amid suspicion that the worker is what KnowBe4’s blog post called ‘an Insider Threat/Nation State Actor.'”

ANALYSIS: TRUE. The Corpse-in-Chief Has Got to Go. “The best case is that Biden’s brain is as impaired as we thought but that maybe his physical condition hasn’t declined as rapidly as it appears.”


The lack of consequences tells you everything you need to know about who is actually running things.

CHANGE? The ‘Iron Lady’ of Venezuela Threatens to Unseat Its Autocrat.

Ms. Machado, 56, the newest leader of Venezuela’s opposition, has struck fear into the hearts of the country’s ruling party. In a matter of months, she has emerged from the political sidelines to build a powerful social movement capable of bringing thousands of people to the streets — and perhaps millions to the ballot box.

She is not the one running for president, but she is the driving force behind the main opposition candidate, a little-known diplomat named Edmundo González.

The mobilization Ms. Machado has catalyzed follows years of political apathy in Venezuela, where the government of President Nicolás Maduro has crushed protests and arrested dissidents, helping to spur an enormous exodus from the country.

An effort backed by the Trump administration to install a young legislator named Juan Guaidó as interim president failed, and last year Mr. Guaidó fled to the United States.

Now, Ms. Machado, a conservative former member of the national assembly once rejected by her own colleagues, has not only corralled Venezuela’s fractious opposition behind her, but has also captivated a broad swath of the electorate with a promise for sweeping government change.

Maduro won’t go quietly, that much is certain.

OUCH: Google Fails to ‘Wow’ as AI Bills Mount.

Tuesday’s results also set the stage for what might be a more challenging second half of the year. For one, comparisons will be tougher as the second half of last year had Google nearly recovered from an earlier advertising slump. Google also didn’t fully ramp up its spending on AI infrastructure until well into the second half of 2023; capital expenditures in the first half of 2023 were barely half of the $25.2 billion the company has spent in the first half of this year.

That spending won’t be taking a breather any time soon, even as Google has pared back other costs and even brought its head count down by more than 1,300 positions in the most recent quarter. Alphabet said Tuesday that capex will be at or above $12 billion a quarter for the second half of the year, likely leading to a total outlay of more than $49 billion for the year—84% higher than what the company has averaged annually over the past five years.

“Look, obviously we are at the early stage of what I view as a very transformative area,” Alphabet Chief Executive Sundar Pichai said during Tuesday’s earnings call when asked by an analyst about the company’s AI investments. He added that “the risk of underinvesting is dramatically greater than the risk of overinvesting for us here,” not mentioning the record amounts of capex that tech rivals Microsoft, and Meta Platforms are pouring into the same thing.

Maybe it is similar or maybe it isn’t. But AI right now reminds me of the late ’90s dotcom bubble — lots of corporate spending on the latest stuff that few people have any clue how to monetize.

YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK: Grant For Social Justice Org For Illegal Aliens = Widespread Child Sex Abuse. “One organization that took federal money was Austin-based Southwest Key, an organization that claims to be on the frontier of social justice, and now they’re accused of allowing wildspread child sex abuse to flourish on their watch.”

XI’S GOTTA HAVE IT: China’s domestic turmoil risks escalating space tensions.

Faced with an array of internal problems, state censorship has been ratcheted into overdrive. Wary of espionage, Beijing is taking ever more extreme measures to restrict the flow of information. But a more opaque China could impair decision-making about its actions within the global economy and international order. This impairment also includes decision-making ability around the development and preservation of space for the common good.

Indeed, in a lecture broadcasted during the 20th National Congress of the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in October 2022, Xi Jinping warned that “external attempts to suppress and contain China may escalate at any time.” The gathering also served to showcase the Chinese leader’s consolidation of absolute control over his party. Loyal ultranationalists were rewarded with cabinet positions, sidelining any viable opposition to Xi’s policies.

By silencing moderate perspectives, hawkish voices that align with Xi Jinping’s zero-sum mindset are now shaping China’s space agenda — as well as related propaganda for domestic consumption.

Leaders living in a bubble dictating the news sounds an awful lot like America under Biden-Harris.