Author Archive: Stephen Green

BILL WHITTLE’S HOT MIC: Churchill and Zelensky: ALLIES vs. FRIENDS. “Two leaders of two nations facing extinction at the hands of a ruthless and brutal invader. One is a former comedian, the other a direct descendant of the legendary Duke of Marlborough. So why was the representative of the most powerful nation in the history of the world willing to come to the President of the United States of America as a polite, optimistic and gracious friend and supplicant, while the former vaudeville performer wasn’t?”

THE NEW SPACE RACE: Air Force selects Pacific landing sites to test space cargo deliveries. “In a notice scheduled for publication in the Federal Register on March 3, the Department of the Air Force will formally announce its intent to prepare an environmental assessment. The review will evaluate the effects of building and operating the landing pads on Johnston Atoll, where up to 10 reentry vehicle landings would be planned annually over four years. This testing phase aims to demonstrate and refine the capabilities of the Rocket Cargo program, which envisions delivering critical supplies to any point on Earth within hours.”

MAYBE THE OLD WAYS ARE BEST: South Carolina Murderer Will Die by Firing Squad This Week. “Sigmon himself chose the firing squad because he was afraid the electric chair would ‘burn and cook him alive,’ according to his attorney, Gerald King. He also declined a lethal injection because previous men killed via this method in South Carolina likely suffered. Their autopsies found that their lungs were swollen and filled with ‘blood and fluid.’ One man’s execution took 23 minutes.”


KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEFING: Dear News Cycle — I Really Can’t Leave You Unsupervised, Can I? “If ever a world leader needed an upbraiding from the leader of the free world, it’s this guy and his bad Gap chic wardrobe. I can’t shake the feeling that Zelenskyy is more concerned with being an international celebrity than bringing peace to his people. Yeah, that sounds outlandish, but the guy really is a traveling clown show. He’s severely out of his league for a battle of wills with President Trump.”

WELL, GOOD: Rubio signs declaration to expedite $4B in arms to Israel ‘wrongly withheld’ by Biden. “This important decision coincides with President Trump’s repeal of a Biden-era memorandum which had imposed baseless and politicized conditions on military assistance to Israel at a time when our close ally was fighting a war of survival on multiple fronts against Iran and terror proxies.”

Here’s how the New York Times framed it because, of course, they did: Rubio Bypasses Congress to Send Israel $4 Billion in Arms.

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Gun ban contortions belie Polis’ ‘Free State of Colorado’ claims.

Senate Bill 3 would enact the first gun ban in Colorado history, making most semiautomatic guns and rifles, except for select hunting rifles, inaccessible to ordinary Coloradans to manufacture, sell or transfer as of Sept. 1.

At the eleventh hour in the Senate, progressive Democrats magnanimously carved out an exemption to appease Gov. Jared Polis and promote his “Free State of Colorado” propaganda. Most people who have lived here 10-plus years would surely argue that Colorado is now far less free – except for the freedom to use drugs, pitch a tent, and defecate in public.

The Polis amendment would allow Coloradans to continue to purchase common handguns and rifles only if these residents navigate a bureaucratic labyrinth which sponsors claim will encourage safety.

Of course, it does nothing to encourage gun safety among those who don’t care about breaking the law.

For starters, a Free State of Colorado citizen who wants to buy a specified firearm must seek the local sheriff’s permission and pay a fee just to be considered worthy. The sheriff can either grant that citizen a “Firearms Safety Eligibility Card” or choose not to do so.

Once this citizen of our free state has the sheriff’s blessing, he or she may then enroll in a government-approved “extended firearms safety course,” including a minimum of 12 hours of instruction over at least two different days. To take this course, a citizen must pay another fee which will be used to maintain a government database of those who have permission to buy a firearm.

That’s a whole lot of infringement.


Developing… slowly… but developing.

FLORIDA MAN FRIDAY [NOT VIP]: He Made Himself a Freelance ICE Agent. “It’s time for your much-needed break from the serious news, and this week we have a not-so-gentle reminder that you never go Full Miami Blues, how not to get revenge on your ex, and the New Hampshire Woman you don’t want to go grocery shopping with.”


We have at least four years of “Everything is the worst thing ever” from the Left. But it’s gotten easier and easier to tune out.