Author Archive: Stephen Green

JUSTICE STILL NOT SERVED: Teacher Who Won Court Battle after Refusing COVID Vaccine is Barred from School.

The court found the New York City Department of Education (DOE) wrongfully denied Halkias’ request for a religious exemption from taking the vaccine, deeming the decision “arbitrary and capricious.”

On August 1, the judge ordered Halkias to be reinstated with back pay.

But when she arrived at PS-85 in Long Island City for teacher orientation, she was told that there was “nothing” for her at the school.

“I’m not a criminal, and yet they are making me feel like I’m breaking the law,” she said.

The principal reportedly told Halkias that she had received no instructions to reinstate her, and there was no position available for her at the school.

“I went today for work, and I was told that there was nothing for me,” Halkias told the Post on Tuesday.

“The principal said that she had no directions given to her about my case, there was no position for me, and I couldn’t get a time card because I’m not officially in the system.”

Halkias’ attorney, James Mermigis, expressed frustration over the DOE’s actions.

He said that there might be financial motives at play, noting that Halkias was earning a substantial salary of $128,000, and was just six months away from reaching full retirement benefits

I suppose that’s one way for New York to chip away at its pension crisis — but hardly a decent or just way.

MEANWHILE, OVER AT VODKAPUNDIT: Click Here to Read Kamala Harris’s Next Flip-Flop Before It Even Happens! “In today’s most shocking news, Kamala Harris has yet to flip-flop on a radical position she held during her mercifully short-lived 2020 presidential campaign. But don’t you fret. This video only just started making the rounds and she still has two months to deny that her sudden total reversal is anything but a sudden total reversal.”


ALLIES: U.S. F-35A Jets Land On A Highway Strip In Finland For The First Time.

On Sept. 4, 2024, two F-35A jets belonging to the 495th Fighter Squadron of the 48th Fighter Wing operated out of a road strip in Finland for the first time. The two Lightning II aircraft took part in Banaa, the yearly dispersed operations drills of the Finnish Air Force.

The landing on Hosio Highway Strip, Ranua, Finland, marked the first time in history a U.S. fighter aircraft operated on a Finnish highway strip. During the exercise U.S. Air Force Airmen expanded on Agile Combat Employment capabilities by learning austere environment aircraft landing and take-off operations and techniques from their Finnish counterparts.

On the very same day, German Eurofighter aircraft also took part in Banaa24, landing for the first time on the Hosio highway strip in Ranua, Laplan.

Finland seemed happy to maintain its postwar neutrality until Vladimir Putin’s third (or fourth, depending on whether you count Moldova) invasion of a neighboring country.


FAKE IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT: FBI busts musician’s elaborate AI-powered $10M streaming-royalty heist. “On Wednesday, federal prosecutors charged a North Carolina musician with defrauding streaming services of $10 million through an elaborate scheme involving AI, as reported by The New York Times. Michael Smith, 52, allegedly used AI to create hundreds of thousands of fake songs by nonexistent bands, then streamed them using bots to collect royalties from platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music.”

THE NEW SPACE RACE: Houston, You Have Another Problem? “It looks more and more like China might beat NASA back to the moon.”

THIS DEMONSTRATES THE VALUE OF NOT BEING SEEN: Ukraine Rolls Out More Drone Innovations. “I wasn’t planning on doing another Ukraine drone piece so soon after my Martian war machine post, but these new Ukrainian ground drones are pretty interesting.”


According to reports, the Harris campaign required six to a dozen busses to bring Massachusetts ringers to a rally in New Hampshire — and I guess they got to spend a little more time than they wanted in the Granite State.

Video here:

NOTED: Kevin O’Leary says ‘right to disconnect’ laws are ‘stupid’—he’d just fire workers who go ‘silent mode’ on him.

Millions of workers in Australia have just been given the legal right to ignore after-hours demands from their boss—and the development isn’t sitting well with some corporate leaders. In fact, Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary said that the new law makes him “crazy”.

“It’s so dumb,” the Canadian businessman said on Fox News. “Who dreams this crap up is my question? Why would anyone propose such a stupid idea?”

The Australian law, which went into effect on Aug. 26, follows the likes of France and Spain in giving workers the right to unplug from their work phones, laptops and messaging apps in their personal time without repercussions—unless their refusal is deemed “unreasonable”.

But O’Leary was stunned by the idea that an employer’s 2 a.m. texts could be left unread.

If it’s a real emergency, employees are almost certain to respond — stupid law or no stupid law.

If it isn’t a real emergency, employees will probably do what they usually do and somehow fail to notice — stupid law or no stupid law.

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEFING: The World’s Bad Actors Do Not Want Trump to Win in November. “The world leaders who most want to knock the United States of America off of its superpower perch don’t want any part of a second Donald Trump term in the White House. They’ve all been living large on the weakness of the Biden administration. There were probably buckets of tears shed for days in Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran when Biden was tweeted out of the presidential race.”


THEY MADE HIM AN OFFER HE COULDN’T REFUSE: Starlink relents to Brazil, agrees to block Elon Musk’s X platform.

Starlink said it is complying with Brazil’s order to block Elon Musk’s X platform, backtracking from its earlier position that it would not block X until Brazilian officials released Starlink’s frozen assets. In an update on Tuesday afternoon, Starlink said it is blocking X while continuing to fight the asset freeze in court.

“Following last week’s order from [Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes] that froze Starlink’s finances and prevents Starlink from conducting financial transactions in Brazil, we immediately initiated legal proceedings in the Brazilian Supreme Court explaining the gross illegality of this order and asking the Court to unfreeze our assets,” SpaceX’s satellite broadband division said. “Regardless of the illegal treatment of Starlink in freezing of our assets, we are complying with the order to block access to X in Brazil. We continue to pursue all legal avenues, as are others who agree that @alexandre’s recent orders violate the Brazilian constitution.”

Starlink previously said that a Brazilian court order froze its assets “based on an unfounded determination that Starlink should be responsible for the fines levied—unconstitutionally—against X.” An Associated Press article said that “de Moraes froze Starlink’s accounts last week as a means to compel it to cover X’s fines that already exceeded $3 million, reasoning that the two companies are part of the same economic group.”

De Moraes ordered the suspension of X, formerly Twitter, on Friday and gave ISPs five days to block the service. His ruling was unanimously upheld on Monday by a Supreme Court panel of five judges including himself.

Brazil under Lula only pretends at lawfulness.

RAPIDLY AND THOROUGHLY: How Hollywood Turned Against Free Speech.

Oscar-winning screenwriter Aaron Sorkin did more than defend free speech in 1995’s “The American President.” Sorkin insisted it’s baked into the Red, White and Blue cake.

Here’s part of the film’s climax, a debate highlight from President Andrew Shepherd (Michael Douglas):

America isn’t easy. America is advanced citizenship. You’ve gotta want it bad, ’cause it’s gonna put up a fight. It’s gonna say, “You want free speech? Let’s see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who’s standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.”

President Shepherd’s dunk on his political rival is the film’s slow-clap moment. Yet Sorkin, one of Hollywood’s most prominent progressives, likely wouldn’t write that dialogue today. Nor would most filmmakers.

And, if one did, someone would draw a fat red line through that page in the script.

Hollywood has turned its back on free speech. It’s triggering, White Supremacy-adjacent and brimming with “Hate.” Even worse? Elon Musk is a fan, and Hollywood progressives loathe him almost as much as a certain ex-president.

Sound harsh? The evidence is damning.

Read the whole thing.