NO on CALIFORNIA’S ACA7: Here’s our new web site. Onward!!!
Author Archive: Gail Heriot
December 31, 2023
December 30, 2023
ROGER CLEGG: “You Can Help California at Christmastime.” Or New Year’s.
December 29, 2023
STILL GRIFTING AFTER ALL THESE YEARS: “The Southern Poverty Law Center’s New Enemy: Americans Who Accept Biology.“
December 28, 2023
IOWAHAWK: Before President Polk went to bed on December 28, 1846, he wrote in his diary, “Nothing much happened today.” In fact, he’d signed into law the bill that made Iowa our 29th state. Happy Birthday, Iowa. I think you’re something.
December 26, 2023
I NEED MORE HELP TO STOP THE CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE’S POWER GRAB: Last week, I asked Instapundit readers for “X/Twitter” help in opposing the California legislature’s new effort to gut Prop 209. And you came through! Thank you to all who helped! You are terrific!
I have another request. Mercifully, it still won’t cost you a nickel. (If this turkey of a bill makes it to the ballot, I will start asking for money then, but we stand a decent chance of stopping it in the California Senate on a shoestring budget.)
Our “NO on ACA7” PETITION needs at least 25,000 signatures to get noticed. And we’re probably going to need a lot more. Fortunately, we have a while. Today is our first earnest day of collecting them. You don’t need to be a Californian to sign. (But if you are a Californian, please be sure to include your zip code. In the past, some legislators have asked us for the number of signers from their district’s zip codes.)
If you can also share the petition with your friends or via social media that would be terrific.
For those of you you haven’t been following this, Prop 209 amended the state constitution in 1996 with these words: “The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin ….” California’s deep-blue legislature has been gunning for it since. They tried to get the voters to repeal it three years ago with Prop 16. But Californians stunned them by overwhelmingly voting to keep it. It was a real David and Goliath moment; we won despite being outspent more than 14 to 1.
It’s surprising to me that they are trying again so soon after that defeat. But I guess I should have seen it coming. The report of the California Task Force on Reparations, which was released earlier this year, called for Prop 209 to be gutted. It stands in the way of their proposals. Right on schedule, the Assembly voted for ACA7.
The new effort is trickier. Instead of attempting an outright repeal, it creates a procedure under the governor can make “exceptions.” All Gov. Newsom (and future governors) will need is to be able to point to (or create) “research” showing that preferential treatment would be a good thing. But in a world in which “scholarly” research tells us that men are women and women are men, that limitation is not worth a red cent. (Bumped.)
POWERLINE: Cheering for Mass Murder.
December 25, 2023
MINDING THE CAMPUS: “The Evolution of Christmas.”
MERRY, MERRY: “Keeper of Christmas.”
December 24, 2023
COMING SOON! THE NATION’S 250th ANNIVERSARY!: Shouldn’t we be getting ready? The National Association of Scholars promises to prepares us by writing history blurbs about the lead-up to the Declaration of Independence.
My recollection is that there was plenty of planning and pre-game activities in the years leading up to the Bicentennial in 1976.
December 23, 2023
WISDOM FROM THE MOUTHS OF POP CELEBRITIES: Powerline’s John Hinderaker has declared Taylor Swift his “Woman of the Year.” I can’t name a single song by Ms. Swift, but I agree with him that the following paragraph from a profile in the Wall Street Journal is a gem:
“I’m a big advocate for not hiding your enthusiasm for things,” she said last year in her New York University commencement address. “Never be ashamed of trying. Effortlessness is a myth. The people who wanted it the least were the ones I wanted to date and be friends with in high school. The people who want it the most are the people I now hire to work for my company.”
Repeat it to your children: Effortlessness is a myth. Make sure they understand it while they are still young.
December 20, 2023
I NEED YOUR HELP TO DEAL WITH CALIFORNIA’S OUT-OF-CONTROL LEGISLATURE: Have you ever wanted to give me a Christmas present? One that won’t cost you a nickel? Here’s how you can do it: The California legislature is again trying to repeal Prop 209–the 1996 amendment to the state constitution that prohibits preferential treatment based on race, sex, or ethnicity in public education, public education and public contracting. They tried this three years ago (Prop 16) and got spanked at the ballot box. We defeated them overwhelmingly even though they outspent us more than 14 to 1.
This time they are being trickier. Instead of a straight repeal, they are considering a referendum that would give the governor the power to grant “exceptions” to Prop 209. The bill–Assembly Constitutional Amendment 7 or ACA7–passed the Assembly in the autumn and will be before the Senate when the legislature reconvenes in January. I am hoping to convince the Senate that this is a bad idea. I don’t want to have to spend the better part of a year on another campaign.
A quick, cheap way to begin getting the Senate’s attention is through X (Twitter). I have put together photo parade of about 100 people holding “No on ACA7” signs. Last night I posted (tweeted) 24 of the photos. All of them were tagged to the Senate, leadership. Consequently, every time someone “likes” one of my posts (tweets), leaders of the Senate will get a little notification. Later today, tomorrow, and Friday, I will be posting more.
If readers with a Twitter account are so inclined, it would be great if you could go into my X/twitter page and “like” all the 24 photos I sent out last night. It would equally great if you could re-post/re-tweet a bunch of them. With any luck, the Senate leaders who are tagged won’t be able to ignore the number of notifications they get.
The Calif constitution’s ban on preferential treatment based on race, sex, or ethnicity was put there in 1996 by Prop 209. Now state legislators want to create an unlimited number of “exceptions.” They will swallow the rule. #NoACA7 #KeepDiscriminationIllegal
— Gail Heriot (@GailHeriot) December 19, 2023
If you’re wondering if I feel like Sisyphus working to get Prop 209 passed, defending it in courts, fighting Prop 16, and now this, the answer is yes.
Thank you to anyone who is in position to help. (Bumped)
December 14, 2023
DISPARATE IMPACT LIABILITY’S BEGINNINGS: On this day in 1970, the parties argued Griggs v. Duke Power Co. before the Supreme Court. Was there ever a more messed up, incoherent, anti-Congressional intent legal doctrine to come forth from the Supreme Court? I doubt it. Notably, the author of the Court’s opinion was the Court’s light-weight Chief, Warren Burger.
December 2, 2023
RIP SANDRA DAY O’CONNOR: At the time of her decision in Grutter v. Bollinger (2003), she was convinced that there was a “broad societal consensus” in favor of race-preferential admissions and was unwilling to go against that supposed consensus. In reality, insofar as there was a consensus, it went the other way.
December 1, 2023
RIP SANDRA DAY O’CONNOR: I do wish you’d understood just how much damage you were doing to higher education and to the aspirations of minority students when you decided Grutter v. Bollinger in 2003.
November 29, 2023
IF YOU LIVE IN ARIZONA: I suspect some of your tax money will soon be going to the University of Arizona’s “Emancipatory Education” graduate minor at the College of Education. It sounds ghastly. Maybe you should complain.
November 22, 2023
DO YOU HAVE A STORY TO TELL?: The Center for Equal Opportunity is listening. Two weeks ago CEO launched the “After Affirmative Action Network.” The AAA Network is intended to serve as a clearinghouse to gather and distribute information on how colleges, universities and other schools are changing their admissions policies to comply (or not comply) with the Supreme Court’s decision in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard.
Don’t be shy. If you have information, send it to my friends Devon Westhill and Linda Chavez. They will make sure it gets into the hands of journalists and litigators.
IF YOU’RE FROM CHICAGO, YOU’LL UNDERSTAND: I’ve been down on Macy’s since they took over Marshall Field’s more than a decade ago. I won’t shop there. You can’t make me. No one can. Macy’s killed my favorite store.
I was therefore pleased to learn that “Stephen Miller’s Legal Group Targets Macy’s [Illegal] Diversity Policies.” Go get ’em, Stephen.
November 21, 2023
SIGH: More unsupported claims that racial disparities in maternal mortality are due to discrimination. We’ll never solve the problem this way.
November 16, 2023
HOT! HOT! HOT!: The Supreme Court will soon have the opportunity to resolve a conflict in the Circuits about whether Title IX requires school to assign transgender students to the showers, locker rooms, and bathrooms reserved for the sex they psychologically identify with (rather than their biological sex). Here is the amicus curiae brief that Joe Bingham, Pete Kirsanow, Dan Morenoff and I just filed. This is a very winnable case (even in the face of Bostock). Here’s hoping the Court takes the case.
November 9, 2023
YOU CAN’T “PRETEND” AWAY SEVERE DISABILITY: Amy S.F. Lutz is talking sense over at WaPo: It is asinine to pretend that a severely autistic adult could waltz into a job that pays minimum wage or better if only the special Section 14c program, which allows them to be hired for less, were eliminated. They will be unemployable.
This program doesn’t “take advantage” of severely disabled individuals for profit. Overwhelming the 14c certificates an employer needs to participate in the program are held by non-profit community rehabilitation organizations. They are just trying to give severely disabled individuals a little dignity (and their parents a little break.) The 14c program is overwhelmingly supported by the parents of the severely disabled.
I dissented from the report of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that Lutz rightly criticizes. If you haven’t done so already, please take a look at that dissent. Send it or the Lutz article to your favorite state legislator. I don’t think I get frustrated all that easily. But when red state legislators don’t get this and prohibit the program in their state (as some have done), I start wanting to bang my head against the wall … which could eventually make me unemployable.
November 6, 2023
IF YOU’RE GOING TO BE IN OR NEAR WHAT J. EDGAR HOOVER CALLED THE “SOG” ON FRIDAY: I’ll be speaking on a panel at the Federalist Society’s National Lawyers’ Convention. The title for the panel is “SFFA and Beyond.” I’ll be trying to predict what will happen next, now that the Supreme Court has held race-preferential admissions unconstitutional. I’m hoping the future will resemble this.
If you’re wondering, Hoover used the term “SOG” to mean Seat of Government–Washington, DC. The Federalist Society’s National Lawyers’ Convention is held at the Mayflower Hotel there. The Mayflower’s restaurant was J. Edgar Hoover’s favorite place for lunch. He was there on a daily basis. Alas, that exact restaurant no longer exists. But in honor of Hoover’s patronage, the new restaurant at the Mayflower (which is in a slightly different spot) is called “Edgar.” It’s probably not the memorial Hoover was expecting, but it’s more than most of us get.
IF YOU’RE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: Jeff Jacoby, longtime columnist for the Boston Globe, will be coming to the University of San Diego School of Law to deliver our annual Bowes Lecture. He’ll be here on Tuesday, November 14, at the School of Law’s Grace Courtroom. The reception is at 5:30 pm, and the lecture begins at 6:15. If you’re a Jeff Jacoby fan and you’re in Southern California, then please join me there. It’s the cool place to be.
RSVPs are not required, but appreciated.
November 4, 2023
ANOTHER FAKE INDIAN: Oh, no! My tender years were all a lie! I just learned Buffy Sainte-Marie isn’t really an Indian.
(I’m sorry. I can’t help thinking of this non-Buffy Sainte-Marie song.)