Author Archive: Ed Driscoll

BORDER CZAR TO FINALLY VISIT BORDER: Harris to visit Arizona border town to highlight immigration plan.

Vice President Kamala Harris will visit the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona this week, her campaign announced Wednesday as she desperately tries to flip the script on what’s been a persistent political weakness.

Ms. Harris is scheduled to visit the border town of Douglas in the key swing state of Arizona on Friday. She will give a speech on immigration, though campaign officials did not reveal any details about the trip.

Ms. Harris last visited the border when she traveled to El Paso, Texas in 2021 as she faced pressure over the increasing number of immigrants crossing the southern border into the U.S. The trip was scheduled after Ms. Harris was widely criticized for dismissing calls to travel to the border during an NBC news interview.

The lack of visits to the border is somewhat surprising since President Biden had tasked her with overseeing the root causes of immigration, which led to her being called the “border czar.”

Polls show that former President Donald Trump has a significant advantage with voters on the issue of illegal immigration and border security. A massive influx of immigrants shattered records as millions crossed the border each year under Mr. Biden’s watch.

Crises by design:

● Jared Bernstein, member of Biden’s Council of Economic Advisors: “One thing we learned in the 1990s was that a surefire way to reconnect the fortunes of working people at all skill levels, immigrant and native-born alike, to the growing economy is to let the job market tighten up. A tight job market pressures employers to boost wage offers to get and keep the workers they need. One equally surefire way to sort-circuit this useful dynamic is to turn on the immigrant spigot every time some group’s wages go up.”

● Former Trump administration senior adviser Stephen Miller: Biden’s Immigration Plan Would “Erase America’s Nationhood.”

“Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser. Labour threw open Britain’s borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a ‘truly multicultural’ country, a former Government adviser has revealed.”

Tom Cotton’s Response to Kamala Harris’ Border Failures Should Be the Default for All Republicans: “‘You know, Laura, Kamala Harris didn’t have to go all the way to Guatemala and Mexico to find the root causes of this border crisis because they’re not there,’ Cotton told Fox News host Laura Ingraham [in June of 2021]. ‘The root causes are in the White House.’ He further explained that it ‘happened on January 20th when Joe Biden took office, and he essentially opened our borders, reversing very effective policies that had our borders under control.’”


One person wrote: ‘Biden goes on the sitcom The View wearing a joined US/Ukraine flag pin. Where is his Israel/US pin? As an American I’m sickened by the Biden Harris administration’s unfair hate for some of our allies and even more disgusting by their hate and disregard for half of America’s citizens and for the United States and all this country stands for.’

* * * * * * * * *

During his appearance on The View, Biden slammed Trump as having no redeeming social value and indicated he’d like to squash him like a bug.

Gosh, where do nutters keep getting the idea that Trump needs to be assassinated?

The Daily Mail adds that Biden “got a rock star welcome from the hosts, who fawned over him, and the audience, which gave him a standing ovation:”

‘It’s like having one of the Beatles at the table,’ The View’s Sara Haines gushed.

Whoopi Goldberg praised the president repeatedly during his 30-minute appearance on the show.

‘You were my ride or die,’ she said. ‘Thank you for everything you have done in my lifetime.’

‘He’s a kissy guy,’ Joy Behar said. ‘I like that about him.’

When Biden first walked out to the sustained applause, Behar told him of the audience: ‘They love you.’

‘It’s always better when you’re leaving,’ Biden responded.

Amidst the lovefest, “Sunny Hostin compared Biden to George Washington during this show.”

As always the consistency of the View’s hosts is astonishing: Sunny Hostin goes viral explaining George Washington’s history as a slave owner.

The Grio, June 22nd, 2020.

Or maybe it really is: Considering that Biden bragged to one interviewer in 2006 that “My state was a slave state,” and the following year referred to then-fellow Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama as “articulate and bright and clean,” what is Hostin trying to insinuate here?

Related: Biden Tells The View Hosts He Always Planned to Only Stay for 1 Term. (Really? Roll Tape!)

Malarkey, to coin a phrase:

MILTON FRIEDMAN ISN’T RUNNING THE SHOW ANYMORE: Kamala Harris Promises ‘Bold Experimentation’ like Franklin Roosevelt, but Americans Aren’t Lab Rats.

Steve responded:

Yes: FDR’s policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate.

And speaking of lefties, even Paul Krugman reluctantly admitted that it was only “the economic miracle of the 1940s“ – or as I like to call it, World War II – that ultimately jumpstarted the American economy. Prior to that, as Mark Steyn wrote, “Lots of other places — from Britain to Australia — took a hit in 1929 but, alas, they lacked an FDR to keep it going till the end of the Thirties. That’s why in other countries they refer to it as ‘the Depression,’ but only in the U.S. is it ‘Great.’”

“Why should the Soviets have all the fun remaking a world?”, FDR advisor Stuart Chase wrote at the conclusion to A New Deal, the 1932 book that gave the name to the series of FDR’s statist government policies that would go on to prolong the Great Depression for years. Kamala and Walz would update that to Communist China as they nodded in agreement with the sentiment.

UPDATE: In her interview tonight with fangirl Stephanie Ruhle, Kamala is boldly experimenting with the word “holistic” in sentences:

(Classical reference in headline.)

QUESTIONS NOBODY IS ASKING: Why Do People Care That Chappell Roan Won’t Endorse Kamala Harris?

Chappell Roan isn’t endorsing a candidate for president. While this seems hardly newsworthy, the internet virtually erupted in horror that the 26-year-old musician, who shot to fame earlier this year, doesn’t want to use her frame to urge fans to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.

“I have so many issues with our government in every way,” Roan told The Guardian last week. “There are so many things that I would want to change. So I don’t feel pressured to endorse someone. There’s problems on both sides. I encourage people to use your critical thinking skills, use your vote—vote small, vote for what’s going on in your city.”

Backlash to Roan’s comments swiftly proliferated online.

“Chappell roan is an embarrassment to lesbians,” one X user wrote in a post with more than 4 million views. “You can’t borrow from drag aesthetics and embrace your sexuality and then pretend the party that would criminalize our happiness is the same as the one who protects it.”

“How do you feel about tens of thousands of pregnant rape victims forced to carried their rapists’ children to term?” reads another viral response. “LGTBQ+ rights? The future of democracy? The future of the planet? Anything???”

These users weren’t alone in their outrage. One post on X detailing the interview has 74 million views and counting, with tens of thousands of comments and quotes debating Roan’s comments.


ACE OF SPADES: David Sacks, Elon Musk: Democrats Are Programming Their Lunatics to Kill Trump.

David Sacks points out that Ryan Routh, the man who attempted to assassinate President Trump, has tweets that sound exactly like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the corporate media.

“Let’s look at the rhetoric that Ryan Routh was literally quoting on his X. He was saying that Trump was an existential threat to democracy. He was quoting what Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the mainstream media have been saying chapter and verse. If you want to ascribe motivation there, where did Routh get these ideas?”

“They’ve been endlessly amplified by the mainstream media, and it’s not like a one-off comment. It’s been the central narrative for the last several years that somehow Trump represents this existential threat to democracy, and one way or another, that threat must be eliminated. Ryan Routh simply took literally what the mainstream media has been saying.”

“When you call the guy Hitler for years and again, you create billions of impressions around that, and it’s not like a one-off statement, but it’s something that is drummed into the public over and over again. It seems like to me you are asking for trouble.”

Related: Trump’s Would-Be Assassin’s Explanation. “The man who intended to murder former President Donald Trump on Sept. 18 has explained in his own words why he wanted to do it. The words aren’t only his, though — they’re also the slogans and cliches of Trump’s Democratic opponents, virtually verbatim.”

OLD AND BUSTED: Digital Thespians.

The New Hotness? Digital journalists! Zombie Journalism — British Newspaper Rumored to Be Bringing Back Dead Art Critic in AI Form.

One of the biggest debates raging on the artificial intelligence front — especially in the entertainment industry — is about the use of AI to keep people “alive” long after they’ve left this mortal coil. A once-proud London newspaper organization is rumored to be planning to put one of its most prominent, but deceased, writers back to work.


EXCLUSIVE: He was one of the most feared and revered British art critics of his generation — and now, nearly a decade after his death, Brian Sewell could be about to wield his pen once more.

Deadline understands that London’s historic Evening Standard newspaper has been making plans to revive its former writer using artificial intelligence.

Two sources said AI Sewell has been assigned to review The National Gallery’s new Vincent van Gogh exhibition, titled Van Gogh: Poets and Lovers.

There is something either insidious or hilarious about having art critiqued by soulless artificial intelligence. Then again, many (most?) artists and entertainers would say that living, breathing critics don’t have souls either.

I’d be curious to see how an AI journobot programmed with the leitmotifs of a critic who passed on a decade ago would respond to today’s ever-so-woke art world.

In the world of film criticism, Bosley Crowther was The Man at the New York Times for decades, until he was put out to pasture because he hated 1967’s Bonnie and Clyde with a white-hot passion, and was suddenly seen by the paper’s core leftist audience as an ancient reactionary. Speaking of the latter, note this from further into the Deadline article that Stephen Kruiser quoted above:

Sewell, who died in 2015 at the age of 84, worked for the Standard for more than 30 years and was renowned for his biting critiques.

Known as Britain’s poshest art critic, he described a Damien Hirst exhibition as “detestable” and said Banksy should have been “put down at birth.” He once said there has “never been a first-rank woman artist” and “only men are capable of aesthetic greatness.”

C’mon Evening Standard, make this happen – and then program an AI letters to the editor reader; both will have plenty of fun dealing with exploding British crania!

RFK AND NUZZI: A Bunny Short of Fatal Attraction?

Did Robert Kennedy Jr return to his philandering ways? Did an ambitious reporter set him up? Or was this a mutual ‘Fatal Attraction’ scenario stopped short of the boiling bunny?

Better question: Which entertainment platform will make the inevitable TV movie — Hallmark or Cinemax?

Unlike the original Fatal Attraction, given that it’s RFK Jr. we’re talking about, he could well be the one boiling the bunny in this relationship.

SOD OFF, SWAMPY: Slower airplanes ‘could cut fuel waste.’

After hours cooped up on a flight, most passengers are more than ready to be back on the tarmac. But they may soon be on board even longer thanks to a report by scientists at the University of Cambridge, which has recommended that planes should fly slower to burn less fuel and reduce emissions.

The report said that if aircraft flew 15 per cent slower, fuel burn would reduce by 5 to 7 per cent. This would add 50 minutes to a flight from London to New York, which is at present about seven hours.

The report concedes that “one drawback of reducing speed is the potential negative impact on airline productivity and passenger acceptance, especially for longer flights”, but says that flying slower is one of three “bold measures” the aviation industry could adopt to dramatically reduce fuel burn.

Evergreen: Environmentalists make good movie villains because they want to make your real life worse.

YES, MUCH MORE: MSNBC Columnists Wants More Gun Talk From Kamala. “I absolutely agree with [Alexander] Nazaryan that Harris should be talking more about guns, even if we have very different reasons for wanting to hear more from the candidate on the issue.”

TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! Biden’s UN Remarks Are a Sad Ending to His Political Career As He Slurs, Struggles and Lies.

Joe Biden spoke at the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday in what is likely his last big world speech to close out his 50 years in political life.

Unfortunately, he’s going out after having left the country in shambles. He’s leaving because he was shoved off his reelection bid by his own party, who knew he was going to lose.

His condition was much in evidence as he spoke, despite the fact that he had a teleprompter.

A handler even had to indicate to him where the podium was that he was supposed to speak from.

He was slurring up a storm and you could see how heavily he was relying on the teleprompter. And he seemed to be getting even older even as he detailed some of the things that had happened over those 50 years.

He claimed that we brought Osama bin Laden “justice.” But he had been against taking bin Laden out at the time, even as he now appeared to be trying to take credit for it.

He spoke about the decision to pull out of Afghanistan and said it was the right decision, but he took no responsibility for the botched way in which he conducted the withdrawal, which led to the death of 13 Americans.

Flashback: Biden Thinks No One Made Mistakes in Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal: Report.

THE NYC LOCKDOWN: an orgy of hypocrisy.

‘The only way I could do this job for the city was if I had some way to blow off steam every now and then’, he is recorded saying. Poor Dr Varma. We all remember what a tense time it was. Who could blame the man for getting off his head on ecstasy and going to a couple of orgies here and there?

Certainly not the Atlantic magazine, which published a piece last Friday with the headline, ‘Public-health officials should have been talking about their sex parties the whole time’. And no, this was not satire.

Dusting off NYC’s Covid rule book from 2020, the Atlantic notes that city guidance ‘discouraged – but did not forbid – group sex’. The piece helpfully points out that ‘Varma explained that he’d partied responsibly, noting “Everybody got tests and things like that”.’ There was no word from the Atlantic as to whether or not Varma managed to get his plums sucked by fellow orgy participants when the city guidelines were to only have group sex while ‘wear[ing] a face covering’. Quite the logistical challenge.

* * * * * * * *

In one recording, Varma states that right before he helped push through ‘the vaccine mandate’ in NYC in November 2021, he had a ‘wild night’ involving a dance party on a boat and then a rave with 200 other people underneath a bank. ‘Everyone was rolling, we were all taking molly [MDMA] and everybody was so high, and I was so happy because I hadn’t done that in like a year.’

Sadly for some New Yorkers, not all raves are created equal. There were clearly those attended by the likes of Varmar, which were reported on sympathetically by the New York Times. A 2021 article on the ‘thriving’ illegal rave scene quoted a DJ whose SoHo party was shut down, although the police were ‘very kind’ and gave everyone time to leave before issuing any fines.

The NYPD were less lenient towards raves in Queens – where the plebs live. One raid on an illegal rave in 2020 led to four arrests and over a dozen criminal-court-appearance tickets for misdemeanour offences. Other gatherings of the non-privileged classes were treated similarly harshly. In Borough Park, Brooklyn, cops cited five religious institutions for ‘holding services with more than 10 people’. Each violation came with a $15,000 fine.

The original subhead of the Atlantic piece was “At least it would have shown that they’re relatable.” Tell that to the people who couldn’t visit loved ones in nursing homes, go to funerals, lost their businesses due to lockdown, and/or had their kids’ education setback for years. As Charles Cooke wrote in 2021, “Of all the ills in all the world, duplicity is the hardest to recover from. And, despite the best efforts of our feckless smart set, there can be no herd immunity from its effects.”

UPDATE: Your children couldn’t go to school in 2020, but the elites could attend sex parties.

GREAT MOMENTS IN PRESIDENTIAL ENDORSEMENTS: Zelensky joins Putin, campaigning and advocating for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania. “President Trump was nearly murdered a mere week ago by a dirtbag who proclaimed a fanatical devotion to Ukraine’s war. Now Zelensky has turned up to try to knock President Trump out another way? He should sit this one out. This is nothing if not a bad look. But the irony of it is amazing. Both Zelensky and Putin, locked in a multi-billion-dollar war financed on the Ukraine side by the U.S. are now openly supporting Harris together.”

Exit question, featuring Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro:


(Classical reference in headline.)

HANNAH AND HER RESISTERS: Nathan Pinkoski reviews We Are Free to Change the World: Hannah Arendt’s Lessons in Love and Disobedience.

One of the greatest beneficiaries of Donald Trump’s 2016 election was Hannah Arendt—or at least, her literary estate. In the first year of Trump’s presidency, sales of ­Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism soared by 1,000 percent. New editions of Arendt’s works appeared, in which intellectual celebrities argued that Arendt’s reflections on ­totalitarianism anticipated all the great ills of the present, from Trump’s America to Putin’s Russia. These commentators saw themselves as engaged ­actors, using Arendt to launch a new political resistance.

Lyndsey Stonebridge, a professor of humanities and human rights at the University of Birmingham, owes the inspiration for her book to this post-2016 moment. We Are Free to Change the World: Hannah Arendt’s Lessons in Love and Disobedience begins by invoking the 2016 election and the renewed interest in Arendt’s work prompted by this purported crisis. In the first few pages alone, there are several familiar references to “climate apocalypse,” “post-truth,” and “the age of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.” Stonebridge writes earnestly about the importance of “combating populism” and “jump-starting social democracy.” America takes center stage as a country “that is reckoning (or refusing to reckon) with its violently racist history.” The book also contains cameo appearances from the contemporary leftist canon of heroes and villains, with some curious glosses. Elon Musk’s ambitions to relaunch space exploration make him an imperialist, a new ­Cecil Rhodes. Volodymyr Zelensky is rebranded as “Jewish-Ukrainian,” a spokesman for hyphenated identity and pluralism. Joe Biden turns up as an intellectually curious young senator requesting a copy of one of Arendt’s speeches—a hopeful hint that under his presidential ­leadership, America might finally turn a corner.

From its early pages, one might expect We Are Free to Change the World to be yet another tedious distillation of leftist clichés, but ­Stonebridge mostly spares her readers. Although her book belongs to the genre of #Resist, it is elegantly written. Instead of a clumsy “If Arendt were alive today . . .” tract, Stonebridge offers a conversational, personal reflection on Arendt’s life and work. She generally distinguishes her own conclusions from Arendt’s and avoids straightforward political commands. As befits the genre, the book has an obvious political angle, but because ­Stonebridge largely takes for granted an ideologically sympathetic audience, she is not heavy-handed. As exposition, We Are Free to Change the World renders Arendt legible, mesmerizing, and relevant to those beset by the anxieties of contemporary leftism. Yet the book has a greater significance. It inadvertently exposes the fault lines between ­Arendt’s thinking on the totalitarian phenomenon and that of the contemporary left.

Read the whole thing.

AMBER DUKE: The Rise of BlueAnon.

BlueAnon is a blanket term coined by some conservatives to describe liberal and left-wing conspiracy theories. It intentionally rhymes with QAnon, the arguably better-known right-wing conspiracy, and mostly arose in response to what many regard as the Russian collusion hoax, the idea that Trump colluded with the Russian government to win the 2016 presidential election. Several stories stemming from the Russian collusion hoax were outlandish and unverified yet embraced by prominent members of the media and people in high-level positions within the national security state and the Democratic Party. The claims were also the subject of a special counsel investigation into President Trump.

Jonathan Chait, a political reporter for New York magazine, has said that claims of Russia blackmailing Trump with a so-called “pee tape” are “perfectly consistent with what we know about both parties.” Propelled by House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff’s claim to have evidence of collusion, and consistently false reporting from the media about Trump campaign contacts with Russia, left-wing figures like Rosie O’Donnell, Bette Midler, Spike Lee and the Krassenstein brothers pushed the hashtag #MuellerTime to insinuate that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump would lead to his imminent indictment and arrest.

Disinformation experts and media outlets have routinely placed the bulk of the blame for “misinformation” and “disinformation” online on right-wing sources. But they have mostly failed to acknowledge the breadth and impact of the Russian collusion hoax, plus other popular BlueAnon fake stories: that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was involved in a gang rape; that actor Jussie Smollett was attacked by two Trump supporters; that Trump failed to condemn white supremacists in Charlottesville in summer 2017; that Trump told people to inject bleach during the pandemic and other stories that were shared — or are still peddled to this day — at levels as high as the presidency. Most also ignore the stories and ideas that were deemed right-wing misinformation but ended up being correct: the Hunter Biden laptop story; that Covid-19 likely came from a laboratory leak; that there were undercover federal agents at the January 6 riot; or that President Joe Biden was suffering obvious cognitive decline. All were labeled conspiracy theories; all turned out to be true.

* * * * * * * *

[David] Harsanyi, though, says BlueAnon has always been around. It just didn’t have a neat nickname until 2021. “The left has been pushing wild conspiracies and paranoia for decades. [In  The Rise of Blue Anon: How the Democrats Became a Party of Conspiracy Theorists] I lay out that history,” Harsanyi says. “Are Democrats any more likely to accept the results of a presidential election? They haven’t done it in decades. After Trump won in 2016, they simply gave into their worst conspiratorial instincts. It’s a lot easier to convince people that their political opponents are crypto-Putin assets hell-bent on instituting The Handmaid’s Tale than it is to debate them.

Decades is indeed true. As Steve Hayward wrote in his 2007 review of James Piereson’s Camelot and the Cultural Revolution:

That Kennedy was killed at the hands of a Communist should have had a clear and direct meaning: “President Kennedy was a victim of the Cold War.” Everyone had reasons for averting their gaze from this fact. For Lyndon Johnson, it would have carried frightful implications for foreign policy if it turned out that Lee Harvey Oswald had links to Castro or the KGB (which Piereson suggests is remotely possible). Liberals didn’t want to dwell on this fact for a mix of other reasons. In the early hours after JFK was shot, we didn’t yet know of Oswald’s Communist background, and the media jumped to the conclusion that Kennedy’s killing must have been the work of right-wing extremists. The day after the assassination, James Reston wrote in the New York Times that the assassination was the result of a “streak of violence in the American character” and that “from the beginning to the end of his administration, [Kennedy] was trying to tamp down the violence of extremists from the right.”

This “meme,” as we would say today, so quickly took hold that it could not be shaken, even after Oswald’s noxious background began to come out. Indeed, the notion of collective responsibility would be repeated five years later after Robert Kennedy was murdered by a Communist Arab radical who professed deep hatred for America.

As Brent Bozell has written, “Few Barry Goldwater backers forget 1964, when [Walter] Cronkite repeatedly smeared the GOP nominee:”

When Goldwater accepted an invitation to visit a U.S. Army facility in Germany, CBS hack Daniel Schorr said he was launching his campaign in “the center of Germany’s right wing.” Kurtz recalled that on the day of JFK’s assassination the year before, Cronkite nodded his head in thinly veiled contempt when handed a note on air that Goldwater said “no comment.” Never mind that Goldwater was attending his mother-in-law’s funeral that day.

Watergate is looking increasingly BlueAnon-adjacent in light of everything the left has thrown at Trump since 2016. (And speaking of Watergate and CBS…)

And the hits just keep on coming: How Trump assassination conspiracy theories went mainstream.

Finally, entering its fifth decade on the charts! Climate activist: “The next five years are make or break.”

UPDATE: Mike Lindell is A-OK.

ACE OF SPADES: Hitpiece Media Goes After Alleged “Sexting” Affair Between RFKJr. and “Star” Political Reporter Olivia Nuzzi.

Here are some articles about this “emotional, digital relationship” which some are calling “an affair” and the Kennedy camp is calling “a set-up” by a “journalist” with sketchy ethics and maybe a Fatal Attraction itch in her pants.

Olivia Nuzzi is a “star” reporter, which means she worked for the unprofessional scandal sheet The Daily Beast. Only in a shithole country would that Animal House* of trashcan Marxists be considered a journalistic outlet which could launch a career.

She then began working for New York magazine. That is itself a Democrat propaganda sheet (and celebrity gossip site) masquerading as “journalism.”

She’s now been suspended for having formed some kind of “personal relationship” with a subject she was covering — RFKJr. — and not informing her bosses about it.

* * * * * * * * *

I don’t know what to think here.

I guess, first of all: Journalists are a mentally-ill, morally rotten lot. They tend to be psychopaths or borderline psychopaths. They routinely deceive people into revealing personal information that they then use to destroy those people. Yes, this is the job, but what kind of psychopath wants that kind of job?

Second, one of these stories reports that New York Magazine knew about this “relationship,” whatever it was, for months. So why reveal it now? Well, you reveal it now to destroy RFKJr., to keep his endorsement from helping Trump.

Third, the affair, or almost-affair, between “reporter” and “source” is common in DC. The entire town is filled with sluts, adulterers, cads, and outright perverts. But the DC press corps refuses to report on this out of “professional courtesy,” and Mutual Assured Destruction.

But they decided to risk the M.A.D. because it was really, really important to them to Get Trump.

95% of all press behavior (and bureaucrat behavior) of the past eight years is explained by this. They keep breaking all rules and violating all codes of ethics — or, here, a prudent group agreement to keep all of their many, many affairs and grotesque sexual deviancies private — because the imperative of stopping Trump is more important than any ethic, rule, or prudent social compact about hiding everyone’s affairs.

Exit quote:

* How dare you insult the august all-American institution that is Faber College’s Delta Tau Chi fraternity, the original stomping grounds of that champion of the oppressed, Senator John F. Blutarsky, good sir!


In one recording, [Dr. Jay Varma – the city’s senior public-health adviser under then-mayor Bill de Blasio] states that right before he helped push through ‘the vaccine mandate’ in NYC in November 2021, he had a ‘wild night’ involving a dance party on a boat and then a rave with 200 other people underneath a bank. ‘Everyone was rolling, we were all taking molly [MDMA] and everybody was so high, and I was so happy because I hadn’t done that in like a year.’

Sadly for some New Yorkers, not all raves are created equal. There were clearly those attended by the likes of Varmar, which were reported on sympathetically by the New York Times. A 2021 article on the ‘thriving’ illegal rave scene quoted a DJ whose SoHo party was shut down, although the police were ‘very kind’ and gave everyone time to leave before issuing any fines.

The NYPD were less lenient towards raves in Queens – where the plebs live. One raid on an illegal rave in 2020 led to four arrests and over a dozen criminal-court-appearance tickets for misdemeanour offences. Other gatherings of the non-privileged classes were treated similarly harshly. In Borough Park, Brooklyn, cops cited five religious institutions for ‘holding services with more than 10 people’. Each violation came with a $15,000 fine.

And let’s not forget about the million New York City children who were made to stay home from school for 18 months. This was due to school closures that the New York Times editorial board were ‘startled’ to find were ‘the most damaging disruption in the history of American education’.

The pandemic was indeed a stressful time – thanks precisely to the likes of Varma, who had clearly had no intention of living by the restrictions he wanted to impose on the rest of us. The lockdown created an orgy of hypocrisy.

Varma’s hypocrisy was too much for his current, now former employer: Ex-NYC COVID czar fired from job after copping to drug-fueled sex parties during pandemic.

UPDATE: While Your Family Members Died Alone, Lockdowners Had Sex Parties.