USMC ROBOT GOAT: It’s a combat robot goat. The four-legged robot in the photo is carrying an M72 Light Anti-Tank Weapon (LAW). In 2014 Israel ordered 25,000 LAWs. As the 2014 update notes, the LAW is “often used against enemy troops inside bunkers and buildings.” It packs a punch and is light enough to be carried by…an infantryman or a robot goat.
Author Archive: Austin Bay
October 29, 2023
LITTLE WARS AND BIG BIG WARS: America Faces Multi-Front Proxy Warfare
Defeat in detail, a classic military stratagem, occurs when a comparatively weaker combatant secures victory over a more powerful opponent through the piecemeal destruction of the stronger force. The weaker combatant never lets the stronger adversary bring all of its power to bear.
Bit by bit the piecemeal attrition degrades the strong to the point the once-powerful retreats.
Published October 25.
October 23, 2023
THE UKRAINE SUPPLY LINE WAR: Logistics Rules the Battlefield
The four-month-old Ukrainian offensive in southern Ukraine recently achieved a major objective. Ukrainian forces advanced to within GMLRS missile range of the only Russian rail line that carried supplies to occupied Crimea. Ukraine had already disabled the other rail supply route to Crimea, which used the Kerch Strait bridge.
The significance:
Russia’s loss of its last rail supply line to the Crimea (which also means rail supply is cut off to much of Russian-occupied Ukraine east of the Crimea) is particularly critical concerning diesel and other liquid fuels because those are necessary for Russian tactical communications, which are largely based on vehicles because Russian man-portable field radios are scarce and insecure due to lack of effective encryption. Russian vehicle-mounted radios and associated electronics, such as computerized sights for tanks, must be charged by the vehicles’ own batteries as Russian military vehicles lack the auxiliary power units (APUs) that Western military vehicles use. So Russian vehicles must run their motors for about an hour a day to charge their batteries even when they are not in action. That burns up a lot of fuel, so the Russian forces in Crimea and just to the east of it will have their combat power reduced by 50-80% in ten or so days. In addition to being out of ammunition.
It’s the latest StrategyPage Logistics Update (Jim Dunnigan’s online How To Make War).
GMLRS = Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System. Here’s a photo of a USMC wheeled M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) participating in a live fire exercise. Ukraine fields the HIMARS. This Air Weapons update from 2018 discusses US Army and US Marine Corps use of the HIMARS. GMLRS rocket range varies — newer versions can hit targets 70-90 kilometers away. Longer range variants are in the works.
STEVEN HAYWARD IN THE NY POST: Reaction to Hamas massacre shows it’s time to decolonize the campus
Colonialism, or its parent category “imperialism,” is the all-purpose charge Lenin developed a century ago to explain the failure of Marxist historical predictions and supply a new rationale for whipping up radical enthusiasm for revolution.
In practice it is a means of delegitimizing capitalism and sanctifying resentment of successful groups like Jews, Asians and whites generally (hence the related term ubiquitous on campus, “white supremacy”).
Despite centuries of persecution and repeated pogroms like Oct. 7, Jews persist as a supremely successful ethnic group, “overrepresented” (campus terminology, again) in the ranks of Nobel Prize winners, scientists and most elite professions including, ironically, academia, though this appears to be quickly changing.
The basic premise of our universities today is that if your ethnic group is statistically “overrepresented,” you are a de facto “oppressor.”
Read the entire brilliant essay.
October 19, 2023
MY LATEST CREATORS SYNDICATE COLUMN: Like Mark Twain’s death, the demise of the tank has been “greatly exaggerated.” Yes, Israeli tank firepower is an antidote for fanaticism.
…An Army buddy told me about a could-be political appointee he escorted through Department of Defense briefings in the late 1970s. The pipe-smoking pontificator kept saying, “The tank’s dead.” My infantry pal finally turned to him and said: “Yes sir, the tank’s a dinosaur, but it’s the baddest dinosaur on the battlefield. You face one.”
It’s 2023. The tank, in the form of Main Battle Tanks (MBT) like the U.S. Army’s M1A2 Abrams or Israeli Merkava 5, is far from dead. Despite media obituaries referencing Russia’s disastrous 2022 tank operations in Ukraine, the 2023 MBT as built by NATO nations and allies like South Korea and Israel remains potent on the battlefield.
That is, if the 2023 tank crews manning the MBTs, and their accompanying infantry in armored infantry vehicles (mechanized infantry), and their operational commanders know how to fight a combined arms war.
Check it out.
RELATED: These are photos of vehicles mentioned in the column. 1- Recent Merkava 5 photo. 2- A Merkava in the field, 2018. 3- A 1st Cavalry Division M1A2 SEPV3, 2020. 4- A U.S M1A2 and two German Leopard 2A6s, Poland 2023. 5- German Leopard 2s in Norway, Exercise Trident Juncture 2018. Very fine photo. And finally 6- An M1A2 with TUSK — Tank Urban Survival Kit. Photo taken in 2010. But all of the equipment is still useful in urban combat. Note the Explosive Reactive Armor tile. TUSK entered service in 2007 with reactive armor panels for the side and rear of the tank, to provide added protection from RPGs. This June 2023 ARMOR update explains.
October 18, 2023
INSIDE BASEBALL: “You must win every pitch.” Martin Maldonado. Catcher, Houston Astros. October 18, 2023. After game interview on FS1.
…Economic growth continues to decline – it is now under two percent a year and getting worse. That means more unemployment and lower living standards for most Chinese. A decade ago it became clear that the purported years of ten percent GDP growth were ending, assuming they were ever true at all. Not just because economic growth was slowing but because the central government was finally forced to go public, for the first time, about the false economic data that provincial officials had been sending to the central government for decades.
Yes, “the official numbers were doctored.” And “Xi Jinping hasn’t come up with a workable solution…”
October 15, 2023
INFORMATION COMBAT: Hamas and the Information War
…defeating Hamas in a city fight or even a village often means killing civilians living in the area. The military term is collateral damage. The civilians were not targets, but they were in the battle zone. In death the dead become Hamas information warfare assets.
The latest How to Make War information warfare update.
October 13, 2023
A year ago Israel introduced the fifth version of its Merkava tank. The Merkava 5 was quietly developed, built, tested and deployed in small numbers during late 2022. This was ahead of schedule because the original delivery date was supposed to be early 2023. Like the earlier Merkava models, Merkava 5 is an improved version of the previous model and proved to be such an impressive upgrade that it was given a name; Barak.
It’s StrategyPage’s latest How To Make War ARMOR update.
RELATED: (1) 2018 photo of a Merkava on a training exercise. (2) 2005 photo of an early model Merkava. (3) 2017 photo Israeli female tankers in front of a Merkava. and (4) Posted in 2018 but the propaganda imagery dates from 2016. Hamas/Hezbollah terrorists celebrate on fake Merkavas. In the lower left photo the tires of a wheeled vehicle are visible beneath the fake tank.
STRATEGYPAGE’S LATEST INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: Hamas Goes Rogue and Beyond : Jim Dunnigan’s “How To Make War” series examines Israel’s intelligence failure.
The lede for Friday the 13th:
The October 7th Hamas attack on Israel was an embarrassing failure of Israeli intelligence services. One reason for the surprise was that the planning did not involve a lot of foreign supporters. It was apparently just Iran, quietly increasing its supply of guided rockets, munitions and training personnel.
Ah but:
The Israeli military is one of the best in the world and not in need of the kind of aid sent to Ukraine. Israel needs more cooperation from its Arab neighbors and further Israeli economic cooperation depends on some Arab diplomatic and intelligence support. The Hamas attack was a major intelligence failure for Israel and the Arab neighbors realize that this was an Iranian intelligence victory. If Iran could do this again it would most likely be used against one of the Arab states that oppose expansion of Iranian influence in the region. Expending Hamas to accomplish this attack on Israel reminds Arab states that it could happen to them. Iran is a common enemy or threat to Israel, Arabs and Turks.
ASIDE: The meaning of “lede.”
October 12, 2023
STRATEGYPAGE’S LATEST UPDATE ON TURKEY: Erdogan’s government retaliates against Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) terror attacks. Turkey is retaliating for terror attacks launched in Ankara on October 1. The counter-attacks include airstrikes. PKK base camps are often in or near villages. This is relevant knowledge when you hear critics condemn Israeli airstrikes against terrorists. The update also discusses the Turkey-Israel diplomatic rapprochement that has been in the works for over a year (see Sept. 27 entry). Hamas terror attacks have scotched that, at least temporarily. Tehran’s ayatollahs fear Turkish and Israeli cooperation, and fear is not too dramatic a word. Actually, Israel and Turkey have been discussing several economic projects for quite some time, including major energy-related projects.
BUT THE TIME IS SO RIPE AS LONG AS BIDEN’S IN CHARGE: Beijing, Pay Attention: Don’t Let Ukraine-Gaza Lead to WWIII Taiwan
FACT ONE: A major land war rages in Europe. Twenty months ago, Russia invaded Ukraine without provocation and the horror grinds on with mass casualties and World-War-I-like attrition.
FACT TWO: War in the Middle East. An Iranian proxy army, Hamas, launches a complex and well-planned attack on Israel. Mass atrocity by Islamist terrorists shocks the civilized world — at least what’s left of civilization.
…is war in Asia the next explosion igniting World War III?
If we’ve reached “peak China”, remember “A fading power can become a risk-taking power.” So read the entire essay.
August 17, 2023
RUN SILENT, RUN DEEP: More Women On Crews. StrategyPage’s latest Submarines update (from Jim Dunnigan’s How To Make War series). Buried halfway through the post: “One compelling reason for allowing women to serve was the growing shortage of men willing to do so.” The statistics quoted support that observation. The long duration of nuclear submarine patrols discouraged lots of sailors. Buried even deeper: “But the wives of American submariners have been openly hostile to the idea of mixed male/female crews and have not been reluctant to make their concerns known.” Seems they’ve gone nuclear.
THE WAGES OF BIDEN’S INCOMPETENCE AND CORRUPTION: (1) The Biden Administration’s Afghanistan Bug-Out Continues to Have Disastrous Consequences and (2) The Biden Administration’s Destruction of American Soft Power. Remember, leftists are big advocates of “soft power.”
From the second essay:
Quiet encouragement, demonstrating responsible behavior (leading by example), cultural attraction and generosity have always been U.S. diplomatic tools. The Eisenhower administration, pursuing a policy of “contact with the captive peoples,” sent American athletes and jazz musicians to Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe. Dizzy Gillespie and Dave Brubeck were both “jazz ambassadors.” Ike himself understood America’s and the West’s cultural attraction was an instrument of power in a struggle with communist tyranny. No contest. Rock ‘n’ roll beats lifeless socialist realist art.
U.S. diplomats argue the rule of law forwards genuine internal stability. Fragile developing countries seeking internal stability should emulate America’s judicial system of honest courts and police forces. Eliminating corruption will strengthen all domestic institutions. The U.S. and other donor nations often demand countries receiving economic assistance confront and reduce internal corruption. Ukraine is the most notable example, while Congo is another.
My point: Joe Biden’s personal corruption in Ukraine “…undermined a U.S. soft-power diplomatic operation.” Read both essays and ponder.
August 3, 2023
In Ukraine Russia has revived the WW2 assault gun concept using older T-55 and T-62 tanks as mobile artillery for infantry units.
ELIZABETH STAUFFER: Unlike the Trump indictments, the case against Biden is straightforward.
The average American understands bribery, greed, and lies, concepts that are as old as mankind.
The straightforwardness of the Biden family’s influence peddling operation makes it easy for all but the most rabid Democrats to understand.
Indeed. Read her entire post.
FROM THE COMMENTS: I was impressed with Stauffer’s post and began wondering about Insta-reader reaction. Glad I did. Context: I recall commenting on a couple of Insta-reader comments seven or eight years ago. Googling fact-checkers, check it out. Which leads to this reader comment. I think this comment expresses the media-legal situation succinctly and with the Watergate reference provides relevant historical context: “In the Trump case, vast amounts of resources are needed to “prove” ephemera. Joe Biden’s former allies, like Devon Archer, are at a late-Watergate stage of confession. Only the presence of a man with less legal objectivity than Roland Freisler, aka Merrick Garland, is keeping the Biden regime away from major criminal investigations.” Congrats to the commenter. Garland is a corrupt actor and among fact-based historians will likely go down as one of the worst attorney generals in American history — vying with Eric Holder and Mitchell Palmer. But in the “worst AGs” evaluation I defer to legal historians like Glenn.
August 2, 2023
THE KREMLIN’S DONE IT BEFORE: Putin’s Russia Turns To Ethnic Cleansing In Ukraine
Russia has practiced ethnic cleansing for centuries. This involves moving one ethnic group and replacing it with another. Most Western nations now consider this a war crime though it still occurs and often goes unpunished. A current example is the Russian occupation forces in Ukraine who are now trying to ethnically cleanse the remaining Russian-occupied areas after outright failing to pacify the locals, who were remarkably uncooperative and often violently opposed to the Russian occupation. This was made worse by Russian efforts to get local Ukrainians to cooperate in accepting the fact that Russia now considered them Russians, by trying to take away Ukrainian identity documents, including passports, and replace them with Russian documents. That did not work and, worse, many local Ukrainians joined the armed partisans and that included killing Russian-appointed officials. Russia, per its centuries-old ethnic cleansing solution to troublesome minorities, believes the easiest way to get rid of the partisans is to send all the Ukrainians to Russia and replace them with Russians. Russia calls this “filtration” but this is a war crime according to the Geneva Convention. In March 2023: Vladimir Putin was indicted by the ICC (International Criminal Court) for war crimes.
So far no Russian civilians have appeared to replace the Ukrainians kidnapped into Russia. Apparently filtration works both ways and the armed and unarmed Ukrainians are trying to filtrate the Russians out of Ukraine.
Read the entire post.
THE HULL DEFICIT AND DAVIDSON WINDOW OF VULNERABILITY: Time for Beltway Admirals to Think About War 2025, Not Paper Fleet 2045
Part 2 in a series. Here’s a link to Part 1: Confronting China’s Rising Strength on the Seas
Insightful people like Dr. Andrew Marshall thought about communist China’s emerging threat in the 1990s. From Part 1:
In late 1992 I was serving as a strategic war-gaming consultant in the Secretary of Defense’s Office of Net Assessments. Net Assessments director, the great Andrew Marshall, gave his consultants a long-term thought experiment: How could the U.S. fight and win a war for national survival against China circa 2020 or 2025?
The hull deficit is real.
UPDATE (FROM GLENN): It’s troubling when bloggers are talking logistics and force structure, while actual generals and admirals are talking pronouns and diversity.
July 27, 2023
COMMUNIST CHINA’S NAVY KEEPS GROWING IN SIZE: Confronting China’s Rising Strength on the Seas
Donald Rumsfeld got scorched by media rubes for saying:”You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wishto have at a later time.”
But he was right, and his instant maxim certainly applied to America’s response to 9/11’s surprise attacks.
You certainly go to war with your navy as it is, not what it could be in eight to 12 years. Building warships, training naval ship and air crews, modernizing fleet support facilities and maintenance operations: The complex enterprise of creating a war-winning fleet has a very long lead time.
First column in a series of two. Maybe three. Or more.
KOREAN ARMISTICE 70 YEARS ON: July 27, 1953. An iffy anniversary. America’s longest war? (bumped)
July 20, 2023
The Korean War Armistice – 70 Years And Counting: Iffy Anniversary: Korea Is a Forever War
South Korea is a huge success, North Korea remains a communist basket case. South Korea has the 12th highest GDP according to some statisticians. This website has South Korea as Number 10, ahead of Russia. So maybe the Korean War’s a successful forever war?
POWERLINE COMPILATION: “All Roads Lead To Joe.” Joe Biden is the Rome of government and Democratic Party corruption. Scott Johnson’s post links to the best commentary (Turley, Devine, NY Post, Free Beacon) and videos of House testimony by whistleblowers. The witnesses have credibility and backbone.
July 1, 2023
As the Wagner revolt collapsed Prigozhin blinked first but:
…Putin was revealed as vulnerable because many of his senior generals regard the Ukraine invasion as a mistake that will tarnish Russia’s military reputation while also crippling the army and forcing budget cuts for the navy and air force in order to replace what was lost in Ukraine. The government is spending money it doesn’t have on the military operations in Ukraine. To make that happen, Russia has to diminish support for its navy and air force. The financial strain has been considerable. The Russian national budget increased by $80 billion (to $480 billion) since 2021, its defense budget has nearly doubled, going from $57 billion to $83 billion, and the budget for the national police and other internal security forces has gone from $47 billion to $77 billion. Before 2022 little of this was spent in Russian-occupied Ukraine, especially Donbas and Crimea. These two areas were illegally annexed and have growing problems with local security, not all caused by Ukrainians. Then came the invasion, which was taking over $10 billion a month out of the military budget. This defense spending growth was made possible by borrowed money. These loans had to be made at very high interest rates because the domestic and international financial industries agree that Russia is currently a bad credit risk from massive international sanctions and its military defeats in Ukraine.
The post discusses in detail Russia’s economic strains.
MINES, ANTI-TANK MINES, OBSTACLES AND FORTIFICATIONS: Perspectives and Realities facing Ukraine’s summer counter-offensive. It’s StrategyPage’s latest Armor update in Jim Dunnigan’s How To Make War section.
…Historically, most tank and armored fighting vehicle (AFV) losses come from mobility kills. The Ukraine War was unique because top attack ATGMs (anti-tank guided missiles) were able to destroy Russian-designed tanks and AFVs by causing the turret to explode and kill the entire crew. Now the Ukrainians are on the offensive and have to devote a lot of men and resources to removing anti-tank and anti-personnel mines. At the same time the Ukrainians use anti-tank mines to protect quiet sectors of the front line from surprise armored attacks.
The update has detailed analysis of Ukraine backed by historical perspective. (Link problem fixed.)
RELATED: An M1A2 Abrams tank and two Leopard 2A6 tanks participate in a NATO live fire exercise in Poland.
June 29, 2023
ESTONIA RESPONDS WITH GUNS AND MONEY: Estonia Prepares for the War After Ukraine
Estonia is getting serious. Money buying guns.
Estonia plans to spend $14.5 billion over the next ten years. This will increase annual defense spending to three percent of GDP. Current spending is 2.85 percent of GDP. The recommended NATO goal is two percent. This is all about learning the lessons of the Ukraine war. That means spending over a billion dollars to increase ammunition supplies. Large quantities of Israeli Harpy loitering munitions and Spike ATGMs (Anti-Tank Guided Missiles) are on order. Blue Spear land-based anti-ship missiles are also on order and will arrive in 2024. These have a range of 290 kilometers and Estonia is launching them from trucks.
More perspective:
Estonia is a small country with a population of 1.3 million and a GDP of $41 billion. That means per-capita GDP is $31,000. Poland and the Baltic States made an extraordinary, in terms of financial cost, effort to assist Ukraine during the first six weeks of the war. For example, tiny Estonia spent about 0.8 percent of its annual GDP to support Ukraine during those six weeks. Most of the aid went to processing and hosting Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian attacks on their homes. By late 2022 Ukrainians and their NATO supporters were planning for what comes after the war. The Russian troops were on the run and Russia has few options left. Estonia is convinced that Russia will try again and the next time Estonia might be the target.
Sorry Warren Zevon, no mention of lawyers, just guns and money. This is a detailed StrategyPage “Forces” update, in Jim Dunnigan’s How To Make War section.