Archive for 2023

OPEN THREAD: Everybody’s working blogging for the weekend.

MIKE PENCE IS ARGUING THAT HE’S A LEGISLATIVE OFFICIAL, AND HENCE NOT SUBJECT TO THE J6 SPECIAL PROSECUTOR, and over at my Substack I argue that he’s not crazy to do so. As longtime InstaPundit readers may remember, I’ve written before on the Vice President’s character as a legislative official.

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MY SHOCKED FACE: I, for one, do not doubt for a second that it’s entirely possible Permanent Washington (CIA, FBI, etc) had a hand in the murder of Malcolm X. I’m not defining his character or programmatic either way, but anyone (except modern Democrats) ought to see the very real possibility. And it makes perfect sense that (providing there is an evidentiary basis) the Shabazz family would bring a lawsuit.

I know, many of them cheered them on as “angels doing God’s work” when they were ginning up evidence against Trump, (“How dare you sully the good name of the FBI!” harrumphed The New York Times) but many of us who lived thru LBJ and Nixon always knew that the Deep State is not some tin-foil hat theory.

Ngo Diem could not be reached for comment.


GOODER AND HARDER, CALIFORNIA: California bill would eventually ban all tobacco sales. “Some California lawmakers want to eventually ban all tobacco sales in the nation’s most populous state, filing legislation to make it illegal to sell cigarettes and other products to anyone born after Jan. 1, 2007. If signed into law, it would mean by 2073 people wanting to buy cigarettes would have to show ID to prove they are at least 67 years old.”

LISTEN, SUG, DON’T FORGET TO SAY YOUR PRAYERS: Is Joe Biden Getting Us Into a Nuclear World War III?

One weapon ready for combat is the RS-28 Sarmat liquid-fueled missile, also known as the “Satan 2,” which is 115 feet long, has a range of 11,000 miles, and, according to Reuters, can carry at least ten independently targetable reentry vehicles, each armed with a nuclear warhead that can be aimed at different targets.

It certainly looks as though Joe Biden escalated the war in Ukraine by providing tanks, and that Putin has further escalated the war by getting out a nuclear arms treaty, and building up his nuclear arsenal.

And it may have all been because Biden was trying to distract from his classified documents scandal.

Earlier: World Health Organization Recommends Stockpiling Meds for Radiological Catastrophe.

Related: The Unexpected Return of Duck and Cover.

Plus: Shhh: Nobody Talk About World War III.

(classical allusion in headline.)

CHANGE? Russia’s Withdrawal From START: Less Than Meets The Eye. “The real reason that Putin withdrew from START is that it allows America to carry out regular inspections of Russian infrastructure, and I’m sure they feared America relaying any actionable intelligence from such inspections to Ukraine.”