Archive for 2023

THERE SEEMS TO BE AN EPIDEMIC: A Billionaire Committed Suicide. No One Knows Why. “Lee ‘was regarded as having one of the most admired houses in the Hamptons — Bill and Hillary Clinton were frequent guests, they would regularly stay there.'”

HOWDY PILGRIM! “Speaking of lines, remember the one about how we didn’t land on Plymouth Rock, but Plymouth Rock landed on us? Well, it’s not exactly true in the case of Angela Davis.”

FROM CEDAR SANDERSON ET AL:  But Not Broken (Hope and Healing Book 2).


Fourteen stories of surviving and healing from cPTSD. Fiction has the power to give us an escape from where we are, and an ability to envision where we could be. None of these are easy stories, but all offer hope, and healing, for those who need to see a path through the fog of pain.

CALLOUS INDIFFERENCE TO REAL SUFFERING: Is not a good look for medical doctors.

And by the way, no it wasn’t three months for most people. In Colorado we weren’t back to normal in late 2021 when I left.