Archive for 2023

PROBABLY: The FBI likely has a case file on Oliver Anthony already, whistleblower says.

They couldn’t find Moussaoui before 9/11 but they’re on top of anyone who’s politically inconvenient.

Related: Majority see FBI as Biden’s ‘personal Gestapo’ after Trump raid.

Flashback: “Though not really funny, there’s a certain Keystone Kops angle to the Moussaoui investigation, too, as Congressional investigators have discovered. FBI investigators misunderstood the law, and were thus too slow to search Moussaoui even though the evidence in their possession was more than sufficient. The bureaucratic resistance to searching Moussaoui was so great that field agents in Minnesota wondered — before Sept. 11 — if Usama bin Laden had a mole in Bureau headquarters.”

Hey, it’s not like he was protesting at school board meetings.

NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG: China’s economic crisis is real and it’s spectacular. “I’m enjoying seeing China’s arrogant nationalists, the communist apparatchiks who believe the party knows what’s best for everyone getting humbled by the simplest of problems: economic reality. After seizing the freedom of millions of people in Hong Kong and threatening to do the same to Taiwan, China suddenly finds itself facing a severe crisis of confidence.”

The funny thing is, if China had stayed on the Hu Jintao path of increasing economic, and even social, freedom its economic and diplomatic positions would be vastly better. Instead, Xi re-injected a big dose of communism and the economy and society started to die. It’s like that stuff is poison.

MOST “PROGRESSIVE” CAUSES ARE: Obsessing Over Elite College Admissions Is the Opposite of Progressive. “Those elite places are scarce. According to Pew, they represent just 4.1% of student enrollment: roundabout 18 out of every thousand graduating seniors. It just so happens that American society is organized in such a way that access to the very highest sphere of economic and social success is, with rare exceptions, limited to people who snatch one of those spots. Those elite spots represent the single entry point into the American ruling class: naturally how they are distributed is of intense interest… to the American elite.”

Plus: “To be on the left used to mean to center the interests of the 982 over the interests of the 18. For a century and a half since the modern left first emerged, it knew that its job was to champion the interests of what Marxists used to call “the masses”—the vast majority of people systemically excluded from the top spots in society. For 150 years, the left understood its role to be to improve their lot, not to vie for admission into the elite that stood over them. Not anymore. The reason seems plain enough: the people who run the elite media, advocacy, and educational institutions that dominate civil discourse are overwhelmingly graduates of highly selective colleges themselves. Whether they’re white, black, Latino, or Asian, they’re almost all from the handful of highly selective colleges and universities to which affirmative action effectively applied.”

OH, THIS WILL WORK OUT WELL: Sure, it’s possible that at most some lackey will hand-select a fawning mail for a “real” response, but I’m betting dollars to doughnuts that they are going to use an AIChat-thingy.

Only an Open Records Act filing will tell. Stay tuned.

OPEN THREAD: Make me smile.

BEYOND COW FARTS: New Research Reveals Surprising Sources of Methane Emissions: “Freshwater ecosystems are responsible for about half of the world’s methane releases, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. A significant portion of this methane is believed to come from rivers and streams, yet there’s a lack of comprehensive data about the global rates and patterns of these emissions.”

For all the confident talk about greenhouse matters, we lack a basic understanding of what’s actually going on.