Archive for 2023

ALL THE GOP CANDIDATES SHOULD DO THIS: Ron DeSantis tweets support and fundraising link for Daniel Penny.

Related: Roger Kimball:

“Because he can.”

That’s the answer one has to give to those who ask how Alvin Bragg, a local district attorney in office by the slimmest of margins—and then only because of a huge subsidy from the anti-American billionaire George Soros—can get away with antics like indicting Donald Trump, a former (and, possibly, future) president of the United States, and, now, with charging former Marine Daniel Penny with manslaughter because he (along with at least two others) intervened to stop Jordan Neely from attacking fellow passengers on a New York subway.

Because he can. As a friend remarked when digesting the spectacle of Penny being led away in handcuffs, totalitarian movements often start slowly, almost timidly, but as they gain power, they become more brazen. After a certain point, they do outrageous things just to intimidate the public and demonstrate their power.

Bragg shouldn’t be able to show his face in New York without being shouted down for being pro-crime.

GOODER AND HARDER: Mail Delivery Halted for an Entire Zip Code in Seattle. “Some south Seattle residents are claiming a significant ‘mail fail’ is occurring as the United States Postal Service (USPS) has halted mail delivery due to a rise in recent vandalism and theft. A sign at a nearby U.S. Postal Service office in Columbia City is telling residents in the ‘98118’ zip code to pick up their mail in person at an annex office, located at 5920 Martin Luther King Jr Way South.”

Plus: “Property crime has been on the rise in the Seattle area, in the Northwest, and kind of across the country — and mail theft is unfortunately one of those areas that have been targeted significantly with that uptick in crime.”

OPEN THREAD: Take it away!

UPDATE: Oops, this was posted early but since people are commenting already I’ll just leave it up. Today can be a twofer.

GREAT MOMENTS IN TOLERANCE FOR A DIVERSITY OF IDEAS: Video shows liberals heckle, violently storm out of comedy show after comedian makes Dylan Mulvaney jokes: ‘F*** you, transphobe!’

During [Chrissie] Mayr’s comedy set, the comedian delved into the hot-button topic of Dylan Mulvaney – the TikTok star of the controversial “Days of Girlhood” series and center figure of the Bud Light debacle.

Mayr mocked Mulvaney for identifying as a female, yet never committing to undergoing gender reassignment surgery despite declaring to be a girl for more than a year. When Mayr questioned Mulvaney for not getting a sex change operation, someone in the audience shouted: “Because he’s a man!”

An irritated woman disagreed and then yelled, “No. She’s a woman!”

Mayr reacted by saying, “Uh oh, uh oh, we have one of those.”

Mayr then lampooned the heckler with a misdirection joke, “No, it’s all good. We can all have different beliefs, it’s okay. Some of us can believe in reality and some of us can’t. This is America, we should have different beliefs, it’s all good.”

The woman and her friends were outraged and stormed out of the comedy show. One of the women shrieked while exiting, “F*** you, transphobe!”

The crowd applauded that the offended liberal women were leaving the show.

Mayr claimed that the women violently stormed out of the venue, knocking over her merchandise table. She also said that the women “went straight to management to complain.”

Mayr came to the conclusion, “This is the conflict when it comes to comedy and Leftists. It’s just not compatible.”

Why, it’s as if all comedy is conservative or something.


It is incumbent upon sober elected officials, and the American people at large, to reject this obtuse, sprawling Democratic media disinformation operation. The operation, for all its pompous bluster and ginned-up faux hysteria, has one goal and one goal only: to delegitimize the U.S. Supreme Court, and to pave the way for ruinous policies that would irreparably damage, and ultimately destroy, that venerable institution.

In the year 2023, the Left has nearly completed its century-plus-long “march through the institutions”: The forces of wokeism and civilizational arson are now firmly ensconced in the corridors of power in Fortune 500 boardrooms, K-12 public school classrooms, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, academia and myriad other traditional centers of American cultural clout.

The last remaining bulwark for the Right, and for the forces of civilizational sanity more broadly, is the political arena: Republicans currently occupy 26 out of the 50 governor mansions, and have 22 state-level “trifectas” of consolidated gubernatorial/state legislative control (compared with only 17 for Democrats).

At the federal level, Republicans retain a slim majority in the House of Representatives, and, most important, conservatives control the Supreme Court. In 2022, moreover, the Court had an impressively conservative term, most prominently including its ruling to devolve to the democratic process all regulation of the Left’s favored pagan sacrament, abortion.

Read the whole thing.

OPEN THREAD: It’s Saturday night.


WE’VE DISCUSSED THIS BEFORE: Blood May Hold the Key to Reversing Aging. “First, the team used a heterochronic parabiosis mouse model, in which the blood vessels of a young mouse were connected to an older mouse, so they shared blood circulation. While the older mouse slowed its pace of aging when connected, the younger mouse aged more quickly. ‘When we separate them and remove the old circulation,’ White said, ‘the young mouse is able to reverse that accelerated aging and go back to its chronological age.'”