Archive for 2022

EVERYTHING IS GOING SWIMMINGLY: Weapons Shipments to Ukraine: ‘The Closet is Bare.’ “Lawmakers sound the alarm over a protracted war in Ukraine. The weapons shipments to the war-torn country have cut into the Pentagon’s stockpile of Javelin anti-tank missiles and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles by about 1/3. They need to be replaced and soon, according to officials.”

PATIENT ZERO: Hollywood Consultant Admits Glee Started the Wokeness Epidemic.

In other words, a group of people who numbered, at minimum, in the tens of thousands, and could’ve numbered in the tens of millions, became so obsessed with a TV show, and with characters they related to, that they went and indoctrinated themselves with critical theory just so they could more effectively complain whenever the show did something they didn’t like, and harass anyone who disagreed without consequence. And when this toxicity ruined the show for them, they then spread this behavior to the fandoms of every other art form, and even carried it with them into adult life as participants in America’s cultural institutions.

There’s no other way to put this: this interview and the Tumblr post that preceded it form a confession. These girls (and it almost certainly was mostly girls) were so incapable of telling the difference between fiction and reality, so desperate to pretend that it was them reflected onscreen in a glorified teenage music revue, that they went to the trouble of intellectualizing their discontent through critical theory, and then took the same mission that animated the wars over Glee on Tumblr into the real world, and into real professions, in real industries, with real consequences. And just like they insisted that the actors on Glee live out their personal wish-fulfillment fantasies, the autonomy of those actors be damned, they are now insisting that all of us play the parts they have written for us in a political fanfic while they transform all of the United States not into a utopia, but into an eternal fantasy high school, where our new woke overlords, like the New Directions, will be constantly validated by everyone around them while still being able to claim oppression.

Read the whole thing.

WHEN REALITY STARTS TO INTRUDE: California promised to close its last nuclear plant. Now Newsom is reconsidering.

Newsom’s change of mind is a result of “California’s Potemkin Environmentalism:” No State Imports More Electricity Than California.

Even during the Schwarzenegger era, Max Schultz of City Journal, who coined the above phrase, noted that California’s “celebrated green economy produces pollution elsewhere, ongoing power shortages, and business-crippling costs.” Look for those trends to continue to get worse, based on the California assembly’s bill mandating 100 percent clean electricity passed in 2018.

Eventually, the New York Times and NPR may even dub the results “An ‘Almost Unimaginable’ Crisis.”


PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD: ESPN Anchor Sues for Violation of Free Speech. “Sage Steele is the only openly conservative personality at ESPN, and she has never shied away from or compromised her beliefs. That’s made her a target for wokes at the subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, and now she’s suing ESPN and Disney for violating her free speech rights.”

Background: Sage Steele Suspended from ESPN for ‘Controversial’ Comments about Mandates, Obama, Female Reporters.

DESPITE BEING FULLY COGNIZANT OF LINCOLN’S MAXIM: You know, the one about it being better to be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt.

Well, I’m throwing caution to the wind this morning and inviting those who care about such matters to give this HillFaith post a read and then tell me where you think I am right, wrong, maybe somewhere in the vicinity of getting it correct, or just plain without hope of ever understanding.

Here’s the basic proposition: If information is the sine qua non of creation, then there must be intelligence behind the information, it cannot be randomly ordered, which is oxymoronic.

Why am I doing this? Because I know there are a lot of Instapunditeers who are a whole lot smarter than I am and more than a few who will gladly and civilly point out flaws and good ones.

One final note: No, I am not in the midst of regression to Philosophy 101, sophomore year in college. Why we are here, how we got here and what happens to us after we die are forever questions that are always in order.