Archive for 2022

CALIFORNIA’S GREAT AMERICA AMUSEMENT PARK TO CLOSE IN 10 YEARS: “California’s Great America in Santa Clara now has an expiration date. The park operator Cedar Fair announced Monday that it sold the land and ultimately will close the park. The company sold the land for about $310 million to San Francisco-based company Prologis. They also said they’ve signed a deal with the buyer to continue to run the park for ‘up to 11 years’ before finally closing it down at the end of their current lease. In a statement, they said the park should continue to look and feel the same to visitors — at least in the short term. Visitors to the park on Monday were shocked to hear the news. Several employees at the park said they learned the news of the sale on Monday as well.”

THE BANNINGS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES: Twitter Suspends Jordan Peterson After He Tweets ‘Ellen Page Just Had Her Breasts Removed.’

Twitter suspended famed psychologist Jordan Peterson’s account after he tweeted about a transgender surgery performed on Elliot Page, nee Ellen Page, former Oscar-nominated actress.

Peterson’s daughter Mikhaila tweeted at Elon Musk, “Wow. @jordanbpeterson got a twitter strike. No more twitter until he deletes the tweet. Definitely not a free speech platform at the moment. @elonmusk.”

In the tweet prompting Twitter’s suspension, Peterson wrote, “Remember when pride was a sin? And Ellen Page just had her breasts removed by a criminal physician.”

Twitter wrote that Peterson had violated its rules for “hateful conduct,” apparently because used Page’s given name; Page now goes by Elliott. He also referred to Page as “her,” thus implying Page is a woman.

Earlier: Here’s Your Daily Reminder That You Can Threaten Scotus Justices But the Babylon Bee Has Been Banned Since March for Misgendering Someone.

QUESTION ASKED: Is Dobbs an Electoral Dud?

A majority of voters say the Court’s decisions will not “personally impact” their lives, which is roughly unchanged from May. That helps explain why progressives who insist that this is the moment to “discipline” the Court over its reckless jurisprudence haven’t found their audience. Only 38 percent of respondents back “expanding the Supreme Court” to blunt the influence of its conservative justices—results that are also “largely unchanged from September 2021.”

Meanwhile, Democrats were treated yesterday to the first real-world test of whether the Supreme Court’s decision had enlivened their previously unenthusiastic voting base. The results were ambiguous.

Voters turned out to cast their ballots in primary races in Illinois, New York, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Utah on Tuesday and, as of that evening, turnout “appeared to be typically sluggish” according to the New York Times. All the caveats apply: These states all have early-voting provisions, so many votes had already been cast by primary day, and there were fewer contested primaries on the Democratic side than the GOP’s. That said, however, “unaffiliated voters had returned more early ballots in Republican primaries than Democratic ones, a reversal from 2020 and 2018, election officials said.”

We cannot yet say that Dobbs won’t deliver Democrats from a drubbing at the polls in November. But there’s little indication of that yet. In fact, from what we have seen so far, the Court’s ruling might even be an electoral non-event. If future polls and primary results subsequently confirm that impression—if the overturning of Roe cannot salvage Democratic fortunes—this cake is well and truly baked.

Related: Guess Who Leads in the Generic Ballot After the Dobbs Decision?

Don’t get cocky.

AMERICA’S NEWSPAPER OF RECORD: Bert And Ernie Both Contract Monkeypox. “‘Hey there, Bert, I don’t know if that bathhouse in Madrid was worth it,’ Ernie was heard saying as muppet CDC bolted the door to their studio apartment shut.”

‘LITIGATION IS LIKELY:’ California Just Doxxed Thousands of Gun Owners. “In a statement given to the Reload, California Rifle and Pistol Association president Chuck Michel said his group ‘is working with several legislators and sheriffs to determine the extent of the damage caused by DOJ’s doxing of law abiding gun owners. Litigation is likely.’”


WHAT TRUMP MIGHT HAVE DONE TO THE DEEP STATE: Jeffrey Tucker reminds that, while it’s long forgotten now, former President Donald Trump signed an executive order — 13957 on Oct. 21, 2020 — late in his tenure that would have taken a significant step toward bringing the permanent bureaucracy under control.

Biden, of course, reversed the order shortly after being sworn-in as Trump’s successor. Having had a small part in bringing about the Reagan Revolution’s partially successful reforms of the federal personnel system, I agree Trump’s EO could have made a huge difference. Coulda-woulda-shoulda.

I suspect a President DeSantis would resurrect something quite similar, but nothing short of a remarkably powerful, durable and united political will in both the White House and the Congress will be able to bring it to fruition.

CHRISTIAN TOTO: Past-His-Prime Howard Stern Plays Media Like a Fiddle. “The press loathed Stern for decades, but reporters still gave him the copious coverage he craved. Now, Stern marches in lockstep with the press. He’s embraced most of its preferred narratives, which just so happen to overlap with the progressive agenda.”