IS ELON’S NON DE PLUME “EKO?” Read this latest installment of deeply revealing pieces on DOGE and you may well know the answer.
February 11, 2025
Oh great, a federal judge has just ordered me to uncancel my AOL subscription
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) February 11, 2025
Newsweek article:
2024 Fiscal Year:
Data Newsweek used which included CBP turning people away at the border:
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) February 12, 2025
OPEN THREAD: Tuesday’s Groovy.
FASTER, PLEASE: Tulsi Gabbard To Be Confirmed.
21st CENTURY RELATIONSHIPS: Internet goes wild for hulking Special Forces agent spotted with Pete Hegseth on early morning run.
The internet has gone wild for a hulking Special Forces agent after he was spotted on an early morning run with Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth.
Hegseth, 44, was pictured pumping iron and jogging outdoors during a trip to Germany, where he is visiting senior military leaders at US command centers.
But social media users were more interested in a man pictured flanking Hegseth, who appeared to be one of the US Special Forces agents stationed in the country.
The man was seen with a huge smile on his face as he jogged with ease during their dawn workout in Stuttgart, south-west Germany on Tuesday morning.
‘Super hot’, one person commented below the image on X, while others posted gifs expressing the same sentiment on the Elon Musk-owned platform.
‘Dude needs to be in all recruitment material moving forward,’ one person wrote. ‘More men like this!!!!!’ another said beside a gif of a man applauding.
‘Real Life Hulk?’ one person said, while another wrote: ‘Look at this absolute UNIT’. has contacted the Department of Defense for clarification on the man’s role in the US military.
Related: Ben Shapiro on “Trump, Hegseth, And The Power Of Images:”
Yesterday, Hegseth did a few things that re-enshrined the idea that America’s military is back. He trained with a bunch of members of the military. He was pumping iron.
This was awesome because the image that you want to give off to the world is one that implies, if you screw with us, then we will kick your a**. That is the image that the American military should be purveying to the rest of the world.
The second thing Hegsteh did was to restore Fort Bragg’s name, renaming Fort Bragg back to Fort Bragg. But there was a twist, and this was really smart.
Fort Bragg was originally named Braxton Bragg, who was a former U.S. Army artillery commander and West Point graduate who fought for the Confederacy during the American Civil War. One of the reasons many of the forts in the United States were named for Confederate generals was not because there was a great love for the Confederacy in the United States. Rather, it was the way to bring a country back together after the most bloody civil war in American history (and possibly world history) by expressing conciliation and recognizing that the Confederacy did exist but was subsumed into the broader union.
The Biden administration decided to rename Fort Bragg, reasoning that, presumably, when black soldiers went to Fort Bragg, they would suddenly think of Braxton Bragg and the old racism of America.
Hegseth found another American hero who happened to be named Bragg: Private First Class Roland Bragg, a World War II hero who earned the Silver Star and Purple Heart for his exceptional courage during the Battle of the Bulge.
So they restored the legacy of Fort Bragg without paying homage to a Confederate soldier, which is a smart way of squaring the circle.
All this goes to the broader effort Trump is conducting, which is understanding the power of images. This is something Trump understands better than anyone alive. He’s the best marketer in the history of the American Republic, bar none.
Much more like this, please.
UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Rename Fort Hood after this guy. And Fort Lee after this guy.
ALL THIS AND WORLD WAR II: Hermann Göring Plunders Paris, Ernest Hemingway Personally Liberates Parisian Bars! New video from Mark Felton:
@nypost During a press conference in the Oval Office, Elon Musk revealed that the Department of Government Efficiency allegedly uncovered disbursed social security payments to individuals who are 150 years old.
NEW CIVILITY WATCH: Yet Another House Dem Calls for ‘Street Fight’ Against Trump Policies.
Less than two weeks ago, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-Of Course) called upon people to fight the “extreme MAGA Republican agenda” not just “legislatively” and “in the courts” but “in the streets.” The Trump White House has demanded that Jeffries apologize for inciting violence, and of course, Jeffries did not do so. And now yet another House Democrat has said much the same thing that Jeffries said. Do these people want to incite a new civil war? If they don’t, they certainly seem to like playing with rhetorical fire.
Fox News reported that Rep. Kweisi Mfume (D-Victimhood), a longtime leftist leader who was first elected to the House in 1987, left in 1996 to become president of the NAACP, and returned to the House in 2020, spoke at a rally in Baltimore on Monday. Mfume railed against Elon Musk’s efforts to end waste and fraud in government and called the Department of Government Efficiency the “department of government evil.”
Having worked himself up into a fine froth, Mfume thundered: “This will be a congressional fight, a constitutional fight, a legal fight, and on days like this a street fight, yes we will stand.” It was remarkable how closely his words aligned with those of Jeffries. It’s hard to escape the impression that the Democrat leadership in the House really wants to see people becoming violent in opposition to Trump’s policies.
Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) posted on X about how odd and disproportionate Mfume’s response was to DOGE’s mission: “A ‘street fight’ to stop cuts to wasteful spending? Those are fighting words. And they’re not honorable words.” Indeed.
Tim Fazenbaker, a who ran unsuccessfully in 2020 and 2022 for a Maryland congressional seat, posted the video of Mfume’s words with this comment suggesting that Mfume’s rage against DOGE may have a self-serving cause: “Congressman Kweisi Mfume calling for a street fight against @realDonaldTrump, @elonmusk and us. Unfortunately, due to gerrymandering, this is my congressman. The same one that was getting nearly $400,000,000.00 to bring illegals and refugees to my community.” Well, that certainly does explain why Mfume would hate DOGE.
Discover the Networks’ page on Mfume:
At a “Race in America” town hall meeting sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) on September 16, 1993, Mfume announced that his Congressional Black Caucus had entered into a “sacred covenant” with Louis Farrakhan‘s Nation of Islam (NOI), meaning that the two organizations would consult with one another on legislative issues and political strategies. At the meeting, Farrakhan joined former CBC chairman Kweisi Mfume, NAACP executive director Benjamin Chavis, Rep. Maxine Waters, and the Rev. Jesse Jackson in a discussion about: (a) the poor state of race relations in America, and (b) possible solutions to the problems facing the black community. Among the problems the panel identified were: societal prejudice against African Americans, black feelings of inferiority, housing and job discrimination, poverty, urban violence, and family dysfunction. Said Mfume: “We want the word to go forward today to friend and foe alike that the Congressional Black Caucus, after having entered into a sacred covenant with the NAACP to work for real and meaningful change, will enter into that same covenant with the Nation of Islam.”
Mfume backed out of the aforementioned covenant with NOI in February 1994, after a number of CBC members voiced concern about Farrakhan’s failure to condemn a recent instance of incendiary racist and anti-Semitic rhetoric by NOI spokesman Khalid Abdul Muhammad.
When Mfume retired from Congress in 1996, Elijah Cummings took over his seat in the House of Representatives.
For an overview of Mfume’s voting record on a range of key issues during his tenure as a legislator, click here.
After leaving Congress, Mfume went on to become President/CEO of the NAACP, a post he would hold for eight years.
In 1997 Mfume supported the unsuccessful mayoral candidacy of Al Sharpton in New York City.
Exit quote: “Mfume describes his politics as ‘very, very progressive’ on social issues, but ‘a little more moderate’ on fiscal matters.”
HELP US, ELON, YOU’RE OUR ONLY HOPE: Odds of a Tunguska-Scale Impact in 2032 Just Doubled.
HOUSE PANEL GOING DOGE ON IMPROPER PAYMENTS: Rep. Marjorie Greene (R-Ga.) leads a House subcommittee hearing tomorrow morning — assuming D.C. doesn’t shut down completely due to several expected inches of overnight snow — to focus on the hundreds of billions of dollars in improper payments issued annually by federal bureaucrats.
As I report in The Epoch Times this afternoon, the most basic challenge facing Congress and the Trump administration is quite possibly the difficulty of establishing with reasonable certainty the actual total amount of improper payments and if agencies actually abide by new laws, presidential executive orders, OMB regulations or anything else designed to stop them and prevent their recurrence.
IT’S COME TO THIS: Opposing Lab Grown Meat and Insect Meal in Pasta is ‘Far Right.’
You know, if they keep telling people that everything admirable is “far right,” people may start to admire the far right.
THE LAMENTATIONS OF THEIR WOMEN: Terrified staff left hysterical as ‘well drilled’ DOGE nerds storm hyper ‘woke’ Department of Education.
Elon Musk’s nerd army stormed into the Department of Education on Tuesday and saved over $900 million.
Musk’s DOGE lieutenants Akash Bobba and Ethan Shaotran, both 22, already have access to the department, NBC News reported.
And as many as 16 DOGE team members have entered the premises as the agency begins to be ripped apart.
Rep. Melanie Stansbury, (D-MD) described the terror agency staff are feeling after Musk’s team entered to ‘actively dismantle’ the institution.
‘They are in the building, on the 6th floor, canceling grants and contracts,’ she said in an interview with HuffPost.
Nope, still not sick of all the winning.
READER FAVORITE: Airmoto Tire Inflator Portable Air Compressor. #CommissionEarned
STUDDED TIRES FOR THE WIN: Audi RS E-Tron GT Performance with Studded Tires Proves 912 HP Isn’t Too Much for Winter.
The American Bar Association destroyed its remaining credibility to be treated as an honest entity when it acted like Joe Biden could tweet the Equal Rights Amendment into law. This is a partisan organization the media pretends is nonpartisan in order to attack Republicans.
— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) February 10, 2025
But since the dinosaur legacy media is held in lower regard than almost any other institution, lefty reputations are crumbling all around them.
To be clear, the Exec Branch does not have the right to ignore court orders.
The President is bound by the Constitution. If you think he's violating it, you sue in a district court, then to an appellate court, then to SCOTUS. That's the system.
But the sanctimony is gross.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) February 11, 2025
BECAUSE IT WAS ALWAYS A BS SLOGAN FOR A BS PARTISAN RAG. NEXT QUESTION? If ‘Democracy Dies in Darkness,’ Why Is It Banking in Secret?
[Tristan Justice and Gina Bontempo, the authors of Fat And Unhappy: How “Body Positivity” Is Killing Us (and How to Save Yourself)] discuss politics very little, but the unspoken context of their book is the growing politicization of fitness. “Getting fit is great—but it could turn you into a rightwing jerk,” read the title of a June piece published by a Guardian columnist. Kennedy’s endorsement of President Donald Trump brought an entire army of crunchy moms over to the Republican side—no small thing, if a recent report from the New York Times is to be believed. The health of future generations seems like something the left and the right can come together to support, but the food industry and pharmaceutical industry seem to find ways to coopt this vision nearly every time.
Justice and Bontempo are far from the first authors to point out what’s wrong with nutrition in America. They cite research from Nina Teicholz, author of The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet; Robert H. Lustig, author of Metabolical: The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition, and Modern Medicine; and Gary Taubes, author of Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It. Where they start to tread new ground is their reporting on “toxic” body positivity, defining it as a movement that “seeks to eliminate the emotional toll of obesity by demanding the rest of the country normalize and even glorify excess weight.” Justice was even denied a press pass to attend Philly FatCon, a 2023 gathering of pro-fat activists including Joy Cox, author of Fat Girls in Black Bodies, and Sonalee Rashatwar, known online as “The Fat Sex Therapist.”
“The point of the conference was the promotion of far-left activism on social justice, and the organizers placed obesity at the center of it…. None of the conference speakers on the all-women lineup built their profiles by raising the red flag on obesity. They all made money on raising the white one,” Justice and Bontempo write.
So who’s funding the body positivity movement? All it takes is a little digging to realize that when skincare brand Dove launches a “Campaign for Size Freedom,” it’s actually acting in the interest of parent company Unilever, one of the top ice cream manufacturers in the United States. Companies like Dove act in tandem with fat-positive activists like Virgie Tovar to get the stamp of approval from this new social justice spinoff. Unfortunately, average Americans using social media unknowingly encounter this propaganda. They’re bombarded with videos from dietitians funded by the food industry who recommend soda and packaged snacks but never restricting unhealthy foods. In fact, some of the influencers who dole out health “advice” online refuse to even classify foods as “good” or “bad” because “diet culture, fatphobia, and systems of oppression have created false hierarchies of food” (yes, this is a direct quote from a so-called nutritionist cited by Justice and Bontempo).
The schizophrenia during and immediately after the coronavirus pandemic was pretty astonishing, particularly from sources who should (and do) know better:
Shot: Why Are People with Obesity More Vulnerable to COVID?
–Scientific American, June 24th, 2021.
Chaser: Scientific American looks at the racist stigmatization of black women’s bodies and obesity.
—Twitchy and your humble narrator, December 28th, 2022: