If you wanted to wage war against misinformation, network news would be a great place to start.

RABBI MICHAEL BARCLAY: 500 Days We Must Never Forget. “Five-hundred days. Exactly 500 days ago, the world saw some of the most evil and heinous crimes ever perpetrated by humanity. Hamas attacked Israel from Gaza. They didn’t attack military bases or soldiers. Instead, they demonstrated themselves to be the personification of evil as they consciously attacked civilians — specifically the weak, old, female, and sick.”

MEET THE EMPEROR PENGUIN: Why anybody or any creature would be found in the Antarctic region of the Earth is beyond me, but there are some rather amazing animals there. Regardless of your views on evolution, ID, etc., check out this John 10:10 video on HillFaith detailing the remarkable ways the largest of the multiple Penguin types keeps warm. We do live in a wondrous world, regardless how you think it came to be.


More to come, I’m sure.

ONGOING RACIAL DISCRIMINATION BY ‘THE PHD PROJECT”? 11 universities in NC, and many others across America, are paying $3,000-$5,000 a year to be part of a group holding conferences that specifically exclude whites and Asians.

Grutter and the subsequent 25 years of lies about racial preferences has been nearly as destructive to race relations as the previous iteration of “separate but equal.” It’s probably O’Connor’s greatest mistake.

HOW THE MIGHTY HAS FALLEN: Broadcom, TSMC reportedly exploring deals that would split up Intel. “Broadcom is reportedly considering an acquisition of Intel’s chip-design and marketing business, and would want a partner for the company’s manufacturing business, while TSMC is reportedly looking at controlling some or all of Intel’s chip plants, potentially as part of an investor consortium.”

Update: Typos corrected!

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEFING: Trump’s Genius for Trolling the Dems Just Keeps Getting Better. “While those of us who voted for Trump are resting comfortably at night now that the adults are back in charge, the Dems are stalking his every move and utterance in search of their next useless tantrum.”

JOHN KASS: Boss Madigan Goes Down. “I opposed the Combine, the insular corruption of Illinois, the crooked lawyers, and especially the corrupt journalism of Springfield and Chicago that fawned over Boss Madigan and other political leaders over the decades, all those Combine jackals and hyenas laughing. It fed hopelessness and profound cynicism of the people.”

Plus: “States like Illinois, California, New York, and Michigan are political cesspools. Yet, they contribute quite a bit to the gross domestic product of the United States. Imagine what the US GDP would be if those states weren’t corrupt cesspools and were trying to empower businesses.”