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ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Late last month, we mentioned Manny’s coffee shop in San Francisco. As the Daily Wire noted back then:

You can be gay, intern in the Obama White House, work on Barack Obama’s reelection campaign, and serve as the Silicon Valley fundraising director for the Clinton presidential campaign in 2016, but if you also happen to be Jewish and support the existence of Israel, hard leftists want you gone, as 29-year-old Manny Yekutiel found out the hard way when he opened a café/bookstore in San Francisco’s Mission District.

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But on Wednesday, protesters associated with the Lucy Parsons Project, a self-described “radical black queer direction action group,” joined other groups to yell Yekutiel was a “Zionist gentrifer,” and “Zionists out of the Mission!”

A Website called Mission: Local, adds a chilling new detail this week:

And, surely enough, a handful of protesters began showing up, weekly, shouting through bullhorns and waving placards. Someone painted a Star of David on Manny’s exterior along with the words “Fuck Zionism.” A window was broken.

If you believe in nationalizing socialism, painting stars of Davids on Jewish shop owners’ buildings and smashing their glass at night into a fine crystalline state, it’s definitely time to ask yourself, “Are we the baddies?” You are.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): This should be prosecuted as a criminal conspiracy against civil rights, because that’s what it is.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY, GREAT BRITAIN EDITION: Feminist Mom Booted From Bar Over T-Shirt With the Definition of ‘Woman.’ “Rebeka Wershbale, 34 and a mother of one, told Britain’s Daily Mail that her t-shirt — which simply reads ‘Woman/women/noun/adult human female’ — caused her exclusion.”

It occurs to me that biology isn’t very inclusive.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Bernie Sanders’ alumni seek meeting to address ‘sexual violence’ on 2016 campaign.

The signees did not describe specific instances of “sexual violence and harassment” that occurred on the campaign. The statement circulated broadly over the past weekend among former staffers who added their names in support and was not specific to people who had experienced harassment or violence.

Several people who signed the letter said that their effort is not just about Sanders’ 2016 or 2020 presidential campaigns, but rather about what they called a pervasive culture of toxic masculinity in the campaign world. They stressed that they hoped their letter would not be reduced to reinforcing the “Bernie Bro” caricature, but rather would be one part of a larger reckoning among people running campaigns.

“This letter is just a start,” said one of the organizers who declined to be named. “We are addressing what happened on the Bernie campaign but as people that work in this space we see that all campaigns are extremely dangerous to women and marginalized people and we are attempting to fix that.”

As Stephen Miller tweets, “Wait until they hear about the things [Sanders] wrote about in the ’70s.”

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Women Attack ‘Sexist’ Shopping Spree Ad for Ruth Bader Ginsburg Movie.

Even liberal movies can’t avoid ticking off feminists.

In the lead-up to Christmas, Focus Features released a Facebook ad encouraging women to sign up to win a free shopping spree and a trip to Washington, D.C., to celebrate the release of “On the Basis of Sex,” a movie about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Women attacked this as “sexist,” “sexploitational,” and “deeply unsettling,” and it does seem particularly tone-deaf in context.

“Win a shopping spree and a trip to Washington, D.C. for you and a friend to celebrate the release of On the Basis of Sex based on a true story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg,” Focus Features wrote in the ad. The ad included a link to the Focus Features website and an invitation to sign up for the contest with a flashy picture of Felicity Jones in a suit in front of the Supreme Court.

Or to put it another way:

(Artwork by Jon Gabriel.)

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Leftist Jewish Cafe Owner In San Francisco Told To Get Out For Supporting Israel.

You can be gay, intern in the Obama White House, work on Barack Obama’s reelection campaign, and serve as the Silicon Valley fundraising director for the Clinton presidential campaign in 2016, but if you also happen to be Jewish and support the existence of Israel, hard leftists want you gone, as 29-year-old Manny Yekutiel found out the hard way when he opened a café/bookstore in San Francisco’s Mission District.

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But on Wednesday, protesters associated with the Lucy Parsons Project, a self-described “radical black queer direction action group,” joined other groups to yell Yekutiel was a “Zionist gentrifer,” and “Zionists out of the Mission!” The Lucy Parsons Project even tweeted their instructions to do so:

To paraphrase Monty Python’s classic sketch on the Royal Navy, there is no anti-Semitism in the left these days, and when I say none, I do mean that there is a certain amount.

And it seems to be growing rapidly.

Earlier: The Insane Battle To Sabotage a New Apartment Building Explains San Francisco’s Housing Crisis.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): The Department of Justice should be treating these “protesters” as conspiring to deprive people of their civil rights — since, you know, that’s what they’re doing.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: The Huffington Post covers “The Thinnest Skins In Media In 2018,” beginning with Jake Tapper:

What follows is a list of our favorite media piss-babies and corncobs of the past year. A quick note to the piss-babies and corncobs themselves: Any communication with me regarding this post will be considered on the record. If any of you contact me to complain about your inclusion on the list, I will be obliged to publish the email, direct message, voicemail, what have you. You have been warned, Tapper.

Heh. Pass the popcorn and read the whole thing.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY. Widows: Urban Blight and Hopeless Chicago.

Fans of British writer-director Steve McQueen’s long overdue follow-up to 12 Years a Slave have had half a decade to muse over the now acclaimed director’s short career beginning with the brutal and unsettling Hunger, followed by his second team-up with actor Michael Fassbinder in Shame. Given the high regard his previous trilogy has garnered, Widows is a rather conventional career pivot.

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The film’s finale, without spoilers, seems to suggest that this sense of nihilism and hopelessness is cowardly and must be destroyed and yet the system isn’t confronted by the end of the film. The best that can be done in the end is to honor the dead and try to build some semblance of friendship and justice beyond the horrors. The real bad guys get away in the end. The only real justice comes when you survive and your enemies don’t.

Maybe that’s honest in the sense that Chicago is a place where corruption, graft, and backroom deals reign supreme, but if the only way out of the quagmire is violence and the vain hope of some future after the turmoil, it goes a long way to show why the progressivism is so willing to push violent solutions in the aftermath of their losses.

When Hillary Clinton goes on live TV and says that there can be no civility when the policies she advocates are being denied by the party in power and when black bloc groups like Antifa are given unlimited reign to assault conservatives, we see this same progressive nihilism at work.

Chicago’s last Republican mayor left office in 1931.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: The Progressive Patriarchy.

We are also meant to chant along with the crowd that Ponce is a woman. Anything less is transphobia. Decency and charity are no longer enough; affirmation and glorification — ideally before as large an audience as possible — are the only acceptable course.

And what does this new frontier of progressivism mean for other planks of the platform? The unassailable dogma that women are constantly oppressed and subjugated by the patriarchy — that we can only be free if we recognize and disempower the tyranny of white male privilege that prevents women from expressing ourselves and taking control of our lives — requires that there is such a thing as womanhood, and that it can be defined consistently.

Ponce’s much-hailed appearance in the Miss Universe contest, on the other hand, implies societal acceptance of the idea that men can in fact be women.

These two doctrines of progressivism are in fundamental tension. Even if one accepts the notion that some biological males can feel so female that they essentially are, in some intangible way, women, such a view necessarily conflicts with the feminist claim that there is something unique about being a woman — and that womanhood deserves to be shielded from the encroachment of male power.

The wholehearted embrace of transgender ideology necessarily, and quite intentionally, erases womanhood. It allows biological males to don the mantle of femaleness simply by asserting that it is their birthright. There has never been a more patriarchal claim.

How does this contradiction play itself out in the coming years?

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Los Angeles Mayor Shouted Down by Protesters at USC During Speech.

The protesters, who were organized by the Los Angeles Community Action Network and the Los Angeles chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, resorted to shouting over Garcetti so that he could not continue his speech — a tactic known as “deplatforming” that has been commonly employed against speakers deemed controversial by campus activists.

As Garcetti tried to respond to each complaint individually, the protesters tried to drown him out by singing a revised rendition of “Santa Claus is Coming Town.”

“You better watch out, you better not cry, Eric Garcetti is telling us lies, human rights violations happening now,” they sang.

Garcetti tried to quiet the crowd by citing his first amendment rights, but was unsuccessful.

“Do you respect 1st Amendment rights, do you?” Garcetti said to a one man who refused to listen to his response.

Narrator voice: They don’t.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY. Oscars producers: Maybe we shouldn’t use a host at all.

Variety quotes a “top talent rep” that says that his clients are unhappy that [Kevin] Hart didn’t choose to “stay the course and serve as an example.” If that was the plan, maybe they should have made it more clear to Hart in his contract negotiations. “Say, Kevin,” they might have said, “we plan to hang you out to dry if activists go through years-old material to find something offensive, declaring you to be inappropriate unless you willingly go along with the public beating. How’s that sound?”

Clearly, Hart didn’t like the sound of it when the Academy did hang him out to dry, but at least he would have been prepared for it. Unfortunately, every comic worth hiring for the gig understands exactly how the Academy supports its partners in their big broadcast — or more accurately doesn’t. That may be why the Oscars will go without a host for the first time in 30 years, opting instead for a Rube Goldberg-ish rotating set of players.

That latter option may be difficult for the Academy to assemble: 18 Top Comedians Who Can Never Host The Oscars Now.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Columbia University Students Apologize for Inviting SNL Comedian to Campus. Takeaway: “Patel deserved to get booted off because I was irritated by his performance.”

These students are horrible human beings, unfit to live in a free and democratic society. Of course, they know that, which is why they’re working to turn it into something else.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: New Oscar Host Kevin Hart Attacked in Record Time.

More importantly, why would anyone want to host the Oscars at this point? The show is consistently awful and preachy. Critics typically savage whoever does the honors. It’s weeks and weeks of work with little payoff beyond, apparently, a “low” six-figure check. The latter is consequential but not to stars who routinely cash those sized checks.

The worst part for Hart? He’ll be slimed for weeks, maybe months, following the announcement. If he survives what’s to come he’ll be forced to abandon his apolitical stance as the Oscars host.

A comic who rigorously avoids partisan humor will have to mock the GOP, President Donald Trump or both on Oscar night. It’s what we’ve seen from previous hosts for the past few years. Virtually every awards show doubles as a DNC ad.

Suddenly, all Harts’ efforts to nurture his bipartisan fan base will be gone. Maybe he’s better off bowing out now. The gig just isn’t worth it.

Star Wars: Rogue One recreated Peter Cushing and Carrie Fisher in CGI form. Holographic recreations of dead rock stars such as Roy Orbison are touring in increasing numbers. Perhaps the Oscars should simply task Industrial Light & Magic to create holographic or CGI versions of Bob Hope and Johnny Carson and have them host alternate years — and problem solved.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Obama-supporting Comedian Kevin Hart and His Wife are Attacked by the Social Justice Mob Over Child’s Birthday Party. “Kevin and his wife, Eniko Parrish, have come under fire for the birthday bash they threw for 1-year-old son, Kenzo. The party had a theme, and it’s gonna hurt. Parental Advisory. Here we go: The theme of the party was Cowboys and Indians. You know how cowboys and Indians existed? Well, you can’t reference that existence by dressing up like them.”

Why not? I thought identity was entirely fungible in the 21st century.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Michigan College Cancels ‘The Vagina Monologues’ Because ‘Not All Women Have Vaginas.’ “The women’s resource center at Eastern Michigan University put the kibosh on the famous production since it caters only to women who have the physical anatomy that accompanies the female sex.”

Remember, when taxpayers tire of subsidizing this sort of thing, we’ll be told it’s because of “anti-intellectualism.”