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ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Democrats’ Hidden Civil War. Plus a cameo by the New Socialist “It Girl,” Alexandria Occasional-Cortex:

What’s happening is that the energy in the Democratic Party now is coming from richer educated white liberals who are most motivated by issues that don’t resonate with the ethnic minorities who make up the Democratic base. For example, did you know that in the bellwether House race in which newcomer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unseated veteran incumbent Joe Crowley, the challenger’s strongest precincts were the whiter, wealthier ones, while the incumbent ran strongest in the most heavily minority precincts? It turns out that minority voters tend to care about who can deliver for them on bread-and-butter issues more than making symbolic identity politics statements. Politico reports that this is causing a growing divide within Democratic ranks.

Exit quote: “Never forget: in America, we do class warfare through culture war.”

Read the whole thing.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: “Democratic Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill sparked a fierce backlash from a Democratic legislator in her home state after listing her as an example of a ‘crazy Democrat.’ In a scathing series of tweets on Monday and Tuesday, Missouri Democratic state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal referred to McCaskill as ‘Dixie Claire,’ described her as a ‘piece of shit,’ compared her to a slave owner and accused ‘McCaskill and her racist democratic friends’ of alienating the party’s base voters. McCaskill raised eyebrows in the final weeks of the midterm campaign by running a radio ad that described McCaskill as ‘not one of those crazy Democrats.’”

All the Democrats have to do is not be crazy — and they can’t even do that, to coin an Insta-phrase.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Ian Buruma and the age of sexual McCarthyism — The New York Review of Books editor is the latest casualty of the identitarian mob:

My own theory is that a small minority on the identitarian Left have used various Maoist tactics, including public shaming on social media, to persuade people that their doctrinaire positions on #MeToo allegations and a range of other issues – gender is a social construct, masculinity is toxic, climate change is caused by misogyny, etc. – are much more ubiquitous than they really are, thereby stifling dissent.

Read the whole thing.

(Via Maggie’s Farm.)

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: No, Liberal Lefties are Not Right-Wing.

Left-wing liberals who are opposed to the identity politics developments on the left increasingly find ourselves accused of being right wing, referred to as “right wing” and scornfully urged to admit that we are right wing by identitarian lefties.

No. Because that is not true.

Heck, liberals who supported Hillary were considered rightwing in 2008 by both Obama and Hollywood elitists.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Antifa Tussles With Police and Media at ‘Largely Peaceful’ Vigil in Charlottesville.

“Why are you in riot gear? We don’t see no riot here,” student activists chanted Saturday evening.

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Police officer in Charlottesville beaten by Antifa gang members.

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An antifa agitator attacked an NBC reporter and his camera crew: “F*ck you, snitch-ass news b*tch!,” the agitator spat as he tussled with a cameraman.

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Cambridge resident Alyson Laliberte was playing outside with her daughter on the afternoon of July 14 when a neighbor she’d never met before approached her and asked her if she’d “move so her kids could nap.” And after Laliberte refused the woman sat on the curb and condescendingly (and with a smug look on her face) badgered her, asking her to prove she really lived there, and telling her to leave the property.

The kicker? When the woman asked Laliberte, whose daughter is mixed-race, “Are you one of the affordable units, or are you one of the Harvard units?” She didn’t even ask, “Do you live in…” one of the affordable units; she asks it as if Laliberte IS one of the units. The question is disgusting either way, but the way it’s asked implies that residents of “those” units are less-than.

Read Laliberte’s Facebook post below, and watch the video:

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She will go outside Laliberte’s window and scream so Laliberte can’t sleep. That’s mature, but not a surprising mindset from someone who obviously thinks because a person’s skin isn’t white they must live in an “affordable” unit.

In what’s one of the funniest twists of irony I’ve seen this year, it turns out that Lund is the Executive Director of – wait for it – the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative!

Read the whole thing.