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ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Ashe Schow On Fox News: ‘I Really Can’t Feel Sorry’ For Joe Biden After He Championed Norms That Led To His Accusations.

“Joe Biden’s been on this since the beginning,” Schow said. “I mean, it was the Obama Administration that had their Department of Education put out new rules saying, you know, students on college campuses don’t really have due process rights. They supported the affirmative consent movement that’s basically, if you want to touch anyone, really for any reason, you have to ask their permission first.”

Schow continued: “So, this is all coming around for Joe Biden and I really can’t feel sorry for him on this. I mean, the ‘It’s On Us’ campaign. Believe women. Affirmative consent. These were all things that came up under the Obama Administration and Joe Biden was the one that was there at the Oscars, that’s there at every awards ceremony saying, ‘we need to take this issue seriously. I take this issue seriously.’ Meanwhile, we had all these photos and videos of him clearly not taking the issue seriously or at least he didn’t think it applied to him.”

Saul Alinsky smiles.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Former Nevada Democratic Lt. Gov. Nominee Accuses Joe Biden of Inappropriate Touching.

Related: Shouldn’t the story on the Dem woman nuking Joe Biden for ‘smelling my hair’ mention her work with Bernie Sanders?

“The Cut piece includes a link to a piece I wrote about this in 2015: Anyone going after Biden for this now will have to explain why they were quiet about it when he was VP,” Karol Markowicz tweets.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: “You think the 2016 Democratic primary fight between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders got rough? The 2020 primary is going to look like Mad Max’s ‘Fury Road.’ The great irony is that this long process may eventually undermine the power of identity politics, as the surviving Democratic nominee will probably have been accused of racism, sexism, etcetera in the process of winning the primary.”

Sadly, the Democrats’ 2020 primary “may eventually undermine the power of identity politics” in much the same way that Obama’s election in 2008 brought the nation so much well-deserved racial healing, to paraphrase Jon Gabriel’s Tweet of the Decade.

Flashback: Can the Left Escape the Identity Politics Trap?

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Commentator Andrew Sullivan Jeered at Hollywood Inclusion Event.

Attendees at the morning panel included actresses Amy Landecker, Michaela Watkins and Sophia Bush, plus showrunners Sarah Gertrude Shapiro and Jenji Kohan.

At an event billed as ‘A Day of Unreasonable Conversation,’ it seemed only fitting that journalist and provocateur Andrew Sullivan provided the audience with its most uncomfortable moment.

During a Monday morning panel probing how Hollywood screenwriters and showrunners portray “the other side,” Sullivan criticized “Hollywood” for regularly painting non-coastal elites in unflattering terms, which has only exacerbated America’s cultural divide.

“These people who are already insecure about losing their job switch on the TV, look at the newspaper and hear that they are being described as bigots, racists,” said Sullivan, who was speaking to a packed audience of industry professionals, including some of the town’s biggest names, at the Getty Center in Los Angeles. “And they resent it, and the one thing I would urge you people who do this type of content is try and complete the idea of ‘the other’ being in the room because they can hear what you are saying.”

They sure can. Andrew’s othering of Sarah Palin in 2008 — and by extension her supporters — was a key mile marker on the road to Trump.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Black journalists’ group places CNN on ‘special monitoring list.’

The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) said Tuesday that it would place CNN on a “special media monitoring list,” citing a lack of black representation among the network’s leadership ranks.

NABJ said in a statement that its preliminary research showed that CNN has no black employees reporting to CNN President Jeff Zucker. It also showed that the news organization has no black executive producers as well as no black vice presidents or senior vice presidents on the news side.

CNN disputed the group’s finding that there are no black vice presidents on the news side, according to NABJ. But the news network did not provide the name or position of the vice president or vice presidents, NABJ said.

The NABJ said a four-person delegation sought to meet with Zucker but that the CNN president refused to do so because of “a personal issue between CNN and NABJ’s Vice President-Digital Roland Martin” stemming from Martin’s participation in a 2016 town hall with then-Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

“Previously, former Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile admitted, according to a Time essay, she inadvertently disclosed a town hall topic to the Clinton campaign that was part of Martin’s research inquiry for the town hall,” the NABJ statement reads.

Roland Martin versus CNN? Pass the popcorn.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY. Emails: Jake Tapper Tore Into ‘Irresponsible’ BuzzFeed Editor For Publishing The Steele Dossier.

Tapper was seemingly upset with [Ben] Smith because shortly before BuzzFeed published the dossier, CNN had reported parts of the document had been briefed to then-President-elect Donald Trump in a meeting with top intelligence community officials Jan. 6, 2017.

CNN did not publish the dossier, but BuzzFeed used CNN’s story as a hook to publish Steele’s 35-page report.

“That was pretty uncollegial[.] Not to mention irresponsible[.] No one has verified this stuff,” Tapper wrote to Smith.

Smith defended his decision, telling Tapper that publishing the dossier “was not an easy call.”

“Collegiality wise it was you stepping on my dick,” Tapper responded.

This is CNN.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: San Francisco — where drug addicts outnumber high school students.

San Francisco has more drug addicts than it has students enrolled in its public high schools, the city Health Department’s latest estimates conclude.

There are about 24,500 injection drug users in San Francisco — that’s about 8,500 more people than the nearly 16,000 students enrolled in San Francisco Unified School District’s 15 high schools and illustrates the scope of the problem on the city’s streets.

It’s also an increase of about 2,000 serious drug users since 2012, the last time a study was done.

That’s no surprise, since for almost 15 years, variations on this 2017 SF Gate headline, “San Francisco has the lowest percentage of kids of any major U.S. city,” have been commonplace. Back in 2008, the San Francisco Chronicle hectored its readers over the “bacchanalian” environmental damage of childrens’ birthday parties, and evidently, either their subscribers took that advice to heart, or more likely, the Chronicle was once again preaching the leftist gospel to the choir.