Author Archive: Stephen Green

BUT RANDI WEINGARTEN HAD ASSURED ME REMOTE LEARNING WAS EVERY BIT AS GOOD: Harvard Launches New Intro Math Course to Address Pandemic Learning Loss. “Students don’t have the skills that we had intended downstream in the curriculum, and so it creates different trajectories in students’ math abilities.”

And those are the students admitted to Harvard, even if that doesn’t mean as much as it once did.


But sometimes flailing works.

XI’S GOTTA HAVE IT: How China extended its repression into an American city.

This investigation into Xi’s visit to San Francisco during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit is based on an analysis of more than 2,000 photos and videos from Students for a Free Tibet, the Hong Kong Democracy Council, the China Democracy Party, observers, social media and live streams; as well as interviews with more than 35 witnesses, U.S. officials and analysts; text messages from American security guards working with Chinese diplomats, messages shared in Chinese diaspora WeChat groups, medical reports and police reports obtained by The Post.

The Post also used facial recognition software to search more than 21 hours of footage to identify the actions of pro-CCP diaspora group leaders and Chinese officials. Several people were identified through leads from a separate facial recognition search engine, which were then independently verified by cross-referencing against news clips, interviews and publicly available information. Some of the most violent figures were wearing face masks, sunglasses and hats that obscured their faces and could not be identified.

The Post investigation found:

While there was aggression from both sides, the most extreme violence was instigated by pro-CCP activists and carried out by coordinated groups of young men embedded among them, verified videos show. Anti-Xi protesters were attacked with extended flagpoles and chemical spray, punched, kicked and had fistfuls of sand thrown in their faces.

The Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles paid for supporters’ hotels and meals as an incentive to participate, according to messages shared in WeChat groups reviewed by The Post. At least 35 pro-CCP Chinese diaspora groups showed up to the APEC summit protests — including groups from New York, Pennsylvania and Washington state.

Videos show at least four Chinese diplomats from the consulates in Los Angeles and San Francisco among the crowd of pro-CCP protesters, sometimes directly interacting with aggressive actors over four days of protests from Nov. 14-17. Some Chinese diaspora group leaders with ties to the Chinese state participated in some of the violence, the videos show.

Chinese diplomats hired at least 60 private security guards to “protect” Chinese diaspora groups gathered to welcome Xi, according to seven people involved in the arrangement.

Much more at the link.

KRUISER: More Than Anything, Survival of the Constitution Is on the Ballot in 2024. “If Kamala Harris’s ‘Duck and Cackle’ campaign helps her get to the White House, the executive branch will unleash a full-scale assault on free speech, the right to bear arms, and due process. The Biden administration’s thuggish ways will seem reasonable by comparison.”

SARAH HOYT’S SHOCKED FACE IS SITTING AT AN ALL-INCLUSIVE RESORT SWIM-UP BAR: Harris’ So-Called ‘Surge’ Is Thanks To Oversampling: Pollsters.

“Our numbers are much less rosy than what you’re seeing in the public,” said Future Forward super PAC president Chauncey McLean said during a Monday event hosted by the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.

Now, the Washington Times reports that some pollsters are even sounding the alarm over Vice President Kamala Harris’ so-called ‘surge’ in the polls – which Harris pulled ahead in after replacing President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee on July 21.

Since the switch, Harris is leading Trump nationally by nearly 2 percentage points and is either leading or tied with him in all seven battleground states. However, Republican analysts argue that these polling numbers may not accurately reflect voter sentiment due to biased polling methodology.

Polls in 2016 and 2020 underestimated Trump’s support by a few points and, even with today’s news, 2024 Trump is outperforming ’16 & ’20 Trump.

Still, don’t get cocky.


Alleged president, anyway.

PRIVACY: Cops’ favorite face image search engine fined $33M for privacy violation.

A controversial facial recognition tech company behind a vast face image search engine widely used by cops has been fined approximately $33 million in the Netherlands for serious data privacy violations.

According to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA), Clearview AI “built an illegal database with billions of photos of faces” by crawling the web and without gaining consent, including from people in the Netherlands.

Clearview AI’s technology—which has been banned in some US cities over concerns that it gives law enforcement unlimited power to track people in their daily lives—works by pulling in more than 40 billion face images from the web without setting “any limitations in terms of geographical location or nationality,” the Dutch DPA found. Perhaps most concerning, the Dutch DPA said, Clearview AI also provides “facial recognition software for identifying children,” therefore indiscriminately processing personal data of minors.

Add another zero or two to that fine.

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEFING: More Awful ‘Migrant’ Madness for Trump to Bury Harris With in Debate. “Trump will no doubt use the border like a cudgel to attempt to score a knockout over Kamala Harris in their debate. The ABC Dem water-carriers moderating the debate may not let him, however. At least they’ll do their level best to run interference for Madame Veep.”

CHANGE: Cable TV’s collapse deepens: ‘It is becoming increasingly clear that there is no longer any floor.’

Those 1.6 million subscribers lost in the second quarter account for 6.9% of the industry’s base, and there’s no reason to think the slide is going to slow down at all, analysts Craig Moffett and Michael Nathanson write: “It is becoming increasingly clear that there is no longer any floor.”

As we’ve discussed here before, a few years ago there was a thought that digital pay-TV distributors like YouTube TV and Hulu Live would replace losses at conventional distributors, but that’s no longer true.

And those digital distributors are increasingly seeing “seasonality” in their business — consumers sign up for them in the fall to watch the NFL, and churn them out at the beginning of the year. That’s why YouTube TV lost subscribers for the first time in Q1, and only added 50,000 subscribers in Q2. The service added 300,000 subscribers in the same quarter last year.

When the content was free, people watched. When the content is worth paying for, people pay for it. But expecting people to pay for content that isn’t worth it is a stretch, particularly with so many competing options from videogames to Twitter/X.

UM, OK: Maduro decrees Christmas will start in October as Venezuela cracks down on dissent.

“September smells like Christmas!” Maduro said in his weekly television show on Monday, to the apparent delight of his audience.

“This year and to honor you all, to thank you all, I am going to decree the beginning of Christmas on October 1. Christmas arrived for everyone, in peace, joy and security!” he said.

Maduro’s decree – not the first of its kind, but the earliest – comes as Venezuela grapples with the fallout from July’s presidential election, which saw Maduro claim a third term despite global skepticism and outcry from the country’s opposition movement.

Also by decree, underwear will be changed every half hour and worn on the outside so he can check.


“The climate is what you expect; the weather is what you get,” the wise man once said.


If you’re a citizen and a net taxpayer (pay more in taxes than any benefits you receive) and still living in California… WHY?