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WANT MORE TRUMP? THIS IS HOW YOU GET MORE TRUMP:  The lunatics are coming out in droves. Maybe Maxine Waters is crazy enough to think she can pardon this guy…

“A criminal complaint shows Key is accused of telling an intern who answered the phone, “I’m going to find the Congressman’s kids and kill them. If you’re going to separate kids at the border, I’m going to kill his kids. Don’t try to find me because you won’t.’[…]Key’s social media pages show he is very politically active. He volunteers regularly for the Democratic Party of Martin County and has volunteered many hours for Planned Parenthood, according to a friend of Key’s.”

Of course he does.


I use DuckDuckGo as my primary search engine, and Bing as my fallback. Instead of Gmail, I spend a few bucks a month with a reliable web-hosting service and own my own domain with 1,000 email addresses and unmetered bandwidth. There are no Google apps on my phone to report my every movement and all my metadata back to the mothership.

These are easy steps almost anyone can take to rid themselves of this meddlesome priest.

DO YOU WANT MORE TRUMP, BECAUSE THIS IS HOW YOU GET MORE TRUMP: A New York Times column about the need for mass deportations of native-born Americans, because they don’t live up to Ruling Class expectations. “Bottom line: So-called real Americans are screwing up America. Maybe they should leave, so that we can replace them with new and better ones: newcomers who are more appreciative of what the United States has to offer, more ambitious for themselves and their children, and more willing to sacrifice for the future.”

Yeah, it’s not serious. Except that, really, it pretty much is. The problem with all the immigration talk is the strong sense that the ruling class wants to dissolve the people and elect another, one more tractable to their schemes. Stuff like this doesn’t help, though I suppose NYT readers think it’s clever. But unpack it a bit — and break down which classes of native-born Americans are pulling down the averages — and it looks pretty awful.

Plus: “Because I’m the child of immigrants and grew up abroad, I have always thought of the United States as a country that belongs first to its newcomers.”

YOU WANT MORE TRUMP? BECAUSE THIS IS HOW YOU GET MORE TRUMP. Cashman: Flag flap shows reporter’s out in left field. “This is how crazy 2017 has become. The American flag is now, according to one NBC Sports baseball writer, a political statement. Delicate NBC snowflake Craig Calcaterra was triggered Sunday when a giant American flag covered the field at an Atlanta Braves game, with Old Glory gracing the Jumbotrons, and a stirring military flyover to cap it all.”


YOU WANT MORE TRUMP? BECAUSE THIS IS HOW YOU GET MORE TRUMP. 2016: The Year The Campus Culture Wars Jumped The Shark. Judging by the apparently complete lack of awareness of this fact on the part of university folks, I predict that 2017 will be worse. And Donald Trump smiles.



BLAMING THE REFS: Dems Blame CNN Moderators After Biden Debate Disaster: “Unforgivable.”

You can always tell who lost a presidential debate by which party is slamming the moderators afterwards. And in the wake of Joe Biden and Donald Trump‘s first 2024 presidential debate, many progressives are focusing their fire on CNN‘s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, calling out the duo for not fact-checking Trump in real time during the 90-minute face off.

Thursday’s clash featured a performance by President Joe Biden that many are calling disastrous for his reelection chances, with CNN’s own post-debate panelists suggesting the president should consider withdrawing from the race.

As Mark Steyn spotted this morning, Dana certainly tried to steer Biden in the right direction:

The moderators did their best. Here’s Dana Bash signaling to Joe the direction in which to point his head:

Was there anyone else on the stage? Not so’s you’d know from the headlines. Biden lost to himself. And considering that the object was to make the debate all about Trump that’s quite an accomplishment.

So what’s going on? Why did whoever’s running the show allow this to happen?

* * * * * * * *

As my former GB News colleague Neil Oliver observed long ago on The Mark Steyn Show, formulating a useful rule of contemporary politics:

This is happening because they want it to happen.

Why would that be? Well, maybe because they’ve decided it’s time to move on to the next plot twist. Never-Trumper Michael Brendan Dougherty at National Review:

Trump May Have Done Too Much Winning Tonight

Oh, no! They laid the trap and he walked right into it!

Right now, MSNBC and CNN post-debate panels are openly talking about options for pressuring Biden to withdraw, or party officials conspiring to replace him at the convention anyway …and the selection between Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom would allow Democrats to feel like the party of the future again…

At NRO’s Corner, Mark Antonio Wright notes that there’s only man who can remove Brandon from the stage, his boss: Only Barack Obama Could Push Joe Biden Aside.

So if anything is going to happen to turn the great Democratic swap-out parlor game on Earth II into something approaching reality, it will necessitate Barack Obama’s publicly and forcefully calling on Joe Biden, his former veep, to step aside.

Obama is the only Democrat with the stature and the coalition-wide credibility to give cover to all the rest of them. If there is going to be a groundswell of public and private pressure on Biden to withdraw, it’s going to have to start with Obama.

Democrats can dream — but it’s not going to happen. Obama is no more interested than Newsom in rolling the dice on a party civil war that could be blamed on him. And no combination of Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, or Nancy Pelosi has the heft.

If this story making the rounds is true, it could indicate why Barry is hesitant to make the call: Why Michelle Obama hasn’t campaigned for Biden and has been ‘frustrated’ with his family over messy drama that resurfaced during Hunter’s trial.

Michelle Obama has steered clear of campaigning for Joe Biden over her private frustration with how the family treated friend Kathleen Buhle during her messy divorce from Hunter Biden, a new report claims.

The former first lady, one of the most popular figures in the Democratic party, hasn’t posted about the 81-year-old president’s re-election bid.

Buhle and Hunter split in 2017 and details of the divorce resurfaced when she testified at his recent federal gun trial in Delaware.

Axios reported that Michelle told others that her friend had been wronged by the Biden family who have blamed Buhle for some of the lurid details of Hunter’s behavior becoming public.

But hey, this is all academic, right? Joe insists he’ll be at the next debate in September! Biden vows to return for second debate against Trump after disastrous performance.

DISPATCHES FROM THE TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE DEBATE: The Trump Campaign Released an Ad After the Debate. It’s ‘Devastating.’

As Bari Weiss writes: They Knew.

The debate was not just a catastrophe for President Biden. And boy—oy—was it ever.

But it was more than that. It was a catastrophe for an entire class of experts, journalists, and pundits, who have, since 2020, insisted that Biden was sharp as a tack, on top of his game, basically doing handstands while peppering his staff with tough questions about care for migrant children and aid to Ukraine.

When you’ve lost Biden’s favorite chat show: Sad Scarborough Suggests: Time For Dems To Tell Biden It’s ‘Over’

THIS IS CNN: CNN Releases Statement Downplaying Obvious Anti-Trump Bias of Debate Moderators.

“Jake Tapper and Dana Bash are well respected veteran journalists who have covered politics for more than five decades combined,” started the statement.

“They have extensive experience moderating major political debates, including CNN’s Republican Presidential Primary Debate this cycle. There are no two people better equipped to co-moderate a substantial and fact-based discussion and we look forward to the debate on June 27 in Atlanta.”

Earlier Monday, CNN host Kacie Hunt abruptly ended an interview with Trump campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt, who said that Trump was “knowingly going into a hostile environment on this very network, on CNN, with debate moderators who have made their opinions about him very well known over the past eight years and their biased coverage of him.”

* * * * * * * *

We acknowledge the importance of not judging a performance before it begins. Perhaps Tapper and Bash will prove skeptics wrong on Thursday by moderating a fair and balanced debate.

However, skepticism is warranted. Tapper and Bash are not impartial journalists on the topic of Donald Trump.

Let’s start with Tapper, who has repeatedly likened Trump to Adolf Hitler.

And who has written a book about the president organizing a “plot to steal” an election. No not that Republican president, this one:

Props will not be allowed at the debate, so unfortunately Trump cannot just bring this book to the debate and place it on his podium facing the cameras.

By the way, Team Trump, if you bring up the title, Tapper will reply the editor chose the title or some b***shit like that. Be prepared for that, and be prepared to respond that he could have objected if he didn’t like the “editor-suggested” title. No author is forced to accept an editor-recommended title.

Tapper himself chose the title because he’s a hard partisan selling to a hard partisan audience and he knew a hard-partisan title would help sell books. (Although he doesn’t really sell books.)

* * * * * * * *

Tom Elliot has posted a thread of some of former Democrat aide and former spokesman for Handgun Control, Inc. (literally the name of the organization) Fake Jake Tapper.

To be fair though, past performance is no guarantee of future — wait, it’s CNN we’re talking about here — who am I kidding?

It’s been twelve years since the infamous moment when CNN’s Candy Crowley interjected herself into the presidential debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, providing a live “fact check” which was, in reality, her factually inaccurate opinion.

The moment was embarrassing enough that debate commission co-chair Frank Fahrenkopf would later describe their selection of Crowley as a moderator as a “mistake“; she was widely criticized for both inserting herself too much into the debate and letting it get out of hand.

Well, if you thought an Obama-Romney debate could go off the rails, just wait for this week’s Joe Biden Donald Trump rematch — moderated this time around by another pair of CNN anchors, including the woman who replaced Crowley as chief political correspondent, Dana Bash. Bash and co-moderator Jake Tapper will already be equipped with advantages other moderators haven’t had, including shutting off the microphones of the president and former president in between questions.

But as Charles Cooke predicts, “Thursday is going to be the mirror image of 2020:”

“Supermajorities . . . of Americans think he’s too old,” Cooke said, “so he’s going in and he doesn’t just have to survive. . . . This therefore has created a debate where the roles are reversed. I think what . . . Trump has to do is just seem normal.

“We can talk about all of the expectations we like,” Cooke said, “but to me . . . Thursday is going to be the mirror image of 2020.

“If Trump can stand there, deliver a carefully selected set of haymakers on topics that matter to people — not the election of 2020 — on topics that matter to people, get through his answers sounding reasonably coherent, I think he wins the debate.”

The spin from the DNC-MSM Thursday night will be absolutely incredible to witness, no matter what happens.

DAVID HARSANYI: Why The Left Hates It When You Point Out We’re ‘A Republic, Not A Democracy.’

When writers at The Atlantic, where [Anne] Applebaum is a contributor, talk about “The Democrats’ Last Chance to Save Democracy,” they aren’t lamenting Biden’s unprecedented executive abuse, but the “democratic deficits in the Senate and the Electoral College” — as if these institutions weren’t specifically instituted to diffuse centralized control. They know the difference.

Democrats who want to “expand” the Supreme Court for failing to follow democratic trends, don’t care about the “republic.” After all, many of the high court’s most historic decisions, including Dred Scott and Plessy, cut the legs out from under “democracy.”

Or take the so-called moderate Democrats who want to get rid of the filibuster or use the slimmest of fleeting majorities to shove through massive, generational federal “reforms” without any national consensus — Obamacare or The Deficit Reduction Act [sic]. They’re aware that “reforms” will overturn hundreds of state and local laws. They want local minorities subordinate to the whims and vagaries of national majorities.

Then again, the more “democracy” we have, the more demagoguery thrives. Of course they’re fans.

As it turns out, according to CNN a number of Trump supporters also understand the distinction even if they are unable to articulate it in poli-scientific terms.

Read the whole thing.


Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum explains why ‘even if every single word in the Steele dossier was wrong,’ the FBI and media were right to treat it as legit.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results: Write 2,400 word essay in 2020, claim to be bored by Hunter’s laptop in 2022.

CHRISTIAN TOTO: Hollywood’s Shocking Response to Trump Verdict, Explained.

Well, non-response:

What changed?

Hollywood is scared silly, and rightly so. The industry is contracting. Jobs are increasingly scarce in the post-strike world. The desperation is so profound all we see are more sequels, prequels, re-imaginings and reboots.

Chris Hemsworth is headlining a “Transformers”/”G.I. Joe” crossover film, fusing two tired franchises. The flop sweat beads are in plain sight.

Streamers are bleeding red ink. Legitimate fears of how A.I. will impact the industry are widespread.

The summer box office is off to an ignominious start. And that’s after blockbuster after blockbuster went bust last year. The Biden economy is making all of the above worse. Much, much worse.

Suddenly, alienating your remaining customers with a virtue signal endorsement isn’t smart[.]

And some sectors of the industry have actually figured that out: The Untouchable: Broadcasters Association Strips Robert De Niro of Award After Unhinged Trump Rant.

“I WAS DONE:” The Day Nellie Bowles Left the New Progressive Movement.

Near the end of Morning After the Revolution, Bowles wrote:

To do a cancellation is a very warm, social thing. It has the energy of a potluck. Everyone brings what they can, and everyone is impressed by the creativity of their friends. It’s a positive thing, what you’re doing, and it doesn’t feel like battle so much as nurturing the love for one’s friends, tending the warm fire of a cause. You have real power when you’re doing it. And with enough people, you can oust someone very powerful.

The easy criticism of a cancellation is: You went after someone who agrees with you on almost everything but some minor tiny differences? Some small infraction? It seems bizarre. But that’s the point. The bad among us are more dangerous to the group*. Mormons don’t excommunicate a random drag performer. They excommunicate a bad Mormon. I’d watched all the presidential debates in 2016 with some family members, who are conservatives. After Hillary lost, I couldn’t stomach going over there for a few months. I was too upset, and I couldn’t handle seeing them happy. But that’s not a cancellation. I had no power over these family members or sway in their community. I couldn’t make them apologize for being happy that Trump won.

* * * * * * * *

Because around my thirtieth birthday, there came a day when I didn’t cancel someone, and it was the true end of my time in the movement. Reporting on the wrong topics had gotten me close. But it was resisting a cancellation that did me in.

I knew the thing I was meant to yell about that day. I knew the tweet I was meant to send, but I liked the target too much. He was sweet and younger than me. I was agonized over it, sweating in my apartment. I sometimes get this bizarre psychosomatic stress response where my arms go limp in a panic, and all that day my arms were going limp. I got a few notes pushing me to join in. It was important. We had to draw a line that day. We had to speak in unison. My voice needed to bolster the other voices.

I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I didn’t think the violation was so bad. I’d gotten old or soft or something, and there I was, too pathetic and limp-armed to even send a nasty tweet.

Eventually that close friend of mine from the book circled back to me. The one I had canceled in honor of. We’d lived together at one point when we were both coming up in the world, cooked together, talked about our families, plotted our careers together. Both our lives came to fruition as we’d planned them, and there was a thrill in that with each other. I loved this friend and still do. But I knew what was coming when I saw her name on my phone.

She said very nicely that it was suspicious how quiet I was that day. She said, Nellie, you say a lot of things, yet you haven’t said anything about this one, today. She very politely told me that I was a racist. Then she said goodbye.

Congrats leftists – you’ve finally become Ted Knight’s Judge Elihu Smails character from Caddyshack: “I’ve sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Didn’t want to do it. I felt I owed it to them.”

* Contrast this with President Reagan’s famous quote, “The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally – not a 20 percent traitor.”

WELL, GOOD — BUT IT CAN’T PLEASE THE FOLKS AT VOX WHO PUBLISHED THIS PIECE: Your favorite brand no longer cares about being woke.

For most of advertising history, “red” or “blue” as partisan loyalty signaled more your taste for Coke or Pepsi than your identity as Republican or Democrat. Mass markets, by definition, necessitated selling to both sides of the aisle.

As with so much else, the presidency of Donald Trump — built upon a self-conceived human brand — radically upended those norms.

Post-2016 election, one Adweek column thundered, “Brands cannot expect to play Switzerland as the rest of the world picks a side.” Consumer culture suddenly became the vehicle for political expression, with Madison Avenue giving voice to countless causes. The staid “corporate social responsibility” morphed into the more muscular “brand purpose,” which beget impassioned activism. Social justice became “trendy;” politics, the means to signal commercial “integrity.”

Today, just as during the Trump presidency, controversial issues abound, protesters convulse public spaces, and a divisive election looms. The world is picking sides — on abortion and Gaza and Trump’s trials. And from brand-land? By and large, the sound of silence.

They seem to have learned from their costly mistakes — which ought to be taught in business school as the biggest series of self-owns in corporate history.


The presumptive Republican nominee was booed when he told those at the Libertarian Party convention to “combine” with his campaign. He also pledged to place a Libertarian in his cabinet and senior posts. Trump received just six write-in votes in the first round of voting, and the Libertarian Party chair said the former president was ineligible to be the party’s nominee.

“We cannot give Crooked Joe Biden four more years,” Trump said, adding that the party should join forces with his campaign.

“Only do that if you want to win. If you want to lose, don’t do that. Keep getting your three percent every four years,” Trump said.

Trump posted on Truth Social on Sunday afternoon that even if he were selected as the Libertarian Party’s nominee, he couldn’t accept it since he is set to be nominated by the Republican Party in July.

“Regardless, I believe I will get a Majority of the Libertarian Votes,” he added. “‘Junior’ Kennedy is a Radical Left Democrat, who’s destroyed everything he’s touched, especially in New York and New England, and in particular, as it relates to the Cost and Practicality of Energy. He’s not a Libertarian. Only a FOOL would vote for him!”

Of course, both candidates failed the libertarian test, but for different reasons: Why libertarians don’t trust RFK Jr.

RFK Jr. is himself a former Democrat, of course — and a progressive one, at that. He has a long history of energy and climate activism completely contrary to the limited government ethos of libertarianism. He previously called the National Rifle Association a “terrorist group”, although he does support the second amendment. He said the Koch brothers should be prosecuted for treason on environmentalist grounds. He also supports student loan debt forgiveness and affirmative action, both liberal stances.

Nevertheless, after RFK Jr. formally left the Democratic Party in October 2023 — opting to face-off against President Joe Biden in the general election rather than the primaries — widespread speculation ensued that he might seek the Libertarian Party’s nomination. Last summer, he attended FreedomFest, an annual gathering of libertarians, and emphasised his involvement in issues that matter to us: most notably, the federal government’s efforts to suppress dissenting speech on social media, particularly relating to Covid-19.

Indeed, RFK Jr.’s contrarian views on Covid-19 policies like mandates, lockdowns, and the vaccines themselves have made him a target of social media censors, who were often pressured by government agents to take down provocative speech. (The Supreme Court is currently weighing whether these actions violated the First Amendment in Murthy v. Missouri.) Many of the underlying views are themselves attractive to libertarians; one need not agree with everything RFK Jr. has said about vaccines to nevertheless admire his opposition to making them compulsory.

It was RFK Jr.’s opposition to mandates and lockdowns that first drew the attention of some libertarians. When I spoke with her in June 2023, McArdle was optimistic that his views on the pandemic had “stirred an awakening within him, causing him to reconsider many of his other political stances.”

Following the 7 October attack by Hamas on Israel, RFK Jr. expressed unqualified support for the US continuing to send aid to Israel, a stance that alienated many libertarians, who do not believe American taxpayers should be required to fund foreign wars. Support for RFK Jr. among rank-and-file LP members now appears lukewarm at best; at a California Libertarian Party convention in February, Kennedy garnered just one vote in the straw poll.

America’s Newspaper of Record notes that Trump was rejected for yet another reason besides his policies: Trump Booed For Wearing Deodorant At Libertarian Convention.

INTO THE LIONS’ DEN: Trump Was Booed Relentlessly at the Libertarian National Convention, Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing for Him.

TRUMP: “Only do that if you want to win. If you want to lose, don’t do that. Keep getting your three percent every four years.”

I sort of apologize to the more libertarian-leaning folks reading this, but only sort of. It’s all in good fun.

Long story short, showing up to face people who don’t like you is much more impressive than only speaking to adoring crowds. Trump isn’t going to lose a single vote because of the boos at the LNC, and by the end of his speech, he had drawn another important distinction with Biden. That’s a win.

In sharp contrast: Libertarian Chair Just Levels Biden Team After Their Hot Take About Rowdy Reaction to Trump Speech. “‘You didn’t even show up. You have zero credibility,’ she chastised them. Exactly. Trump made an effort, and you guys couldn’t even be bothered.”