INTO THE LIONS’ DEN: Trump Was Booed Relentlessly at the Libertarian National Convention, Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing for Him.

TRUMP: “Only do that if you want to win. If you want to lose, don’t do that. Keep getting your three percent every four years.”

I sort of apologize to the more libertarian-leaning folks reading this, but only sort of. It’s all in good fun.

Long story short, showing up to face people who don’t like you is much more impressive than only speaking to adoring crowds. Trump isn’t going to lose a single vote because of the boos at the LNC, and by the end of his speech, he had drawn another important distinction with Biden. That’s a win.

In sharp contrast: Libertarian Chair Just Levels Biden Team After Their Hot Take About Rowdy Reaction to Trump Speech. “‘You didn’t even show up. You have zero credibility,’ she chastised them. Exactly. Trump made an effort, and you guys couldn’t even be bothered.”