Archive for 2024

SETH BARRETT TILLMAN: The Law of the Case: Trump v. Anderson. “Because the Supreme Court of the United States reversed the decision of the Colorado Supreme Court, the opinion and order of the state trial court judge remains good, persuasive law. The Colorado state trial court held that the President of the United States is NOT an ‘officer of the United States.’ That’s the law of the case.”

I JUST SAW THIS: Confessions of a Corrupt Liberal: I voted “Blue no Matter Who” because I thought I was saving the World. I was wrong. “I have been a willing participant in taking us to this desperate moment we now face, where both political parties seem crippled and bottlenecked, but only one of them has turned to corruption to stay in power. Only one of them has blocked any challengers to their preferred candidate. And unfortunately, it’s the one I chose to support.”

THEY DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH: China ‘Deeply Concerned’ About US Reviewing Chinese Vehicles.

China is “deeply concerned” about the United States’ move to review Chinese vehicles with connected car technology for any potential national security risks, the commerce ministry said Monday.

The ministry said it will continue to assess the follow-up situation of the review and take strong measures when necessary.

If Chinese EVs turn out not to be roving spyware I’d be amazed.

CHANGE: Scotus Showdown: Texas Immigration Law. “The court cases are an inconvenient reality in this election year for Biden. The Biden border crisis is so bad that Democrats and their cohorts in the media can no longer ignore it. Some Democrats join with Republicans in demanding that the border be secured. Joe Biden was shamed into making a trip to the border last week. He went to Brownsville, though, which is an area where Governor Abbott’s efforts to secure the border have been successful. The flow of illegal aliens at that point has slowed to a trickle. Donald Trump went to Eagle Pass the same day. Eagle Pass is also doing well right now, thanks to Abbott’s determination to stop the flood of illegals entering Texas every day. If Biden wants to see chaos at the southern border, (he doesn’t), he would go to Arizona or southern California.”

MOTORHOME PROPHECIES: If you were to meet Carrie Sheffield on the street or in the grocery store aisle, you would never guess that her life story is a remarkable testimony to the power of Christian faith and individual determination. She talks about it in detail on The Bill Walton Show as her new book hits the shelves this week. I’ve known Carrie for a lot of years and I can guarantee that you will be inspired and amazed by her incredible journey.

REMEMBER THOSE ‘HE GETS US’ TV SPOTS? Like the blah taste of “healthy” cereal, there’s a bunch of VIP stuff missing. The Stream’s John Zmirak points on HillFaith to the many things about us those spots just plain don’t get. And don’t miss those Satan impersonators from Babylon Bee!

WELL, THERE SHOULD BE: There are growing calls for Google CEO Sundar Pichai to step down.

Me in 2017: Google needs a new CEO, but dumping Sundar Pichai is not enough: When a gigantic corporation that controls our data and knows us intimately takes a controversial political stance, it ought to make us worry. “Since its 1990s heyday, Silicon Valley has transformed from an unruly collection of aggressive upstarts disrupting existing industries to a flabby collection of near-monopolies, now busy enforcing gentry-liberal norms on their employees and customers. Whether it’s censoring right-leaning political figures, or firing employees who dare say something truthful but politically incorrect, there’s not much of the old startup spirit there. These are flabby overstaffed Big Business corporations, run by their HR departments. You might find more dynamism at General Motors, these days.”

Related: Google’s Culture of Fear inside the DEI hivemind that led to gemini’s disaster. “Could the story really be so simple as out-of-control DEI-brained management? To a certain extent, and on a few teams far more than most, this does appear to be true. But on closer examination it seems woke lunacy is only a symptom of the company’s far greater problems.”

Get woke, go broke. But getting woke may well be a symptom of a deeper management dysfunction. “The only thing connecting employees is a powerful, sprawling HR bureaucracy that, yes, is totally obsessed with left-wing political dogma. But the company’s zealots are only capable of thriving because no other fount of power asserts, or even attempts to assert, any kind of meaningful influence. . . . One of the more fascinating things I learned about Google was the unique degree to which it’s siloed off, which has dramatically increased the influence of HR, one of the only teams connecting the entire company. And that team? Baseline far crazier than any other team.”

PRIVATE SPACE IS A PART OF AMERICA THAT WORKS, SO NATURALLY THINGS NEED TO CHANGE: Space is Vast. So is the Administration’s Mission Authorization Proposal.

At the end of last year, the Biden administration released a draft bill for Congress to consider passing into law. This legislative proposal is for so-called “mission authorization.” Under the proposal, the Departments of Commerce and Transportation (via the FAA) would regulate all space activities that are not currently under some other agency’s authority. New and novel operations such as space habitats, asteroid mining, and lunar construction would require federal licenses.

Satellite remote sensing, satellite communications, and commercial launches and reentries already require licenses. If Congress passed the proposal as a law, the FAA would acquire authority over all human spaceflight and Commerce would regulate unmanned activities, such as robotic in-space servicing, assembly, and manufacturing, and debris removal.

Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona said that although she was glad to see the administration working on the issue, she thought it contained “numerous ambiguities, new undefined terms, and broad grants of open-ended authority.” As Space News noted, she did not elaborate on these concerns. Perhaps the Senator meant the same thing as the courts do, when they turn a jaundiced eye on impermissibly broad grants of open-ended authority.

One example from the proposal is the administration’s request that the FAA be able to issue licenses and thus regulate human space activities consistent not only with public health and safety (among other things) as it does now, but consistent with the ambiguous, undefined, broad, and open-ended “national interests.” Although the administration’s accompanying explanation states licensing in accordance with national interests would allow the FAA to ensure other U.S. interests than national security and foreign policy interests are addressed in licensing, particularly those associated with the U.S. civil space program, planetary protection, and lunar heritage sites, it couches this in terms that make it clear that these are examples, not an exhaustive list. National interests could extend further.

In short, the administration seeks unfettered authority for Commerce and the FAA to regulate as they see fit.

I wish that I trusted them. I don’t.




Being a paramedic is a tough job; it’s tougher when you stumble onto a crashed alien spacecraft.

Melanie Mooney thought she was just doing her job when she came upon an unusual accident in the deep woods late one night. Acting alone, what she found was nothing like she’d expected. What followed was even more unexpected.

Recruited by emissaries of a galaxy-spanning civilization, Melanie is thrust into a world she thought only existed in supermarket tabloids. As the first human in the Galactic Union Medical Corps, she cares for extraterrestrials in desperate need of a medic who can ignore the fact that they’re nothing like any patient she’s ever seen, even on their best days. And in emergency medicine, it’s a given that every patient is having the worst day of their life.

Each run takes her deeper into the galaxy and farther from home, navigating alien cultures that only get weirder with each call. It will take all of Melanie’s experience, instinct, and grit to prove herself—and the rest of humanity—to be worthy of the Union. That’s a lot to put on a woman who’d just like to end the day with a cheeseburger and a cold beer.

5000 HOURS OF J6 FOOTAGE ON RUMBLE:  Right here.