Archive for 2023

KEVIN DOWNEY JR: Watch The New ‘Police State’ Film While You Have the Freedom to Do So.

More here from Christian Toto:

Hollywood in Toto’s interview with the author-turned-filmmaker appears on the platform along with a “context” warning from left-leaning Wikipedia.

The note says Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election.

Why would YouTube mention that? Perhaps because D’Souza’s previous film, “2000 Mules,” made a provocative case that voter fraud helped swing the election for Biden.

The HiT interview with D’Souza didn’t mention Trump’s allegations of voter fraud or the 2020 presidential election.

At all.

Just talking to D’Souza apparently was enough. (And let’s assume the same warning doesn’t appear whenever election-denier Hillary Clinton graces the platform)

Sadly, you can’t buy that kind of advertising for “Police State,” a docudrama arguing the United States is heading toward Banana Republic status.

Plus an interview with D’Souza at the link.

HMM: GOP-led House panel requests Biden loan documents predating his presidency.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., is requesting that the White House provide documentation of a $200,000 loan that President Joe Biden made to his brother James Biden in 2018.

In a letter Thursday to White House counsel Edward Siskel, Comer asked for records including the loan payment, loan agreement and any other supporting documents related to the check Biden received from his brother dated March 1, 2018.

“The current lack of documentation leaves reason to doubt claims that this transaction was repayment for a legal loan,” Comer wrote. “We request documentation clarifying the nature of this payment and whether all applicable documentation and IRS filings were properly made.”

Capone did his time for tax evasion but with today’s IRS, you can be sure all the correct exceptions will be made for all the correct people.

Update: BOMBSHELL: Biden Bribery Allegations Credible, Former Prosecutor Confirms.

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEFING: OK Democrats—Let’s Chat About ‘Election Deniers.’ “I frequently call the Democrats the ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’ party because of their ability to go blank about any history that is inconvenient for their various false narratives. If they’re not completely blocking out the facts, they’re rewriting them to fit their needs.”

SHOCKED! SHOCKED, I TELL YOU!: The thing about gaslighting is that eventually they run out of gas.

People’s Exhibit #2,876: Using the words “disinformation” and “conspiracy theory” are dogwhistles commanding left-leaning readers to ignore a story. By the time the truth comes out — and it always will —  they are past caring.

Fortunately, there are some folks who will not forget so easily. JustTheNews reported this morning that “Emails show how feds coalesced around Russia, QAnon to dismiss Hunter Biden laptop.”

“One shared news report came from Axios, which simply referred to “[r]ecent reports about what was purported to be Hunter Biden’s computer hard drive” that have “sparked renewed activity from Q[Anon]” in the form of 16 posts the same day as the Post scoop […] Axios then implied that entertaining the laptop’s authenticity was tantamount to embracing the so-called Pizzagate child sex trafficking theory.”

Paraphrasing The Good Professor: “If you think of mainstream media as DNC stenographers it all makes sense.”

EVERYTHING IS GOING SWIMMINGLY: A spiraling Israel-Hamas war could plunge the global economy into recession and depress the stock market by 20%, warns EY economist.

“If your market is 90% U.S.-based, in the Midwest, why should you care about the [conflict]? Well, you will have to care because it will have consequences that will affect your business,” Daco said. “Depending on how diffuse the situation becomes, the consequences could go from very marginal to significant.”

The hypothetical situation outlined above, which Daco dubbed the “uncontained” scenario, includes a widening of the front to Lebanon and Syria, direct involvement of the U.S. and Iran, and wider social unrest in the Middle East. That outcome isn’t more likely than a more contained scenario, which would limit the war to a ground offensive in Gaza and have almost no long-term global economic consequences. Still, CEOs better take all possibilities into account as they plan ahead.

The prospect of long-term economic consequences also points to a definitive end to the days in which multinational companies could simply forecast economic growth, trade, and manufacturing costs for their global markets. They must also factor in the constant threat of disruptive forces like political and social turmoil and war.

But Paul Krugman had assured me this kind of thing was great for the economy.


As Larry Elder notes:

And speaking of Elder: Republican presidential candidate Larry Elder suspends campaign, endorses Donald Trump.

NO CHANGE, PLEASE, WE’RE BRITISH: Debunking the Conspiracy Theory Keeping Britain’s Socialized Healthcare System Alive.

Even though it’s self-evident the emperor has no clothes, the NHS is treated like a sacred cow. This begs the question: why are people so loyal to a system that is clearly failing them?

There is a prevalent conspiracy theory that the NHS is being intentionally underfunded by the Conservative Government so that the resulting poor outcomes will provide justification for them to privatize it and transform it into the American model of healthcare. This theory is pushed by the establishment: from senior members of the British Medical Association, journalists, and Members of Parliament.

This theory achieves two things. One, it shifts blame for poor outcomes away from the NHS as a system itself and toward the politicians in power. Two, it frames the debate with the assumption that privatization is a bad thing, causing any meaningful reform to be met with fear mongering.

This narrative has caused a massive issue for opponents of the NHS as there are multiple levels of misleading rhetoric. The fact of the matter is that the Conservatives are not privatizing or underfunding the NHS. Furthermore, whether it be a fully privatized system or even the mixed system as seen in other European countries, free-market reform would significantly help patients and doctors.

But socialism is never about outcomes; it’s about control.