Archive for 2023

FLORIDA MAN FRIDAY [VIP]: The Naked Truth About Florida Drivers. “This week we have a partly naked shoplifter, a half-naked shopper, and a mostly naked guy who drove his SUV around the elementary school running track.”

WE KNOW: Dominion Voting Machines, Insecure by Design – by Francis Turner.

Because I know some people are really invested in saying there was no cheating, Americans just willing voted in numbers for the potted plant because they “hated Trump that badly”:  The author of this guest post is a cyber security expert and not an American.

Unlike him I lead to malice over stupidity.

DOES CRT ENCOURAGE TEEN SUICIDE? Suicide and homicide are both way up since 2007. Maybe we should be asking if teaching Left-wing fairy tales like CRT and global warming as fact in public schools just might, maybe, perhaps might possibly have something to do with it? I’m from out of town and all, but shouldn’t we at least consider the obvious that is hiding right out in front of us all?

CHANGE: snaps up Bed, Bath & Beyond brand, but not stores, in liquidation sale. “Overstock submitted a low-ball “stalking horse” bid of $21.5 million last week and, according to The Washington Post; Bed Bath & Beyond confirmed on Thursday it had accepted the offer. If approved by a New Jersey bankruptcy court at a hearing next week, Overstock will acquire Bed, Bath & Beyond’s brand name, business data and digital assets. Physical stores aren’t part of the deal. At its peak, Bed, Bath & Beyond operated over 1,500 stores but, as of early May, was down to around 350 locations.”

That really is a fire sale price.

A NEW POWER FLOW YOGA VIDEO, from my old yoga teacher Lizzy Bullman.

MORE PRO PUBLICA SUPREME COURT FOLDEROL: Oh Hale Yes! Justices Sotomayor and Kagan cite Sir Matthew Hale.

Last year, there was a bit of a stir when Justice Alito cited Sir Matthew Hale in the Dobbs draft, as ultimately in the published opinion. The well-known seventeenth century English judge sentenced two women to death for witchcraft. Therefore, everything the jurist wrote should be cancelled.

For those who still care about these things, Justice Sotomayor’s dissent in Pugin v. Garland, which was joined by Justices Gorsuch and Kagan, also cites Hale. She cites Blackstone too. I’m sure he said some misogynistic things. . . .

Kagan had cited Hale in the past as well. Is there a problem? Hale no.

Last year ProPublica–yes that ProPublica–assailed Alito for quoting “infamous witch trial judge with long-discredited ideas on rape.” I’m waiting for that venerable new organization to discover any Justice who was appointed by Presidents Obama or Biden.

ProPublica is just a tool for laundering Democratic oppo research into alleged “journalism.”

STOP LOOKING POOR: China’s Solution to Inequality? Cracking Down on Displays of Wealth and Poverty.

Back in 2013, as public anger simmered over the country’s yawning wealth gap, authorities banned the advertisements of luxury products on state radio and television channels. In 2021, social media sites in China removed thousands of videos and accounts that featured large amounts of cash and luxury items. And just last year, a state-owned investment bank asked its employees to stop flying business class.

It’s not just displays of wealth that Beijing wants to make disappear. Content about the lives of people living in poverty has also been subjected to sweeping censorship, the New York Times reported in March, citing the erasure of a viral video of a retiree living on a monthly pension of $14.50 and a singer’s tongue-in-cheek song on dismal job prospects.

“The government has long realized that [economic inequality is] a threat, and they need to do something,” Shan Wei, a senior research fellow of Chinese politics at the National University of Singapore, tells TIME. “But so far, I think what they have successfully done is control the flow of information on inequality issues.”

“Control the flow of information” is about the only thing Communist governments do well, right up until they don’t.

WHAT IS THE ‘EdD’ AND WHY IS IT A PROBLEM? While I was at FIRE, cases from education schools were hands down the most insane of all our cases, followed closely by social work and nursing. And since I’m a pseudo-“doctor” myself (and basically a knight, too), you are required to submit to my expertise.