Archive for 2023


Is this another sign that the Democrats are preparing to move on from Joe Biden in 2024? I don’t know, but CNN’s newfound willingness to fact-check Biden seems significant. Here, CNN finds that pretty much everything Biden says about firearms, among other things, is wrong:

He made at least five false claims related to guns, a subject on which he has repeatedly been inaccurate during his presidency. He also made a false claim about the extent of his support from environmental groups. And he used incorrect figures about the population of Africa, his own travel history and how much renewable energy Texas uses.

That’s quite a list.

But astonishingly, CNN is just getting started. Is the sun setting on Sundown Joe?


The bodies of the five passengers aboard the Titanic sub that was lost in a “catastrophic implosion” near the wreck may never be recovered from the Atlantic, says the US Coast Guard.

The pressure chamber of the OceanGate Titan was found among other debris, approximately 1,600ft from the bow of the Titanic on the sea floor by a remote operated vehicle (ROV) on Thursday.

“This is an incredibly unforgiving environment out there on the sea floor. The debris is consistent with the catastrophic implosion of the vessel. We will continue to work and search the area down there but I don’t have an answer on prospects at this time,” said Rear Admiral John Mauger of the US Coast Guard.

And he added: “This is an incredibly complex operating environment on the sea floor over two miles beneath the surface.”

The Coast Guard says that ROVs will remain in place but that it will begin to pull back equipment over the next 48 hours.

And then the lawsuits and probes begin: ‘Ripe For An Investigation:’ OceanGate Could Face Federal Probe Amid Worldwide Attention Of Disaster.

SEX, MONEY, AND ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS: “Turner et al. found that wives’ report of economic distress was directly related to their rejection of their partner’s sexual advances, but this association was not found for husbands.”


Hunter Biden was too doped up on crack cocaine when he invoked President Joe Biden’s name in threatening texts to a Chinese businessman to be taken seriously, his attorney said in a statement Friday.

The attorney, Chris Clark, said Hunter Biden’s “verifiable words or actions” took place “in the midst of a horrible addiction” and therefore have “no connection to anyone in his family.” The statement is an apparent reference to a July 30, 2017, text message Hunter Biden sent to an official with the Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC China Energy threatening that he and then-former vice president Joe Biden would come down on him with their full weight if he did not fulfill his “commitment.”

“We would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled.” Hunter Biden said in the message. “I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

Clark’s move to discredit his own client appears to be an effort to shield the president from the implications of the message. If Joe Biden was sitting next to his son as he sent the message as it suggests, it would be a blow to his repeated claims that he never discussed overseas business deals with his son. Ten days after Hunter Biden sent the message, a Chinese official associated with CEFC China Energy wired two payments totaling $5.1 million to the first son.

Or to put it another way:

WHERE’S HUNTER, FAT? Photos Place Hunter Biden At Father’s House The Day He Invoked Dad’s Name to Chinese Business Partner. “If Joe Biden was sitting next to his son as he sent the message as it suggests, it would be a fatal blow to the president’s repeated claims that he never discussed overseas business deals with his son, and the photographs of Hunter Biden at what appears to be a family gathering at the Delaware home is the strongest indication that he was in close proximity to his father when he threatened the Chinese businessman. The White House did not respond to a request for comment.”

ROGER SIMON ON VIVEK RAMASWAMY: The First Milennial Candidate. Roger has been traveling with him and likes him. I don’t see him as the 2024 nominee, but he’s worth your attention.

WHATEVER YOU THINK OF MITCH MCCONNELL, HE JUSTIFIED HIS ENTIRE CAREER BY KEEPING THIS CORRUPT TURD OFF THE SUPREME COURT: Merrick Garland Had His Brown Shirt On Today. “Yeah. That’s our guy. It really is depressing on its face – like, is this our country in real time?”

Also, I like “pencil-necked prevaricator.”

RUSSIA: Wagner Group’s Yevgeny Prigozhin accused of trying to stage coup after claiming Russia bombed his camps in Ukraine.

Related: Putin in crisis: Wagner chief Prigozhin declares war on Russian military leadership, says ‘we will destroy everything.’


OPEN THREAD: Ring in the weekend.

JOHN HINDERAKER: On Merrick Garland: A Smoking Gun. “Merrick Garland, no doubt one of the worst political hacks ever to hold the position of Attorney General, has sworn that U.S. Attorney David Weiss was in charge of the criminal investigation of Hunter Biden and made all the charging decisions. Whistleblowers have denied that claim, and have said that Garland’s Department of Justice interfered with, and essentially deep-sixed, the investigation, so that Hunter got off with a ridiculous slap on the wrist, and was back attending a state dinner at the White House a day or two later. That is America’s two-tier system of justice in action. But it gets worse. Gary Shapley is the IRS employee who is the key whistleblower on the fake Hunter investigation. His boss at the IRS was Darrell Waldon. This email is from Shapley to Michael Batdorf, who is with the IRS’s Criminal Investigation division, with a copy to Waldon. It describes a meeting that apparently included David Weiss.”

Related: Michael Barone: A Tale of Two Indictments: Politics in a Doom Loop.

HABEAS LAW IS A MESS, AND INNOCENCE SHOULD MATTER: A Troubling Supreme Court Habeas Decision. “The Supreme Court was wrong to deny relief to a man imprisoned for activity that Court’s own rulings indicate was not illegal – one who never had an opportunity to challenge his incarceration on that basis.”

DISPATCHES FROM THE BLUE ZONES: San Francisco Mayor London Breed floats idea of DEMOLISHING Westfield mall in crime-ridden downtown and replacing it with a sports stadium – as she brushes off city’s retail apocalypse because ‘a lot of people’ shop online. “A Westfield mall could become, you know, something completely different than what it currently is… we could even tear down the whole building and build a whole new soccer stadium.”

Not a massive homeless shelter?